Scala covariance and lower bound i dont get it - scala

I am currently learning scala and i am confused about the variance annotations especially the covariance and contravariance.
So i did some research an came upon following example
class Box[+T] {
def put[U >: T](x: U): List[U] = {
class Animal {
class Cat extends Animal {
class Dog extends Animal {
var sb: Box[Animal] = new Box[Cat];
So this says class Box is covariant in T whiche means Box[Cat] is a subclass of Box[Animal] since Cat is a subclass of Animal. Sofar i understand this. But when it comes to method parameters my understanding ends. The spec says methods parameters can not be covariant so we have to use this lower bound annotation.
Lets look at the method definiton
def put[U >: T](x: U): List[U] = {
So [U >: T] says that U must be a superclass of T
Trying following code
var sb: Box[Animal] = new Box[Cat];
sb.put(new Cat);
Works as expected but this drives me nuts
var sb: Box[Animal] = new Box[Cat];
It logically makes no sense to me to put an INT into a Box of Animals alltough its correct since INT will be resolved to Any which is a superclass of Animal.
So my question is
How do i have to adapt the code that the put method accepts only subtypes of
animal? I can not use the upper bound annotation
class Box[+T] {
def put[U <: T](x: U): List[U] = {
since i get this well known error
covariant type T occurs in contravariant position in type

You can add both a lower and an upper bound:
class Box[+T] { def put[U >: T <: Animal](x: U): List[U] = List(x) }
But this is not what you want, since you wire the definition of Box to Animal and logically there is no reason to add such an upper bound.
You say:
It logically makes no sense to me to put an INT into a Box of Animals alltough its correct since INT will be resolved to Any which is a superclass of Animal.
You don't put an Int into a Box[Animal], the existing box is immutable (and it is not possible to make it mutable, since the definition of covariance doesn't allow it). Instead you get a box (or in case of your put method) of a new type. If your goal is to get only a List[Anmial], then you just have to specify that:
scala> class Box[+T] { def put[U >: T](x: U): List[U] = List(x) }
defined class Box
scala> var b: Box[Animal] = new Box[Cat]
b: Box[Animal] = Box#23041911
scala> val xs: List[Animal] = b put new Dog
xs: List[Animal] = List(Dog#f8d6ec4)
scala> val xs: List[Animal] = b put 1
<console>:14: error: type mismatch;
found : Int(1)
required: Animal
val xs: List[Animal] = b put 1
scala> val xs = b put 1 // this will result in a List[Any]
xs: List[Any] = List(1)
There is no need to complicate the definition of the put method.
For a more in depth explanation about why co- and contravariance is needed see this question.


Scala 2.13 - Use ADT to extend a sealed trait scala [duplicate]

One way that has been suggested to deal with double definitions of overloaded methods is to replace overloading with pattern matching:
object Bar {
def foo(xs: Any*) = xs foreach {
case _:String => println("str")
case _:Int => println("int")
case _ => throw new UglyRuntimeException()
This approach requires that we surrender static type checking on the arguments to foo. It would be much nicer to be able to write
object Bar {
def foo(xs: (String or Int)*) = xs foreach {
case _: String => println("str")
case _: Int => println("int")
I can get close with Either, but it gets ugly fast with more than two types:
type or[L,R] = Either[L,R]
implicit def l2Or[L,R](l: L): L or R = Left(l)
implicit def r2Or[L,R](r: R): L or R = Right(r)
object Bar {
def foo(xs: (String or Int)*) = xs foreach {
case Left(l) => println("str")
case Right(r) => println("int")
It looks like a general (elegant, efficient) solution would require defining Either3, Either4, .... Does anyone know of an alternate solution to achieve the same end? To my knowledge, Scala does not have built-in "type disjunction". Also, are the implicit conversions defined above lurking in the standard library somewhere so that I can just import them?
Miles Sabin describes a very nice way to get union type in his recent blog post Unboxed union types in Scala via the Curry-Howard isomorphism:
He first defines negation of types as
type ¬[A] = A => Nothing
using De Morgan's law this allows him to define union types
type ∨[T, U] = ¬[¬[T] with ¬[U]]
With the following auxiliary constructs
type ¬¬[A] = ¬[¬[A]]
type |∨|[T, U] = { type λ[X] = ¬¬[X] <:< (T ∨ U) }
you can write union types as follows:
def size[T : (Int |∨| String)#λ](t : T) = t match {
case i : Int => i
case s : String => s.length
Well, in the specific case of Any*, this trick below won't work, as it will not accept mixed types. However, since mixed types wouldn't work with overloading either, this may be what you want.
First, declare a class with the types you wish to accept as below:
class StringOrInt[T]
object StringOrInt {
implicit object IntWitness extends StringOrInt[Int]
implicit object StringWitness extends StringOrInt[String]
Next, declare foo like this:
object Bar {
def foo[T: StringOrInt](x: T) = x match {
case _: String => println("str")
case _: Int => println("int")
And that's it. You can call foo(5) or foo("abc"), and it will work, but try foo(true) and it will fail. This could be side-stepped by the client code by creating a StringOrInt[Boolean], unless, as noted by Randall below, you make StringOrInt a sealed class.
It works because T: StringOrInt means there's an implicit parameter of type StringOrInt[T], and because Scala looks inside companion objects of a type to see if there are implicits there to make code asking for that type work.
Dotty, a new experimental Scala compiler, supports union types (written A | B), so you can do exactly what you wanted:
def foo(xs: (String | Int)*) = xs foreach {
case _: String => println("str")
case _: Int => println("int")
Here is the Rex Kerr way to encode union types. Straight and simple!
scala> def f[A](a: A)(implicit ev: (Int with String) <:< A) = a match {
| case i: Int => i + 1
| case s: String => s.length
| }
f: [A](a: A)(implicit ev: <:<[Int with String,A])Int
scala> f(3)
res0: Int = 4
scala> f("hello")
res1: Int = 5
scala> f(9.2)
<console>:9: error: Cannot prove that Int with String <:< Double.
Source: Comment #27 under this excellent blog post by Miles Sabin which provides another way of encoding union types in Scala.
It's possible to generalize Daniel's solution as follows:
sealed trait Or[A, B]
object Or {
implicit def a2Or[A,B](a: A) = new Or[A, B] {}
implicit def b2Or[A,B](b: B) = new Or[A, B] {}
object Bar {
def foo[T <% String Or Int](x: T) = x match {
case _: String => println("str")
case _: Int => println("int")
The main drawbacks of this approach are
As Daniel pointed out, it does not handle collections/varargs with mixed types
The compiler does not issue a warning if the match is not exhaustive
The compiler does not issue an error if the match includes an impossible case
Like the Either approach, further generalization would require defining analogous Or3, Or4, etc. traits. Of course, defining such traits would be much simpler than defining the corresponding Either classes.
Mitch Blevins demonstrates a very similar approach and shows how to generalize it to more than two types, dubbing it the "stuttering or".
I have sort of stumbled on a relatively clean implementation of n-ary union types by combining the notion of type lists with a simplification of Miles Sabin's work in this area, which someone mentions in another answer.
Given type ¬[-A] which is contravariant on A, by definition given A <: B we can write
¬[B] <: ¬[A], inverting the ordering of types.
Given types A, B, and X, we want to express X <: A || X <: B.
Applying contravariance, we get ¬[A] <: ¬[X] || ¬[B] <: ¬[X]. This can in turn
be expressed as ¬[A] with ¬[B] <: ¬[X] in which one of A or B must be a supertype of X or X itself (think about function arguments).
object Union {
import scala.language.higherKinds
sealed trait ¬[-A]
sealed trait TSet {
type Compound[A]
type Map[F[_]] <: TSet
sealed trait ∅ extends TSet {
type Compound[A] = A
type Map[F[_]] = ∅
// Note that this type is left-associative for the sake of concision.
sealed trait ∨[T <: TSet, H] extends TSet {
// Given a type of the form `∅ ∨ A ∨ B ∨ ...` and parameter `X`, we want to produce the type
// `¬[A] with ¬[B] with ... <:< ¬[X]`.
type Member[X] = T#Map[¬]#Compound[¬[H]] <:< ¬[X]
// This could be generalized as a fold, but for concision we leave it as is.
type Compound[A] = T#Compound[H with A]
type Map[F[_]] = T#Map[F] ∨ F[H]
def foo[A : (∅ ∨ String ∨ Int ∨ List[Int])#Member](a: A): String = a match {
case s: String => "String"
case i: Int => "Int"
case l: List[_] => "List[Int]"
foo(List(1, 2, 3))
foo(42d) // error
foo[Any](???) // error
I did spend some time trying to combine this idea with an upper bound on member types as seen in the TLists of harrah/up, however the implementation of Map with type bounds has thus far proved challenging.
A type class solution is probably the nicest way to go here, using implicits.
This is similar to the monoid approach mentioned in the Odersky/Spoon/Venners book:
abstract class NameOf[T] {
def get : String
implicit object NameOfStr extends NameOf[String] {
def get = "str"
implicit object NameOfInt extends NameOf[Int] {
def get = "int"
def printNameOf[T](t:T)(implicit name : NameOf[T]) = println(name.get)
If you then run this in the REPL:
scala> printNameOf(1)
scala> printNameOf("sss")
scala> printNameOf(2.0f)
<console>:10: error: could not find implicit value for parameter nameOf: NameOf[
We’d like a type operator Or[U,V] that can be used to constrain a type parameters X in such a way that either X <: U or X <: V. Here's a definition that comes about as close as we can get:
trait Inv[-X]
type Or[U,T] = {
type pf[X] = (Inv[U] with Inv[T]) <:< Inv[X]
Here is how it's used:
// use
class A; class B extends A; class C extends B
def foo[X : (B Or String)#pf] = {}
foo[B] // OK
foo[C] // OK
foo[String] // OK
foo[A] // ERROR!
foo[Number] // ERROR!
This uses a few Scala type tricks. The main one is the use of generalized type constraints. Given types U and V, the Scala compiler provides a class called U <:< V (and an implicit object of that class) if and only if the Scala compiler can prove that U is a subtype of V. Here’s a simpler example using generalized type constraints that works for some cases:
def foo[X](implicit ev : (B with String) <:< X) = {}
This example works when X an instance of class B, a String, or has a type that is neither a supertype nor a subtype of B or String. In the first two cases, it’s true by the definition of the with keyword that (B with String) <: B and (B with String) <: String, so Scala will provide an implicit object that will be passed in as ev: the Scala compiler will correctly accept foo[B] and foo[String].
In the last case, I’m relying on the fact that if U with V <: X, then U <: X or V <: X. It seems intuitively true, and I’m simply assuming it. It’s clear from this assumption why this simple example fails when X is a supertype or subtype of either B or String: for example, in the example above, foo[A] is incorrectly accepted and foo[C] is incorrectly rejected. Again, what we want is some kind of type expression on the variables U, V, and X that is true exactly when X <: U or X <: V.
Scala’s notion of contravariance can help here. Remember the trait trait Inv[-X]? Because it is contravariant in its type parameter X, Inv[X] <: Inv[Y] if and only if Y <: X. That means that we can replace the example above with one that actually will work:
trait Inv[-X]
def foo[X](implicit ev : (Inv[B] with Inv[String]) <:< Inv[X]) = {}
That’s because the expression (Inv[U] with Inv[V]) <: Inv[X] is true, by the same assumption above, exactly when Inv[U] <: Inv[X] or Inv[V] <: Inv[X], and by the definition of contravariance, this is true exactly when X <: U or X <: V.
It’s possible to make things a little more reusable by declaring a parametrizable type BOrString[X] and using it as follows:
trait Inv[-X]
type BOrString[X] = (Inv[B] with Inv[String]) <:< Inv[X]
def foo[X](implicit ev : BOrString[X]) = {}
Scala will now attempt to construct the type BOrString[X] for every X that foo is called with, and the type will be constructed precisely when X is a subtype of either B or String. That works, and there is a shorthand notation. The syntax below is equivalent (except that ev must now be referenced in the method body as implicitly[BOrString[X]] rather than simply ev) and uses BOrString as a type context bound:
def foo[X : BOrString] = {}
What we’d really like is a flexible way to create a type context bound. A type context must be a parametrizable type, and we want a parametrizable way to create one. That sounds like we’re trying to curry functions on types just like we curry functions on values. In other words, we’d like something like the following:
type Or[U,T][X] = (Inv[U] with Inv[T]) <:< Inv[X]
That’s not directly possible in Scala, but there is a trick we can use to get pretty close. That brings us to the definition of Or above:
trait Inv[-X]
type Or[U,T] = {
type pf[X] = (Inv[U] with Inv[T]) <:< Inv[X]
Here we use structural typing and Scala’s pound operator to create a structural type Or[U,T] that is guaranteed to have one internal type. This is a strange beast. To give some context, the function def bar[X <: { type Y = Int }](x : X) = {} must be called with subclasses of AnyRef that have a type Y defined in them:
bar(new AnyRef{ type Y = Int }) // works!
Using the pound operator allows us to refer to the inner type Or[B, String]#pf, and using infix notation for the type operator Or, we arrive at our original definition of foo:
def foo[X : (B Or String)#pf] = {}
We can use the fact that function types are contravariant in their first type parameter in order to avoid defining the trait Inv:
type Or[U,T] = {
type pf[X] = ((U => _) with (T => _)) <:< (X => _)
There is also this hack:
implicit val x: Int = 0
def foo(a: List[Int])(implicit ignore: Int) { }
implicit val y = ""
def foo(a: List[String])(implicit ignore: String) { }
See Working around type erasure ambiguities (Scala).
You might take a look at MetaScala, which has something called OneOf. I get the impression that this doesn't work well with match statements but that you can simulate matching using higher-order functions. Take a look at this snippet, for instance, but note that the "simulated matching" part is commented out, maybe because it doesn't quite work yet.
Now for some editorializing: I don't think there's anything egregious about defining Either3, Either4, etc. as you describe. This is essentially dual to the standard 22 tuple types built in to Scala. It'd certainly be nice if Scala had built-in disjunctive types, and perhaps some nice syntax for them like {x, y, z}.
I am thinking that the first class disjoint type is a sealed supertype, with the alternate subtypes, and implicit conversions to/from the desired types of the disjunction to these alternative subtypes.
I assume this addresses comments 33 - 36 of Miles Sabin's solution, so the first class type that can be employed at the use site, but I didn't test it.
sealed trait IntOrString
case class IntOfIntOrString( v:Int ) extends IntOrString
case class StringOfIntOrString( v:String ) extends IntOrString
implicit def IntToIntOfIntOrString( v:Int ) = new IntOfIntOrString(v)
implicit def StringToStringOfIntOrString( v:String ) = new StringOfIntOrString(v)
object Int {
def unapply( t : IntOrString ) : Option[Int] = t match {
case v : IntOfIntOrString => Some( v.v )
case _ => None
object String {
def unapply( t : IntOrString ) : Option[String] = t match {
case v : StringOfIntOrString => Some( v.v )
case _ => None
def size( t : IntOrString ) = t match {
case Int(i) => i
case String(s) => s.length
scala> size("test")
res0: Int = 4
scala> size(2)
res1: Int = 2
One problem is Scala will not employ in case matching context, an implicit conversion from IntOfIntOrString to Int (and StringOfIntOrString to String), so must define extractors and use case Int(i) instead of case i : Int.
ADD: I responded to Miles Sabin at his blog as follows. Perhaps there are several improvements over Either:
It extends to more than 2 types, without any additional noise at the use or definition site.
Arguments are boxed implicitly, e.g. don't need size(Left(2)) or size(Right("test")).
The syntax of the pattern matching is implicitly unboxed.
The boxing and unboxing may be optimized away by the JVM hotspot.
The syntax could be the one adopted by a future first class union type, so migration could perhaps be seamless? Perhaps for the union type name, it would be better to use V instead of Or, e.g. IntVString, `Int |v| String`, `Int or String`, or my favorite `Int|String`?
UPDATE: Logical negation of the disjunction for the above pattern follows, and I added an alternative (and probably more useful) pattern at Miles Sabin's blog.
sealed trait `Int or String`
sealed trait `not an Int or String`
sealed trait `Int|String`[T,E]
case class `IntOf(Int|String)`( v:Int ) extends `Int|String`[Int,`Int or String`]
case class `StringOf(Int|String)`( v:String ) extends `Int|String`[String,`Int or String`]
case class `NotAn(Int|String)`[T]( v:T ) extends `Int|String`[T,`not an Int or String`]
implicit def `IntTo(IntOf(Int|String))`( v:Int ) = new `IntOf(Int|String)`(v)
implicit def `StringTo(StringOf(Int|String))`( v:String ) = new `StringOf(Int|String)`(v)
implicit def `AnyTo(NotAn(Int|String))`[T]( v:T ) = new `NotAn(Int|String)`[T](v)
def disjunction[T,E](x: `Int|String`[T,E])(implicit ev: E =:= `Int or String`) = x
def negationOfDisjunction[T,E](x: `Int|String`[T,E])(implicit ev: E =:= `not an Int or String`) = x
scala> disjunction(5)
res0: Int|String[Int,Int or String] = IntOf(Int|String)(5)
scala> disjunction("")
res1: Int|String[String,Int or String] = StringOf(Int|String)()
scala> disjunction(5.0)
error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: =:=[not an Int or String,Int or String]
scala> negationOfDisjunction(5)
error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: =:=[Int or String,not an Int or String]
scala> negationOfDisjunction("")
error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: =:=[Int or String,not an Int or String]
scala> negationOfDisjunction(5.0)
res5: Int|String[Double,not an Int or String] = NotAn(Int|String)(5.0)
ANOTHER UPDATE: Regarding comments 23 and 35 of Mile Sabin's solution, here is a way to declare a union type at the use site. Note it is unboxed after the first level, i.e. it has the advantage being extensible to any number of types in the disjunction, whereas Either needs nested boxing and the paradigm in my prior comment 41 was not extensible. In other words, a D[Int ∨ String] is assignable to (i.e. is a subtype of) a D[Int ∨ String ∨ Double].
type ¬[A] = (() => A) => A
type ∨[T, U] = ¬[T] with ¬[U]
class D[-A](v: A) {
def get[T](f: (() => T)) = v match {
case x : ¬[T] => x(f)
def size(t: D[Int ∨ String]) = t match {
case x: D[¬[Int]] => x.get( () => 0 )
case x: D[¬[String]] => x.get( () => "" )
case x: D[¬[Double]] => x.get( () => 0.0 )
implicit def neg[A](x: A) = new D[¬[A]]( (f: (() => A)) => x )
scala> size(5)
res0: Any = 5
scala> size("")
error: type mismatch;
found : java.lang.String("")
required: D[?[Int,String]]
scala> size("hi" : D[¬[String]])
res2: Any = hi
scala> size(5.0 : D[¬[Double]])
error: type mismatch;
found : D[(() => Double) => Double]
required: D[?[Int,String]]
size(5.0 : D[?[Double]])
Apparently the Scala compiler has three bugs.
It will not choose the correct implicit function for any type after the first type in the destination disjunction.
It doesn't exclude the D[¬[Double]] case from the match.
scala> class D[-A](v: A) {
def get[T](f: (() => T))(implicit e: A <:< ¬[T]) = v match {
case x : ¬[T] => x(f)
error: contravariant type A occurs in covariant position in
type <:<[A,(() => T) => T] of value e
def get[T](f: (() => T))(implicit e: A <:< ?[T]) = v match {
The get method isn't constrained properly on input type, because the compiler won't allow A in the covariant position. One might argue that is a bug because all we want is evidence, we don't ever access the evidence in the function. And I made the choice not to test for case _ in the get method, so I wouldn't have to unbox an Option in the match in size().
March 05, 2012: The prior update needs an improvement. Miles Sabin's solution worked correctly with subtyping.
type ¬[A] = A => Nothing
type ∨[T, U] = ¬[T] with ¬[U]
class Super
class Sub extends Super
scala> implicitly[(Super ∨ String) <:< ¬[Super]]
res0: <:<[?[Super,String],(Super) => Nothing] =
scala> implicitly[(Super ∨ String) <:< ¬[Sub]]
res2: <:<[?[Super,String],(Sub) => Nothing] =
scala> implicitly[(Super ∨ String) <:< ¬[Any]]
error: could not find implicit value for parameter
e: <:<[?[Super,String],(Any) => Nothing]
implicitly[(Super ? String) <:< ?[Any]]
My prior update's proposal (for near first-class union type) broke subtyping.
scala> implicitly[D[¬[Sub]] <:< D[(Super ∨ String)]]
error: could not find implicit value for parameter
e: <:<[D[(() => Sub) => Sub],D[?[Super,String]]]
implicitly[D[?[Sub]] <:< D[(Super ? String)]]
The problem is that A in (() => A) => A appears in both the covariant (return type) and contravariant (function input, or in this case a return value of function which is a function input) positions, thus substitutions can only be invariant.
Note that A => Nothing is necessary only because we want A in the contravariant position, so that supertypes of A are not subtypes of D[¬[A]] nor D[¬[A] with ¬[U]] (see also). Since we only need double contravariance, we can achieve equivalent to Miles' solution even if we can discard the ¬ and ∨.
trait D[-A]
scala> implicitly[D[D[Super]] <:< D[D[Super] with D[String]]]
res0: <:<[D[D[Super]],D[D[Super] with D[String]]] =
scala> implicitly[D[D[Sub]] <:< D[D[Super] with D[String]]]
res1: <:<[D[D[Sub]],D[D[Super] with D[String]]] =
scala> implicitly[D[D[Any]] <:< D[D[Super] with D[String]]]
error: could not find implicit value for parameter
e: <:<[D[D[Any]],D[D[Super] with D[String]]]
implicitly[D[D[Any]] <:< D[D[Super] with D[String]]]
So the complete fix is.
class D[-A] (v: A) {
def get[T <: A] = v match {
case x: T => x
implicit def neg[A](x: A) = new D[D[A]]( new D[A](x) )
def size(t: D[D[Int] with D[String]]) = t match {
case x: D[D[Int]] => x.get[D[Int]].get[Int]
case x: D[D[String]] => x.get[D[String]].get[String]
case x: D[D[Double]] => x.get[D[Double]].get[Double]
Note the prior 2 bugs in Scala remain, but the 3rd one is avoided as T is now constrained to be subtype of A.
We can confirm the subtyping works.
def size(t: D[D[Super] with D[String]]) = t match {
case x: D[D[Super]] => x.get[D[Super]].get[Super]
case x: D[D[String]] => x.get[D[String]].get[String]
scala> size( new Super )
res7: Any = Super#1272e52
scala> size( new Sub )
res8: Any = Sub#1d941d7
I have been thinking that first-class intersection types are very important, both for the reasons Ceylon has them, and because instead of subsuming to Any which means unboxing with a match on expected types can generate a runtime error, the unboxing of a (heterogeneous collection containing a) disjunction can be type checked (Scala has to fix the bugs I noted). Unions are more straightforward than the complexity of using the experimental HList of metascala for heterogeneous collections.
There is another way which is slightly easier to understand if you do not grok Curry-Howard:
type v[A,B] = Either[Option[A], Option[B]]
private def L[A,B](a: A): v[A,B] = Left(Some(a))
private def R[A,B](b: B): v[A,B] = Right(Some(b))
// TODO: for more use scala macro to generate this for up to 22 types?
implicit def a2[A,B](a: A): v[A,B] = L(a)
implicit def b2[A,B](b: B): v[A,B] = R(b)
implicit def a3[A,B,C](a: A): v[v[A,B],C] = L(a2(a))
implicit def b3[A,B,C](b: B): v[v[A,B],C] = L(b2(b))
implicit def a4[A,B,C,D](a: A): v[v[v[A,B],C],D] = L(a3(a))
implicit def b4[A,B,C,D](b: B): v[v[v[A,B],C],D] = L(b3(b))
implicit def a5[A,B,C,D,E](a: A): v[v[v[v[A,B],C],D],E] = L(a4(a))
implicit def b5[A,B,C,D,E](b: B): v[v[v[v[A,B],C],D],E] = L(b4(b))
type JsonPrimtives = (String v Int v Double)
type ValidJsonPrimitive[A] = A => JsonPrimtives
def test[A : ValidJsonPrimitive](x: A): A = x
// test(true) // does not compile
I use similar technique in dijon
Well, that's all very clever, but I'm pretty sure you know already that the answers to your leading questions are various varieties of "No". Scala handles overloading differently and, it must be admitted, somewhat less elegantly than you describe. Some of that's due to Java interoperability, some of that is due to not wanting to hit edged cases of the type inferencing algorithm, and some of that's due to it simply not being Haskell.
Adding to the already great answers here. Here's a gist that builds on Miles Sabin union types (and Josh's ideas) but also makes them recursively defined, so you can have >2 types in the union (def foo[A : UNil Or Int Or String Or List[String])
NB: I should add that after playing around with the above for a project, I ended up going back to plain-old-sum-types (i.e. sealed trait with subclasses). Miles Sabin union types are great for restricting the type parameter, but if you need to return a union type then it doesn't offer much.
In Scala 3, you can use Union types
Start a Scala 3 project:
One way is
sbt new lampepfl/dotty.g8
Then you can change directory to project, and type sbt console to start a REPL.
scala> def foo(xs: (Int | String)*) = xs foreach {
| case _: String => println("str")
| case _: Int => println("int")
| }
def foo(xs: (Int | String)*): Unit
scala> foo(2,"2","acc",-223)
From the docs, with the addition of sealed:
sealed class Expr
case class Var (x: String) extends Expr
case class Apply (f: Expr, e: Expr) extends Expr
case class Lambda(x: String, e: Expr) extends Expr
Regarding the sealed part:
It is possible to define further case classes that extend type Expr in other parts of the program (...). This form of extensibility can be excluded by declaring the base class Expr sealed; in this case, all classes that directly extend Expr must be in the same source file as Expr.

Why are input parameters contravariant in methods?

Here's some code from this tutorial:
case class ListNode[+T](h: T, t: ListNode[T]) {
def head: T = h
def tail: ListNode[T] = t
def prepend(elem: T): ListNode[T] =
ListNode(elem, this)
The tutorial says:
Unfortunately, this program does not compile, because a covariance
annotation is only possible if the type variable is used only in
covariant positions. Since type variable T appears as a parameter type
of method prepend, this rule is broken.
How is T not in a covariant position in predend, and the other T references (def head: T = h and def tail: ListNode[T] = t), apparently, are covariant?
What I'm asking is why T in prepend is not covariant. This is certainly not covered in Why is Function[-A1,...,+B] not about allowing any supertypes as parameters?, which seems to be what others have directed me to read.
Input parameters of methods are not in covariant positions but contravariant positions. Only the return types of methods are in covariant positions.
If your defination of ListNode class were OK, then I could write code like this:
val list1: ListNode[String] = ListNode("abc", null)
val list2: ListNode[Any] = list1 // list2 and list1 are the same thing
val list3: ListNode[Int] = list2.prepend(1) // def prepend(elem: T): ListNode[T]
val x: Int = list3.tail.head // ERROR, x in fact is "abc"
See, if arguments were covariant positions, then a container could always hold values of another type which has the same ancestor of its real type, and this is definitely WRONG!
So, referring to the source code of scala.collection.immutable.List.::, your class should be defined as this:
case class ListNode[+T](h: T, t: ListNode[T]) {
def head: T = h
def tail: ListNode[T] = t
def prepend[A >: T](elem: A): ListNode[A] = ListNode(elem, this)
The argument type A is a new type parameter which is lower bounded to T.
An example:
val dogList = ListNode[Dog](...)
val animal = Animal()
val dog = Dog()
dogList.prepend(dog) //works
dogList.prepend(animal) //fails
covariance means that you can use a ListNode[Dog] like a ListNode[Animal]
//if compiler would allow it
val animalList: ListNode[Animal] = dogList
animalList.prepend(dog) //works
animalList.prepend(animal) //would fail, but you expect an animallist to accept any animal

Understanding of Upperbound and Lowerbound in Scala

I have this scala code:
class Creature {
override def toString = "I exist"
class Person(val name: String) extends Creature {
override def toString = name
class Employee(override val name: String) extends Person(name) {
override def toString = name
class Test[T](val x: T = null) {
def upperBound[U <: T](v: U): Test[U] = {
new Test[U](v)
def lowerBound[U >: T](v: U): Test[U] = {
new Test[U](v)
We can see the hierarchy relationship between Creature, Person, and Employee:
Creature <- Person <- Employee
In the def main:
val test = new Test[Person]()
val ub = test.upperBound(new Employee("John Derp")) //#1 ok because Employee is subtype of Person
val lb = test.lowerBound(new Creature()) //#2 ok because Creature is supertype of Person
val ub2 = test.upperBound(new Creature()) //#3 error because Creature is not subtype of Person
val lb2 = test.lowerBound(new Employee("Scala Jo")) //#4 ok? how could? as Employee is not supertype of Person
What can I understand is:
A <: B define A must be subtype or equal to B (upper bound)
A >: B define A must be supertype or equal to B (lower bound)
But what happened to #4 ? Why there is no error? As the Employee is not supertype of Person, I expect it shouldn't conform to the bound type parameter [U >: T].
Anyone can explain?
This example may help
scala> test.lowerBound(new Employee("Scala Jo"))
res9: Test[Person] = Test#1ba319a7
scala> test.lowerBound[Employee](new Employee("Scala Jo"))
<console>:21: error: type arguments [Employee] do not conform to method lowerBound's type parameter bounds [U >: Person]
test.lowerBound[Employee](new Employee("Scala Jo"))
In general, it's connected to the Liskov Substitution Principle - you can use subtype anywhere instead of supertype (or "subtype can always be casted to its supertype"), so type inference trying to infer as nearest supertype as it can (like Person here).
So, for ub2 there is no such intersection between [Nothing..Person] and [Creature..Any], but for lb2 there is one between [Person..Any] and [Employee..Any] - and that's the Person. So, you should specify type explicitly (force Employee instead of [Employee..Any]) to avoid type inference here.
The example where lb2 expectedly failing even with type inference:
scala> def aaa[T, A >: T](a: A)(t: T, a2: A) = t
aaa: [T, A >: T](a: A)(t: T, a2: A)T
scala> aaa(new Employee(""))(new Person(""), new Employee(""))
<console>:19: error: type arguments [Person,Employee] do not conform to method aaa's type parameter bounds [T,A >: T]
aaa(new Employee(""))(new Person(""), new Employee(""))
Here type A is inferred inside first parameter list and fixated as Employee, so second parameter list (which throws an error) just have only choice - to use it as is.
Or most commonly used example with invariant O[T]:
scala> case class O[T](a: T)
defined class O
scala> def aaa[T, A >: T](t: T, a2: O[A]) = t
aaa: [T, A >: T](t: T, a2: O[A])T
scala> aaa(new Person(""), O(new Employee("")))
<console>:21: error: type mismatch;
found : O[Employee]
required: O[Person]
Note: Employee <: Person, but class O is invariant in type T.
You may wish to define T as +T instead. (SLS 4.5)
aaa(new Person(""), O(new Employee("")))
T is fixed to Employee here and it's not possible to cast O[Employee] to
O[Person] due to invariance by default.
I think it happens because you can pass any Person to your
and as Employee is a subclass of Person it is considered as Person which is legal here.

F-Bounded Polymorphism in Scala

I am using Scala 2.10-RC5
Here is my code:
object Fbound {
abstract class E[A <: E[A]] {
self: A =>
def move(a: A): Int
class A extends E[A] {
override def toString = "A"
def move(a: A) = 1
class B extends E[B] {
override def toString = "B"
def move(b: B) = 2
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val a = new A
val b = new B
val l = List(a, b)
val t = => item.move(null.asInstanceOf[Nothing]))
when run the program, exception occurs:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at fb.Fbound$$anonfun$1.apply(Fbound.scala:20)
at fb.Fbound$$anonfun$1.apply(Fbound.scala:20)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:244)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:244)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:309)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike$
at fb.Fbound$.main(Fbound.scala:20)
at fb.Fbound.main(Fbound.scala)
my question is:
Why it pass the compiler but fail at runtime?
Adding a line at the bottom - val t1 = => item.move(item)) will fail the compiler, why?
Your code with null.asInstanceOf[Nothing] compiles because Nothing is a subclass of everything and, as such, complies with the required type for move. Needless to say, it will throw an exception at runtime.
When you try to compile the second line you gave, you are given something in the lines of this error:
<console>:19: error: type mismatch;
found : E[_6(in value $anonfun)] where type _6(in value $anonfun) >: B with A
<: E[_ >: B with A <: Object]
required: <root>._6
When you put the two instances in the same List, you have lost important information about the type of their elements. The compiler can't ensure that an element of type T >: B with A <: E[_ >: B with A] can be passed to the move method of an object of the same type, the same way that you can't do:
val c: E[_ >: B with A] = new A
val d: E[_ >: B with A] = new B
c.move(d) // note: the _ in c and d declarations are different types!
I don't know enough about self-types to be completely sure of this explanation, but it seems to me that it is a class-level restriction, and not an instance-level one. In other words, if you lose the information about the type parameter in E, you can't expect the compiler to know about the move argument particular type.
For instance-level restrictions, you have this.type. If you define move as:
def move(a: this.type): Int
Your code compiles, but I don't think it is what you want, as move will accept only the same instance you are calling it on, which is useless.
I can't think of any way you may enforce that restriction the way you want. I suggest you try to do that with type variables (i.e. defining a type variable type T = A in class E), which have, as far as I know, some degree of binding to instances. Perhaps you can explain in more detail your specific situation?
Re: second question
The problem is type of the argument of move method, I can't see it being possible to make it work if it is in any way tied to subclass(es), instead:
l has to be 'some form' of list of E-s
so then item will be 'some form' of E
type of argument to move has to have the same type
This is then the only way I could make it work with type arguments (changing btw name of type argument to X, not to be confused with name of class A, and removing self type declaration, which I think is irrelevant for this problem/discussion):
abstract class E[X <: E[X]]
def move (a: E[_]): Int
class A extends E[A]
def move(a: E[_]): Int = 1
class B extends E[B]
def move(b: E[_]): Int = 2
val a = new A
val b = new B
val l = List (a, b)
val t = (item => item.move(item))
If someone could give a more 'type-restrictive' solution, I would really like to see it.
Another option, as Rui has suggested, would be to use a type member, something like this:
abstract class E
type C <: E
def move (x: E): Int
class A extends E
type C = A
def move(x: E): Int = 1
class B extends E
type C = B
def move(x: E): Int = 2
val a = new A
val b = new B
val l = List (a, b)
val t = (item => item.move(item))

Scala: Implicit evidence for class with type parameter

Here is a simple setup with two traits, a class with a covariant type parameter bounded by the previous traits, and a second class with a type parameter bounded by the other class. For both classes, a particular method is available (via implicit evidence) only if one of the two traits underlies the type parameter. This compiles fine:
trait Foo
trait ReadableFoo extends Foo {def field: Int}
case class Bar[+F <: Foo](foo: F) {
def readField(implicit evidence: F <:< ReadableFoo) = foo.field
case class Grill[+F <: Foo, +B <: Bar[F]](bar: B) {
def readField(implicit evidence: F <:< ReadableFoo) = bar.readField
However, since Bar is covariant in F, I shouldn't need the F parameter in Grill. I should just require that B is a subtype of Bar[ReadableFoo]. This, however, fails:
case class Grill[+B <: Bar[_]](bar: B) {
def readField(implicit evidence: B <:< Bar[ReadableFoo]) = bar.readField
with the error:
error: Cannot prove that Any <:< this.ReadableFoo.
def readField(implicit evidence: B <:< Bar[ReadableFoo]) = bar.readField
Why is the implicit evidence not being taken into account?
0__'s answer (use the implicit evidence argument to turn bar into the right type) is the answer I'd give to the specific question you asked (although I'd suggest not using implicitly if you've got the implicit argument sitting right there).
It's worth noting that the situation you're describing sounds like it might be a good use case for ad-hoc polymorphism via type classes, however. Say for example that we've got the following setup:
trait Foo
case class Bar[F <: Foo](foo: F)
case class Grill[B <: Bar[_]](bar: B)
And a type class, along with some convenience methods for creating new instances and for pimping a readField method onto any type that has an instance in scope:
trait Readable[A] { def field(a: A): Int }
object Readable {
def apply[A, B: Readable](f: A => B) = new Readable[A] {
def field(a: A) = implicitly[Readable[B]].field(f(a))
implicit def enrich[A: Readable](a: A) = new {
def readField = implicitly[Readable[A]].field(a)
import Readable.enrich
And a couple of instances:
implicit def barInstance[F <: Foo: Readable] = Readable((_: Bar[F]).foo)
implicit def grillInstance[B <: Bar[_]: Readable] = Readable((_: Grill[B]).bar)
And finally a readable Foo:
case class MyFoo(x: Int) extends Foo
implicit object MyFooInstance extends Readable[MyFoo] {
def field(foo: MyFoo) = foo.x
This allows us to do the following, for example:
scala> val readableGrill = Grill(Bar(MyFoo(11)))
readableGrill: Grill[Bar[MyFoo]] = Grill(Bar(MyFoo(11)))
scala> val anyOldGrill = Grill(Bar(new Foo {}))
anyOldGrill: Grill[Bar[java.lang.Object with Foo]] = Grill(Bar($anon$1#483457f1))
scala> readableGrill.readField
res0: Int = 11
scala> anyOldGrill.readField
<console>:22: error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of
type Readable[Grill[Bar[java.lang.Object with Foo]]]
Which is what we want.
The call bar.readField is possible because the evidence instance <:< allows an implicit conversion from B to Bar[ReadableFoo].
The problem I think that to call readField you need a successive evidence parameter F <:< ReadableFoo. So my guess is, the compiler doesn't fully substitute the type parameter of Bar in the first search stage of the implicit resolution (because to find readField, it just requires any Bar in the first place). And then it chokes on the second implicit resolution, because there is no form of 'backtracking' as far as I know.
Anyway. The good thing is, you know more than the compiler and you can engage the conversion explicitly, either by using the apply method of <:<, or by using the helper method implicitly:
case class Grill[+B <: Bar[_]](bar: B) {
def readField(implicit evidence: B <:< Bar[ReadableFoo]) = evidence(bar).readField
case class Grill[+B <: Bar[_]](bar: B) {
def readField(implicit evidence: B <:< Bar[ReadableFoo]) =
There is another possibility which might be the cleanest, as it doesn't rely on the implementation of <:< which might be a problem as #Kaito suggests:
case class Grill[+B <: Bar[_]](bar: B) {
def readField(implicit evidence: B <:< Bar[ReadableFoo]) =
(bar: Bar[ReadableFoo]).readField
This is not an answer to the question, but to show that the 'type constraint' is really just an implicit conversion:
Welcome to Scala version (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_33).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> trait A { def test() {} }
defined trait A
scala> class WhatHappens[T] { def test(t: T)(implicit ev: T <:< A) = t.test() }
defined class WhatHappens
scala> :javap -v WhatHappens
public void test(java.lang.Object, scala.Predef$$less$colon$less);
Stack=2, Locals=3, Args_size=3
0: aload_2
1: aload_1
2: invokeinterface #12, 2; //InterfaceMethod scala/Function1.apply:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
7: checkcast #14; //class A
10: invokeinterface #17, 1; //InterfaceMethod A.test:()V
15: return
Start Length Slot Name Signature
0 16 0 this LWhatHappens;
0 16 1 t Ljava/lang/Object;
0 16 2 ev Lscala/Predef$$less$colon$less;