Java SWT - Create a pure SWT Table with different color on even and odd rows - swt

I am very new to the SWT and I am trying to create a Java SWT table with different color on even and odd rows (ex: 1st row is red, second row is blue, third row is res, fourth row is blue ... ).
Since the rows on table can be deleted, inserted so if I manually set color by using a for loop I will have to run that loop again and again to set color every time there's something change in the table. And I don't want to use JFace, just pure Java SWT
Do you have some better solutions for this problems?

You can use custom drawn table items .
By adding a listener for the SWT.EraseItem you can just draw the background and let the rest do the default implementation. Use the item field of the event to decide whether an even or odd row is to be drawn.
For example:
table.addListener( SWT.EraseItem, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
int index = table.indexOf( ( TableItem )event.item );
if( index % 2 == 0 ) {
Color oldBackground = event.gc.getBackground();
event.gc.setBackground( event.display.getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_DARK_YELLOW ) );
event.gc.fillRectangle( 0, event.y, table.getClientArea().width, event.height );
event.gc.setBackground( oldBackground );
} );


How do I select entire column on selecting row cell in NatTable?

We have a NatTable with no header and I treated the 1st row as a Header,
- Register CELL_PAINTER to change the visualization to look this row similar to header.
Also registered the CustomCommandHandler which implements ILayerCommandHandler to prevent cell/row selection for the 1st row.
selectionLayer.registerCommandHandler(new CustomCommandHandler());
Cell selection is working fine for other cells.
public boolean doCommand(final ILayer layer, final ILayerCommand command)
if (command instanceof ViewportSelectRowCommand)
return ((ViewportSelectRowCommand) command).getRowPosition() <= 1;
else if (command instanceof SelectCellCommand)
return ((SelectCellCommand) command).getRowPosition() <= 1
return false;
Now how can I select the entire column on selecting cells on 1st row. So that it should not affect the cell selection for other row cells.
Clicking any cells on 1st row should select entire column.
Clicking any cells on other rows should select the same cell. (currently this is happening)
Although I am not quite sure what sense it makes to only have a body that is configured in a complicated way to look and behave like it has headers without really having headers (IMHO this does not make any sense), you need to register a custom handler that checks for the column position and transform the SelectCellCommand into a SelectColumnCommand.
this.selectionLayer.registerCommandHandler(new SelectCellCommandHandler(this.selectionLayer) {
public boolean doCommand(ILayer targetLayer, SelectCellCommand command) {
if (command.convertToTargetLayer(targetLayer)
&& command.getColumnPosition() == 0) {
return targetLayer.doCommand(
new SelectColumnCommand(
return super.doCommand(targetLayer, command);
But I expect there will be more issues on the way as the immitated headers do not behave like real headers also in other scenarios. You could also try to override getRegionLabelsByXY(int, int) but I am not sure if this would work or cause more problems.

Smart GWT listgrid, how to expand and row span at the same time

So I have a Smart GWT ListGrid and I want to be able to make the rows expandable and at the same time do a row span on them. Expanding rows which are not merged (by doing row span) works fine, however if I have several rows that are merged the expand icon disappears. My code for expanding and row spanning is this:
lisgrid = new LisGrid()
protected Canvas getExpansionComponent(final ListGridRecord record)
// Add a nested grid to display the remaining requests for the tag
// (after the first N being shown be default).
VLayout layout = new VLayout(5);
final ExtendedListGrid requestGrid = new ExtendedListGrid();
return layout;
listGrid.setMergeCols(new String[] { "requestSummaryTagId", "gca" });
I have overridden the getRowSpan method of the ListGrid to span a cell until the cell right under (same column index and next row index) it has the same value, and I also have a method, setMergeCols, that tells the grid which cells to span across rows. Here is what it looks like. As you can see, the first 2 cells at the bottom span 4 rows, but the expand symbol is missing, while for the rows above (which don't have any row span) the expand symbol is there. Any idea why?

GWT DataGrid specific row needs add style

is anyone have idea ,how to add specific style to GWT Datagrid?
I need to add style to specific row ( class="error") to show that row in red color.
More details:
Rendering the table using the GWT Datagrid. it has column called "type" .
the type can have different values like " connected" ,"disconnected" ,"error".
if the type is error then i need to render row with different style( need to show text in the
red color).
There's RowStyles for that exact purpose.
grid.setRowStyles(new RowStyles<Row>() {
public String getStyleNames(Row row, int rowIndex) {
return "error".equals(row.getType()) ? "error" : "";

GWT CellTable keep focus on selected row

When I select a row in a CellTable which contains several columns, the whole row gets colored in yellow. It does not depend on which area of the row I click (which column of the row).
What I try to do is to keep the selected row colored in yellow as long as no other row of this very table is selected. At the moment, as soon as I click somewhere else in the browser, the row gets back its original color.
I tried to use a selection model, but this changed nothing. Do you have any advise or is this simply not possible, since the focus is managed by the browser? The behavior is the same in the Google showcase for the CellTable...
The selection model actually does what you want to do: it paints a row blue and the row does not change color if you click elsewhere in the page. (Only when another row is selected)
There are 2 selection models:
One that lets you select only one row, and another one that lets you select multiple rows.
MultiSelectionModel<Row> selectionModel = new MultiSelectionModel<Row>();
SingleSelectionModel<Row> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<Row>();
The solution of user905374 did actually work. I mentioned in my first post that I already tried the solution with a selectionModel and that it did not work. This was partially true. It does work, but only if the table does NOT contain a CheckboxCell.
Following a working and the not working example. I think this might be a bug, but I am not sure if I miss something.
final CellTable<LicenceDto> licenseTable = new CellTable<LicenceDto>();
final SingleSelectionModel<LicenceDto> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<LicenceDto>();
//--- If I add this column, the selection does work.
Column<LicenceDto, String> workingColumn = new Column<LicenceDto, String>(new TextCell()) {
public String getValue(LicenceDto object) {
return "Works";
workingColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<LicenceDto, String>() {
public void update(int index, LicenceDto object, String value) {
//--- If I add this column, the selection does NOT work anymore.
Column<LicenceDto, Boolean> notWorkingColumn = new Column<LicenceDto, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(true, true)) {
public Boolean getValue(LicenceDto object) {
return object.getEnabled();
notWorkingColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<LicenceDto, Boolean>() {
public void update(int index, LicenceDto object, Boolean value) {
presenter.enableLicense(object, value);
You can even combine multiple cells and add them to the table (e.g. LinkActionCell etc). As long as there is no CheckboxCell, the blue selection with the SingleSelectionModel does work like a charm. Does anyone see what I do wrong with this CheckboxCell or is there a bug?
It was simply a usage error of me. The problem was that I set handlesSelection to true (second parameter of the CheckboxCell constructor) even thought I don't handle anything. Setting it to false solves the problem.
Bottomline: Use a selection model (e.g. SingleSelectionModel) and do not set the handlesSelection parameter to true of the CheckboxCell constructor to true, if you don't handle the selection by yourself.
You should observe the Showcase demo again. This time use the checkbox on the left most column i.e the first column. On selection the row turns blue indicating the row selection is made. This is when you have SelectionModel set up. Click on the page anywhere outside the CellTable/DataGrid the selection is not changed.
Now, instead of choosing the row via checkbox from first column, you click on a row in any other column. The row turns yellow. Click on the page anywhere outside the CellTable/DataGrid the focus/yellow is lost.
"colored in yellow" indicates row is under focus and being edited and not selected.
Note - you can force row selection by using click events per cell.
Try something like this:
CellTable table;
YourDataObject object = new YourDataObject(...);
SingleSelectionModel<YourDataObject> selectionModel =
new SingleSelectionModel<YourDataObject>();
table.setSelected(object, true);
Use MultiSelectionModel if you wish more than one line to be highlighted.
Store the selected row's index. When user selects row, change row's style to some "selected-style" appropriate for your case (defined in your css file) and remove selected style from the previously selected row. Also don't forget to update selected row's index.
If you provide some code from the original version I help you out with some code with pleasure.

make the gwt celltable row selected

I have a cell Table in GWT with columns , there are 3 rows in each column, I want the first row to get selected by default when the application starts
some thing like this
is it possible ?
her is the code
new FieldUpdater<CandidateSummary, String>() {
public void update(int index, CandidateSummary object,
String value) {
fetchResume(cvSelected, shortListedFlag);
This fetchResume() method calls but only when i select cell of this column , I want to call this fetchResume() method as my application starts, i.e i want to make the 1st cell of the column to be selected byDefault.
Selection is handled by a SelectionModel, based on objects (not indices); so you have to select the first object from your data in the SelectionModel used by the CellTable (have a look at the Using a key provider to track objects as they change sample code in the Celltable javadoc for an example (last sample before nested classes summary).
This could work?
setSelected(Element elem, boolean selected)
see GWT Documentation
CellTable Google Web Toolkit
Hmm I dont see what´s the Celltable is there. I would set the initial Value like this:
TableRowElement initalSetElement = yourCellTable.getRowElement(INITAL_SET_ROW);
yourCellTable.setSelected(initialSetElement, true);
You can try to implement it in you´re main Method. Haven´t tested it tho, hope it helps.
List<RowType> source = new LinkedList<RowType>();
//put some data to this list
//populate the table
table.setRowCount(source.size(), true);
table.setRowData(0, source);
//for example, you can select the first row
RowType firstRow = source.get(0);
selectionModel.setSelected(firstRow, true);