Your application is staging to create bluemix node-red app - ibm-cloud

I am a newbie for the bluemix. I would like to start the Node red app. However the app will never be created, instead the screen always show Your application is staging. I have try this a number of times and changed the server location from UK to USA. However it never works.

it is a known issue about a node.js module not building correctly. There is already a fix about the module, we are waiting for the npm repository to be updated.

Try to download the node-red code from the official GitHub then push it to Bluemix. Another thing that you could do is use the node-red inside a Docker and also push it to Bluemix.


Deploy Sveltekit on own Windows/Linux Server?

I am almost done with my first Test Sveltekit Application and want deploy the App in the next Days in my private Network. When I google for this I get flooded with "Deploy to Vercel, Netlify.... and so on" but I dont see much for deploying it the Application to an Server.
Can somebody explain what to do? The Application uses Endpoints.
You would likely want to run it through a Node server, for this you can use the adapter-node package, see the documentation for it for more information.

Error Accessing Bluemix Node-RED Editor

I'm using Node-RED Starter to build my app. My app URL can be accessed here.
should appear on my browser, but I got an
The app however seems to be working fine on my dashboard. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you.
Your app is throwing a 500 error which basically means that your app is very much broken. How did you build it? Which starter did you use?
As you are running in the IBM Cloud, I would drop what you already have, and recreate using the starter from the IBM Cloud catalog. Unless of course if that is what you used to create it in the first place. In which case as per the other suggestions look at the server side logs, from the options on IBM Cloud for your application.

bluemix blockchain fmt.println not printed to log

I deployed the marbles demo to bluemix. But I do not see its go fmt.println statements in the log.
How does a programmer print to the bluemix log?
If you are using the built-in deploy (Demo Chaincode tab) it is going to install the Marbles code from the public GitHub repository appropriate for your Bluemix instance.
If you are looking for the fmt.println statements in the logs, you should make sure you are looking at the logs from the chaincode execution (Network tab), not the logs of the peers themselves.
If you are looking to edit the demo code to insert your own log statement at specific places, you will need to create your own fork of the public Marbles demo code and not use the built-in deployment. You can either run the Marbles application locally pointing to your Blockchain instance hosted on Bluemix or deploy your edited code to Bluemix as well. You should find additional instructions for those deploy paths in the of the Marbles demo repository, depending on your preference. I would recommend running the application locally first.
Hope this helps!

What is the development workflow with IBM Bluemix and CloudFoundry?

I'm starting out with IBM Bluemix and CloudFoundry. Using the tutorial examples of the Node.js/Cloudant app I have a dev workflow that seems really slow. What is the best practice for development with cf?
Here's what I do now
Edit my files locally
cf push myapp
Wait for a long time for the app to deploy
Test and find an error
If you are building a Node.js application, you can use Bluemix Live Sync to quickly update the application instance on Bluemix and develop as you would on the desktop without redeploying.
You can choose to download the bl cli to sync with a local directory using Desktop Sync, or set up your project on DevOps Services and edit the code directly in your browser using Live Edit. Look in the documentation for Bluemix Live Sync.
If you are doing more intensive development, it would be faster for you to set up node locally and push to Bluemix periodically. You can still consume most Bluemix services locally.
If you have to rely on an architecture resident in Bluemix and you do not have the possibility to test on local you cannot avoid the "push" command and the workflow you described. Regarding point 3, you might have incurred in a platform issue announced at

How could I get code of the application deployed on digital ocean?

I need to edit application developed by somebody else in Meteor.js deployed on Digitalocean. I have an access to digitalocean account, but have no idea how to access code and the whole folder where is application stored. Is this even possible ? Should I ask him for github repo with the app to get it instead ? Thanks.
Ask for the repo. The server may only contain the built version of the app (since that's all that's needed to run it) and that's no good for developing. You can't edit that directly.