Why it's not enough to prevent SQL injection from front-end? - sql-injection

All most all the resources about preventing SQL injection are talking about preventing it from fron-end and back-end ,with database level. Why do we need to do all those things?
Is it not enough to do it from front end, by just preventing the user from sending malicious SQL codes as inputs.

Because most client-side code can be bypassed since it executes on the client's machine. Basically any code that protects against bad input on the client-side is there to provide better feedback for an honest user and also to reduce low-hanging fruit type of attacks.
The back-end code is there to make sure any malicious user who bypassed your front-end security (with a crafted http request or w/e) will not be able to inject bad input into one of your SQL dynamic query. This is usually achieved by sanitizing input on the back-end and using parameterized queries.

Just because you button up your front-end doesn't guarantee SQL Injection safety. All the front end does is show pretty things to the user. The back end is where all the work is done and because the front-end must talk to the back-end in some way means you have a potential security issue.
I don't know if your application will be Winforms or a Web application, but that doesn't matter. I can use a program such as Process Explorer to manipulate the data that gets sent to your back-end, if its a Windows application.
If its a web application, then, similarly, I can use a tool such as Fiddler to manipulate the data that gets sent to your back end.
Moral of the story is always button up your back end and never let your back end assume that the data its getting from the front end is hunky dory!

Defense in-depth is a really, really good thing. Consider this, your app takes values as parameters to a query or perhaps even take user input to form a query. You do the right thing at the app level to correctly escape the input so injection attempts do nothing there and data is safely read or written to the database. Now, what if
the data that is written to the database itself is malicious code? The next stored procedure that reads from the table may now be executing random code.
the application code passes the "safe" data to the backend which is then used in a stored procedure or function (e.g. de-serialize, cast, etc...). Once again, you could be executing malicious code.
You could argue that instead of escaping the input, you could parse the input at the app level to strip/reject certain value, strongly type, regex everywhere, etc... but there are many situations where these restriction cannot be implemented because the app is intended to support free-flow text that may legitimately have suspicious looking characters especially if you support international character sets. (E.g. names, descriptions, notes, etc...).
Finally, do/should/can DBAs really count on the app or app dev to get everything right every time?


Invoking a script as part of a web api method : how bad an idea is it?

I have a powershell script (but I think these considerations could be extended to any script that requires a runtime to interpret and execute it) that does what I also need to expose to a web application front end as a REST API to be called and I've been asked to call directly the script itself from the web method but although technically feasible, having a web api method that starts a shell/process to execute the script and redirecting stdin/stdout/stderr looks like a very bad practice to me. Is there any specific security risk in doing something like this?
Reading this question brings to mind how many of the OWASP Top Ten Security Vulnerabilities it would expose your site to.
Injection Flaws - This is definitely a high risk. There are ways to remediate it, of course. Parameterizing all input with strongly-typed dates and numbers instead of strings is one method that can be used, but it may not fit with your business case. You should never allow user-provided code to be executed, but if you are accepting strings as input and running a script against that input, it becomes very difficult to prevent arbitrary code execution.
Broken Authentication - possibly vulnerable. If you force a user to authenticate before reaching your script (you probably should), there is a chance that the user reuses their credentials elsewhere and exposes those credentials to a brute force attack. Do you lock out accounts after too many tries? Do you have two-factor authentication? Do you allow weak passwords? These are all considerations when you introduce a new authentication mechanism.
Sensitive data exposure - likely vulnerable, depending on your script. Does the script allow reading files and returning their contents? If not now, will it do so in the future? Even if it's never designed to do so, combined with other exploits the script might be able to read a file from a path that's outside the web directory. It's very difficult to prevent directory traversal exploits that would allow a malicious user access to your server, or even the entire network. Compiled code and the web server prevent this in many cases.
XML External Entities - possibly vulnerable, depending on your requirements. If you allow user-provided XML, the bad guy can inject other files and create havoc. This is easier to trap when you're using standard web tools.
Broken Access Control - definitely vulnerable. A Web API application can enforce user controls, and set permission levels in a C# controller. Exceptions are handled with HTTP status codes that indicate the request was not allowed. In contrast, Powershell executes within the security context of the logged in user, and allows system-level changes even if not running escalated. If an injection flaw is exploited, the code would be executed in the web server's security context, not the user's. You may be surprised how much the IIS_USER (or other Application Pool service account) can do. For one, if the bad guy is executing in the context of a service account, they might be able to bring down your whole site with a single request by locking out that account or changing the password - a task that's much easier with a Powershell script than with compiled C# code.
Security Misconfiguration - likely vulnerable. A running script would require it's own security configuration outside whatever framework you are using for the Web API. Are you ready to re-implement something like OAuth Claims or ACLs?
Cross-Site Scripting - likely vulnerable. Are you echoing the script output? If you're not sanitizing input and output, the script could echo some Javascript that sends a user's cookie content to a malicious server, giving them access to all the user's resources. Cross site request forgery is also a risk if input is not validated.
Insecure Deserialization - Probably not vulnerable.
Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities - greatly increased vulnerability, compared to compiled. Powershell grants access to a whole set of libraries that would otherwise need explicit references in a compiled application.
Insufficient Logging & Monitoring - likely vulnerable. IIS logs requests by default, but Powershell doesn't log anything unless you explicitly write to a file or start a transcript. Neither method is designed for concurrency and may introduce performance or functional problems for shared files.
In short, 9 out of the top 10 Vulnerabilities may affect this implementation. I would hope that would be enough to prevent you making your script public, at the very least. Basically the problem is that you're using the tool (Powershell) for a purpose it wasn't intended to fulfill.

Using GET verb to update in rest api?

I know the use of http verbs is based on standard specification. But my question if I use "GET" for update operations and write a code logic to update, does it create issues in any scenario? Apart from the standard, what else could be the reason to use these verbs for a specific purpose only?
my question if I use "GET" for update operations and write a code logic to update, does it create issues in any scenario?
A simple example - suppose the network between the client and the server is unreliable; specifically, for a time, HTTP responses are being lost. A general purpose component (like a web proxy) might time out, and then, noticing that the method token of the request is GET, resend the request a second/third/fourth time, with your server performing its update on every GET request.
Let us further assume that these multiple update operations lead to an undesirable outcome; where do we properly affix blame?
Second example: you send someone a copy of the link to the update operation, so that they can send you a request at the appropriate time. But suppose you send that link to them in an email, and the email client recognizes the uri and (as a performance optimization) pre-fetches the link, triggering your update operation too early. Where do we properly affix the blame?
HTTP does not attempt to require the results of a GET to be safe. What it does is require that the semantics of the operation be safe, and therefore it is a fault of the implementation, not the interface or the user of that interface, if anything happens as a result that causes loss of property -- Fielding, 2002
In these, and other examples, blame is correctly affixed to your server, because GET has a standardized meaning which include the constraint that the semantics of the request are safe.
That's not to say that you can't have side effects when handling a GET request; "hit counters" are almost as old as the web itself. You have a lot of freedom in your implementation; so long as you respect the uniform interface, there won't be too much trouble.
Experience report: one of our internal tools uses GET requests to trigger scheduling; in our carefully controlled context (which is not web scale), we get away with it, and have for a very long time.
To borrow your language, there are certainly scenarios that would give us problems; but given our controls we manage to avoid them.
I wouldn't like our chances, though, if requests started coming in from outside of our carefully controlled context.
I think it's a decent question. You're asking a hypothetical: is there any value to doing the right other than that's we agree to use GET for fetching? e.g.: is there value beyond the fact that it's 'semantically nice'. A similar question in HTML might be: "Is it ok to use a <div> with an onclick instead of a <button>? (the answer is no).
There certainly is. Clients, servers and intermediates all change their behavior depending on what method is used. Even if your server can process GET for updates, and you build a client that uses this, your browser might still get confused.
If you are interested in this subject, don't ask on a forum; read the spec. The HTTP specification tells you what clients, servers and proxies should do when they encounter certain methods, statuses and headers.
Start at RFC7231

How exactly does backend work from a developer perspective?

Theres a ton of videos and websites trying to explain backend vs frontend, but unfortunately none of them explains it in a way that you know how to develop a backend - driven website (at least I haven't found anything good).
So, I wanted to ensure that I understood it and kindly ask you to confirm or correct me on this topic.
I wanted to build Mini - Google. I have a Database containing 1000 stored websites.
Assumption #1:
Everytime I type something into the search bar, the autofill suggestions change. This means, everytime i type, another website / API gets called returning the current autofill suggestions. On a developer site, this means the website e.g. is a Python script which gets called with the current word typed in as a Parameter and is returning all suggestions as e.g. JSON:
// Client Side Script
function ontype(input):
suggestions = get("https://api.googlemini.com/suggestions?q=" + str(input))
Assumption #2:
This also means I could manually call the website containing the Python script, providing a random word and it would always return a JSON containing the autofill suggestions for that word.
Question #1:
If A#1 turns out true but A#2 turns out false, how could I prevent a user from randomly accessing the "API" while still returning results when called by a script?
Assumption #3:
After pressing enter, my website googlemini.com/search?... would be called. As google.com/search reloads everytime searching for a new query (or going to page 2 etc.), I assume, instead of calling an API, when the server gets the client request, it first searches through its database, sorts the results and then returns a whole html as a static webpage:
// Server Side Script
function oncall():
query = getparam("q")
results = searchdatabase(query)
html = buildhtml(results)
return html
Question #2:
Often, I hear (or at least understand it this way) that database and webserver are 2 seperate servers. How would that work? Wouldn't that mean the database server needs to be accessible to the web too (of course it would have security layers etc., but technically it would)? How could I access the database server from the webserver?
Question #3:
Are there, on a technical basis, any other ways to build backend services?
That's it. I would also appreciate any recommendations like videos, websites or others to learn how to technically setup and / or secure backend servers.
Thanks in advance.
For your first question you can yes there is a way to prevent miss use.
What you can do is add identifier to api like Auth token to identify a user and every time a user access the api you can save the count on the server n whenever the count has exceeded a limit within a time span you can reject the call. And the limit can be set in such a way that it doesn't trouble the honest user and punishes the wrong one. There are even more complex and effective methods but this is the basic idea.
For question number to let me explain you a simple concept a database is a very efficient, resourcefull and expensive data storage solution we never want it to be used in a general sense as varible store or something. We always want to access the database in call get the data process the data update the data. So we do it data way and its not necessary you make sepreate server for data base. The thing is we mostly make databse to be accessible to various platforms android, ios, windows. So its better to add some abstraction and keep data base as a separte entity.
For the last, I am not well aware about what you meant by other but I am listing some backend teechnologies, some of these might be used in isolation some of these not some other tools as well.
Djnago rest

Restful business logic on property update

I'm building a REST API and I'm trying to keep it as RESTful as possible, but some things are still not quite clear for me. I saw a lot of topic about similar question but all too centered about the "simple" problem of updating data, my issue is more about the business logic around that.
My main issue is with business logic triggered by partial update of a model. I see a lot of different opinion online about PATCH methods, creating new sub-ressources or adding action, but it often seems counter productive with the REST approach of keeping URI simple and structured.
I have some record that need to be proceeded ( refused, validated, partially validated ..etc ), each change trigger additional actions.
If it's refused, an email with the reason should be sent
if it's partially validated, the link to fulfill the missing data is sent
if it's validated some other ressources must be created.
There is a few other change that can be made to the status but this is enough for the example.
What would be a RESTful way to do that ?
My first idea would be to create actions :
POST /record/:id/refuse
POST /record/:id/validate ..etc
It seems RESTful to me but too complicated, and moreover, this approach means having multiple route performing essentially the same thing : Update one field in the record object
I also see the possibility of a PATCH method like :
PATCH /record/:id in which I check if the field to update is status, and the new value to know which action to perform.
But I feel it can start to be too complex when I will have the need to perform similar action for other property of the record.
My last option, and I think maybe the best but I'm not sure if it's RESTful, would be to use a sub-ressource status and to use PUT to update it :
PUT /record/:id/status, with a switch on the new value.
No matter what the previous value was, switching to accepted will always trigger the creation, switching to refused will always trigger the email ...etc
Are those way of achieving that RESTful and which one make more sense ? Is there other alternative I didn't think about ?
What would be a RESTful way to do that ?
In HTTP, your "uniform interface" is that of a document store. Your Rest API is a facade, that takes messages with remote authoring semantics (PUT/POST/PATCH), and your implementation produces useful work as a side effect of its handling of those messages.
See Jim Webber 2011.
I have some record that need to be proceeded ( refused, validated, partially validated ..etc ), each change trigger additional actions.
So think about how we might do this on the web. We GET some resource, and what is returned is an html representation of the information of the record and a bunch of forms that describe actions we can do. So there's a refused form, and a validated form, and so on. The user chooses the correct form to use in the browser, fills in any supplementary information, and submits the form. The browser, using the HTML form processing rules, converts the form information into an HTTP request.
For unsafe operations, the form is configured to use POST, and the browsers therefore know that the form data should be part of the message-body of the request.
The target-uri of the request is just whatever was used as the form action -- which is to say, the representation of the form includes in it the information that describes where the form should be submitted.
As far as the browser and the user are concerned, the target-uri can be anything. So you could have separate resources to handle validate messages and refused messages and so on.
Caching is an important idea, both in REST and in HTTP; HTTP has specific rules baked into it for cache invalidation. Therefore, it is often the case that you will want to use a target-uri that identifies the document you want the client to reload if the command is successful.
So it might go something like this: we GET /record/123, and that gives us a bunch of information, and also some forms describing how we can change the record. So fill one out, submit it successfully, and now we expect the forms to be gone - or a new set of forms to be available. Therefore, it's the record document itself that we would expect to be reloading, and the target-uri of the forms should be /record/123.
(So the API implementation would be responsible for looking at the HTTP request, and figuring out the meaning of the message. They might all go to a single /record/:id POST handler, and that code looks through the message-body to figure out which internal function should do the work).
PUT/PATCH are the same sort of idea, except that instead of submitting forms, we send edited representations of the resource itself. We GET /record/123, change the status (for example, to Rejected), and then send a copy of our new representation of the record to the server for processing. It would therefore be the responsibility of the server to examine the differences between its representation of the resource and the new provided copy, and calculate from them any necessary side effects.
My last option, and I think maybe the best but I'm not sure if it's RESTful, would be to use a sub-resource status and to use PUT to update it
It's fine -- think of any web page you have ever seen where the source has a link to an image, or a link to java script. The result is two resources instead of one, with separate cache entries for each -- which is great, when you want fine grained control over the caching of the resources.
But there's a trade - you also need to fetch more resources. (Server-push mitigates some of this problem).
Making things easier on the server may make things harder on the client - you're really trying to find the design with the best balance.

How can you debug stored javascript functions in MongoDB?

I'm thinking of moving some workflow logic from C# code to stored JS in MongoDB (for example, wen a user sends a message, a bunch or records is to be created in different collections, which right now I do in C#), but I'm concerned whether I would be able to debug that JS code if things don't work correctly.
There isn't a particular facility for that. One thing you could do is run some of that code in the mongo shell, which can execute exactly the same javascript as the server. The shell doesn't have a debugger but with its interactive prompt it would be much easier to try things, inspect variables, etc.
Personally I would not necessarily recommend moving code into the server. Note it is possible to send several write operations (such as inserts) in a row and then after sending several ask for a single acknowledgement. Thus that scenario is not necessarily slow even if there is some nontrivial network latency.
Alternatively you could run C# code on the same server as the mongod process and thereby get extremely low latency on turnarounds of requests. One way to do that would be to make a web server that is written in C# and encapsulates the logic suggested above.
I guess you can write some debug information into separate collection and see how things are going, but it seems to me that actual debugging is not possible.