Mongo - find with multiple - mongodb

Giving I have this data in my mongo collection
product_id | original_id | text
1 | "A00149" | "1280 x 1024"
1 | "A00373" | "Black"
2 | "A00149" | "1280 x 1024"
2 | "A00373" | "White"
3 | "A00149" | "1980 x 1200"
3 | "A00373" | "Black"
(I have added quotes around the values in hand - these are not in the real collection)
With the following query, Im getting 0 results, though I was expecting 1.
product_id = 1 should meet the query.
Can somebody explain me what Im doing wrong?
In SQL the where would look like this
(original_id = "A00149" AND text = "1280 x 1024")
(original_id = "A00373" AND text = "Black")
And the mongo query
"text":"1280 x 1024"

If your collection is called 'Filter' and you want a query to return the document with product_id = 1 then its simple:
db.Filter.find({"product_id" : 1})
I maybe misunderstood your question though?
db.Filter.find({$and: [{"original_id": "A00149", "text": "1280 x 1024"}, {"original_id": "A00373", "text": "Black"}]},{"product_id": 1})


Merge two lines into one using ID in Power BI

I'm using Power BI for visualize my data saved in a Mongo Database.
My records looks like that
'_id': 0,
'code_zone': "ABCD",
'type_zone': "Beautiful",
'all_coordinates': [{
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"one_coordinates": [10.11, 40.44]
"properties": {
"limite_vertical_min": "L0",
"limite_vertical_max": "L100"
When I import data on Power BI, he divides my records into 3 "tables":
Because I didn't know how can I fixe this issue, I selected this 3 tables and I linked them using id.
Actually, I can visualize that :
_id | code_zone | index_all_coordinates | index_one_coordinate | value
id0 | ABCD | 1 | 0 | 10.11
id0 | ABCD | 1 | 1 | 40.44
I'm expecting to have that :
_id | code_zone | index_all_coordinates | value_x | value_y
id0 | ABCD | 1 | 10.11 | 40.44
Is it the good solution or I have to refactor my data before the import in Power BI ?
How can I merge this two lines into one with Power BI ?
To get from the first table to the second, you can pivot on the index_one_coordinate column and then relabel those new columns 0 and 1 to value_x and value_y.

MongoDB Lookup with Match condition on join field

I am new in mongoDB and I want to do something like as below :
I have two collections :
Name | MobileNo | CountryCode
S1 | 9199123456 | 91
S2 | 9199567892 | 91
S3 | 9712345678 | 971
S4 | 9716598984 | 971
S5 | 9188687789 | 91
MobileNo | CountryCode
9199 | 91
9716 | 971
I have two queries :
1). I want to select all the documents of collection_1 which MobileNo is start
with 9199% or 9716% and CountryCode is same same.
I want to apply like condition on collection_2 result.
2). Can we use like condition and select Collection_1's documents which start with 9199% and 9716% without CountryCode join (lookup)?
I have tried for first query and done something like that
from: "Collection_2",
localField: "CountryCode",
foreignField: "CountryCode",
as: "result"
$unwind: "$CountryCode"
$match: { MobileNo : /$result.MobileNo/ }
But unable to found any records.
Can anyone help me to get below output?
Name | MobileNo | CountryCode
S1 | 9199123456 | 91
S2 | 9199567892 | 91
S4 | 9716598984 | 971
Thanks in advance.
Hemik Gajjar
I found the solution that we can substring the actual value and compare with lookup value.
Sorry, did not test query on the data
db.Collection_1.find({$or:[{"MobileNo":/^9199/}, {"MobileNo":/^9716/}]});

Optimizing MongoDB indexing multiple field with multiple query

I am new to database indexing. My application has the following "find" and "update" queries, searched by single and multiple fields
reference | timestamp | phone | username | key | Address
update x | | | | |
findOne | x | x | | |
find/limit:16 | x | x | x | |
find/limit:11 | x | | | x | x
find/limit:1/sort:-1 | x | x | | x | x
find | x | | | |
1)update({"reference":"f0d3dba-278de4a-79a6cb-1284a5a85cde"}, ……….
2)findOne({"timestamp":"1466595571", "phone":"9112345678900"})
3)find({"timestamp":"1466595571", "phone":"9112345678900", "username":"a0001a"}).limit(16)
4)find({"timestamp":"1466595571", "key":"443447644g5fff", "address":"abc road, mumbai, india"}).limit(11)
5)find({"timestamp":"1466595571", "phone":"9112345678900", "key":"443447644g5fff", "address":"abc road, mumbai, india"}).sort({"_id":-1}).limit(1)
I am creating index
db.coll.createIndex( { "reference": 1 } ) //for 1st, 6th query
db.coll.createIndex( { "timestamp": 1, "phone": 1, "username": 1 } ) //for 2nd, 3rd query
db.coll.createIndex( { "timestamp": 1, "key": 1, "address": 1, phone: 1 } ) //for 4th, 5th query
Is this the correct way?
Please help me
Thank you
I think what you have done looks fine. One way to check if your query is using an index, which index is being used, and whether the index is effective is to use the explain() function alongside your find().
For example:
will return a json document which details what index (if any) was used. In addition to this you can specify that the explain return "executionStats"
This will tell you how many index keys were examined to find the result set as well as the execution time and other useful metrics.

group_by or distinct with postgres/dbix-class

I have a posts table like so:
| id | topic_id | text | timestamp |
| 789 | 2 | foobar | 1396026357 |
| 790 | 2 | foobar | 1396026358 |
| 791 | 2 | foobar | 1396026359 |
| 792 | 3 | foobar | 1396026360 |
| 793 | 3 | foobar | 1396026361 |
How would I could about "grouping" the results by topic id, while pulling the most recent record (sorting by timestamp desc)?
I've come to the understanding that I might not want "group_by" but rather "distinct on". My postgres query looks like this:
select distinct on (topic_id) topic_id, id, text, timestamp
from posts
order by topic_id desc, timestamp desc;
This works great. However, I can't figure out if this is something I can do in DBIx::Class without having to write a custom ResultSource::View. I've tried various arrangements of group_by with selects and columns, and have tried distinct => 1. If/when a result is returned, it doesn't actually preserve the uniqueness.
Is there a way to write the query I am trying through a resultset search, or is there perhaps a better way to achieve the same result through a different type of query?
Check out the section in the DBIC Cookbook on grouping results.
I believe what you want is something along the lines of this though:
my $rs = $base_posts_rs->search(undef, {
columns => [ {topic_id=>"topic_id"}, {text=>"text"}, {timestamp=>"timestamp"} ],
group_by => ["topic_id"],
order_by => [ {-desc=>"topic_id"}, {-desc=>"timestamp"} ],
Edit: A quick and dirty way to get around strict SQL grouping would be something like this:
my $rs = $base_posts_rs->search(undef, {
columns => [
{ topic_id => \"MAX(topic_id)" },
{ text => \"MAX(text)" },
{ timestamp => \"MAX(timestamp)" },
group_by => ["topic_id"],
order_by => [ {-desc=>"topic_id"}, {-desc=>"timestamp"} ],
Of course, use the appropriate aggregate function for your need.

mongoDB distinct return multiple attributes

Is there a way to combine distinct with another command to print not only the distinct attributes but also an attribute linked to the distinct one?
For example, print only 0,foo and 1,bar from the table below.
| id | name |
| 0 | foo |
| 1 | bar |
| 1 | bar |
I am currently using
to return ids on a db and what to use that to print the mathcing names.
You can try to this one:{key:{'id':1}, initial: {sum:0}, reduce:function(doc,prev){prev.sum += 1}});
You can accomplish this with MapReduce as follows:
map = function(){
emit(",", {id:, name:})
reduce = function(key, values){
return {"id": values[0].id, "name": values[0].name};
db.mycollection.mapReduce(map, reduce, {out: "myresult_collection"})
db.myresult_collection.find({}, {value: true, _id: false})