Silex - My REST POST/PUT calls aren't receiving parameters - rest

I'm currently using the Doctrine DBAL version 2.5 inside of Silex 1.3 to make REST calls to MySQL DB. I manage to get my GET / GET/{id} and DELETE/{id} working fairly easily but I can't seem to get my POST/PUT to work.
Here is the fallowing code
$app->post('/student', function($firstName, $lastName) use($app) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_students (firstName, lastName)
VALUES (:firstName, :lastName)";
$student = $app['db']->prepare($sql);
$student->bindValue(':firstName', $firstName, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$student->bindValue(':lastName', $lastName, PDO::PARAM_STR);
return "insert successful";
$app->put('/student/{id}', function($id, $firstName, $lastName) use($app){
$sql = "UPDATE tbl_students
SET firstName = :firstName, lastName = :lastName
WHERE id = :id";
$student = $app['db']->prepare($sql);
$student->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$student->bindValue(':firstName', $firstName, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$student->bindValue(':lastName', $lastName, PDO::PARAM_STR);
return "student succesfully updated";
If I hard code default values, it works perfectly fine as well as using bindParam() and using my own values.
I keep getting this error message after my curl dumps everything back at me
<span class="exception_message">Controller "Closure" requires that you provide a value for the "$firstName" argument (because there is no default value or because there is a non optional argument after this one).</span>
Here are the fallowing curl commands I have used
curl -X POST -d "firstName=First123&lastName=Last456" URL/student
curl -X POST -d '{"firstName":"First123","lastName":"Last456"}' URL/student --header "Content-Type:application/json"
curl -X POST -d "firstName=First123&lastName=Last456" URL/student --header "Content-Type:text/html"

Silex will not automatically create parameters for your methods corresponding to your post variables. You have to get them from the request object as #Artamiel suggested.
The updated code for your post operation should be like this:
$app->post('/student', function(Request $request) use($app) {
$firstName = $request->get('firstName');
$lastName = $request->get('lastName');
$sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_students (firstName, lastName)
VALUES (:firstName, :lastName)";
$student = $app['db']->prepare($sql);
$student->bindValue(':firstName', $firstName, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$student->bindValue(':lastName', $lastName, PDO::PARAM_STR);
return "insert successful";


Newbie on Fb messenger Sender_action function

I am under a learning process in chatbot, and kinda new to coding overall ( learning by doing right? )
Trying to execute a messenger function so our chatbot gets the little "writing" bubble for x amount of time before it sends a template. = sender_action_typing_on.
I have tried sleep, await, wait, and so on but the code doesn´t seem to be executed, but the template still shows after the time I chose.
The json is also correct by the documentation from Facebook, and if it get´s executed alone it runs for 20 sek before a timeout.
if ( $response == "")
$jsonData = '{"recipient":{"id":"' . $sender . '"},"message":{"text":"' . $message_to_reply.'"}}';
$jsonDataEncoded = $jsonData;
if ( $response == "123456")
$sender_action_typing_on = '{
$sender_action_typing_on = str_replace("<PSID>", $sender, $sender_action_typing_on);
$jsonDataEncoded = $sender_action_typing_on;
$velkommenTemplateJSON = str_replace("<PSID>", $sender, $velkommenTemplateJSON);
$jsonDataEncoded = $velkommenTemplateJSON;
I have now fixed this issue, this may be very self-explaining for many but for the "lost soul" looking for answers u can see the way i dealed with the problem here:
First i created a new function:
function sendToMessenger($access_token, $sender, $sender_actiontemplateJSON)
$content = str_replace("<PSID>", $sender, $sender_actiontemplateJSON);
$opts = array(
'header' => "Content-Type: application/json",
'content' => $content
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$url = '' . $access_token;
// Open the file using the HTTP headers set above
$file = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
return $file;
Then i rearranged the way i´m sending template since the template got sent at det end of my code "Sender_action" would always be overwritten, Now with the "SendToMessenger" Function it gets sent right away.
if ( $response == "123456")
sendToMessenger($access_token, $sender, $sender_actiontemplateJSON);
sendToMessenger($access_token, $sender, $velkommenTemplateJSON);
Now it works like a charm!

Mysqli bind_result error

I am new to SQL and PHP. My goal is simple: Check if there is already an email adress stored in database. I am using following code:
$email =;
$conn = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "mysite"); // Create connection
if ($conn->connect_error) { // Check connection
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE email = ?");
$stmt->bind_param("s", $email);
$result = $stmt->num_rows;
echo $result;
Every time i get an error. It says i am using wrong numbers of parameters in bind_result. How it can be?
If you're new to all this, I would recommend using PDO instead of mysqli.
As for your error: you select * columns but bind only one.
You can change the query to select email, or do away with binding the resultset:
if all you want is to check for the presence of the email, all you need is the rowcount.

Virtuemart / User Fields

I have added a field in 'Manage User Fields' & when an email is sent to the administrator notifying them of the new user registration, I want to include this new field.
I have written some code to get this new field from #__vm_user_info in /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_shopper.php, in the _sendMail function, as well as added the variable to $message2.
ASEND_MSG has been modified to accept the parameter, but the field is not included in the email to the admin when a user is created. When I go look in the table, the data is there. So to trouble shoot, I hard coded a user name in the select statement, added another user & the correct value was sent for the hard coded user, not the one just added. I am now thinking that it is a commit issue with MySQL, so I put a sleep(4) in the code before I attempt to get the luck.
Can anyone shine some light on this for me??
Need to add with the following code in function add() before "return true" line :
/**************************** ***********************/
$pwd = $_POST['password'];
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "SELECT id, name, email, username"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n ORDER by id DESC LIMIT 1"
$db->setQuery( $query );
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
$namee = $rows[0]->name;
$emaill = $rows[0]->email;
$usern = $rows[0]->username;
$lid = $rows[0]->id;
$dbv = new ps_DB;
echo $query = "SELECT *"
. "\n FROM #__{vm}_user_info"
. "\n WHERE user_id=$lid"
$dbv->setQuery( $query );
$fid = $db->loadObjectList();
$field = $fid[0]->extra_field_1;
$user = clone(JFactory::getUser());
$usersConfig = &JComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_users' );
if ($usersConfig->get('allowUserRegistration') == '0') {
JError::raiseError( 403, JText::_( 'Access Forbidden' ));
return false;
// If user activation is turned on, we need to set the activation information
$useractivation = $usersConfig->get( 'useractivation' );
if ($useractivation == '1')
$user->set('activation', md5( JUserHelper::genRandomPassword()) );
$user->set('block', '1');
$component = 'com_user';
$activation_link = $mosConfig_live_site."/index.php?option=$component&task=activate&activation=".$user->get('activation');
$this->_sendMail( $namee , $emaill, $usern, $pwd, $activation_link);
/************************************************** Spinz ********************************************/
Note : Here we created the mail function for username and password to users mail.
Need to comment the line in function register_save() before "return true" line:
// Send the registration email
//$this->_sendMail( $name, $email, $username, $password, $activation_link );
Note: Here the mail function generated we need to comment that mail functions and create another mail function in add() function of ps_shopper.php in first point.
Need to get the extra added field (extra_field_1) in jos_vm_user_info table in the function _sendmail() with following code and that field sent through the mail to user.
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "SELECT id, name, email, username"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n ORDER by id DESC LIMIT 1"
$db->setQuery( $query );
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
$lid = $rows[0]->id;
$dbv = new ps_DB;
$query = "SELECT *"
. "\n FROM #__{vm}_user_info"
. "\n WHERE user_id=$lid"
$dbv->setQuery( $query );
$fid = $db->loadObjectList();
$field = $fid[0]->extra_field_1;
$subject = sprintf ($VM_LANG->_('SEND_SUB',false), $name, $mosConfig_sitename);
$subject = vmHtmlEntityDecode($subject, ENT_QUOTES);
if ($mosConfig_useractivation=="1"){
$message = sprintf ($VM_LANG->_('USEND_MSG_ACTIVATE',false), $name, $mosConfig_sitename, $activation_link, $mosConfig_live_site, $username, $pwd, $field );
} else {
$message = sprintf ($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_USER_SEND_REGISTRATION_DETAILS',false), $name, $mosConfig_sitename, $mosConfig_live_site, $username, $pwd, $field);
Note :
Initialize the variable "$field" get the extra added field value using query. Then that the extra field value is assigned by message section of the mail.(initialize variable $field having the a value added extra fields in virtuemart).
replace the messages for the following code:
'USEND_MSG_ACTIVATE' => 'Hello %s,
Thank you for registering at %s. Your account is created and must be activated before you can use it.
To activate the account click on the following link or copy-paste it in your browser:
After activation you may login to %s using the following username and password:
Username - %s
Password - %s
Degree - %s'
Thank you for registering at %s. Your customer account has been created.
You may login to %s using the following username and password:
Username - %s
Password - %s
Degree - %s
The extra added values assigned by the string %s in language file.
The message having the string values of extra added field value in virtuemart.
The degree shows the added extra field

Postgresql lowercase to compare data

I want to get the contents from a row in the Postgresql database and compare the lowercase version of it to a lowercase version of a user input to check if it exists in the database.
i tried:
"SELECT LOWER(name) FROM user_names WHERE name LIKE '%$search%' ORDER BY name ASC"
but that make query not working at all.
I am trying to implement an autocomplete Jquery UI like here:
for search box (for names)
using javascript and php.
php code:
$search = ($_GET['term']);
if (!$con)
{ die('Could not connect: ' . pg_last_error ());}
$sql = "SELECT name FROM users_table WHERE name LIKE '%$search%' ORDER BY name ASC";
$result = pg_query($sql);
$json = '[';
$first = true;
while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result))
if (!$first) { $json .= ','; } else { $first = false; }
$json .= '{"value":"'.$row['name'].'"}';
$json .= ']';
echo $json;
JavaScript code:
source: "./file.php",
minLength: 3
all above work great.. exactly like in Demo here:
my problem is that the names in database stored in Uppercase (e.g. LORI)
and of course the user prefers to insert a lowercase in search box to search for name (e.g. lori). but since it stored in uppercase, i need to convert it.
i tried as your suggestion :
$sql = "SELECT LOWER(name) FROM users_table WHERE name ILIKE '%$search%' ORDER BY name ASC";
then i got an empty drop down list!
pretty weird!
thanks in advance.
Google is your friend:
SELECT LOWER(name) FROM user_names
WHERE name ILIKE '%$search%' ORDER BY name ASC

Incorrect `update statement` using IN operator with Zend

I have a function which is wanted to execute a statement like below:
UPDATE coupon_users SET status = status | '1' WHERE id IN ('3','4')
And in coupon_users model, I wrote a method like below do to:
* #param array $ids #array(3,4)
* #param array $status #1
public function updateStatus(array $ids, $status)
$result = $this->_db->query(
"UPDATE {$this->_name} SET status = status | ? WHERE id IN (?)",
return $result;
But the query is always:
UPDATE coupon_users SET status = status | '1' WHERE id IN ('Array')
I don't know what am I wrong here, please help me, many thanks.
According to the PDO documentation (Zend_Db uses PDO as its DB access backend):
You cannot bind multiple values to a single named parameter in, for
example, the IN() clause of an SQL statement.
So, you'll probably need to prepare a bit further your query, so that it contains as many markers as elements in the array. A possible solution could be the following:
// Compose the query
$queryToExecute = "UPDATE {$this->_name} SET status = status | ? WHERE id IN (";
$questionMarks = array();
for ($id in $ids) {
$questionMarks[] = '?';
$queryToExecute .= implode(',', $questionMarks);
$queryToExecute .= ')';
// $queryToExecute should have the format "UPDATE ... WHERE id IN (?,?,?,...?)"
// Execute it
$result = $this->_db->query(
array($status, $ids)
Hope that helps,
public function updateStatus(array $ids, $status)
$result = $this->_db->query(
"UPDATE {$this->_name} SET status = ? WHERE id IN (?)",
return $result;
Have you tried?:
$this->_db->update($this->_name, array('status'=>$status), array('id IN (?)'=>$ids));
I haven't tested it, it also depends on what $this->_db is an instance of
Try this..
public function updateStatus(array $ids, $status)
$inarray= implode(',',$ids);
$result = $this->_db->query(
"UPDATE {$this->_name} SET status = status | ? WHERE id IN (?)",
return $result;
Its working fine for me.
$existingImagesIds = array(1, 2, 3, 7);
$where = $pImgModel->getAdapter()->quoteInto("id in (?) ", $existingImagesIds);
$pImgModel->update(array('status' => '0'), $where);