Select Tag, undefined method `map' - forms

I have a subscriptions form where I am trying to set the plan the user has chosen, the business they would like to associate with the subscription and the payment details. In my form I use a select tag to display a list of all of the businesses and it displays properly in my view but upon save I get the following error:
undefined method `map' for #<Business:0x007f8ea7955b90>
<div class="field">
<%= select_tag :business_id, options_from_collection_for_select(#businesses, "id", "name") %>
def new
#subscription =
#plan = Plan.find(params["plan_id"])
#businesses = Business.all
def create
#subscription =
raise "Please, check subscription errors" unless #subscription.valid?
redirect_to #subscription, notice: 'Subscription was successfully created.'
rescue => e
flash[:error] = e.message
render :new
def set_subscription
#subscription = Subscription.find(params[:id])
def subscription_params
params.require(:subscription).permit(:plan_id, :business_id, :card_token, :coupon)
Am I setting up the select_tag properly? Do I need to fix my create method? Looked at other solutions on SO with little success.

Rails instantiates a new controller for every request. There's some information about that here.
This means that any instance variables you've set in new won't be available when you process the POST in create.
In your case, you are rendering the :new template in the rescue block of the create action when the new subscription fails validation. You're only getting the error at this point, not when you originally access the form.
The problem is that render :new doesn't call the new action; it just renders the template. In the case where the subscription fails validation and the form is re-rendered, the new action has never been called by this controller instance, and the instance variables do not have the values expected by the template.
Try this instead of render :new:
redirect_to new_subscription_url
This will instantiate a new controller and call the new action, so that you will be starting over with a clean slate. The instance variables needed in the new template will be assigned the correct values before the template is rendered.
As an alternative, you could set the instance variables in the rescue block:
def create
rescue => e
flash[:error] = e.message
#businesses = Business.all
render :new
Here's a similar question on Stack Overflow.
Hope that helps. Happy coding!


Find the context id inside a block in Moodle

How to get the context and context id in Moodle 2.9.1.
Currently I am in a block : Question Paper
In form submission action page I need the context id. I don't know how to get the context is inside a block (or module). My code is look like this:
global $DB, $CFG;
$cid = $_GET['id'];} //course id
$paper= $_GET['paper'];} //question paper id
How I find the context and context id here..
Inside the block get_content() function, you can get the contextid from $this->context->id.
If you have an extra PHP page within your block, you will need to make sure that any links have some sort of identifier added as a parameter (that could be the courseid, the blockid or the contextid).
Assuming all your links have the courseid at the end of them (probably the most sensible choice), on the page itself you can write:
$courseid = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // Do not use $_GET directly.
$course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $courseid], '*', MUST_EXIST); // Optional, but you often need the course object.
$context = context_course::instance($courseid);
$contextid = $context->id;

Rails 4: form object for update action for 2 models

I have a form object that handles 2 associated objects. I'm trying to get some validation working on the form object, but am not having much success.
I think the issue is that the attributes I'm validating are delegated to the model objects, but I'm not sure how else to handle this situation: when the form is displayed, these attributes need to pull from the actual models to show the values on the form in edit mode, but when I update the form, I need to validate the submitted parameters, not the values being pulled from the models themselves.
One thought I have is using a EditBorrowerForm object that pulls attributes from associated models and a UpdateBorrowerForm that performs all the validations and updates the models. But that seems like a lot of extra work for something trivial.
I've seen a lot of form objects used for CREATE actions (where you only validate fields before passing them to the models), but haven't seen any good examples of UPDATE actions (where you need to both pull fields from models as well as update them).
Here are the models I'm working with:
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :borrowers
class Borrower < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :client
And my form object:
class BorrowerForm
include ActiveModel::Model
attr_accessor :client, :borrower
delegate :first_name, :last_name, :date_of_birth, to: :client
delegate :citizenship, :marital_status, to: :borrower
validates :first_name, :last_name, :citizenship, presence: true
def initialize(borrower)
#borrower = borrower
#client = #borrower.client
def update_attributes(params)
# Never validates properly...
if valid?
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
borrower.update_attributes(params.slice(:citizenship, :marital_status)
client.update_attributes(params.slice(:first_name, :last_name, :date_of_birth)
And the controller:
class BorrowersController < ApplicationController
def edit
#borrower =[:id])
def update
#borrower =[:id])
if #borrower.update_attributes(params)
redirect_to :index
render :edit

Validation on DataTable when new row is added

When a new row was added programmatically using an auto generated method on my strongly typed DataTable, How can I fire my custom validation which validate the maxleng of my field?
My client (C#)
DAL.ImportMarcDataSet.PublicationsRow newRow = importMarcDataSet.Publications.NewPublicationsRow();
newRow.CallNumber ="QA76.76.A65";
newRow.Title = "Programming WCF services";
newRow.ISBN = "0596526997";
My Data Access Layer (VB)
Partial Class ImportMarcDataSet
Partial Class PublicationsDataTable
Private Sub CallNumberMaxLength(ByVal pRow As PublicationsRow)
If pRow.CallNumber.Length > 25 Then
pRow.SetColumnError("CallNumber", "The value entered is over the maximum length")
pRow.SetColumnError("CallNumber", "")
End If
End Sub
'this event is ok when user made changes to the CallNumber column of the current row
Private Sub PublicationsDataTable_ColumnChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventArgs) Handles Me.ColumnChanged
If e.Column Is Me.CallNumberColumn Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Class
You can handle the table's RowChanging event. When the DataRowChangeEventArgs.Action is equal to Add or one of the change... actions do your validation.
It has been a long time since I did this, but I believe you can even cancel the edit if needed by calling CancelEdit on the DataRowChangeEventArgs.Row. Check the documentation. See Handling DataTable Events (ADO.NET) at
The TableNewRow will not help because it is only raised when NewRow is called.

MVC2 Add Collection of Object to Another Object

Not sure if this has been asked before, but I have an object (Restaurant) and I have a details view of that restaurant. On that details view, I want to have a list of cuisines that the restaurant offers. I want to also have a dropdownlist of the available cuisines and have the ability to click an "Add" button and it adds that cuisine to the Restaurant. I have a RestaurantCuisine table (using Entity Framework) that has a foreign key of the ID of the cuisine from a Cuisine table that has a primary key of ID.
So, now, my question, how do I do this? I sortof understand the concept behind the Create view and then the Create view post, but in this case, I'm not posting back the Restaurant object. So, how do I get the restaurant ID and the Cuisine ID so that I can add that to the restaurant cuisine collection?
Ok, so, now after investigating more, I believe I have asked the wrong question. My actual issue, is that I have a View that displays a Restaurant's details and I have a Details function in my controller for it. This works fine. The next step I want to do is have a dropdownlist with available Cuisines that this restaurant offers and have an 'Add' button next to it. And if you click on the 'Add' button, it adds the value of the item in the dropdownlist to the collection of cuisines setup in the Restaurant object.
Is this "easily" possible? I'm beginning to lose my faith in MVC2 :(
Ok, last try here. Let me ask this, does anyone know how to have a dropdownlist (I have now got this created) and have an "Add" button next to it, and get the selected value from that dropdownlist?
For those of you attempting to use VB.Net with MVC, I'm saying a prayer for you. It's rough. There are rarely any examples, and some syntax is not available that IS available in C#. So, as far as the answer to my original question. It seems as though it was my inexperience that caused the instant flare of the question.
After analying my problem, I figured out a way around it. First of all, let me clarify what I was attempting to do then explain what I did. The goal was to have an object (Restaurant in my case). And I wanted to have a list of properties (cuisines in my case) displayed on the Details view that I could assign to that object (Restaurant). The properties were cuisines that I had setup in a Cuisines table (CuisineId, Name, Description) and when you add a cuisine to a restaurant, it writes a record in another table RestaurantCuisine (RestaurantCuisineId, RestaurantId, CuisineId). So, getting the list of cuisines was the first task and have them display in a dropdownlist. That was done by creating a SelectList of cuisines in the Details view function by creating a CuisineRepository and calling a function that gets a list of all cuisines:
Dim cuiss As New CuisineRepository()
ViewData("Cuisines") = New SelectList(cuiss.FindAllCuisines().ToList(), "CuisineId", "Name")
Once you have this setup as a SelectList, it's easy to display that on the view by doing the following:
<br />
<%= Html.DropDownList("Cuisines")%>
So, the problem after this was the real problem. I wanted to have an ActionLink that would be bound to the value of the DropDownList. I was unsuccessful in this attempt. But luckily, my jQuery is not dusty so I performed a little magic by doing the following:
<script type="text/Javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#Cuisines').change(function (e) {
function setHref(val) {
if (val) {
$("#addCuisine").attr('href', '/Restaurant/AddCuisine/' + $('#RestaurantId').val() + '?cuisineId=' + val);
<br />
<%= Html.DropDownList("Cuisines")%>
<a id="addCuisine" href="">Add</a>
So, as you can see, I simply modify the href of the anchor as the user changes the selected Cuisine. Then, in my controller, I have a function setup to add a cuisine and to remove a cuisine from a restaurant:
Function AddCuisine(ByVal id As Guid, ByVal cuisineId As String) As ActionResult
If ModelState.IsValid Then
'Dim selcuisInp As HtmlInputHidden = ViewData("SelectedCuisine")
Dim selectedCuisineId As Guid = New Guid(cuisineId)
Dim rc As New RestaurantCuisine
rc.RestaurantCuisineId = Guid.NewGuid
rc.RestaurantId = id
rc.CuisineId = selectedCuisineId
'rc.CuisineId = New Guid(selList.SelectedValue.ToString)
rc.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now()
'rc.CreatedBy =
End If
Return RedirectToAction("Details", New With {.id = id})
Catch e As Exception
Dim innerE As String = e.InnerException.ToString
Return RedirectToAction("Details", New With {.id = id})
End Try
End Function
Function DeleteRestaurantCuisine(ByVal id As Guid) As ActionResult
Dim rc = (From rcs In db.RestaurantCuisines
Where rcs.RestaurantCuisineId = id
Select rcs).Single()
Dim rid As Guid = rc.RestaurantId
Return RedirectToAction("Details", New With {.id = rid})
Catch ex As Exception
Return RedirectToAction("Details", New With {.id = rid})
End Try
End Function
Notice the RedirectToAction. I had to pass the id of the object (Restaurant) that the Details view required and couldn't find the syntax anywhere. Finally, after a while of searching, found this site that the guy has a few examples of controllers and luckily he gives examples of both C# and VB. To add routeValues to the RedirectToAction, you declare a new list, and use an inline with and add your values with a period (.) preceding them:
Return RedirectToAction("Details", New With {.id = rid})
I hope this helps someone. It sure made the difference in my decision to use MVC. I am 100% sold even though I know I'm going to run into many roadblocks along the way.

Zend Avoid submit button value in GET parameters in url

I have a form, created with Zend_Form, with method = GET used for searching records with elements as below:
user name [input type="text" name="uname"]
[input type="submit" value="Search" name="search"]
After form is submitted all the GET parameters along with submit button value are appearing in the url.
How to avoid submit button value appearing in the url? is custom routing the solution ?
When you create your element, you can simply remove the name attribute that was automatically set at creation
$submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('search')->setAttrib('name', '');
Or inside a Zend_Form
// Input element
$submit = $this->createElement('submit', 'search')->setAttrib('name', '');
// Or Button element
$submit = $this->createElement('button', 'search')->setAttribs(array
'name' => '', 'type' => 'submit',
When a form gets submitted, all of its elements with their names and values become a part of a GET / POST - query.
So, if you don't want an element to appear in your GET - query, all you need to do is to create this element without a name. That's probably not the best approach, but since we're talking about the 'submit' element, I guess it doesn't matter that much.
Looking at Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit helper, you can see that it's creating the 'submit' element and setting its name. So, the possible solution would be to create your own view helper and use it for rendering the 'submit' element instead of the default helper.
You can set a custom helper with
$element->setAttribs( array('helper' => 'My_Helper_FormSubmit') );
Then build your own form element class and remove the name attribute from the element with preg_replace. The beauty of it is, it will not interfere with the other decorators.
So the something like this:
class My_Button extends Zend_Form_Element_Submit
public function render()
return preg_replace('/(<input.*?)( name="[^"]*")([^>]*>)/', "$1$3", parent::render(), 1);
You can remove name attribute for submit button in javascript.
jQuery example:
In the controller that represents the form's action, redirect to another (or the same controller) only including the relevant params.
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
if isset($params['search'])
return $this->_helper->Redirector->setGotoSimple('thisAction', null, null, $params);
handle form here
This is basically the same idea as Post/Redirect/Get except that you want to modify the request (by unsetting a parameter) in between the different stages, instead of doing something persistent (the images on that Wiki-page shows inserting data into a database).
If I were you, I would leave it in. IMO it's not worth an extra request to the webserver.