This question is about the duality between DataFrame and RDD when it comes to aggregation operations. In Spark SQL one can use table generating UDFs for custom aggregations but creating one of those is typically noticeably less user-friendly than using the aggregation functions available for RDDs, especially if table output is not required.
Is there an efficient way to apply pair RDD operations such as aggregateByKey to a DataFrame which has been grouped using GROUP BY or ordered using ORDERED BY?
Normally, one would need an explicit map step to create key-value tuples, e.g., => (row.getString(row.fieldIndex("category")), row).aggregateByKey(...). Can this be avoided?
Not really. While DataFrames can be converted to RDDs and vice versa this is relatively complex operation and methods like DataFrame.groupBy don't have the same semantics as their counterparts on RDD.
The closest thing you can get is a new DataSet API introduced in Spark 1.6.0. It provides a much closer integration with DataFrames and GroupedDataset class with its own set of methods including reduce, cogroup or mapGroups:
case class Record(id: Long, key: String, value: Double)
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(1L, "foo", 3.0), (2L, "bar", 5.6),
(3L, "foo", -1.0), (4L, "bar", 10.0)
)).toDF("id", "key", "value")
val ds =[Record]
ds.groupBy($"key").reduce((x, y) => if ( < x else y).show
// +-----+-----------+
// | _1| _2|
// +-----+-----------+
// |[bar]|[2,bar,5.6]|
// |[foo]|[1,foo,3.0]|
// +-----+-----------+
In some specific cases it is possible to leverage Orderable semantics to group and process data using structs or arrays. You'll find an example in SPARK DataFrame: select the first row of each group
In Spark v3.0.1 I have a DataFrame of arbitrary schema.
I want to turn that DataFrame of arbitrary schema into a new DataFrame with the same schema and a new column that is the result of a calculation over the data discretely present in each row.
I can safely assume that certain columns of certain types are available for the logical calculation despite the DataFrame being of arbitrary schema.
I have solved this previously by creating a new Dataset[outcome] of two columns:
the KEY from the input DataFrame
the OUTCOME of the calculation
... and then joining that DF back on the initial input to add the new column:
val inputDf = Seq(
("1", "input1", "input2"),
("2", "anotherInput1", "anotherInput2"),
).asDF("key", "logicalInput1", "logicalInput2")
case class outcome(key: String, outcome: String)
val outcomes = => {
val input1 = row.getAs[String]("logicalInput1")
val input2 = row.getAs[String]("logicalInput2")
val key = row.getAs[String]("key")
val result = if (input1 != "") input1 + input2 else input2
outcome(key, result)
val finalDf = inputDf.join(outcomes, Seq("key"))
Is there a more efficient way to map a DataFrame to a new DataFrame with an extra column given arbitrary columns on the input DF upon which we can assume some columns exist to make the calculation?
I'd like to take the inputDF and map over each row, generating a copy of the row and adding a new column to it with the outcome result without having to join afterwards...
NOTE that in the example above, a simple solution exists using Spark API... My calculation is not as simple as concatenating strings together, so the .map or a udf is required for the solution. I'd like to avoid UDF if possible, though that could work too.
Before answering exact question about using .map I think it is worth a brief discussion about using UDFs for this purpose. UDFs were mentioned in the "note" of the question but not in detail.
When we use .map (or .filter, .flatMap, and any other higher order function) on any Dataset [1] we are forcing Spark to fully deserialize the entire row into an object, transforming the object with a function, and then serializing the entire object again. This is very expensive.
A UDF is effectively a wrapper around a Scala function that routes values from certain columns to the arguments of the UDF. Therefore, Spark is aware of which columns are required by the UDF and which are not and thus we save a lot of serialization (and possibly IO) costs by ignoring columns that are not used by the UDF.
In addition, the query optimizer can't really help with .map but a UDF can be part of a larger plan that the optimizer will (in theory) minimize the cost of execution.
I believe that a UDF will usually be better in the kind of scenario put forth int the question. Another smell that indicate UDFs are a good solution is how little code is required compared to other solutions.
val outcome = udf { (input1: String, input2: String) =>
if (input1 != "") input1 + input2 else input2
inputDf.withColumn("outcome", outcome(col("logicalInput1"), col("logicalInput2")))
Now to answer the question about using .map! To avoid the join, we need to have the result of the .map be a Row that has all the contents of the input row with the output added. Row is effectively a sequence of values with type Any. Spark manipulates these values in a type-safe way by using the schema information from the dataset. If we create a new Row with a new schema, and provide .map with an Encoder for the new schema, Spark will know how to create a new DataFrame for us.
val newSchema = inputDf.schema.add("outcome", StringType)
val newEncoder = RowEncoder(newSchema)
.map { row =>
val rowWithSchema = row.asInstanceOf[GenericRowWithSchema] // This cast might not always be possible!
val input1 = row.getAs[String]("logicalInput1")
val input2 = row.getAs[String]("logicalInput2")
val key = row.getAs[String]("key")
val result = if (input1 != "") input1 + input2 else input2
new GenericRowWithSchema(rowWithSchema.toSeq.toArray :+ result, row.schema).asInstanceOf[Row] // Encoder is invariant so we have to cast again.
Not as elegant as the UDFs, but it works in this case. However, I'm not sure that this solution is universal.
[1] DataFrame is just an alias for Dataset[Row]
You should use withColumn with an UDF. I don't see why map should be preferred, and I think it's very difficult to append a column in DataFrame API
Or you switch to Dataset API
Is there a difference in the output between sorting before or after the .write command on a DataFrame?
val people : DataFrame[Person]
val people : DataFrame[Person]
The different between those is explained on the comments within the code:
orderBy: Is a Dataset/Dataframe operation. Returns a new Dataset sorted by the given expressions. This is an alias of the sort function.
sortBy: Is a DataFrameWriter operation. Sorts the output in each bucket by the given columns.
The sortBy method will only work when you are also defining buckets (bucketBy). Otherwise you will get an exception:
if (sortColumnNames.isDefined && numBuckets.isEmpty) {
throw new AnalysisException("sortBy must be used together with bucketBy")
The columns defined in sortBy are used in the BucketSpec as sortColumnNames like shown below:
numBuckets – number of buckets.
bucketColumnNames – the names of the columns that used to generate the bucket id.
sortColumnNames – the names of the columns that used to sort data in each bucket.
case class BucketSpec(
numBuckets: Int,
bucketColumnNames: Seq[String],
sortColumnNames: Seq[String])
I have a Spark (version 1.6) Dataframe, and I would like to add a column with a value contained in a Scala Map, this is my simplified code:
val map = Map("VAL1" -> 1, "VAL2" -> 2)
val df2 = df.withColumn("newVal", map(col("key")))
This code doesn't work and obviously I receive the following error, because the map expecting a String value, while receiving a column:
found : org.apache.spark.sql.Column
required: String
The only way I could do that is using an UDF:
val map = Map("VAL1" -> 1, "VAL2" -> 2)
val myUdf = udf{ value:String => map(value)}
val df2 = df.withColumn("newVal", myUdf($"key"))
I want avoid the use of UDFs if possible.
Are there any other solutions available using just the DataFrame API (I would like also to avoid transforming it to RDD)?
TL;DR Just use udf.
With the version you use (Spark 1.6 according to your comment) there is no solution which doesn't require udf or map over RDD / Dataset.
In later versions you can:
use map functions (2.0 or later) to create literal MapType column
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions
val map =
Map("VAL1" -> 1, "VAL2" -> 2)
.flatMap { case (k, v) => Seq(k, v) } .map(lit) .toSeq: _*
typedLit (2.2 or later) to create literal MapType column.
val map = functions.typedLit(Map("VAL1" -> 1, "VAL2" -> 2))
and use these directly.
Reference How to add a constant column in a Spark DataFrame?
You could convert the Map to a Dataframe and use a JOIN between this and your existing dataframe. Since the Map dataframe would be very small, it should be a Broadcast Join and avoid the need for a shuffle phase.
Letting Spark know to use a broadcast join is described in this answer: DataFrame join optimization - Broadcast Hash Join
I have a Spark RDD whose entries I want to sort in an organized manner. Let's say the entry is a tuple with 3 elements (name,phonenumber,timestamp). I want to sort the entries first depending on the value of phonenumber and then depending on the value of timestamp while respecting and not changing the sort that was done based on phonenumber. (so timestamp only re-arranges based on the phonenumber sort). Is there a Spark function to do this?
(I am using Spark 2.x with Scala)
In order to do the sorting based on Multiple elements in RDD, you can use sortBy function. Please find below some sample code in Python. you can similarly implement in other languages as well.
tmp = [('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('1', 3), ('1', 4), ('2', 5)]
sc.parallelize(tmp).sortBy(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), False).collect()
You can use sortBy function on RDD as below
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
("a","1", "2017-03-10"),
("b","12", "2017-03-9"),
("b","123", "2015-03-12"),
("c","1234", "2015-03-15"),
("c","12345", "2015-03-12")
))//.toDF("name", "phonenumber", "timestamp")
df.sortBy(x => (x._1, x._3)).foreach(println)
If you have a dataframe with toDF("name", "phonenumber", "timestamp")
Then you could simply do
df.sort("name", "timestamp")
Hope this helps!
I joined 2 RDDs and now when I'm trying to access the new RDD fields I need to treat them as Tuples. It leads to code that is not so readable. I tried to use 'type' in order to create some aliases however it doesn't work and I still need to access the fields as Tuples. Any idea how to make the code more readable?
for example - when trying to filter rows in the joined RDD:
val joinedRDD = RDD1.join(RDD2).filter(x=>x._2._2._5!='temp')
I would like to use names instead of 2,5 etc.
Use pattern matching wisely.
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(List(("John", (28, true)), ("Mary", (22, true)))
val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(List(("John", List(100, 200, -20))))
.map {
case (name, ((age, isProlonged), payments)) => (name, payments.sum)
.filter {
case (name, sum) => sum > 0
res0: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((John,280))
Another option is using dataframes abstraction over RDD and writing sql queries.