I have a code that produces a vector in MATLAB, for example the following is a three component vector (n=3):
a1_1 - sin((17*a1_1)/60 + a2_1/8 + a3_1/40 - 0.153233)
(15*a1_1)/16 + a2_1/4 + a3_1/32 - sin((17*a1_1)/60 + a2_1/8 + a3_1/40 - 0.0282326)
(3*a1_1)/4 + a2_1/2 + a3_1/8 - sin((17*a1_1)/60 + a2_1/8 + a3_1/40 + 0.846767)
as you can see each component is a non-linear equation. The three component of the vector forms a system of three non-linear equations having it's variables named as a1_1, a1_2and a1_3. I want to solve this system by fsolve.
How do I do that for arbitrary n?
To use fsolve, your function must accept a vector input and return a vector of the same size. In your case you can accomplish this with an anonymous function:
f = #(a)[a(1) - sin(17*a(1)/60 + a(2)/8 + a(3)/40 - 0.153233);...
15*a(1)/16 + a(2)/4 + a(3)/32 - sin(17*a(1)/60 + a(2)/8 + a(3)/40 - 0.0282326);...
3*a(1)/4 + a(2)/2 + a(3)/8 - sin(17*a(1)/60 + a(2)/8 + a(3)/40 + 0.846767)];
n = 3;
a0 = zeros(n,1); % Initial guess
opts = optimoptions('fsolve','Display','iter','TolFun',1e-8);
[a_sol,a_val,exitflag] = fsolve(f,a0,opts)
This returns
a_sol =
Of course there may be more than one solution, especially for larger n. You can choose your initial guess to find the others. See the documentation for fsolve and optimoptions for further details on on specifying options.
Did you try using the solve command ?
[y1,...,yN] = solve(eqns,vars) solves the system of equations eqns for the variables vars. The solutions are assigned to the variables y1,...,yN. If you do not specify the variables, solve uses symvar to find the variables to solve for. In this case, the number of variables that symvar finds is equal to the number of output arguments N.
I am trying to calculate some integrals, for example:
a = 1/sqrt(2);
b = -5;
c = 62;
d = 1;
f = exp(-x^2-y^2)*(erfc((sym(a) + 1/(x^2+y^2)*(sym(b)*x+sym(d)*y))*sqrt((x^2+y^2)*sym(10.^(c/10))))...
+ erfc((sym(a) - 1/(x^2+y^2)*(sym(b)*x+sym(d)*y))*sqrt((x^2+y^2)*sym(10.^(c/10)))));
h = int(int(f,x,-Inf,Inf),y,-Inf,Inf);
It will occur error like this:
Warning: Explicit integral could not be found.
Then, I try to use vpato calculate that integral,and get the result like this
numeric::int(numeric::int(exp(- x^2 - y^2)*(erfc(((6807064429273519*x^2)/4294967296 + (6807064429273519*y^2)/4294967296)^(1/2)*(2^(1/2)/2 + (5*x - y)/(x^2 + y^2))) + erfc(((6807064429273519*x^2)/4294967296 + (6807064429273519*y^2)/4294967296)^(1/2)*(2^(1/2)/2 - (5*x - y)/(x^2 + y^2)))), x == -Inf..Inf), y == -Inf..Inf)
I already tried to change the interval [-Inf,Inf] to [-100,100], and get the same above result:
numeric::int(numeric::int(exp(- x^2 - y^2)*(erfc(((6807064429273519*x^2)/4294967296 + (6807064429273519*y^2)/4294967296)^(1/2)*(2^(1/2)/2 + (5*x - y)/(x^2 + y^2))) + erfc(((6807064429273519*x^2)/4294967296 + (6807064429273519*y^2)/4294967296)^(1/2)*(2^(1/2)/2 - (5*x - y)/(x^2 + y^2)))), x == -100..100), y == -100..100)
My question is why vpa in this case could not return to a real value?
There are something wrong in above Matlab code? (I, myself, could not find the bug so far)
Thank you in advance for your help.
It is unlikely that there is an analytic solution to this integral so using int may not be a good choice. In some cases vpa can be used to for a numeric solution. When this fails (by returning a call to itself) it may be for several reason: the integral may not exist, the integral may converge too slowly, singularities may cause issues, the integrand may be highly oscillatory or non-smooth, etc. Mathematica also struggles with this integral.
You can try calculating the integral numerically using integral2:
a = 1/sqrt(2);
b = -5;
c = 62;
d = 1;
f = #(x,y)exp(-x.^2-y.^2).*(erfc((a + 1./(x.^2+y.^2).*(b*x+d*y)).*sqrt((x.^2+y.^2)*10^(c/10)))...
+erfc((a - 1./(x.^2+y.^2).*(b*x+d*y)).*sqrt((x.^2+y.^2)*10^(c/10))));
h = integral2(f,-Inf,Inf,-Inf,Inf)
which returns 5.790631184403967. This compares well with Mathematica's numerical integration using NIntegrate. You can try specifying smaller absolute and relative tolerances for integral2 to get more accurate values, but this will result in much slower compute times.
I have a symbolic variable, which contain, for example:
p =
(9311.0*s + 6.12e9)/(s^2 + 8500.0*s + 3.61e11)
where s - also symbolic.
Then, if I use inverse laplace through variable p, then result is
result =
exp(n*(- 4255.0 + 6.01e5*i))*(4666.0 - 5066.0*i) + exp(n*(- 4255.0 - 6.01e5*i))*(4666.0 + 5066.0*i)
But if I put expression directly, I will get what I expect (by formula in Korn's book or by definition):
vpa(ilaplace((9311.0*s + 6.12e9)/(s^2 + 8500.0*s + 3.61e11),s,n),3)
ans =
9311.0*exp(-4255.0*n)*(cos(6.01e5*n) + 1.09*sin(6.01e5*n))
Why? And what should I do to get right answer through variable?
P.S. vpa - is not influenced on main goal. It only left 3 digits in this case after point.
P.S.S. Added more code:
t = tf(linsys1) %linsys1 - from simulink circuit
%get coefficients from transfer function t
[num,den] = tfdata(t);
syms s n real
% convert transfer function to symbolic
t_sym = poly2sym(cell2mat(num),s)/poly2sym(cell2mat(den),s);
functionInMuPad=['partfrac(',char(t_sym),',s,Domain = R_)']; %collect expression in string format
simpleFraction=evalin(symengine,functionInMuPad); % sum of simple fractions (only MuPad allows get denominator of 2nd order)
functionInMuPad2=['op(',char(simpleFraction),')']; %collect expression in string format
vectorOfOperand=evalin(symengine,functionInMuPad2); % vector of simple fractions
for k=1:length(vectorOfOperand)-1
So, something wrong with vectorOfOperand.
ilaplace(vectorOfOperand(1)) gives complex result, but if copy (ctrl+c) value of vectorOfOperand(1) and make newVariable=Ctrl+V, then ilaplace(newVariable) - it's ok either in command window or in m-file:
bbb =(9313.8202564498255348020392071286*s + 6122529964.4040716985063406588769)/(8500.4056471180697831891961467533*s + s^2 + 360665607284.96754103451618653904);
ans=9311.0*exp(-4255.0*n)*(cos(6.01e5*n) + 1.09*sin(6.01e5*n)) %after vpa
Kind of magic anyway. vectorOfOperand - is sym. I even made this:
vectorOfOperand=sym(vectorOfOperand); it doesn't help..
I am building (my first...) MatLab program, it needs to differentiate an equations symbolically and then use this solution many many times (with different numeric inputs).
I do not want it to recalculate the symbolic differentiation every time it needs to put in a new set of numeric values. This would probably greatly add to the time taken to run this program (which - given its nature, a numeric optimiser, will probably already be hours).
My question is how can I structure my program such that it will not recalculate the symbolic differentiation?
The class in question is:
function [ result ] = GradOmega(numX, numY, numZ, numMu)
syms x y z mu
omega = 0.5*(x^2+y^2+z^2) + (1-mu)/((x+mu)^2+y^2+z^2)^0.5 + mu/((x+mu-1)^2+y^2+z^2)^0.5;
symGradient = gradient(omega);
%//Substitute the given numeric values back into the funtion
result = subs(symGradient, {x,y,z,mu}, {numX, numY, numZ, numMu});
I know that I could just symbolically calculate the derivative and then copy-paste it into the code e.g.
gradX = x + ((2*mu + 2*x)*(mu - 1))/(2*((mu + x)^2 + y^2 + z^2)^(3/2)) - (mu*(2*mu + 2*x - 2))/(2*((mu + x - 1)^2 + y^2 + z^2)^(3/2));
gradY = y - (mu*y)/((mu + x - 1)^2 + y^2 + z^2)^(3/2) + (y*(mu - 1))/((mu + x)^2 + y^2 + z^2)^(3/2);
gradZ = z - (mu*z)/((mu + x - 1)^2 + y^2 + z^2)^(3/2) + (z*(mu - 1))/((mu + x)^2 + y^2 + z^2)^(3/2);
But then my code is a bit cryptic, which is a problem in a shared project.
There is a related query here: http://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/53542-oop-how-to-avoid-recalculation-on-dependent-properties-i-hope-a-mathwork-developer-could-give-me-a
But I'm afraid I couldn't follow the code.
Also I am much more familiar with Java and Python, if that helps explain anything.
You could wrap your function into some kind of Function-Factory, which does not return numerical results, but a function that can be evaluated:
(I had to replace the call syms with sym('mu'), because for some reason it kept calling a mutools function in line omega = .... I did also change the call to gradient to make sure the arguments are in correct order, and mu will be treated as constant.)
function GradOmega = GradOmegaFactory()
x = sym('x');
y = sym('y');
z = sym('z');
mu = sym('mu');
omega = 0.5*(x^2+y^2+z^2) + (1-mu)/((x+mu)^2+y^2+z^2)^0.5 + mu/((x+mu-1)^2+y^2+z^2)^0.5;
symGradient = gradient(omega,{'x','y','z'});
GradOmega = matlabFunction(symGradient, 'vars', {'x','y','z','mu'});
Then you would call it via:
GradOmega = GradOmegaFactory();
result1 = GradOmega(numX1, numY1, numZ1, numMu1);
result2 = GradOmega(numX2, numY2, numZ2, numMu2);
result3 = GradOmega(numX3, numY3, numZ3, numMu3);
Even better:
You could go even more fancy and use a wrapper function GradOmega which builds such a function inside and makes it persistent, to get the same interface you had with your initial approach. The first time you call the function GradOmega the symbolic expression is evaluated, but on each consecutive call you will only have to evaluate the generated function handle, which means it should be nearly as fast as if you hard-coded it.
function result = GradOmega(numX, numY, numZ, numMu)
persistent numericalGradOmega;
if isempty(numericalGradOmega)
numericalGradOmega = GradOmegaFactory();
result = numericalGradOmega(numX, numY, numZ, numMu);
Use this like you would use your original version
result = GradOmega(numX, numY, numZ, numMu);
Just copy and paste both functions into a single GradOmega.m file. (GradOmega should be the first function in the file.)
Another tip: You can even evaluate this function using vectors. Instead of calling GradOmega(1,2,3,4) and GradOmega(5,6,7,8) afterwards, you can save the time overhead via the call GradOmega([1,5], [2,6], [3,7], [4,8]) using row vectors.
Yet another tip: To clean up your code even more, you could also put the first lines into a separate symOmega.m file.
function omega = symOmega()
x = sym('x');
y = sym('y');
z = sym('z');
mu = sym('mu');
omega = 0.5*(x^2+y^2+z^2) + (1-mu)/((x+mu)^2+y^2+z^2)^0.5 + mu/((x+mu-1)^2+y^2+z^2)^0.5;
This way you don't have to have a copy of this symbolic expression in every file you use it. This can be beneficial if you also want to evaluate Omega itself, as you then can make use of the same Factory-approach listed in this answer. You would end up with the following files: symOmega.m, Omega.m and GradOmega.m, where only the file symOmega.m has the actual mathematical formula and the other two files make use of symOmega.m.
I somehow obtain the following expression in Matlab (R2014a on W7, 64b)
1/1034591578977116160000*prod(1:19)*(29576428208904825-17729494921579950*k - 20479697577410832*k^2 + 13867226524449248*k^3 - 836937224095392*k^4 - 869194297188672*k^5 + 163710902234880*k^6 + 2589894827520*k^7 - 2476912838400*k^8 + 144848704000*k^9)
where k is initially a symbolic variable. Then I set k=10 and get the result 370371188237528 using LONGG output format. But if I put the same expression to Mathematica (substituting prod(1:19) with 19!), I get 370371188237525, which I believe is the correct answer. This seems to be a rounding error described many times on this site (is it correct?). How do I avoid it with or without Matlab symbolic toolbox?
There is the High Precision Float class. After adding it to the path you can simply write k = hpf(10); before evaluating your expression. The result will be
With the Symbolic Math Toolbox I would write
syms k
expr = 1/1034591578977116160000*prod(1:19)*(29576428208904825-17729494921579950*k - 20479697577410832*k^2 + 13867226524449248*k^3 - 836937224095392*k^4 - 869194297188672*k^5 + 163710902234880*k^6 + 2589894827520*k^7 - 2476912838400*k^8 + 144848704000*k^9);
subs(expr, k, 10);
which evaluates to 3150006955960150124/8505 = 370371188237525.
Consider the symbolic matlab expression
e = (a_1_1 + a_2_2)*(b_1_1 + b_2_2)
Using latex(e) this yields
\left({{a_{1}}}_{1} + {{a_{2}}}_{2}\right)\, \left({{b_{1}}}_{1} + {{b_{2}}}_{2}\right)
Is it possible to [somehow] use comma as separator between the indices, i.e. to get
\left(a_{1,1} + a_{2,2} \right)\,\left(b_{1,1} + b_{2,2}\right)
I'd be interested in an easy way to do it. An ugly way would be:
eqn = latex(e);
eqn1 = regexprep(eqn,'{{','');
eqn2 = regexprep(eqn1,'}}}_{',',');