typo3 4.7 recreate database - typo3

Is it possible to recreate the database from scratch on a typo3 4.7.10?
After a migration the database got lost and only the files are available. My job now is to create a new database for it.
Do I have to install a typo3 4.7 and then use this database or is it somehow possible to recreate the database with the current installation?

You can create an empty db via phpMyAdmin, for example.
Then go to Install Tool -> Basic Configuration and enter your db credentials there. After that you can switch to DB analyzer and click on "Compare" button.
TYPO3 will then prompt all the SQL queries it will perform, which in your case will be "CREATE TABLE ...". Just agree with that and your empty TYPO3 db will be created.


How to open firebird .fdb file in VS Code?

I want to see and check .fdb file. And I am using VS Code to open it. I installed "DB Explorer For Firebird Databases" for this and file opened. However, the opened file was corrupt. How can I fix this?
A Firebird database file is a file to be read by the Firebird database engine and queried using SQL. It is not something to be opened in a text editor, like you did in the screenshot.
The DB Explorer For Firebird Databases is a plugin for connecting to a Firebird database server, and executing queries against that server. It is not something for viewing the contents of a FDB file directly.
Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, the DB Explorer For Firebird Databases has been broken for a while now, and it seems it is no longer maintained. You can connect to a database, and see the tables it has, but attempting to execute queries or view data will not show any query results, but instead shows a broken image icon (the issue for this bug has been open since 2019, so I guess it is unlikely to get fixed).
You may want to consider using something like DBeaver or FlameRobin to query a Firebird database, but that will still require having a Firebird database server installed.

How to install DBeaver's sample database?

How do I get DBeaver to create its sample database after declining its first offer (without re-installing or deleting %APPDATA%\DBeaverData\workspace6) ?
Example screenshots:
You can update your DBeaver version. You can find the "Create Sample Database" under the "Help" button. (Image from DBeaver 21.3.0, will be released soon).
Or you can just specify the way to the sample database directly in the new SQLite connection. Usually, you can find Chinook.db in the %APPDATA%\DBeaverData\workspace6. For me it was "workspace6.metadata.metadata\sample-database-sqlite-1" path.

Keystone Next not showing database type and always select postgresql by default

I'am new user for using keystone and will create simple project with keystone, but I've some problem when generating project by yarn always select postgresql as default database type.
Below is example screenshot when I'am create new project with keystone next
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/GX4i4.png
The yarn create keystone-app command your running uses create-keystone-app, documented here. The resultant app simply expects a Postgres database. If you don't already have it, you can install Postgres using brew or Postgres.app (on MacOS) or one of the official installers.
If you don't want to use Postgres you'll need to create your project another way. Clone the Keystone repo and have a look at the examples directory. It's full of very simply starting points that use an SQLite db instead.
Sept 2021 Update
create-keystone-app has been updated to use SQLite by default now so it won't prompt for a DB connection string at all. You can still switch to Postgres manually if you want but it's a manual step.
The walkthrough has details.

Is it possible to keep a Postgres database schema under source control using DataGrip?

With Microsoft SQL Server, there is a great schema comparison tool which lets you keep a database schema under source control and push changes in both directions (schema project to database and database to schema project) which can then be kept under source control. This made development very easy directly on the local database, push the changes to the source controlled project and then apply the changes to other environments when required by using the schema comparison tool to generate the updates from the diff.
Is there any way to do something similar to this with DataGrip for PostgreSQL?
Including how to keep a database as schema files.
I've seen that there is VCS integration but I can't get it to generate a project from a database and Google doesn't seem to help.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, James
There is no full integration for now. This is the ticket to follow: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-3852
But you can now already generate you file-project for your database.
Select schema in the database explorer
Context menu -> SQL scripts -> SQL Generator
Choose the tab with the diskette, select options
Press Save.

Mysql workbench refresh EER Diagram from server

is it possible to refetch or reimport a whole database structure from a server in mysql workbench?
I've tried the synchronize options (both Model and any source), but it always works the other way round (workbench->server) and drops new columns which i've created online / outside of mysql workbench..
i'm using the latest version 5.2.41.
Thanks for any help
Use the latest version 5.2.42 and do a "Database > Synchronize with Any Source" because it appears that you are still experiencing this bug
At the step "Select changes to Apply", default it "Update source" (you see the arrow from Left->Right). In your case, you should select the tables and click "Update Model", it will sync from Mysql to Model.