Change Storage Engine to WiredTiger for data from mongo backup - mongodb

we are running mongodb 2.6.1 and we would like to upgrade to 3.*
My question is that since we need to change storage engine can we do it with files that come from mongodb backup, instead of making mongodump/mongorestore (as it says in docs)?


Using Mongo Cache as a replacement for redis

Currently, i am writing data into redis which is reduced to mongo every 2 minutes. I am wondering if i can use Mongo Cache instead of redis here. This will save the cost of 2 dbs in production.Also,the mongodb page says :
The WiredTiger cache stores uncompressed data and provides in-memory-like performance
I want to test it but i am not able to find any documentation for playing around with WiredTiger Cache.
Note: Wiredtiger is default mongo storage engine.
You can run Mongo DB as a replacement for Redis by specifying the In Memory storage engine:
mongod --storageEngine inMemory --dbpath <path>
You can read more about it here.
I may be wrong, but I believe that you will still need to run 2 Mongo DB servers, one running in Wired Tiger for disk storage, and the other running with In Memory storage for your cache service.

migrate the MMAPv1 generated data to WiredTiger

I am running a (keystonejs) webapp using mongodb 3.0 as database. I cloned the webapp and run a second instance using a 3.2 mongodb release (on a generated but yet empty data base). What I need to do now is get the data from the first database to the second. Since mongodb 3.2 uses a different default storage engine which is WiredTiger the clone uses that one. However the original app uses MMAPv1. Is there a easy way to migrate data create by MMAPv1 to WiredTiger?
Create a backup of the database on your old server using mongodump, restore it back to the new one using mongorestore, done. It's covered quite well in the documentation.
You can create replica set and add new machine to it. Doing so, you'll have latest data on newer server. Once replication is over, switch new machine to primary and shutdown old server if you want. This way you can easily clone your existing data to wiredTiger without loosing data or negatively effecting existing application.

MongoDB multi-granularity locking

MongoDB uses multi-granularity locking [1] that allows operations to lock at the global, database or collection level, and allows for individual storage engines to implement their own concurrency control below the collection (i.e., at the document-level in WiredTiger).
Besides I've read that there are two possible Storage Engines for MongoDB: MMAPv1 (default) and WiredTiger. From MongoDB 3.0, the first one uses collection-level locking, the second one document-level locking. What does it mean that MongoDB allows operations to lock at the GLOBAL, DATABASE or COLLECTION level? It means that I can choose lock granularity? If yes how I can do it? Is this in contrast with lock-granularity of the chosen storage engine (for example document-level in WiredTiger)?
And how can I change my storage engine from MMAPv1 to WiredTiger?
Thanks in advance.
Answer to
And how can I change my storage engine from MMAPv1 to WiredTiger?
This page explains it:
Start 3.0 mongod. Ensure that the 3.0 mongod is running with the default MMAPv1 engine.
Export the data using mongodump.
mongodump --out <exportDataDestination>
Specify additional options as appropriate, such as username and password if running with authorization enabled. See mongodump for available options.
Create data directory for WiredTiger.
Create a new data directory for WiredTiger. Ensure that the user account running mongod has read and write permissions for the new directory.
mongod with WiredTiger will not start with data files created with a different storage engine.
Restart the mongod with WiredTiger.
Restart the 3.0 mongod, specifying wiredTiger as the --storageEngine and the newly created data directory for WiredTiger as the --dbpath. Specify additional options as appropriate.
mongod --storageEngine wiredTiger --dbpath <newWiredTigerDBPath>
You can also specify the options in a configuration file. To specify the storage engine, use the new storage.engine setting.

Adding compression to existing mongodb collection

Is it possible to add compression to an existing collection that was created prior to mongodb 3.x? If so, how?
I found an example of how to create a new collection with compression, but I haven't found anything as far as strategies for adding compression to an existing one.
Version prior to 3.x MongoDB had only one storage engine - MMAPv1 which still does not support compression. With 3.0 MongoDB introduced pluggable storage engines, and one of them - wiredTiger storage engine supports compression.
The problem is that you cannot use data files created with one storage engine (say MMAPv1) with another one (e.g. wiredTiger).
So the only thing you can do is just mongodump, initialise mongod with --storageEngine wiredTiger using another data directory (with --dbpath), and then mongorestore to your new mongod instance.
There are several ways to compress mongodb collection.
1) repair collection using command "mongod --repair"
or by running command "db.repairDatabase()"
2) using db.runCommand({ compact: <collection name> })

mongorestore issue : Cannot restore users with schema version 1 to a system with server version 2.5.4 or greater

I have a mongodb production database running on mongo 2.4.8 and I would like to upgrade to 2.6.x.
The way we want to do that is first load the data to another server running 2.6.3 using mongorestore. However when running the mongorestorecommand we get the following error:
Cannot restore users with schema version 1 to a system with server version 2.5.4 or greater
I cannot find anything related to this issue and do't know what to do. In case it matters, the database itself was not created from scratch with mongo 2.4.x but with previous versions.
What ca I do ? Is there another way of doing this other than using mongorestore ?
Thank you in advance for your help ...
There are two approaches you can take to upgrade your user schema with the 2.4 mongodump.
1) Restore into MongoDB 2.4 and then upgrade to 2.6
This follows the normal 2.6 upgrade path. Instead of trying to mongorestore your 2.4 backup directly into 2.6, restore into a 2.4 instance and then upgrade to 2.6.
It is recommended that before upgrading, you run db.upgradeCheckAllDBs() via a 2.6 mongo shell. This checks for any potential compatibility issues due to changes in MongoDB 2.6. For example, 2.6 implements stronger enforcement of index field definitions and key length restrictions.
2) Restore into MongoDB 2.6 using 2.4 mongorestore and then upgrade the user schema
This approach requires the MongoDB 2.4 version of mongorestore
start up your MongoDB 2.6 mongod without auth enabled
mongorestore your backup using a 2.4 version of mongorestore
run the authSchemaUpgrade command in your 2.6 mongo shell:
db.adminCommand({authSchemaUpgrade: 1 });
restart your 2.6 mongod with auth enabled
Three approaches that I can think of:
First, if you are running as a replica set, I'd upgrade the members
one by one. If you're not running as a replica set that's bad,
MongoDB is really not designed for production usage with a single
instance. Details on converting to a replica set and in a rolling
upgrade here: and here:
Second, if you are running on a file system that supports snapshots
(like Amazon EBS or Linux LVM) you can snapshot the database files,
restore to a new file system and start up a new mongod process using
Third, try exporting the data via mongoexport and loading it via
mongoimport. It's not the same as mongodump/mongorestore so it has
some limitations (it's not a full backup of the database, just a
text dump of the collections) but might help you get past this issue
with mongorestore: