Is there a way to get a warning when a Scala Value Class needs to become instantiated? - scala

In the documentation about Scala value classes, it is mentioned that there are three cases when a value class needs to actually be allocated an instance:
Allocation Summary
A value class is actually instantiated when:
a value class is treated as another type.
a value class is assigned to an array.
doing runtime type tests, such as pattern matching.
Is there a setting in the compiler or in the language features which would produce a warning when a value class needs to be instantiated?

No, not currently.
However, it is very rarely worth bothering with this kind of micro-optimisation.
If you have some very very hot code and you need to optimise it as far as possible then just try a few things and re-benchmark.
The JIT compiler will change what your code is doing at the machine level a lot of the time if the code is hot enough.
The overhead of allocating a value class is often not even measurable unless it is the only thing the thread is doing. See e.g.!topic/scala-user/XdQnbcs2SRM for some benchmarks where value class allocation is not measurable.


What is the benefit of defining enumerators as a DUT?

The main goal of defining enumerators is to assign a variable to some numbers and their equal strings as I understand.
We can define var a as an enum everywhere in the initializing section of our Program or Function Block like this:
tough I don't know why we can't see that in tabular view but there there is a big question that:
What is the benefit of defining enumerators as a DUT?
There are 3 main benefits for me:
You can use the same enum in multiples function blocks
You can use TO_STRING on enums declared as DUTs (After enabling it with {attribute 'to_string'} Infosys
You can use refactoring on names of each component, which is impossible with local enums
When defining an enum as a DUT it is available everywhere in your code (global scope).
This is helpful in many cases, but in general it is not good programming practice to have a lot of stuff available in the global scope.
Here is a bit elaboration on the topic.
In addition to the above, one benefit is that if you are using an enumeration for something like FB states, you will be able to see the descriptive status name when the program is running (READING, WRITING, WAITING, ERROR, etc.).
You can see it in the variable declarations section, in-line with your code, or in the watch window. You don’t have to remember what status number was defined in your state machine.
This benefit comes with local enumerations or DUT (global) enumerations.
In addition to other good points already made, there is another big advantage to enumerations : you can use the enumeration as the type of a variable, and when you do that, the compiler will (if {attribute 'strict'} is used in the enumeration declaration, which it probably should) refuse an assignment to that variable of a value that is not allowed by the enumeration.
In other words, you get rid of a whole class of failure modes where the variable ends up having an invalid value due to some coding mistake the compiler cannot catch.
It takes a trivial amount of time to create an enumeration, and it has benefits on many levels. I would say the real question is why not use them whenever a fixed list of meaningful values needs to be expressed.

Where to define typecast to struct in MATLAB OOP?

In the MATLAB OOP framework, it can be useful to cast an object to a struct, i.e., define a function that takes an object and returns a struct with equivalent fields.
What is the appropriate place to do this? I can think of several options:
Build a separate converter object that takes care of conversions between various classes
Add a function struct to the class that does the conversion to struct, and make the constructor accept structs
Neither option seems to be very elegant: the first means that logic about the class itself is moved to another class. On the other hand, in the second case, it provokes users to use the struct function for any object, which will in general give a warning (structOnObject).
Are there altenatives?
Personally I'd go with the second option, and not worry about provoking users to call struct on other classes; you can only worry about your own code, not that of a third-party, even if the third party is MathWorks. In any case, if they do start to call struct on an arbitrary class, it's only a warning; nothing actually dangerous is likely to happen, it's just not a good practice.
But if you're concerned about that, you can always call your converter method toStruct rather than struct. Or perhaps the best (although slightly more complex) way might be to overload cast for your class, accepting and handling the option 'struct', and passing any other option through to builtin('cast',....
PS The title of your question refers to typecasting, but what your after here is casting. In MATLAB, typecasting is a different operation, involving taking the exact bits of one type and reinterpreting them as bits of another type (possibly an array of the output type). See doc cast and doc typecast for more information on the distinction.
The second option sounds much better to me.
A quick and dirty way to get rid of the warning would be disabling it by calling
warning('off', 'MATLAB:structOnObject')
at the start of your program.
The solutions provided in Sam Roberts' answer are however much cleaner. I personally would go for the toStruct() method.

Scala Prohibit allocation of value classes

According to the documentation on value classes, they may be allocated under a number of circumstances:
Allocation Summary
a value class is treated as another type.
a value class is assigned to an array.
doing runtime type tests, such as pattern matching.
Is there anyway to say,throw a compilation error if these circumstances occur?
There is nothing built-in (AFAIK).
You could write an SBT plugin which inspects the .class files after compile task finishes (using a library like BCEL, ASM, etc.) and fails if it finds any value class constructor calls.
Alternately, you should be able to do the same with a compiler plugin (unfortunately, documentation I was able to find is quite old) with a little more difficulty.

define class inside method from a performance POV

I have a method that need return a Iterator. Then I defined a CustomIterator class inside that method and create instance of it as the return value.
It looks fine because only that method need to know about CustomIterator. But I'm afraid if this will produce too many Class instance as scala's type system is path-related.
Each class declaration will produce exactly one class file (that is, provided it does not contain inner classes or anonymous functions itself), so you shouldn't worry about that. Moreover, unless your program is supposed to run in a limited environment, additional classes won't cause any performance problems. In any case, you should profile your program before attempting such premature optimizations.
I'm not sure what you mean by "path-related type system". Is it path-dependent types? If so, this is a completely unrelated concept which exists in Scala type system only and does not affect actual class generation.

How do lambdas work in Scala, are they functions on top of anonymous classes?

The title might be a little confusing so let me elaborate, I've been reading some criticism regarding Scala. It was an email sent to Tyepsafe regarding some deficiencies in Scala from Coda Hale (Yammer's Infrastructure Architect), so to quote:
we stopped seeing lambdas as free and started seeing them as syntactic sugar on top of anonymous classes and thus acquired the same distaste for them as we did anonymous classes.
So, from this, I have a couple of questions regarding how lambdas work in Scala:
What is the difference between a free function and a function that is bound to an anonymous class (technically, aren't all functions bound to the main singleton object)?
What is the impact on performance of using an anonymous class bound function instead of a free function?
Yes, lambdas are still objects, instances of anonymous classes.
This is how the JVM works, all references are objects. You can have either references or values (primitives) and there's no way around it.
Later versions of Java have MethodHandles. But it's worth noting that MethodHandle is also still just an abstract class - albeit one that the JVM specifically knows how to optimise away at runtime.
Also also worth noting is that the JVM can often perform escape analysis on abstract classes (such as Scala's functions), and optimise these away too.
On top of this, Scala can use any object with an apply method as though it were a Function. In this case, the explicit call to apply is emitted in the bytecode and you're not dealing with anonymous classes any more.
Given all of the above, it's impossible to make a general statement regarding the performance of Scala's function implementation, it depends on your specific code/use case. In general, I wouldn't worry unless you hit a corner case where your profiler pinpoints a problem here (which is very unlikely)
Well, in C for example a function is just a 32 or 64 bit pointer to a place in memory to jump to and the concept of a closure doesn't really apply since you can't declare an anonymous c function. I don't know how the C++ lambdas work, I guess the compiler makes a method and passes the fields you want in the closure along with parameters. Maybe that's what you're looking for. In the JVM you have to wrap your logic in a class so now you have a virtual table of methods, fields, and some methods related to synchronization and the type system.
What is the impact on performance?...I don't know, have you noticed an impact on performance? A lot of that extra Java stuff I described really isn't needed for an anonymous class and might just get optimized out. I imagine there are butterflies that influence the weather more than the extra JVM stuff would effect your software.