Format Dates in Crystal report - date

I am new to crystal reports. I have a report on which there are two date fields : Benefit Start & Benefit End Dates.
I have to compare the age of the employees.
If age>65 years, Benefit Start date should be 20160101.
If age<65 years, Benefit Start date should be first day of the month effective.
eg: if the date is '09/21/2015', the output should be'09/01/2015'.
Similarly for benefit End Date,
If age<65 years, Benefit End date should be last day of the month effective.
eg: if the date is '09/02/2015', the output should be 09/30/2015.
How do I hard code the days in dates so that I get the first day & last day of the months for the two fields?
Please help me
Thanks in advance.

date(year({effectivedate})+1,1,1) -- returns Jan 1 of following year
date(year({effectivedate}),month({effectivedate}),1) -- returns first day of month for effective date
date(year(dateadd('m',1,{effectivedate})),month(dateadd('m',1,{effectivedate})),1)-1 -- returns last day of effective month
I hope... I didnt test

try this:
Start date:
DateSerial (YEAR(Cdate(datefield)),MONTH(Cdate(datefield)) ,1 );
End Date:
DateADD("d",-1,DateAdd ("m",1 ,Cdate(datefield) ))


How to calculate the last week of every month?

I've been having a look around but I can't seem to find anything that answers this question. I want to calculate the date for the last week of every month. For example, the date for the last week of April 2021 is 26-04-2021. I want a date, not a week number.
I use Google Big Query, I do have a calendar table I could use to extract year and month.
Try date_trunc:
SELECT date_trunc(last_day(month1st, month), week(monday))
from unnest(GENERATE_DATE_ARRAY('2021-01-01', '2021-12-01', interval 1 month)) AS month1st;

TSQL ISO Month Week Number for ISO Year Week Number

Using TSQL I need to get the ISO Week Number in a Month for a give ISO Year Week Number.
For example: The following code will give me Week #1 for 12/31/2001, which is correct. It is the first Monday in 2002 and the first day of the ISO Year 2002.
select DATEPART(ISO_WEEK, '12-31-2001'); --Week 1 January 2002
My question is how do I...
(1) Take the ISO Week Number Example: ISO Year Week Number: 14 for April 4, 2016 (April Week #1).
(2) Now Take ISO Year Week Number 14 and return April Month Week Number = 1 for the example above.
There seems to be nothing in SQL Server to get the ISO Month Week# from the ISO Year Week Number. I have a function I wrote but it is has some hacks to get it to work, but not 100%.
I think you want something like this... but am not sure why you need the ISO_WEEK. Just replace getdate() with your column.
select datepart(wk, getdate()) - datepart(wk,dateadd(m, DATEDIFF(M, 0, getdate()), 0)) + 1
After attempting to handle getting ISO Month Week Number in functions I decided an easier solution was to create an ISO_Calendar table in SQL Sever.
We know in TSQL you can get the ISO Year Week Number and some a bit of work the ISO Year Number. The ISO Month Week Number is another story.
I build the table shown below with data from 2000 to 2040 by populating all the columns other than the ISO Month number. Then on a second pass I looped through the table and set the ISO Month number based on the Month# in the Monday Date.
Now if I want to get the ISO Month number for a date I check #Date between Monday and Sunday. In my case I am only concerned with dates between Monday and Friday since this is for a stock analysis site.
select #ISOMonthWeekNo = c.ISOMonthWeekNo
from ISO_Calendar c
where #TransDate between c.Monday and c.Sunday;
The advantage is the table is a one time build and easier to verify the accuracy of the data.

How to get total experience in terms of date object

I have a condition here in which I will have total experience in terms of month and year. For example, two drop down will be there for asking total number of experience in month and year. So if I am working from 1 Jan 2012, then I will write total experience as 3 year and 11 months. Now I have to convert this 3 year and 11 months into date format so that I can save this into database
You could use java.util.Calendar:
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, month);
calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, year);
Date date = calendar.getTime();
As a word of caution, the day field would be set to today's date. Check the intended behaviour if the current day is outside of the bounds for the target month. For example, setting the month to February when calendar has a day field of 30. It might be wise to set the day to a known, valid value for every month (eg: 1) before setting the month and year.
Use DATE_SUB() function:
Try this:
You can use mysql's date_sub() function or <date> - interval <expression> unit syntax to subtract an interval from a date.
select date_sub(curdate(),interval '3-11' YEAR_MONTH) as start_date
Following the conversation between the OP and #eggyal, the OP need to replace the period in the incoming data with - and construct an insert statement as follows:
insert into mytable (...,join_date,...) values (...,date_sub(curdate(),interval '3-11' YEAR_MONTH),...)

first and last business day date formula in crystal for monthly report

Could some one please help me to mention First working day date and Last working Day Date of last month in Crystal Repoerts (8.5),
I need to use last month's first and last business day date for monthly report generation on first working day of the month.
In record selection I would like to give condition on value date, so that records will be only from earlier month.
For example if today is 1st jul 2014 (01-07-2014) then i shall get formula in record selection on Value date (say field is Value_Date) as,
first day of earlier month: 02-06-2014
last day of earlier month: 30-06-2014
Assuming Value_Date is a Date Field try belwo formula in Record Selection.
Value_Date>=DateSerial(Year(currentdate),Month(currentdate)-1,1) and
Try this
if DayOfWeek(DateSerial(Year(currentdate),Month(currentdate),1),1) =1
then DateSerial(Year(currentdate),Month(currentdate),1+1)
else if DayOfWeek(DateSerial(Year(currentdate),Month(currentdate),1),1) = 7
then DateSerial(Year(currentdate),Month(currentdate),1+2)

Creating Dynamic Date Column Headings in Cross Tab for Business Objects

BO Version: 12.1.0 on Infoview,
O/S: W7
I am creating a report in infoview, which is a cross-tab. I have departments on the row side and for the column I want to have all Saturday dates dynamically displayed, and this is dependent on the date prompt values I put in to the report when I run it.
So if I put in for the prompts Dec the 08th 2013 to Jan the 04th 2014 I should see 4 Saturday dates (14th/21st/28th/04th) along the column headers.
I started off using a variable and using the function relativedate, which gave me all the dates I wanted:
=RelativeDate(LastDayOfWeek([Query 1].[Episode End Date]);-1)
but because I used -1 to get the Saturday date it was giving me the Saturday before the earliest prompt date, so I was getting these dates instead:
Is there a way I can get these dates but ignore the previous day (the 7th) before the start prompt date?
I want to have this dynamic so that if I put a date range in it shows me all the saturday dates within that range along the top of the report regardless of the date range period.
The reason you're having trouble is that WebI (being ISO compliant) considers a week to run from Monday to Sunday, but your reporting week ends on Saturday.
So, I would approach it this way:
RelativeDate([Query 1].[Episode End Date];1)
If we evaluate some dates with this logic, we'll see the desired result:
Testing 12/8 (Sunday):
Add one day = 12/9
Get Last Day Of Week = 12/15
Subtract one day = 12/14
Testing 12/12 (Thursday)
Add one day = 12/13
Get Last Day Of Week = 12/15
Subtract one day = 12/14
Testing 12/14 (Saturday)
Add one day = 12/15
Get Last Day Of Week = 12/15
Subtract one day = 12/14
I'm at home and don't have access to WebI right now, so I can't test this myself, but the logic should be sound.