how to use Time-based Pagination with Facebook graph api v2.x - facebook

As the link below said that we could get a time based paging result :
My problem is ,how could i make a request so can i received a result like that ?
anyone could help me , thanks anyway !

finally i find the answer is :
not all the node in Facebook open graph support time-based paging , such as likes
the official example node which support it is feed
so you can get a time-based paging result if you send request like this: 1420041600
or : 1420048600
dose anyone has a more specified answer about it ?


Instagram/Facebook deprecating many APIs [duplicate]

I use some self developed script to get info about my posts and followers. Recently I discovered that Instagram changed rate limits for my app. I see following info in headers:
x-ratelimit-limit: 200
I learned Instagram blog and page with changes but found no mentions about any changes since Oct 1, 2017.
Is this new limit related only to my token or to entire platform? Could you check your token?
Yes It is, Although no official communication.
I also experienced that.
I found this in their documentation.
The Instagram API uses the same rate limiting as the Graph API (200 calls per user per hour) with one exception: the /media/comments edge limits writes to 60 writes per user per hour. Please refer to the Graph API's rate limiting documentation for more information.
Hope this will be helpful.
Further on 4th April few more APIs deprecated by Instagram.
Some perspective:
This 200 per hour call has been in the Graph API documentation for at least a month (according to wayback machine).
Facebook must have panicked over the weekend and pressed the "require Graph API permissions" button, thus our current situation. :\
The limit has been reduced.
Here are some reference links for detailed documentation:
Instagram API limit reduced to 200 from 5000
Hope it helps
Here's our answer:
The API deprecated immediately. So really the limits probably don't matter that much anymore. I really don't see myself building another app based on their API...
Here is The New Instagram's Public Api Update , unfortunately Limit rates are worthless for some Features in Instagram .
April 4, 2018
The following endpoints are deprecated immediately:
Follows and Relationships
GET /users/self/follows
GET /users/self/followed-by
GET /users/self/requested-by
GET /users/{user-id}/relationship
POST /users/{user-id}/relationship
Commenting on Public Content
GET /media/{media-id}/comments (Deprecation not relevant when fetching comments for self media)
POST /media/{media-id}/comments
DEL /media/{media-id}/comments/comment-id
GET /media/{media-id}
GET /media/shortcode/{shortcode}
GET /media/{media-id}/likes
POST /media/{media-id}/likes
DEL /media/{media-id}/likes
User Search
GET /users/{user-id}
GET /users/{user-id}/media/recent
GET /users/self/media/liked
GET /users/search
Subscriptions - to receive notifications when media is posted
Some information on Public Content returned through hashtag and location search will be removed - Name, Bio, Comments, Commenters, Follower Count, Following Count, Post Count, and Profile Picture

google analytics - api is not working?

i just start one internal server, to show info from our sites!
and we intend to centralize all analytics data in one internal page,
so i try API from google... (in this example page : )
it supose to return one graphic with accessed numbers by users
but get just one blank page...
of couse I put my ClientID...
any help? any tips?
thanks in advance!!
[]s Sena
here is the code i have working on just, download from the link, note that i used my ClientID..

How to get facebook share, like, comment count for a url with graph api only (in a non-deprecated way)

The problem is that after v2.1 of graph api fql will be deprecated.
Can someone tell me how to get separate likes, share count for given url using only graph api? I was looking for some documentation, but there isn't any, i can get only total "shares" which is likes + shares + comments.
Yes i know there is immortal, but what if facebook shuts it down at last?
The REST API (with calls like was announced as deprecated with the introduction of the Graph API v2.1: but also already in 2011:
So, from my understanding, this will yield in the inoperability of this feature at two years after the introduction of v2.1 on 7th August 2016:
The closest you can get to the "old" REST of FQL API call results with the Graph API is this afaik:
but it omits the like_count metric (don't ask me why...).
My personal opinion is that you should continue to use the FQL calls to the link_stat ( table, because this will be available for nearly the next 2 years. This is only possible if you have a v2.0 app. Maybe there'll be some additional endpoints for the Graph API until then.
I suggest using a tool like SharedCount, it offers a lot more platforms too. Here is how they get the data: (Scroll down to "Sources")
So for Facebook it would be like this:
You get a JSON object like this one:
Edit: This is deprecated now, but there is another possibility, explained in this thread: Get FB likes, shares and comments for a URL using PHP - with no limit
You can use facebook graph api like and it will return a json code like
I have developed my own php script on which you can all social count using that api. and it will return data like:
"reddit":"<html><body><h1>403 Forbidden<\/h1>\nRequest forbidden by administrative rules.\n<\/body><\/html>\n",
But if you wants to use on your own Here is a complete article about how to count facebook share,like and all.
actually the correct way for getting the like number is this:{engagement}
the brackets after the og_object is the second level of og_object.
see documentation here:
you might need to encode the url and brackets so it will look something like:
see a working example in
graph explorer (hit the submit button)
All answers are wrong or incomplete since latest shut down of API 2.1!
I am the author of the social media plugin MashShare and i recently had to do exact observations for this issue as it seriously affected the share count of our plugin.
Verified data by observations: contains shares and likes.
As far as i found out the only way to get a number near the real share count of a post is to get first the likes of a url. Than take this number and subtract it from the total number of shares and likes.
To get the like count you need to take the object id of the url and create another API request:
If you know how to merge both requests into one please let me know.
As of August 19th 2016 facebook completely shutdown their rest API.
The only alternative is to use the graph API as suggested above.

Using Zend_Service_Twitter to fetch last tweets from a user without using OAuth?

As far as I know Twitter API is supposed to be available with smaller limit rate without API key and without being connected through OAuth.
Is there anyway to use that simply through Zend_Service_Twitter ? Or will I end parsing some kind of feed like that :
Other question same answer :
$twitter_search = new Zend_Service_Twitter_Search('json');
$response = $twitter_search->search('from:twitter_handle');

Facebook Places API 500 result limit

Facebook OpenGrap API limit results of [id]/checkins to 500. Is there are way to retrieve more than 500. Example if I want to retirve all the place someone has checkin for year 2011. What are possible available methods. Is there a premium service provided by Facebook.
As the open grpah documentation describes, there should be a "paging" object at the end of the api response if there is more content than you could load at one time. You can test this by clicking the example links inthe documentation. So, the solution is: Loop your requests until there is no "next" property in the "paging" object of the response.
Also there are possibilites to batch your requests, maybe this is also useful for you.