Equivalent of R's str in Matlab? [duplicate] - matlab

I'd like to be able to view the structure of objects in Matlab/GNU Octave the same way as I do in R (using the str() function). Is there a function that does this? An example task would be returning nr rows and cols in matrix, but also all the arguments for a given function.
I'm aware that I could use both size() and help() (but not for function files) separately to get this information.

There are several useful functions for displaying some information about Matlab objects (I can't say anything about Octave compatibility), but I'm not sure they'll provide the same detail as R's str(). You can display all of the methods of a class with the methods function, e.g.:
which returns
Methods for class MException:
addCause getReport ne throw
eq isequal rethrow throwAsCaller
Static methods:
The what function will return similar results. Or methods can be used on an object of a given class:
ME = MException('Test:test','Testing');
Similarly, you can view the properties with properties and the events with events.


MATLAB set class `size` (overload operation upon class)

classdef Dog
d=Dog(); can size(d) be controlled? Is there some property to set or method to overload?
Ultimately I have like d.data = [1, 2, 3] and want length(d) == 3. I'm aware I can make d.length(). As an aside, is there a list of MATLAB "magic methods", i.e. functions that control interaction with classes, like subsref?
In MATLAB, don't think of class method as similar to class methods in other languages. Really, what they are is overloaded versions of a function.
size(d) is the same as d.size() (which is the same as d.size, parentheses are not needed to call a function), if d is an object of a custom class and size is overloaded for that class.
So, you can define function size in the methods section of your classdef, to overload size for your class. You can also create a size.m file within a #Dog/ directory to accomplish the same thing.
For example, if you create a file #char/size.m with a function definition inside, you will have overloaded size for char arrays.
The above is true for any function. Some functions, when overloaded, can cause headaches. For example be careful when overloading numel, as it could cause indexed assignment expressions to fail. size is used by the whos command to display variable information, as well as by the similar functionality in the GUI, so it is important to have it behave in the expected way.
The object behavior that you might want to change that is not obviously a function, relates to operators. Each operator is also defined by a function (including end in indexing!). See the docs for a full list.

Is it possible to check for handle equality for a class that overloads eq?

My code has some handles for objects belonging to a third-party class that I can't modify. This class overloads eq so that rather than comparing whether the handles point to the same object, as the built-in version of == does, it does a different comparison based on the value of the input objects, irrespective of whether given two handles to the same object or not.
I explicitly want to check if the two handles point to the same object. I thought perhaps builtin would rescue me. But builtin('eq',A,B) just results in the error:
Error using builtin
Undefined operator '==' for input arguments of type 'ThirdPartyClass'.
It seems like builtin only likes "pure" functions, and handle.eq is a special method of the handle class that is distinct from the builtin function eq that operates on pure functions.
Calling eq explicitly with the class name using handle.eq(A,B) doesn't work either - this yields the error
No method 'eq' with matching signature found for class 'handle'.
Curiously, invoking the overload using the same syntax ThirdPartyClass.eq(A,B) yields a different error:
The class ThirdPartyClass has no Constant property or Static method named 'eq'.
So it isn't exactly clear to me if handle.eq(A,B) is also necessarily interpreted as a call to a static method. But in this exact form at least it seems not to be a viable route to calling that (overloaded) regular method.
So have I been done over by the very inconsiderate design choice of the authors of this class? Or is there some way to access the method of the superclass that has been so recklessly overloaded? Or indeed, a way to achieve what handle.eq does from scratch (despite this being one of MATLAB's built-in functions that doesn't have its implementation visible in m-code)?
Going over the list of public methods for handle led to one solution that is viable in this case. Since le and ge are not overloaded in this class, the expression A <= B & A >= B has the same result as A == B does for handle classes without an overload on eq.

MATLAB, Phased Array Toolbox and `pattern` function

I'm trying to understand an example for MATLAB Phased Array Toolbox.
There is called function pattern:
Cannot you tell me, where is the function described and what does it do?
pattern is a method on antenna array objects. ha is an instance of the class phased.ReplicatedSubarray. When object is the first argument to a call, MATLAB first checks whether this is a method on that object and calls that. This syntax is same as calling ha.pattern(...). If you try methods(ha) it should list pattern as one of the methods. You can find documentation for pattern method of this object at http://www.mathworks.com/help/phased/ref/phased.replicatedsubarray.pattern.html.

about matlab's Adaptfilt.<algorithm> function

Matlab's DSP toolbox has a function called adaptfilt., where calling adaptfilt is not enough, but you must add the .< algorithm> where the algorithm can be one of the many things, which we can view using help adaptfilt. What kind of Matlab structure has been used here (or what is the . operator and how can I make my own function that has to be called using a dot).
Also, the result of doing, say, adaptfilt.fdaf, gives a result that seems like a structure. How can I view all the elements of this structure (that is, if there are any more members besides the values that are returned on the screen by the function itself)?
adaptfilt is a class definition, of which fdaf is a member. Then, you use the dot operator to access the static member of the class. See Static Methods in the MATLAB documentation. In summary, to define a similar function yourself use
classdef MyClass
function y = yourFunc(x)
The result you're getting from adaptfilt.fdaf is in fact an object. The adaptfilt.fdaf documentation page outlines the members of the object.

get string of enum - matlab coder

I have an enum like this:
classdef(Enumeration) bla_type < int32
I can get the 'string representation of an element' like this:
Unfortunately, matlab coder does not like this. Are there any alternatives?
There's no elegant built-in way in Coder to do this; the enumerated type becomes a standard enum in C, and the enumeration function in MATLAB is unavailable in Coder. The simplest, but unpleasant, way to do it is to create a function with a switch statement with the manually populated string names. It's not nice, since now you have to maintain the names in two places.
However, one way that does work nicely is to use one of the more powerful features of Coder: coder.const.
The solution is to have a function that creates a table of the enumeration members and their values. This function itself cannot be compiled, but rather is called during compilation to build a lookup table in the resulting C code. We can use this lookup table in a Coder compatible function to get the data.
Imagine we have an enumerated type like this (in someenum.m):
classdef someenum < int32 %#codegen
First_thing (0)
Second_thing (2)
Another_thing (3)
No_thing (4000)
We also then have the build-time function called 'buildsomeenum2name.m':
function [namearray, memberidx] = buildsomeenum2name
%BUILDSOMEENUM2NAME Compile-time creation of lookup table for someenum
[members, names]=enumeration('someenum');
maxlen = 0;
for i=1:numel(names)
maxlen = max(maxlen, numel(names{i}));
namearray = char(zeros(numel(names), maxlen));
for i=1:numel(names)
namearray(i, 1:numel(names{i})) = names{i};
memberidx = int32(members); %#ok<NASGU>
When buildsomeenum2name is called in MATLAB, it creates an array of string names of all the members of the enumerated type and another vector list of their numeric values in the same order.
Here's the cool part. MATLAB Coder can evaluate functions at build time and turn them into constants. These constants become literals in the resulting C code, rather than actual code. Since the functions are evaluated at build time, the enumeration information is put into a nice table, therefore if we make a Coder-compatible lookup function, we can use it to convert the member types into a string. We'll call this function 'someenum2name.m':
function name = someenum2name(enum) %#codegen
%SOMEENUM2NAME Get the string name of an enumerated type
% The following line loads namearray and memberidx with constant arrays
[namearray, memberidx] = coder.const(#buildsomeenum2name);
% First find the index of the enumerated type in the memberidx vector
index = find(memberidx==int32(enum));
if isempty(index)
name = 'UNKNOWN';
name = deblank(namearray(index,:));
This function uses the coder.const command to evaluate buildsomeenum2name at compile time and create the lookup tables. We have to instruct Coder not to try to compile buildsomeenum2name, so use the coder.extrinsic command to tell it to ignore the function. Then someenum2name can look up the index for the string and pull it out (deblank is used because the strings in the array have trailing 0's that need to be pulled out.) The function someenum2name can be called both within MATLAB and in Coder compiled code.
This method keeps everything in-sync, so if you ever add a new member to the enum or rearrange them, the coder.const function will make sure that the values are rebuilt in the output code so that someenum2name works.
At the command line, this looks like:
>> someenum2name(someenum.No_thing)
ans =
Try [~,s]=enumeration('bla_type'). You get a cell array of strings containing the name of elements in s. So bla_one will be in s{1}. Don't know whether that is supported by MATLAB coder though.