How can I create Classroom Share Button like link text? - share

I need to create share button as text(share on google classroom), not Icon.
I read docs but found info only about Icon.
It's possible to create text link to share Classroom?

Yes, you can! Just create a link and set the it's href to:

No, only buttons are supported at this time.


Modx multiple contents with CKEditor

I am building a website with the Modx CMS.
Now i want to have multiple content area's on one page.
My solution: create an extra TV, set the TV with form customisation to the content, so the tv is under the content.
I created a template looking like this:
[[*Other Content]]
After creating the TV, i've set it's region to modx-resource-content.
The result:
As you can see, the text is messing with the CKEditor.
Somebody any ideas how to fix this?
(Using version 2.3.1-pl)
If you are looking to get TVs appear under the content textarea, it is better to use MODX system setting to that. Please goto Settings, and search for tvs_below_content and set it to Yes.
By doing this, the TVs will appear under the content textarea on single page instead of having their own separate tab.
Hopefully this helps.

how to change virtuemart 2 add to cart pop up text

Basically as above,
I have a Virtuemart 2 online site with Add to Cart pop up enabled when it pops up all is well apart form the
View Cart and Continue Browsing links they have no separator in between them, I would like to have
View Cart | Continue Browsing
Ive looked at vmprices.js but have no clue :(
Can some one shed some light please?
Thank you!
You have to look into these files to customize that popup:
Jafer Balti
The actual text that is shown to the visitor is located in:
Which can be changed, but should ideally be overridden.
This is harder to find than it should be because Dreamweaver does not search .ini files. Use the OS to search.
Additionally, the link for the "continue shopping" button can be changed by overriding the:

Does Pinterest button have a callback?

I need to unlock content when someone shares the post with pinterest, and I can't find a callback function on pinterest button. Is there any way to do this?
You could wrap the pinterest link with a span and add a jQuery click event to the span to at least know that the pinit button was clicked. That's about the best you can do until they release a real callback so you can know that an item was actually pinned.
<span id="pin-container"><a data-pin-config="beside" href="[your_url]&media=[your_image]&description=[your_desc]" data-pin-do="buttonPin" ><img src="//" /></a></span>
$('#pin-container').click(function () {
alert('clicked pin button');
A workaround is posted here:
Until Pinterest opens up a public API and a non-iFrame tracking button, this is about as good as you'll get.
As said before, the API is not public yet. The best workaround (I just tested it, and it works in my scenario) that I've found so far is
That link only lets you determine if the Pin Button was clicked, not if they actually made the share. Hope that helps a little!

Wordpress TinyMCE button to add a piece of code at the bottom of the post?

I'm currently looking to see if there's a Wordpress plugin like a tinyMCE button that will allow me to add custom code at the end of the post, something like:
<h3>please enter title</h3
<div id="content">please enter content</div>
If you don't know of any plugin could you direct me to some tutorials on how to create a custom button?
Thanks a lot!
Here is a WP specific tut
Here is a link to a tutorial on how to write a custom plugin. You will need to use it to insert a custom button with a custom functionality. It is not that difficult.

How to push a view from a web page?

Suppose my app will load a local web page which is stored in my app bundle. I want to push the view or present a view when the user click a link or an image inside that web page. How to do this? Let's make this be general question: how to communicate with my app from a local web page?
Thank you.
Use "webview.request.URL.absoluteString" to get the request-string of the clicked link in the delegate-method "webViewDidFinishLoad:" or "webViewDidStartLoad:".
then you can scan this url for some special substring.
For example you could make a link like ".../index.php?iPhone_action=abcdef".
In the delegate-methods you can check if the link has the substring "?iPhone_action=" and if it does, then put the part of the link, whick follows "?iPhone_action=" in a NSString.
(in our example it would be "abcdef").
Depending on the value of this NSString you could fire a action in your app.
There is an undocumented method to catch the event when you click on a link in UIWebView. You can do whatever you want to do in that method.Search on google/stackoverflow for it. Or see my answer in this stackoverflow post.
Show alert view when click on a link