sync to data occurrence in the same cycle - specman

I am using Sync in the following way:
sync true (ports.ocp_cmd$ == 3'b010);
I want the simulator to go to the next command the same cycle the data in ocp_cmd is 010. currently the simulator automatically jumps 1 cycle and only then goes to the next specman command.
How can I change my command line so that no delay is created (so that I will be able to raise the ack signal in the same cycle if desired)

Since the sync true statement must reside in a time consuming method. Compare when the sampling event - for the time consuming method - occurs relative to the change in ocp_cmd becoming 3'b010. It could be that you must modify your sampling event.

I guess what you mean that you sample ocp_cmd at the rising edge of the clock and this means you are raising ocp_read starting with that clock, which means the two signals will have a 1 cycle delay between each other.
If you know ocp_cmd doesn't glitch, you can change your sync to sync true (ports.ocp_cmd$ == 3'b010) #sim.
This isn't proper practice when working with synchronous signals. You'd be better of monitoring the cause of ocp_cmd going to 010 and relying on that.


Using HAL_GetTick in a interruption

Im working on a STM32F411CEU6 using STM32CubeIDE, Im making a library that works whit UART interruption, inside the UART interruption Im using the HAL_GetTick function to keep track of time, when I use this function outside the interruption It work properly, but when I try to use it inside the interruption the uwTick halt.
I understand that uwTick is a global variable that is incremented on interruption, my first guess was that the UART interruption had greater priority over the System tick timer interruption (I'm guessing that this interruption is the one that trigger the uwTick increment), but the System tick timer interruption has a higher interruption in the pinout configuration UI.
What is going on?
Should I change my approach and use a timer (reading the counter inside)?
additional information:
-Im triggering the interruption whit the HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huartx, &USART_receive[0], 1), where USART_receive is a receive buffer
-The function that use the HAL_GetTick function is being call in the void USART1_IRQHandler(void) handler after the HAL_UART_IRQHandler(&huart1) function
Thanks in advance!
A higher interrupt priority is represented by a lower number and vice-versa. Maybe you need to switch the priorities around to do what you want.
However, please note:
It is conventional for systick to be one of the lowest priority interrupts in the system, with only pendsv/svcall lower.
It is generally considered a bad idea to try to delay within an interrupt, especially for several milliseconds. It is probably better to set a flag or something in the interrupt and let your main context carry out the delayed action.

Sleep mode and duty cycling in UnetStack, and adding energy consumed in idle listening, and sleeping modes into a simple energy model

I have two questions:
We want to consider a very low transmission duty cycle in our underwater sensor network,as it is the power consumption in listening and sleep mode that will dominate our network lifetime in practice.
I noticed the Scheduler Commands in the new version of UnetStack Simulator, version 3.2.0, the addsleep , showsleep etc, I downloaded the the latest version of the simulator, I tried to use those commands, but it didn't work, I tried to work both on the shell as well as inside groovy scripts, and tried to import org.arl.unet.scheduler, but none of the Scheduler commands worked, and kept receiving errors.
For example, I tried to use this: addsleep 20.s.later, but the simulator does not recognise "later", also received errors for using import org.arl.unet.scheduler.
I wonder if anyone can help me in that, in how to use the addsleep command for example.
Another question:
Besides consuming energy in transmitting and receiving, our modem draws 2.5 mA from a 5V supply while listening for the start of a packet, and can go to sleep and draw about 0.24 mA from a 5V supply, with the ability to wake up and return to the listening mode after a programmable time period.
So my question is, is there a way to consider energy consumed in idle listening and sleeping in a simple energy model?
We implemented a very simple energy model, something like the following (found this example in stackoverflow):
class MyHalfDuplexModem extends HalfDuplexModem {
float energy = 1000
boolean send(Message m) {
if (m instanceof TxFrameNtf) energy -= 10
if (m instanceof RxFrameNtf) energy -= 1
return super.send(m)
How to add energy consumed in idle listening, and sleeping to the above code? shall we need to use something like WakeFromSleepNtf ()
Thanks and any help is much appreciated.
The scheduler service is usually hardware dependent, as it requires interaction with the specific single board computer (SBC) to put it into a sleep state and allow it to be woken up. On modems, this is usually the modem driver agent.
The HalfDuplexModem simulated modem doesn't provide this service, and so it won't work out of the box. Since HalfDuplexModem doesn't have an energy model build into it, "sleep" doesn't mean much to it. If you wanted to simulate networks where nodes slept and consumed less energy during the sleep, it would be possible to extend the HalfDuplexModem to implement the SCHEDULER service. The service is quite simple, with just 4 messages (AddScheduledSleepReq, RemoveScheduledSleepReq, GetSleepScheduleReq and WakeFromSleepNtf). Your implementation could keep track of the energy used by each node, based on whether it is sleeping, listening or transmitting, since you can keep track of the sleep schedule and hence know how much time the node has been awake/sleeping.
Commands addsleep, showsleep etc are simply convenience shortcuts in the shell extension that use the above 4 messages to do the actual work. They are enabled in the shell by loading the SchedulerShellExt, and you can simply use the messages directly from agents or in simulation scripts.

Swift: Accessibility: How can I queue events to be executed in sequence?

I want to know if there is a way to queue up accessibility readouts or element focus events one after another.
If I use either: UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityAnnouncementNotification, "My Error Message")
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification, self.continueButton)
The second call will interrupt the readout that is currently being read.
And obviously, if you use Dispatch with Delay, it's not robust, because different languages have different lengths of content, and also the user has a different readout speed set, which may be set to very slow. So how can I "queue up" multiple focus/read out events and ensure that only one of them gets read out at a time in sequence?
After you post your first announcement you need to wait for UIAccessibilityAnnouncementDidFinishNotification (see more here) before you post the 2nd one.
So build a queue (a set could do it) and whenever UIAccessibilityAnnouncementDidFinishNotification is triggered by the system just pop the first notification in your set (if present) and fire it away.

How to do timing in Simulink using the rem block without getting 0 on t=0?

I am trying to make a gain that decreases every x'th second. This is my solution so far:
I use an initial value block combined with a switch to make it decrease every time the switch is activated. To make it switch every x'th second I use the rem function with the time of the simulation an my x'th second.
Every time the rem function outputs zero the switch triggers and everything is well. The problem is at t=0, because then the rem function returns 0 and triggers the switch. This becomes a bigger problem when I try to introduce a delay block between the Time and Rate Transmition3 block, because then the output is 0 for the delayed time and keeps triggering my switch.
Any ideas how to fix this problem? Maybe using a different approach of triggering the switch?
You could put the REM and Switch inside an enabled subsystem with the condition to be enabled if t>0. Also, the out of the subsystem should be changed in order to give an initial output that is neutral in your system.
Please let know if this helps. Good luck

How to handle class methods being called again before they are finished?

What is the best way to handle this situation on an iPhone device: My program ramps the pitch of a sound between two values. A button pressed calls a method that has a while loop that does the ramping in small increments. It will take some time to finish. In the meantime the user has pressed another button calling the same method. Now I want the loop in the first call to stop and the second to start from the current state. Here is the something like what the method should look like:
-(void)changePitchSample: (float) newPitch{
float oldPitch=channel.pitch;
if (oldPitch>newPitch) {
while (channel.pitch>newPitch) {
channel.pitch = channel.pitch-0.001;
else if (oldPitch<newPitch) {
while (channel.pitch<newPitch) {
channel.pitch = channel.pitch+0.001;
Now how to best handle the situation where the method is called again? Do I need some kind of mulitthreading? I do not need two processes going at the same time, so it seems there must be some easier solution that I cannot find (being new to this language).
Any help greatly appreciated!
You cannot do this like that. While your loop is running no events will be processed. So if the user pushes the button again nothing will happen before your loop is finished. Also like this you can’t control the speed of your ramp. I’d suggest using a NSTimer. In your changePitchSample: method you store the new pitch somewhere (don’t overwrite the old one) and start a timer that fires once. When the timer fires you increment your pitch and if it is less than the new pitch you restart the timer.
Have a look at NSOperation and the Concurrency Programming Guide. You can first start you operation the increase the pitch and also store the operation object. On the second call you can call [operation cancel] to stop the last operation. Start a second operation to i.e. decrease the pitch and also store the new object.
Btw: What you are doing right now is very bad since you "block the main thread". Calculations that take some time should not be directly executed. You should probably also have a look at NSTimer to make your code independent of the processor speed.
Don't use a while loop; it blocks everything else. Use a timer and a state machine. The timer can call the state machine at the rate at which you want things to change. The state machine can look at the last ramp value and the time of the last button hit (or even an array of UI event times) and decide whether and how much to ramp the volume during the next time step (logic is often just a pile of if and select/case statements if the control algorithm isn't amenable to a nice table). Then the state machine can call the object or routine that handles the actual sound level.