Egit listed every file that was built in compare view after I run Ant to build the project - eclipse

I would know how to set up Eclipse so I can compare with my local project with head revision on remote server with EGit. Here is the situation: I imported a new project with Egit smoothly. However, I want to compare with head revision or a commit with my local project after I did some change. To my surprise, the eclipse listed every file in Build directory after I run ant to build the project. The file that I really updated was not even listed in compare with view. I attach a screen snapshot to show what is going on. Can anybody tell me how to set up compare with in eclipse?
Thanks a lot!

I faced the same issue.
Delete the .gitignore file (if present)in your directory. Refresh
Add files to Index.
The .gitignore specifies the pattern which will decide whether to ignore a path.
Note: Deleting the .gitignore is harmles and will show each and every change made in your repository including whitespaces.
Adding files to Index: will check for the new files and changes made, stages these files.
Thank You. I hope this will be helpful to you.


Eclipse Team Synchronizing View: How to remove unversioned items in outgoing changes?

While viewing the outgoing changes in Eclipse Team Synchronization(Subclipse), I am able to see the unversioned files also, like the generated class files, build folders, etc, which I do not want to see in this view. I dont want to add it to svn:ignore, since I have to do it manually for all the additional folders generated.
Is there any setting to change this to show only versioned files in this mode always?
Tortoise SVN client shows this option while committing, to show only versioned files. I am looking for such an option in Subclipse Team Synchronization view. Thanks in advance.
You should svn:ignore build folders.
Otherwise it's only a question of time until you or your colleague checks in the build folder
You should use svn:ignore, and note that once you do for a folder, all child folders are automatically ignored. In your example, if the build folder were ignored then everything inside it would automatically be ignored. It looks like your build folder has already been added to repository though, so maybe you can ignore the dist folder inside bin.

How to add to git index with JBoss Tools

I've created a new project on OpenShift and cloned it locally. But now i'm having problems adding new files and folders to git index. Right click on the new folder (with files and subfolders) in project explorer and choosing Team -> Add to Index, changes nothing. And if i try to commit, Eclipse says that there aren't any changes... (If i only update existing files, everything seems to be fine).
What could be the problem?
Make sure that you have the "Git Staging" view open, and right click on the file in your Unstaged Changes and Select "Add to Index", also make sure that the file is not empty, it did not show up as a staged file until after i added some content to it, even after I had added the file. (Can't add empty files or directories to git with EGit maybe?)
this sounds like EGit missing new files. I'd love to know a bit more about your setup:
Where did you clone to, where is your Eclipse workspace?
To make sure your git setup is right I suggest that you do the same with the git command line:
cd [git-repo]
git status
Git status should list the new files and tell us that they're not added yet. If they get listed, then we know that your git is set up right and we can get back to Eclipse to try to figure out what's wrong with it.
Found out what the problem was (kind of stupid though). The folder that contained new content was listed in .gitignore ... but that file isn't accessible through eclipse, i had to look it up on filesystem. I also don't have a clue, how that line came to .gitignore...
Well, that's it...

.so files are not committing to SVN

Possible duplicate
I fail to commit a .so library file using subclipse
I am developing an android application and in that I am trying to add some .so files from UlraliteJ framework. When I googled, I could see that .so files are ignored by SVN by default. So, I uncomment the line global-ignores in the config file of /.subversion folder as per this example
But, even then I was not able to commit them.
After that, I found the above post, so following that, I manually added .so files to version control and they have been added now.
But, now my problem is that they are not getting committed to SVN still. It fails with the following message,
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: File not found: transaction '1635-1c5', path '/SVNfolder/trunk/OS_Android/SVNProject/libs/armeabi/'
If any body knows the answer, can you please share it with me
Here is my solution to this annoying problem using Eclipse and SVN
select the "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective.
choose the right folder where the .so files should be in the "SVN Repositories" view.
right click and choose the "import" menu
in the pop out dialog, choose a local path which containing the .so files, input the commit comment and hit OK button.
now the .so file are at the correct position.
Finally, I am able to commit after a day of effort. Thanks to this guy,
SVN: Folder already under version control but not comitting?
All you need to do is, take a back up of your project. Go to the problematic folder. In my case it was armeabi folder inside /lib of my project. View hidden files. There will be a .svn folder. Delete that.
Then revert back the .so files, clean the project. Add them back to the version control. Now along with the files, one more file named is also created. Don't worry. Just commit the whole folder. Thus it is committed now.
How ever, I din't exactly know the need for deleting .svn folder.

SCM (SVN) Issue With Added Folders

I'm new with Xcode SCM tool. I would like to ask one question to you guys in detail.
We (Guy-A and Guy-B) working on the same SVN repository project through Xcode SCM tool.
We checked out the code and Guy-A added a folder to the project as SampleFileAdded to his local mapped version (please refer Figure1) and he added & committed to the SVN repository fine.
After that Guy-B updated / got latest version from SVN .
Here is the issue.Guy-B's project local mapped folder now contains the latest folder that Guy-A is added. However it didn't link with his Xcode folder structure.Guy-B need to drag the folder to his Xcode to link it with project.
May I know how can I avoid this step. Any help on this is appreciated.
Guy-A Local Machine
Guy-B Local Machine After Updated
On adding the folder to the project the project file will have been modified. It looks like somehow this was not committed, hence the problem.
Did you use File > Source Control > Commit… or select the (apparently) modified set of files and commit those? The former method will catch everything - sometimes Xcode fails to mark files as modified in the project window, and sometimes you'll even notice the count of files in the commit dialog is greater than the number listed in the dialog...
File > Source Control > Commit… should catch everything, even if it is not immediately apparent that it has. (Use an svn client, such as svnX, or svn in a terminal window to determine exactly what was/needs to be committed.)
Have Guy-A committed the project file too ? that is .xcodeproj . Please try to commit project file too then you need not to drag the folder after update.

SVN: Cannot commit 'x' and 'y' as they refer to the same URL?

I'm trying to do a commit on my project and am running into the following error. Pay close attention to the path:
Commit failed (details follow):
Cannot commit both
as they refer to the same URL
How in the world did this happen? I never had my source files in the bin path in Eclipse! What can I do to fix it? Please tell me there's something better than checking it out again and replacing all of the files. I have 191 Java files alone, not to mention resources and Eclipse files.
I know it's over a year since you posted this, but this may help someone else. I've just gone through the same issue. I eventually traced it back to the project setup on Eclipse. In my case what happened is the build process within eclipse was "building"/copying ALL files in the source folder to the build folder. This caused the .svn directory from the source to be copied to the build folder and this is how Subversion gets mixed up. If you check the paths via RepoBrowser (I am using Tortoise in a Windows environment) the paths point to the correct directories (source and build), but if you run "svn info" from within the directory on your local machine you will find that the source and build directory point to the same URL (hence the message).
Once I realised the problem was within Eclipse and not specific to Subversion it was easy to search for a solution. You need to add "**/.svn/" to the source exclusions in the Java Build Path of the Source tab:
Project --> Properties --> Java Build Path.
Try this:
Go to C:\Development\Project\branches\nextver\project\bin\ and delete .svn if you see one. And then try committing.
I think somehow stuff in the src including the .svn got copied to bin making both of them seem like they are from the same url in the server. Of course you don't want that. You may want to correct your build settings.
The solution was to delete and ignore my bin dirs from my local copy. Again. Tortoise SVN seemed to forget that I had done that before and I didn't notice that the bin dirs had crept in, leading to this problem. After resolving several other problems it threw in my path (source trees in conflict, etc.), I managed to get it to commit.
I did first try deleting the .svn folder from the bin dirs, but all that did was cause it to complain that the bin dir was no longer under source control and halt.
In my case I had a config file that was shared between two projects but I had updated the file (with the same changes) in both projects.
SVN can't commit as it thinks there are two different sets of changes to be committed to the same file.
So I reverted one of the copies and then I was able to commit.