How to return HashMap from JPA query? - jpa

I want to return a HashMap from JPA query like the below but I don't know how to fill the HashMap from this query. Actually I want to fill charts from HashMap in the frontend
public HashMap<String,String> getCount(Date start,Date end) {
HashMap<String, String> map=new HashMap<String, String>();
Query q =
"select count(i.uuid),i.username from Information i where i.entereddt between :start and :end group by i.username");
q.setParameter("start",new Timestamp(start.getTime()));
q.setParameter("end",new Timestamp(end.getTime()));
System.out.println(" query"+ q.getResultList().get(0).toString());
return map;
Any suggestions?

It appears that you were trying to execute a query which return types not mapped to any Java entities you have (or if they be present you never mentioned them). In this case, you want to use createNativeQuery(), which will return a List of type Object[].
Try using this version of the method:
public HashMap<String,String> getCount(Date start,Date end) {
HashMap<String, String> map=new HashMap<String, String>();
Query q = em.createNativeQuery(
"select count(i.uuid),i.username from Information i" +
"where i.entereddt between :start and :end group by i.username");
q.setParameter("start",new Timestamp(start.getTime()));
q.setParameter("end",new Timestamp(end.getTime()));
List<Object[]> list = query.getResultList();
for (Object[] result : list) {
map.put(result[0].toString(), result[1].toString());
return map;

Please refer, JPA 2.0 native query results as map
In your case in Postgres, it would be something like,
List<String> list = em.createNativeQuery("select cast(json_object_agg(count(i.uuid),i.username) as text) from schema.information i where i.entereddt between :start and :end group by i.username")
.setParameter("start",new Timestamp(start.getTime()))
.setParameter("end",new Timestamp(end.getTime()))
//handle exception here, this is just sample
Map map = new ObjectMapper().readValue(list.get(0), Map.class);
Kindly note, I am just sharing my workaround with Postgres.

I know that it's an old question, but you can create an object to store info
public class UserCount {
private String username;
private Long count;
public UserCount(String user, Long count){
this.username = user;
this.count = count;
It's important to create the constructor and to pass the parameters in the correct way.
The JPQL became
select my.package.UserCount(i.username, count(i.uuid) ) from schema.information i where i.entereddt between :start and :end group by i.username
The query returns a List<UserCount> .


Multiple Criteria Where in Spring Data MongoDb

I want using #Query in Spring Data Mongodb
What is an equal for Spring Data MongoDb Query to this method?
I want to make a method to search based on the field and value that send by the someone when invoked method.
public List < Party > retrivePartyByQuery(Map<String, String> payload) {
Query query = new Query();
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iterator = payload.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, String> entry =;
List < Party > productDb = mongoTemplate.find(query,Party.class);
return productDb;
#Query(value = "{ 'field': 'value'}")
List<Admission> findByFieldAdmission(#Param("field")String field, #Param("value") String value);```

mybatis passing in the datatype on dynamic update query

I am trying to create a dynamic update statement using dynamic-sql method and sql-builder method but I only manage it get it work for string datatype. I'm not exactly sure how to "cast" to the correct datatype when constructing the update statement.
What I want to achieve is to generate the update statement using Map<String, Object> or the actual pojo Post
Post look like this
public class Post {
private Integer id;
private String title;
private String body;
private LocalDateTime createdAt;
private String createdBy;
private LocalDateTime updatedAt;
private String updatedBy;
Reason for Map<String, Object> is so that it's easier to iterate through the collection and construct the statement. Using the pojo would require me to use reflection which I try not to.
Before getting into how I did it
This is how when using a normal update statement with the pojo looks like
public Post updateById(#PathVariable Integer id, #RequestBody Post post) {
return this.postService.updateById(id, post);
#Update("UPDATE POST SET title = #{p.title}, body = #{p.body}, createdAt = #{p.createdAt}, createdBy = #{p.createdBy}, updatedAt = #{p.updatedAt}, updatedBy = #{p.updatedBy} WHERE id = #{id}")
public boolean updateById(#Param("id") Integer id, #Param("p") Post post);
That would result in
2021-10-30 12:03:15.037 DEBUG 15988 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : ==> Preparing: UPDATE POST SET title = ?, body = ?, createdAt = ?, createdBy = ?, updatedAt = ?, updatedBy = ? WHERE id = ?
2021-10-30 12:03:15.064 DEBUG 15988 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : ==> Parameters: jsonpatch1(String), bo21(String), 2021-10-30T12:03:14.954483(LocalDateTime), stackoverflow(String), 2021-10-30T12:03:14.954483(LocalDateTime), stackoverflow(String), 65(Integer)
So with that, I tried to do this
// What this does is to strip off all the null values, and keep only those with value
// and convert into a map to pass and run in the dynamic sql later
#PatchMapping(path = "/{id}")
public Post patchById(#PathVariable Integer id, #RequestBody Post post) {
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
om.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
Map<String, Object> mp = om.convertValue(post, new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>(){});
return this.postService.patchById(id, mp);
Where it goes to a mapper that looks something like this
"<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='p.entrySet()'>",
"${index} = #{item},",
"WHERE id = #{id}",
public boolean update(#Param("id") Integer id, #Param("p") Map<String, Object> post);
This works if all the values are string. However, if there is a field of LocalDateTime createdAt, the createdAt field is deem as a string type
021-10-30 15:21:27.666 DEBUG 12324 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : ==> Preparing: UPDATE POST SET createdAt = ?, title = ?, body = ?
WHERE id = ?
2021-10-30 15:21:27.669 DEBUG 12324 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] : ==> Parameters: 2021-09-10T11:31:07.5306869(String), jsonpatch1(String), bo221(String), 65(Integer)
I believe, that is because I switch it to Map<String, Object> and hence the type (LocalDateTime) is loss with the conversion. However, if I were to do it using the pojo Bean
I would have something like this
#PatchMapping(path = "/{id}")
public Post patchById(#PathVariable Integer id, #RequestBody Post post) {
return this.postService.patchById(id, post);
#UpdateProvider(type=SQLUpdate.class, method = "update")
public boolean update(Integer id, Post post);
// just a poc to see if it works
public String update(Integer id, Post post) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
Field[] f = post.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
return new SQL() {{
for(Field field: f) {
if (field.get(post) != null) {
SET(field.getName() + " = '" + field.get(post) + "'");
WHERE("id = " + id);
So either way, I'm not sure how to pass in the correct type so that it can intercept and run correctly
This would be the more ideal solution if I can achieve this
// being able to check if the value is null and set the field and value dynamically
"<if test='#{p.value} != null>p.fieldname = #{p.value}",
"WHERE id = #{id}",
public boolean update(#Param("id") Integer id, #Param("p") Post post);
Let me know if more information is needed, or if there is a better way to achieve what I want to do
P.S: I know and I got it working with mybatis-dynamic-sql lib but interested to know if it cab work without using the lib

Get multiple list grouped by different fields

I'm using this method to send multiple list to client.
public ResponseEntity<?> getFiveLastRequestOfEachVehicleType() {
ResponseContent content = getResponseContent();
Map<String, List<Request>> map = new HashMap<>();
GroupBy groupBy = new GroupBy();
query = new Query();
queryFieldsFilterLastFiveRequest(query, VehicleTypeEnum.NEISAN);
map.put("NEISAN", mongoOperations.find(query, Request.class));
query = new Query();
queryFieldsFilterLastFiveRequest(query, VehicleTypeEnum.BADSAN);
map.put("BADSAN", mongoOperations.find(query, Request.class));
query = new Query();
queryFieldsFilterLastFiveRequest(query, VehicleTypeEnum.BUJE);
map.put("BUJE", mongoOperations.find(query, Request.class));
return getReturn(content);
And this method apply criteria to each query
private void queryFieldsFilterLastFiveRequest(Query query, VehicleTypeEnum vehicleTypeEnum) {
I wonder if there is any way to retrieve all list in one request to database using MongoOperations.
I would go to grouping manually later on, first query for all vehicleType :
private void queryFieldsFilterLastFiveRequest(Query query, VehicleTypeEnum... vehicleTypeEnum..) {
Here the is has been changed by in, and accept a list of VehicleTypeEnum
Then to use it :
public ResponseEntity<?> getFiveLastRequestOfEachVehicleType() {
ResponseContent content = getResponseContent();
Map<String, List<Request>> map;
query = new Query();
queryFieldsFilterLastFiveRequest(query, VehicleTypeEnum.NEISAN, VehicleTypeEnum.BADSAN, VehicleTypeEnum.BUJE);
map = mongoOperations.find(query, Request.class).stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(r -> r.getVehicleTypeEnum().name(),r -> r));
return getReturn(content);
Here i use the stream api to group result by VehiculeTypeEnum name

How to use the Postgres any-clause with JPA/Hibernate native queries (array parameters)

So we've got a whole lot of Postgres SQL queries stored in files and used from PHP. The task is to replace PHP with Java. We want to reuse as much of the queries "as is" to keep the migration path short. I can't get the Array parameters to work.
Here's a query example:
update user_devices
set some_date = now()
where some_id in (
select distinct some_id from user_devices
where user_id = any(:userIDs) and device_id = any(:deviceIDs)
and exists (select 1 from users where user_id = any(:userIDs) and customer_id = :customerID)
Note the "any" clauses, which cause the problem, because they expect an array type.
This is how we used them from PHP:
$this->allValues['userIDs'] = '{' . implode ( ",", $userIdNodes ) . '}';
$this->allValues['deviceIDs'] = '{' . implode ( ",", $deviceIdNodes ) . '}';
$this->allValues['customerID'] = customerID;
$this->db->runQuery ( $this->getQuery ( 'my_query' ), $this->allValues );
So as parameters the array types look like "{111,222}".
This is what I tried in Java:
Integer customerID = 1;
int[] userIDs = new int[]{111,222};
int[] deviceIDs= new int[]{333,444};
//List<Integer> userIDs = Arrays.asList(111,222);
//List<Integer> deviceIDs= Arrays.asList(333,444);
//java.sql.Array userIDs = toArray("integer", new int[]{111,222}));
//java.sql.Array deviceIDs= toArray("integer", new int[]{333,444}));
//java.sql.Array userIDs = toArray("integer", Arrays.asList(111,222)));
//java.sql.Array deviceIDs= toArray("integer", Arrays.asList(333,444)));
//String userIDs = "{111,222}";
//String deviceIDs= "{333,444}";
//String userIDs = "ARRAY[111,222]";
//String deviceIDs= "ARRAY[333,444]";
Query nativeQuery = em.createNativeQuery(queryString);
nativeQuery.setParameter("userIDs", userIDs);
nativeQuery.setParameter("deviceIDs", deviceIDs);
nativeQuery.setParameter("customerID", customerID);
//nativeQuery.setParameter(createParameter("userIDs",java.sql.Array.class), userIDs);
//nativeQuery.setParameter(createParameter("userIDs",java.sql.Array.class), deviceIDs);
//nativeQuery.setParameter(createParameter("customerID", Integer.class), customerID);
private Array toArray(String typeName, Object... elements) {
Session session = em.unwrap(Session.class); // ATTENTION! This is Hibernate-specific!
final AtomicReference<Array> aRef = new AtomicReference<>();
session.doWork((c) -> {
aRef.set(c.createArrayOf(typeName, elements));
return aRef.get();
private <T> Parameter<T> createParameter(final String name, final Class<?> clazz) {
return new Parameter<T>() {
public String getName() {
return name;
public Integer getPosition() {
return null; // not used
public Class<T> getParameterType() {
return (Class<T>) clazz;
None of these will work I will get one of these exceptions:
When using the "toArray" method:
Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Could not determine a type for class: org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Array
at org.hibernate.internal.AbstractQueryImpl.guessType(
at org.hibernate.internal.AbstractQueryImpl.guessType(
at org.hibernate.internal.AbstractQueryImpl.determineType(
at org.hibernate.internal.AbstractQueryImpl.setParameter(
at org.hibernate.jpa.internal.QueryImpl$ParameterRegistrationImpl.bindValue(
at org.hibernate.
Or when using int[] or Strings, I'll get:
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: op ANY/ALL (array) requires array on right side
Position: 137
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeUpdate(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.postgresql.ds.jdbc23.AbstractJdbc23PooledConnection$StatementHandler.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy274.executeUpdate(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.gjc.spi.base.PreparedStatementWrapper.executeUpdate(
at org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.ResultSetReturnImpl.executeUpdate(
Using Wireshark I found this when both APIs are talking to the database:
Image: Comparison of database calls with Wireshark
select oid, typname from pg_type where oid in (0, 23, 1043) order by oid;
oid |typname
23 |int4
1043 |varchar
Has anyone managed to use array-parameters with native queries using Hibernate as backend for the JPA EntityManager? If so: How?
Change your query from where user_id = any(:userIDs) to where user_id IN (:userIDs), and change the userIDs array to a collection e.g. List<Long>. You will have to additionally protect it empty lists, but it will work.
I was able to work around this problem by unwrapping the Hibernate session from the EntityManager and use a JDBC PreparedStatement, which eats the java.sql.Array parameters without any complaint.
The NamedParameterStatement used in the example below is described here (I've modified it to my needs). It delegates to a PreparedStatement.
The rest of the code goes a little something like this:
public int executeUpdate(...){
Integer customerID = 1;
java.sql.Array userIDs = toArray("integer", new int[]{111,222}));
java.sql.Array deviceIDs= toArray("integer", new int[]{333,444}));
final AtomicInteger rowsModifiedRef = new AtomicInteger();
final Session session = em.unwrap(Session.class); // ATTENTION! This is Hibernate-specific!
session.doWork((c) -> {
try (final NamedParameterStatement statement = new NamedParameterStatement(c, queryString)) {
statement.setObject("deviceIDs", userIDs);
statement.setObject("userIDs", userIDs);
statement.setObject("customerID", userIDs);
return rowsModifiedRef.get();
private Array toArray(String typeName, Object... elements) {
Session session = em.unwrap(Session.class); // ATTENTION! This is Hibernate-specific!
final AtomicReference<Array> aRef = new AtomicReference<>();
session.doWork((c) -> {
aRef.set(c.createArrayOf(typeName, elements));
return aRef.get();

How to retrieve all the Groups/Roles a user is member of using SOAP services?

I am trying to collect some user informations using SOAP services.
I was able to get the Job Title for a given user, but I don't understand how to retrieve the list of groups and roles that a user has.
Can I simply use the GroupServiceSoap.getUserPlaces(long userId, String[] classNames, int max) method? Or is there another way I can get these fields?
Currently my code:
private static URL _getURL(String remoteUser, String password, String serviceName) {
final String LIFERAY_PROTOCOL = "http://";
final String LIFERAY_TCP_PORT = "8080";
final String LIFERAY_FQDN = "localhost";
final String LIFERAY_AXIS_PATH = "/api/secure/axis/";
try {
return new URL(LIFERAY_PROTOCOL + URLEncoder.encode(remoteUser, "UTF-8") + ":"
+ URLEncoder.encode(password, "UTF-8") + "#" + LIFERAY_FQDN
+ ":" + LIFERAY_TCP_PORT + LIFERAY_AXIS_PATH + serviceName);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return null;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return null;
public static void main(String[] argv){
public final String LIFERAY_USER_SERVICE="Portal_UserService";
public final String LIFERAY_COMPANY_SERVICE="Portal_CompanyService";
public final String LIFERAY_GROUP_SERVICE = "Portal_GroupService";
// property
public final String LIFERAY_DEFAULT_COMPANY_ID = "";
UserServiceSoap userService = new UserServiceSoapServiceLocator().getPortal_UserService(_getURL(USER_IDENTIFIER,USER_PASSWORD, LIFERAY_USER_SERVICE));
//This code is usefull if you want to use SOAP setter.
//((Portal_UserServiceSoapBindingStub) userService).setUsername(USER_IDENTIFIER);
//((Portal_UserServiceSoapBindingStub) userService).setPassword(USER_PASSWORD);
CompanyServiceSoap companyService = new CompanyServiceSoapServiceLocator().getPortal_CompanyService(_getURL(USER_IDENTIFIER, USER_PASSWORD, LIFERAY_COMPANY_SERVICE));
long companyId = companyService.getCompanyByMx(LIFERAY_DEFAULT_COMPANY_ID).getCompanyId();
// Here I retrieve my user, and can access some properties, but not them all !
UserSoap user = userService.getUserByEmailAddress(companyId, target_user_mail);
//TODO : I got hte JobTittle that I want, later I will do something more util thant just print it, I swear it my precious !
GroupServiceSoap groupService = new GroupServiceSoapServiceLocator().getPortal_GroupService(_getURL(USER_IDENTIFIER, USER_PASSWORD, LIFERAY_GROUP_SERVICE));
//this one return an empty array
GroupSoap[] userPlaces = groupService.getUserPlaces(new String[]{"Group", "Role"}, 150);
//this return an array of size 1, but the only GroupSoap seems to be a structural groups without any usefull properties to me.
GroupSoap[] userPlaces = groupService.getUserPlaces(null, 150);
Use this method to get user role and group user id
It is only a partial answer.
In order to get all the User Roles one can do this :
RoleServiceSoap roleService = new RoleServiceSoapServiceLocator().getPortal_RoleService(_getURL(USER_IDENTIFIER, USER_PASSWORD, LIFERAY_ROLE_SERVICE));
RoleSoap[] userRoles = roleService.getUserRoles(user.getUserId());
with user variable an instance of UserSoap.
The SOAP access must be done by an Admin user in order to get access to the Role List. The user can't access this himself.