Cassandra group by and filter results - group-by

I'm trying to mimic something like this:
Given a table test:
CREATE TABLE myspace.test (
item_id text,
sub_id text,
quantity bigint,
status text,
PRIMARY KEY (item_id, sub_id)
In SQL, we could do:
select * from (select item_id, sum(quantity) as quan
from test where status <> 'somevalue') sub
where sub.quan >= 10;
i.e. group by item_id and then filter out the results with less than 10.
Cassandra is not designed for this kind of stuff though I could mimic group by using user-defined aggregate functions:
CREATE FUNCTION group_sum_state
(state map<text, bigint>, item_id text, val bigint)
RETURNS map<text, bigint>
AS $$Long current = (Long)state.get(item_id);
if(current == null) current = 0l;
state.put(item_id, current + val); return state;$$;
CREATE AGGREGATE group_sum(text, bigint)
SFUNC group_sum_state
STYPE map<text, bigint>
And use it as group by (probably this is going to have very bad performance, but still):
cqlsh:myspace> select group_sum(item_id, quantity) from test;
mysales_data.group_sum(item_id, quantity)
{'123': 33, '456': 14, '789': 15}
But it seems to be impossible to do filtering by map values, neither with final function for the aggregate nor with a separate function. I could define a function like this:
CREATE FUNCTION myspace.filter_group_sum
(group map<text, bigint>, vallimit bigint)
RETURNS map<text, bigint>
AS $$
java.util.Iterator<java.util.Map.Entry<String, Long>> entries =
while(entries.hasNext()) {
Long val =;
if (val < vallimit)
return group;$$;
But there is no way to call it and pass a constant:
select filter_group_sum(group_sum(item_id, quantity), 15) from test;
SyntaxException: <ErrorMessage code=2000 [Syntax error in CQL query]
message="line 1:54 no viable alternative at input '15'
(...(group_sum(item_id, quantity), [15]...)">
it complains about the constant 15.
Sorry for the long post, I need to provide all the details to explain what I need.
So my questions are:
Is there a way pass in a constant to a user-defined function in Cassandra. Or what alternatives do I have to implemented filtered group by.
More general question: what is the proper data design for Cassandra to cover such a use-case for a real-time query-serving application? Say I have a web app that takes the limit from the UI and needs to return back all the items that total quantity larger than the given limit? The tables are going to quite large, like 10 billions of records.

Vanilla Cassandra is a poor choice for ad hoc queries. DataStax Enterprise has added some of this functionality via integrations with Spark and Solr. The Spark integration is also open source, but you wouldn't want to do this for low-latency queries. If you need real-time queries, you're going to have to aggregate outside of Cassandra (in Spark or Storm, for example), then write back the aggregates to be consumed by your app. You can also look at Stratio's Lucene integration, which might help you for some of your queries.

I ran across your question when looking for information on passing a constant to a user defined function.
The closest I can get to passing a constant is to pass a static column for the parameter for which you want to pass a constant. So if you update the static column before using the UDF, then you can pass that column. This will only work if you have a single client running such a query at a time, since the static column is visible to all clients. See this answer for an example:
Passing a constant to a UDF


Would it be possible to select random rows with a little preference for a specific column?

I would like to get a random selection of records from my table but I wonder if it would be possible to give a better chance for items that are newly created. I also have pagination so this is why I'm using setseed
Currently I'm only retrieving items randomly and it works quite well, but I need to give a certain "preference" to newly created items.
Here is what I'm doing for now:
I don't know what to do and I can't figure what can be a good solution without being an absolute performance disaster.
Firstly I want to explain how we can select random records on a table. On PostgreSQL, we can use random() function in the order by statement. Example:
select * from test_table
order by random()
limit 1;
I am using limit 1 for selecting only one record. But, using this method our query performance will be very bad for large size tables (over 100 million data)
The second way, you can manually be selecting records using random() if the tables are had id fields. This way is very high performance.
Let's firstly write our own randomize function for using it's easily on our queries.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION random_between(low integer, high integer)
RETURNS integer
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
RETURN floor(random()* (high-low + 1) + low);
This function returns a random integer value in the range of our input argument values. Then we can write a query using our random function. Example:
select * from test_table
where id = (select random_between(min(id), max(id)) from test_table);
This query I tested on the table has 150 million data and gets the best performance, Duration 12 ms. In this query, if you need many rows but not one, then you can write where id > instead of where id=.
Now, for your little preference, I don't know your detailed business logic and condition statements which you want to set to randomizing. I can write for you some sample queries for understanding the mechanism. PostgreSQL has not a function for doing this process, so randomize data using preferences. We must write this logic manually. I created a sample table for testing our queries.
CREATE TABLE test_table (
id serial4 NOT NULL,
is_created bool NULL,
action_date date NULL,
CONSTRAINT test_table_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE INDEX test_table_id_idx ON test_table USING btree (id);
For example, I want to set more preference only to data which are action dates has a closest to today. Sample query:
(extract(day from (now()-action_date))) as dif_days
id > (select random_between(min(id), max(id)) from test.test_table)
(extract(day from (now()-action_date))) = random_between(0, 6)
limit 1;
In this query this (extract(day from (now()-action_date))) as dif_days query will returned difference between action_date and today. On the where clause firstly I select data that are id field values greater than the resulting randomize value. Then using this query (extract(day from (now()-action_date))) = random_between(0, 6) I select from this resulting data only which data are action_date equals maximum 6 days ago (maybe 4 days ago or 2 days ago, mak 6 days ago).
Сan wrote many logic queries (for example set more preferences using boolean fields: closed are opened and etc.)

Dynamic FROM clause in Postgres

Using PostgreSQL 9.1.13 I've written the followed query to calculate some data:
WITH windowed AS (
SELECT a.person_id, a.category_id,
CAST(dense_rank() OVER w AS float) / COUNT(*) OVER (ORDER BY category_id) * 100.0 AS percentile
SELECT DISTINCT ON (person_id, category_id) *
FROM performances s
-- Want to insert a FROM clause here
INNER JOIN person p ON s.person_id = p.ident
ORDER BY person_id, category_id, created DESC
) a
WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY category_id ORDER BY score)
SELECT category_id,percentile FROM windowed
WHERE person_id = 1;
I now want to turn this into a stored procedure but my issue is that in the middle there, where I showed the comment, I need to place a dynamic WHERE clause. For example, I'd like to add something like:
WHERE p.weight > 110 OR p.weight IS NULL
The calling application let's people pick filters and so I want to be able to pass the appropriate filters into the query. There could be 0 or many filters, depending on the caller, but I could pass it all in as a properly formatted where clause as a string parameter, for example.
The calling application just sends values to a webservice, which then builds the string and calls the stored procedure, so SQL injection attacks won't really be an issue.
The calling application just sends values to a webservice, which then
builds the string and calls the stored procedure, so SQL injection
attacks won't really be an issue.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Either let your webserive build the SQL statement or let Postgres do it. Don't use both on the same query. That leaves two possible weak spots for SQL injection attacks and makes debugging and maintenance a lot harder.
Here is full code example for a plpgsql function that builds and executes an SQL statement dynamically while making SQL injection impossible (just from two days ago):
Robust approach for building SQL queries programmatically
Details heavily depend on exact requirements.

Cassandra efficient table walk

I'm currently working on a benchmark (which is part of my bachelor thesis) that compares SQL and NoSQL Databases based on an abstract data model an abstract queries to achieve fair implementation on all systems.
I'm currently working on the implementation of a query that is specified as follows:
I have a table in Cassandra that is specified as follows:
CREATE TABLE allocated(
partition_key int,
financial_institution varchar,
primary_uuid uuid,
report_name varchar,
view_name varchar,
row_name varchar,
col_name varchar,
amount float,
PRIMARY KEY (partition_key, report_name, primary_uuid));
This table contains about 100,000,000 records (~300GB).
We now need to calculate the sum for the field "amount" for every possible combination of report_name, view_name, col_name and row_name.
In SQL this would be quite easy, just select sum (amount) and group it by the fields you want.
However, since Cassandra does not support these operations (which is perfectly fine) I need to achieve this on another way.
Currently I achieve this by doing a full-table walk, processing each record and storing the sum in a HashMap in Java for each combination.
The prepared statement I use is as follows:
FROM allocated;
That works partially on machines with lots on RAM for both, cassandra and the Java app, but crashes on smaller machines.
Now I'm wondering whether it's possible to achieve this on a faster way?
I could imagine using the partition_key, which serves also as the cassandra partition key and do this for every partition (I have 5 of them).
Also I though of doing this multithreaded by assigning every partition and report to a seperate thread and running it parallel. But I guess this would cause a lot of overhead on the application side.
Now to the actual question: Would you recommend another execution strategy to achieve this?
Maybe I still think too much in a SQL-like way.
Thank you for you support.
Here are two ideas that may help you.
1) You can efficiently scan rows in any table using the following approach. Consider a table with PRIMARY KEY (pk, sk, tk). Let's use a fetch size of 1000, but you can try other values.
First query (Q1):
select whatever_columns from allocated limit 1000;
Process these and then record the value of the three columns that form the primary key. Let's say these values are pk_val, sk_val, and tk_val. Here is your next query (Q2):
select whatever_columns from allocated where token(pk) = token(pk_val) and sk = sk_val and tk > tk_val limit 1000;
The above query will look for records for the same pk and sk, but for the next values of tk. Keep repeating as long as you keep getting 1000 records. When get anything less, you ignore the tk, and do greater on sk. Here is the query (Q3):
select whatever_columns from allocated where token(pk) = token(pk_val) and sk > sk_val limit 1000;
Again, keep doing this as long as you get 1000 rows. Once you are done, you run the following query (Q4):
select whatever_columns from allocated where token(pk) > token(pk_val) limit 1000;
Now, you again use the pk_val, sk_val, tk_val from the last record, and run Q2 with these values, then Q3, then Q4.....
You are done when Q4 returns less than 1000.
2) I am assuming that 'report_name, view_name, col_name and row_name' are not unique and that's why you maintain a hashmap to keep track of the total amount whenever you see the same combination again. Here is something that may work better. Create a table in cassandra where key is a combination of these four values (maybe delimited). If there were three, you could have simply used a composite key for those three. Now, you also need a column called amounts which is a list. As you are scanning the allocate table (using the approach above), for each row, you do the following:
update amounts_table set amounts = amounts + whatever_amount where my_primary_key = four_col_values_delimited;
Once you are done, you can scan this table and compute the sum of the list for each row you see and dump it wherever you want. Note that since there is only one key, you can scan using only token(primary_key) > token(last_value_of_primary_key).
Sorry if my description is confusing. Please let me know if this helps.

MAX(), DISTINCT and group by in Cassandra

I am trying to remodel a SQL database Cassandra such that, I can find the Cassandra equivalent for the SQL queries. I use CQL 3 and Cassandra v1.2. I modeled the db design in cassandra so that it supports the order by clauses and denormalized tables to support the join operation. However I am at sea when it comes to DISTINCT, SUM() and GROUPBY equvalents
SELECT a1,MAX(b1) FROM demo1 group by a1.
SELECT DISTINCT (a2) FROM demo2 where b2='sea'
SELECT sum(a3), sum(b3) from demo3 where c3='water' and d3='ocean'
This is like a showstopper to my work for past couple of days. Is there a way in Cassandra, that I can model the db schema to support queries of these kind? I cant think of any way in Cassandra . How are such queries be implemented using Cassandra?
I read that a hive layer over Cassandra can possibly make these queries work. I am just wondering if that is the only way that such queries can be supported in Cassandra..? Pls advise on any other possible methods..
With Cassandra you solve these kinds of problems by doing more work when you insert your data -- which sounds like it would be slow, but Cassandra is designed for fast writes, and you're probably going to read the data many more times than you write it so it makes sense when you consider the whole system.
I can't tell you exactly how to create your tables to model your problem because it will depend a lot on the details. You need to figure a schema that lets you get the data without performing any on-the-fly aggregations. Think about how you would create views for the queries in an RDBMS, and then try to think how you would insert data directly into those views, not into the underlying tables. That's kind of how you model things in Cassandra.
Although this is an old question, it appears in Google search results pretty high. So I wanted to give an update.
Cassandra 2.2+ supports user defined function and user defined aggregates. WARNING: this does not mean that you don't have to do data modeling anymore (as it was pointed by #Theo) rather it just allows you to slightly preprocess your data upon retrieval.
SELECT DISTINCT (a2) FROM demo2 where b2='sea'
To implement DISTINCT, you should define a function and an agreggate. I'll call both the function and the aggregate uniq rather than distinct to emphasize the fact that it is user defined.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION uniq(state set<text>, val text)
AS 'state.add(val); return state;';
SFUNC uniq STYPE set<text> INITCOND {};
Then you use it as follows:
SELECT uniq(a2) FROM demo2 where b2='sea';
SELECT sum(a3), sum(b3) from demo3 where c3='water' and d3='ocean'
SUM is provided out of the box and works as you would expect. See system.sum.
SELECT a1,MAX(b1) FROM demo1 group by a1
GROUP BY is a tricky one. Actually, there is no way to group result rows by some column. But what you can do is to create a map<text, int> and to group them manually in the map. Based on an example from Christopher Batey's blog, group-by and max:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION state_group_and_max(state map<text, int>, type text, amount int)
RETURNS map<text, int>
Integer val = (Integer) state.get(type);
if (val == null) val = amount; else val = Math.max(val, amount);
state.put(type, val);
return state;
' ;
CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE state_group_and_max(text, int)
SFUNC state_group_and_max
STYPE map<text, int>
Then you use it as follows:
SELECT state_group_and_max(a1, b1) FROM demo1;
As it was mentioned above, you still have to invest some time in data modeling, don't overuse these features
You have to set enable_user_defined_functions=true in your cassandra.yaml to enable the features
You can overload the functions to support grouping by columns of different types.
Great UDF and UDA examples by Christopher Batey and few more
Datastax docs on UDF and UDA
User Defined Functions in Cassandra 3.0 (Planet Cassandra Blog)
Cassandra 3.10 now supports Group by parition key and clustering key. You can refer to this link for more detail.
Cassandra doesn't support operations like this. You can use something like Hive on top or there's a (non-free) product from Acunu that may do what you need.
The other solution is to do the work yourself. For example, you can sum things by reading in all the data from certain rows and summing. Or maintain a Cassandra counter to increment on the fly.

SQL DateTime Conversion Fails when No Conversion Should be Taking Place

I'm modifying an existing query for a client, and I've encountered a somewhat baffling issue.
Our client uses SQL Server 2008 R2 and the database in question provides the user the ability to specify custom fields for one of its tables by making use of an EAV structure. All of the values stored in this structure are varchar(255), and several of the fields are intended to store dates. The query in question is being modified to use two of these fields and compare them (one is a start, the other is an end) against the current date to determine which row is "current".
The issue I'm having is that part of the query does a CONVERT(DateTime, eav.Value) in order to turn the varchar into a DateTime. The conversions themselves all succedd and I can include the value as part of the SELECT clause, but part of the question is giving me a conversion error:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
The real kicker is this: if I define the base for this query (getting a list of entities with the two custom field values flattened into a single row) as a view and select against the view and filter the view by getdate(), then it works correctly, but it fails if I add a join to a second table using one of the (non-date) fields from the view. I realize that this might be somewhat hard to follow, so I can post an example query if desired, but this question is already getting a little long.
I've tried recreating the basic structure in another database and including sample data, but the new database behaves as expected, so I'm at a loss here.
EDIT In case it's useful, here's the statement for the view:
create view Festival as
e.EntityId as FestivalId,
e.LookupAs as FestivalName,
convert(Date, nvs.Value) as ActivityStart,
convert(Date, nve.Value) as ActivityEnd
from tblEntity e
left join CustomControl ccs on ccs.ShortName = 'Activity Start Date'
left join CustomControl cce on cce.ShortName = 'Activity End Date'
left join tblEntityNameValue nvs on nvs.CustomControlId = ccs.IdCustomControl and nvs.EntityId = e.EntityId
left join tblEntityNameValue nve on nve.CustomControlId = cce.IdCustomControl and nve.EntityId = e.EntityId
where e.EntityType = 'Festival'
The failing query is this:
select *
from Festival f
join FestivalAttendeeAll fa on fa.FestivalId = f.FestivalId
where getdate() between f.ActivityStart and f.ActivityEnd
Yet this works:
select *
from Festival f
where getdate() between f.ActivityStart and f.ActivityEnd
(EntityId/FestivalId are int columns)
I've encountered this type of error before, it's due to the "order of operations" performed by the execution plan.
You are getting that error message because the execution plan for your statement (generated by the optimizer) is performing the CONVERT() operation on rows that contain string values that can't be converted to DATETIME.
Basically, you do not have control over which rows the optimizer performs that conversion on. You know that you only need that conversion done on certain rows, and you have predicates (WHERE or ON clauses) that exclude those rows (limit the rows to those that need the conversion), but your execution plan is performing the CONVERT() operation on rows BEFORE those rows are excluded.
(For example, the optimizer may be electing to a do a table scan, and performing that conversion on every row, before any predicate is being applied.)
I can't give a specific answer, without a specific question and specific SQL that is generating the error.
One simple approach to addressing the problem would be to use the ISDATE() function to test whether the string value can be converted to a date.
That is, replace:
Note that the ISDATE() function is subject to some significant limitations, such as being affected by the DATEFORMAT and LANGUAGE settings of the session.
If there is some other indication on the eav row, you could use some other test, to conditionally perform the conversion.
The other approach I've used is to try to gain some modicum of control over the order of operations of the optimizer, using inline views or Common Table Expressions, with operations that force the optimizer to materialize them and apply predicates, so that happens BEFORE any conversion in the outer query.