How to use onClick and onLongPress in ListActivity? - android-activity

I want to create a listview from which we can use onclick and in which on long press a Context menu comes out. the code is
public class MainActivity extends ListActivity{
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String quizlist[]={"Normal","MCQ 2 Options","MCQ 3 options","MCQ 4 Options"};
ArrayAdapter<String> ab=new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,quizlist);
Thanks in advance

You can register an AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener on the ListView. So what you need to do is find the list view:
in onCreate try
((ListView) getView).setOnItemLongKlickListener(...)
((ListView) findViewById(<the id of your list view>).setOnItemLongKlickListener(...)
When implementing an OnItemLongClickListener you will have to override the onItemLongClick method:
From the documentation:
public abstract boolean onItemLongClick (AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id)
Added in API level 1 Callback method to be invoked when an item in
this view has been clicked and held. Implementers can call
getItemAtPosition(position) if they need to access the data associated
with the selected item.
parent The AbsListView where the click happened
view The view within the AbsListView that was clicked
position The position of the view in the list
id The row id of the item that was clicked
Returns true if the callback consumed the long click, false otherwise
So, parent is your ListView. view is the view of the *long clicked' list item. position is the position inside the list and thus also the position in your array. For id I am not sure whether the default implementations returns a constant or the position.


MultiChoiceModeListener on listView not working as expected

I have a listView and setting multiChoiceModeListener on it. It works fine. Now to play an audio item inside the listView I have written
inside the getView of listView adapter class.
because of this now the multiChoiceModeSelection dosent not show selection of listItem when I longPress on AuidoXmlLayoutItem and hence does not show ContextualActionBar.
How can I keep the onClick of the audio item layout and still allow ContextualActionBar to appear on long click of audio item layout
Try to use OnItemClickListener rather than OnClickListener. Follow this way,
view.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
// playAudioCode
// change the checkbox state
ViewToChecked checkedTextView = ((ViewToChecked)view);
You might get a concept.

On click functionality of Button Inside ListView in Wicket Framework

Im populating a table using ListView component in wicket.The last column of my table is button. So for each row I'll have a button in the last column.What I'm trying to implement is onlick of the button I need to delete the appropriate row. So for this I need to get the current index of the list on click of button. How to achieve/get this ?
I would extend Ajax button and pass the row reference (item) in the constructor...then you can do anything you overriding the onSubmit method
private class SpecialButton extends AjaxButton {
final Item<Object> rowItem;
public SpecialButton(final String id, final Item<Object> rowItem) {
this.rowItem = rowItem;
protected void onSubmit(final AjaxRequestTarget target, final Form<?> form) {
// here you cand do everything you want with the item and the model object of the item.(row)
Object object = rowItem.getModelObject();
You should replace Object from Item<Object> with your reapeater model. After creating this private class you can reuse it for every row in your repeater.
If you want to delete that row you just have to remove the model from the list used to generate the repeater and refresh the repeater container(Wicket does not allow you to refresh the repeater by adding it to the target...instead you have to add the repeater continer.)
Have a look at the repeaters Wicket Examples page to understand how to use ListView and other repeaters:
You can get the current index of the list from item.getIndex()
protected void populateItem(final ListItem<T> item) {
int index = item.getIndex();
Look here for inspirations on how to do it properly (without index):
Wicket ListView not refreshing

GWT: On adding custom widget to celltable losing events of the custom widgets

Our requirement is to make an editable grid using the CellTable containing custom widgets in its cell. The custom widget is having text box and search button associated with the text box. To add the custom widget as a cell created a subclass of AbstractEditableCell class (provided by GWT) and had override render() and onBrowserEvent() methods.
The render(Context context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) method of the custom widget cell creates a Safe html for the widget and render this safe html in to the cell. But the problem i am facing is, the custom widget is rendered correctly but it loses its associates events. The render method in given below :
if (viewData.isEditing()) {
OnlyToBeUsedInGeneratedCodeStringBlessedAsSafeHtml safeHtmlObj = new OnlyToBeUsedInGeneratedCodeStringBlessedAsSafeHtml(textBoxSelector.toString());
} else {
// The user pressed enter, but view data still exists.
If I try to add the widget in the render() method using the following code, it does not add the widget.
int left = parent.getAbsoluteLeft();
int top = parent.getAbsoluteTop();
String elementId = "ID" + left + top;
try {
// parent.removeFromParent();
} catch (AssertionError error) {
I'd really appreciate if anyone can guide me in achieving addition of widget in the CellTable without it losing associated events.
GWT's Cells are non-compatible with GWT Widgets. This means that you could not have a GWT widget placed inside of a cell and have it still function. Cells do have an alternative event handling mechanism though (covered below)
The reason for this is that Cells are closer to stateless renderers. Given a data object the Cell will spit out HTML. A single Cell will be reused over and over - spitting out HTML for various elements on the page - and never maintaining references to any of the DOM elements it creates.
In your above example, you call "someWidget.toString()". Doing this will only return the HTML representation of your widget and is what is loses your event handling.
Handling Events in Cells
GWT Dev Guide for Custom Cells (has some additional details)
To handle events in cells, you'll need to override a separate method called onBrowserEvent. You'll also need to configure your cell to be notified of particular events by calling super('click', 'keydown') in your constructor with the list of events you are interested in listening to.
Since Cells are stateless renderers, the onBrowserEvent will be passed a context of the rendered element that was clicked on along with the original data object that your cell rendered. You can then apply changes or manipulate the DOM as needed.
Here is an example taken from the linked dev guide above:
public void onBrowserEvent(
Context context,
Element parent,
String value,
NativeEvent event,
ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
// Let AbstractCell handle the keydown event.
super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater);
// Handle the click event.
if ("click".equals(event.getType())) {
// Ignore clicks that occur outside of the outermost element.
EventTarget eventTarget = event.getEventTarget();
if (parent.getFirstChildElement().isOrHasChild( {
doAction(value, valueUpdater);

Need to access image for selected item in android gridview

I want to access the properties of an image when it is selected from a gridview. For example if I am using.
GridView gridview = (GridView) findViewById(;
gridview.setAdapter(new ImageAdapter(this));
gridview.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position,long id)
//need code in here that I can do something like this.
//Get access to the integer value of the R.drawable.myimage
//use that int too do a lookup in a dictionary to check for existance
//can't see to find any code to get at the drawable associated with the image clicked in the grid, did intense debug
And data not easily visible at runtime
#Reid I think you will want to create a custom adapter (extend BaseAdapter or other) that holds a view class containing the metadata you need to get at, based on the position in the list. Possibly an easier way, but that is what I did in a ListView.. A couple of links:

Getting events in a button in a panel used as a Table cell

I'm using GWT 1.6.
I am creating a panel that contains a Button and a Label, which I then add to a FlexTable as one of its cells.
The Button is not receiving any Click events. I see that the table supports determining which Cell is clicked on, but in this case, I want the Mouse events to propagate to the various widgets inside the cell. Any idea on how to do that?
Yeah, I hit that, too - no widgets in the table will receive events. I ended up using code like this:
FixedWidthGrid dataTable = createDataTable();
dataTable.addTableListener(new TableListener() {
public void onCellClicked(SourcesTableEvents sender, int row, int cell) {
You could probably start with something like that, then programmatically send events to your button widget to make the appearance of clicking.
If you know how big your table will be use a Grid instead. All of your widgets will receive there events. I have done this and created my own sortable table.
You have to subclass the Button google Class and add a constructor with two additional arguments (int col, int row).
public class RuleButton extends Button {
private int row;
private int col;
public RuleButton(String html, ClickListener listener, int row, int col) {
super(html, listener);
// getters and setters for row and col attributes.
When adding the button, call this constructor and pass row and col indexes to it.