How can I access an attribute of a selected parameter in Tableau? - tableau-api

I have a list of Companies with a ROIC measure. Each Company belongs to a Segment.
I created a parameter to select a Company: [SelectedCompany], and I want to create a SET which includes all the companies except the [SelectedCompany], which are in the same [Segment] as [SelectedCompany].
My set is currently defined by this formula:
[Company] != [SelectedCompany]
I should add something like:
[Company] != [SelectedCompany]
[Segment] = [SelectedCompany].[Segment]
But I don't know how to access the [Segment] attribute of the [SelectedCompany].
Just for clarification, I'm making this because I want to compare the [SelectedCompany] ROIC against the average ROIC of the other Companies in the same Segment.
I would appreciate any help on this.
Thanks a lot!

Here's a bit of a hacky way to get what you're looking for. Keep your original definition for the set:
[Company] != [SelectedCompany]
Create a calculated field:
{ FIXED [Segment] : MAX( IIF([Company] = [Parameters].[SelectedCompany], 1, 0) ) }
Then drag that field into the Filters card and filter to allow only 1's. This will filter out all Segments except for the selected company's Segment.


Gravity Form dynamic population and logic conditional in php

sorry for the noob question and the wrong code.
I need that a gravity form field is populated with a different value depending on the amount entered by the user in a number field. Is possible?
I try this code but only with the first value does it work, how can I write it correctly?
add_filter( 'gform_field_value_custom_price', 'my_price' );
function my_price() {
$master = rgpost( `input_22`);
if ( $master < 51 ) {
return 0.80;
} elseif ( $master > 50 && < 201 {
return 0.60;
Thank you
Since you're populating static values, you could feasibly just create two different fields, each with their unique amount (0.80 or 0.60) and then use conditional logic on each field to show/hide the correct field dependent on the value entered in the Number field.
If the field you're attempting to populate is a Product field, you might consider Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing which would allow to change the price dynamically on a single field rather than requiring two different fields.

Mongoid query with AND and OR condition

I am using a MongoDB for a new app I am creating and I only need certain data from it. I require the following fields: current (boolean), position, sector, and name. The position field is populated with one of four values - "cash, SPVR, OFF, and training", while the sector field has one of two values - "Break or Working". I want a query that will give me all records where the following conditions exist:
1. current = TRUE
2. Position = "SPVR" or "CASH" OR Sector = "BREAK" and
3. Name is not NULL
The problem I have is that there are hundreds of records that have a value of BREAK, but most of them do not have a value in the Name field. I don't want any records that do not have a name associated with them. So in that respect, in line 2 above, I'm guessing the OR could be AND?
This is mu current start at the Mongoid statement
get '/currentstate*' do
StateTransaction.where( current: true, =>["SPVR", "CASH"] ).to_json
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It should work
StateTransaction.where(current: true, => ["",nil]).and(
{ =>["SPVR", "CASH"]},
{sector: "BREAK"}
Following is arguably simpler:
sts = StateTransaction.where(current: true, => ["",nil])
sts.any_of( => ["SPVR", "CASH"], sector: 'BREAK')

magento2 - How to get a product's stock status enabled/disabled?

I'm trying to get whether the product's stock status is instock/outofstock (Integers representing each state are fine. i don't necessarily need the "in stock"/"out of stock" strings per se).
I've tried various things to no avail.
$inStock = $obj->get('Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\Data\StockItemInterface')->getisInStock()'
// Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\Data\StockItemInterface :: getisInStock returns true no matter what, even for 0qty products
// summary: not useful. How do you get the real one?
$inStock = $obj->get('\Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\StockStateInterface')->verifyStock($_product->getId());
// test results for "verifyStock":
// a 0 qty product is in stock
// a 0 qty product is out of stock
// summary: fail. find correct method, with tests.
$stockItemRepository = $obj->get('Magento\CatalogInventory\Model\Stock\StockItemRepository');
stockItem = $stockItemRepository->get($_product->getId());
$inStock = $stockItem->getIsInStock();
// Uncaught Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException: Stock Item with id "214"
// summmary: is stockitem not 1to1 with proudctid?
The weird thing is, getting stock quantities works just fine.
$availability = (String)$obj->get('\Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\StockStateInterface')->getStockQty($_product->getId(), $_product->getStore()->getWebsiteId());
So why isn't getIsInStock working?
This was one way I did it.
$stockItemResource = $obj->create('Magento\CatalogInventory\Model\ResourceModel\Stock\Item');
// grab ALL stock items (i.e. object that contains stock information)
$stockItemSelect = $stockItemResource->getConnection()->select()->from($stockItemResource->getMainTable());
$stockItems = $stockItemResource->getConnection()->fetchAll($stockItemSelect);
$inStock = null;
foreach($stockItems as $k => $item) {
if ($item['product_id'] == $_productId) {
$inStock = $item['is_in_stock'];
break; // not breaking properly. 'qz' still prints
Notes on efficiency:
I'm sure there are another ways to target the single item specifically, instead of getting all. Either through a method, or by adjusting the query passed in somehow.
But this method is probably more efficient for large n, avoiding the n+1 query problem.
You do still end up iterating through a lot, but perhaps theta(n) of iterating through a cached PHP variable is probably lower than n+1 querying the database. Haven't tested, just a hypothesis.
The returned structure is an array of arrays, where the sub-array (which also happens to be a stock item) has the product ID and the stock status value. And because the product ID and the stock status value is on the same level of nesting, we have no choice but to iterate through each sub-array to check the product_id, choose that sub-array, and grab the stock value. In short, we can't just utilize the hashmap, since the keys of the sub-array are not product IDs.
Ultimately, the efficiency of this depends on your use case. Rarely will you grab all stock items, unless doing mass exports. So the ultimate goal is to really just stay within the configured time limit is allowed for a request to persist.

Create Cumulative Change Chart in Tableau

I have a bunch of daily change % data. I would like to calculate cumulative change, which should just be (1+change)*previous day in a chart in Tableau.
Seems simple enough right? I can do it in a few seconds in Excel, but I've tried for hours to get it to work in Tableau and cannot do it.
My thought was that I can create a column that is (1+daily change%), then try to do a compound product. However, I can't seem to get it to work.
I can't attach any files here so I pasted the data, along with a column that is "cum change", which is what I would like the calculation to be.
Thank you much in advance!
Date Daily Change Cum Change
4/1/2015 0.47% 1
4/2/2015 0.56% 1.0056
4/3/2015 -0.72% 0.99835968
4/6/2015 -0.56% 0.992768866
4/7/2015 -0.80% 0.984826715
4/8/2015 0.44% 0.989159952
4/9/2015 -0.66% 0.982631497
4/10/2015 0.99% 0.992359549
4/13/2015 0.92% 1.001489256
4/14/2015 0.73% 1.008800128
4/15/2015 0.95% 1.018383729
4/16/2015 0.42% 1.022660941
4/17/2015 0.52% 1.027978778
4/20/2015 0.02% 1.028184373
4/21/2015 0.56% 1.033942206
4/22/2015 0.35% 1.037561004
4/23/2015 -0.34% 1.034033296
4/24/2015 0.18% 1.035894556
4/27/2015 0.61% 1.042213513
4/28/2015 0.46% 1.047007695
4/29/2015 0.94% 1.056849568
Create a calculated field:
IF INDEX() = 1
(1 + AVG([Daily Change])) * PREVIOUS_VALUE(1)
The condition checking to see if it's the first row of the partition (INDEX() = 1) is necessary to ensure that the first value of the field is a 1. After that, you can just use the self-referential PREVIOUS_VALUE() to get the previous value of this same calculation.

How to groupBy groupBy?

I need to map through a List[(A,B,C)] to produce an html report. Specifically, a
Schedule contains a gameDate property that I need to group by on to get a
Map[JodaTime, List(Schedule,GameResult,Team)]
which I use to display gameDate table row headers. Easy enough:
val data =
Now the tricky bit (for me) is, how to further refine the grouping in order to enable mapping through the game results as pairs? To clarify, each GameResult consists of a team's "version" of the game (i.e. score, location, etc.), sharing a common Schedule gameID with the opponent team.
Basically, I need to display a game result outcome on one row as:
3 London Dragons vs. Paris Frogs 2
Grouping on gameDate let's me do something like:{case(date,games) =>
// game date row headers
<tr><td>{date.toString("MMMM dd, yyyy")}</td></tr>
// print out game result data rows{case(schedule,result, team)=>
// BUT (result,team) slice is ungrouped, need grouped by Schedule gameID
In the old version of the existing application (PHP) I used to
for($x = 0; $x < $this->gameCnt; $x = $x + 2) {...}
but I'd prefer to refer to variable names and not the come-back-later-wtf-is-that-inducing:
games._._2(rowCnt).total games._._3(rowCnt).name games._._1(rowCnt).location games._._2(rowCnt+1).total games._._3(rowCnt+1).name
maybe zip or double up for(t1 <- data; t2 <- data) yield(?) or something else entirely will do the trick. Regardless, there's a concise solution, just not coming to me right now...
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your requirements, but it seems to me that all you need is an additional groupBy:
The result will be of type:
Map[JodaTime, Map[GameId, List[(Schedule,GameResult,Team)]]]
(where GameId is the type of the return type of Schedule.gameId)
Update: if you want the results as pairs, then pattern matching is your friend, as shown by Arjan. This would give us:
val byDate =
val data = byDate.mapValues(_.groupBy(_._1.gameID).mapValues{ case List((sa, ra, ta), (sb, rb, tb)) => (sa, (ta, ra), (tb, rb)))
This time the result is of type:
Map[JodaTime, Iterable[ (Schedule,(Team,GameResult),(Team,GameResult))]]
Note that this will throw a MatchError if there are not exactly 2 entries with the same gameId. In real code you will definitely want to check for this case.
Ok a soultion from RĂ©gis Jean-Gilles:
val data =
You said it was not correct, maybe you just didnt use it the right way?
Every List in the result is a pair of games with the same GameId.
You could pruduce html like that:{case(date,games) =>
// game date row headers
<tr><td>{date.toString("MMMM dd, yyyy")}</td></tr>
// print out game result data rows{case (gameId, List((schedule, result, team), (schedule, result, team))) =>
And since you dont need a gameId, you can return just the paired games:
val data =
Tipe of result is now:
Map[JodaTime, Iterable[List[(Schedule,GameResult,Team)]]]
Every list again a pair of two games with the same GameId