How to pass date (or in general the result of a shell script) to command in supervisord - supervisord

I have a program that needs to run repeatedly. Now, I use supervisord's autorestart to do that. Currently I have:
command=myprogram --output-file=logfile.log
I want something like:
command=myprogram --output-file=logfile_%(date)s.log
which specifies an output-file as logfile_2015_08_13.log,
except that supervisord only supports %(program_name)s, %(process_num)02d, etc.

Supervisord supports more than just %(program_name)s, %(process_num)02d. You could pick you environment variables:Supervisord Environment
However I don't think you could pass shell commands in supervisord configuration. I would do something like this:
Write a shell script and call your program with the date command. Lets save it as
myprogram --output-file=logfile_`date +%Y-%m-%d`
Pass your shell script as command to supervisord


Launch xterm with simbuild command in perl script using system call

I need to launch xterm using system call in a perl script and follow by executing a simple script to kick start a tool to run. The problem is that, in the newly launched xterm, it has no setup at all. The reason i want to use simbuild command to allow the newly launched xterm with all the setup required by the tool so that i can easily kick start the tool to run.
system("xterm", "-hold", "-e", "sh", "-c", $script);
NOTE: $script contains simple setenv and a command to kick start a tool.
This is the simbuild command that I want to use, with passing several arguments
simbuild -dut usbx -1c -CUST MTLM_SA -1c- -ace "xterm"
Please advise how this can be done through system call in Perl. Thanks!

ipython magic/macro/alias guidance for invoking shell and dispatching result

(Note: I have plenty of python and unix shell experience, but fairly new to ipython -- using 7.5)
I'm trying to replicate a UNIX shell function that I use all the time, so that it works in the ipython shell.
The requirement is that I want to type something like to myproj, and then have ipython process the resulting text by doing a cd to the directory that comes back from to. (This is a quick-directory-change utility I use in unix)
The way it works in unix is that a shell function invokes an external command, that command prints its result to stdout, and the shell function then invokes the internal cd to the target dir.
I've been trying to wrap my head around %magic and macros and aliases in ipython, but so far I don't see how to get this done. Any ideas?

How to set environment variables in fish shell script

In my fish shell script '`, I have a code to set envs.
set -x HOGE "hello"
but after I exec this script the env is not set correctly and outputs nothing.
echo $HOGE
I've tried these code but none of these worked.
set -gx HOGE "hello"
set -gU HOGE "hello"
how can I fix this?
OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
fish version: 2.7.1
iTerm2: 3.2.0
When you ran the script, it probably set the environment variable correctly, but only in the process that was created when you ran the script....not in the parent session you ran the script from! When the script exited, the process and its environment were destroyed.
If you want to change the environment variable in your current environment, depending on what interactive shell you're using, you can use a command like source, which will execute the commands in your current session rather than a subprocess, so the environment variable changes will persist.
While sourceing, as in the original answer is definitely the correct mechanism, a comment from the OP to that answer mentioned that they would still prefer a solution that could be executed as a script.
As long as the variables are exported (set -x) in the script, it's possible (but still not necessarily recommended) to do this by execing into another fish shell inside the script:
#!/usr/bin/env fish
set -gx HOGE hello
exec fish
Executing ./ will then have a fish shell with HOGE set as expected.
However, be aware:
This will result in two fish shell processes running, one inside the other. The first (parent) is the original fish shell. It will spawn a second (child) process based on the shebang line, which will then be replaced by the third instance from the exec line.
You can reduce the number of shells that are running simultaneously by starting the script with exec ./ That results in the shebang script replacing the parent process, and then being replaced by the exec line at the end of the script. However, you will still have run fish's startup twice to achieve what a simple source would have done with zero additional startups.
It's also important to realize the environment of the new shell will not necessarily be the same as that of the original shell. In particular, local variables from the original shell will not be present in the exec'd shell.
There are use-cases where these pitfalls are worth execing a new shell, but most of the time a simple source will be preferred.
Consider that if you run that from bash shell it will not export the variables with the -U option because it indicates to export to "fish universe" not outside.
If you stay inside fish's shell you still can do it like this:
set -Ux HOGE "hello"
And this is the result:
Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell
Type help for instructions on how to use fish
~/trash $ ./
~/tr ash $ echo $HOGE
Remember to keep the first line so fish will interpret it properly.

Running ksh script inside a perl code is not working

I have a Korn shell script at a location like /opt/apps/abc/folder/properties.env. I can execute it from Unix bash using the dot command:
. /opt/apps/abc/folder/properties.env
This works.
I have a Perl script from which I am calling the script properties.env. I tried the following different:
system('/usr/bin/ksh','-c', '. /opt/apps/abc/folder/properties.env');
/usr/bin/ksh -c /opt/apps/abc/folder/properties.env;
system('. /opt/apps/abc/folder/properties.env');
None of the above work. I don't want to use exec because I want to return to the Perl script. What am I doing wrong?
The environment changes will only last as long as the life of the ksh session spawned by the system command. If you want the environment changes to affect the Perl script, then you have to source that file before you launch the Perl program.
If you need those environment variables in your perl code, (not in the environment where you called perl), you can also read and parse that properties.env and set the environment in the %ENV variable.
using system() spawn another process, as the other poster said. changing environment in the child does not affect the parent.

Run a perl script at startup in Ubuntu

I have a perl script that I need to run once at startup with an argument under my user account.
So when I boot the system up it needs to execute a command like this,
./path/to/ start
Any ideas?
You could use a line in your crontab (crontab -e)
To run a command at startup:
edit /etc/crontab
Add the following line:
#reboot root perl ./path/to/ start
^^^ Runs as root. Change "root" to "BlackCow" to run as BlackCow
Or, you could use upstart (add a .conf file to /etc/init/). Here's a copy and paste from my notes:
Use upstart to run a daemon at reboot/start
e.g. /etc/init/prestocab.conf:
description "node.js server"
author "BlackCow"
start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE=eth0)
stop on shutdown
export HOME="/root"
exec sudo -u root /usr/local/bin/node /home/prestocab/ 2>&1 >> /var/log/prestocab.log
end script
To use:
start prestocab
stop prestocab
restart prestocab
You might want to use some sort of process monitor to restart the daemon if it crashes
Depends on what init you are using, if your version of Ubuntu is using upstart
you have to configure the appropriate Upstart start scripts, if not
the rc scripts based on your runlevel. Check update-rc.d.
On Ubuntu, the simplest way is to add this line to your /etc/rc.local file (before the exit 0 line, substituting username with your own user name):
su -c "./path/to/ start" username &