OllyDbg - Plugins menu is grayed out (OllyDbg 2.0.1) - plugins

I've tried every version of OllyDbg 2.0.1 (including Alpha and Beta versions) and no matter what, the 'Plugins' menu on the top bar is grayed out. Is there a fix for this without going back to version 1.10? Thanks.

It's just not supported yet and probably will get a long time to start supporting plugins, the developer its focusing on 64bit version of olly right now (if he still developing), but if you want to go to other olly like debugger you can try ImmunityDbg, it's basically olly but from other developer.


restore published agent version back to dialogflow

My production agent/action version differs from my draft version in dialogflow. I want to restore my published production version back to dialogflow - I didn't export the zip at the time. Is there a way to get the production version back to current version in dialogflow?
Not sure if you have tackled this but you can probably try this (i haven't personally tried it myself). Go to the gear icon in dialogflow. Under general, turn on enable beta features and api. You will now see an environment tab on top. Click that and there is a link to view all versions. Then for the production version, there is 3 vertical dots link beside it.. click it and select Load to draft.
Hope that helps!

Why do eclipse update software sites keep coming back?

I recently updated eclipse to the latest Oxygen version.
I don't really mind much if I am not using the latest version of each software, but whenever eclipse prompts me to update something, I go ahead and accept it as I trust it knows what it's doing. Since I have some plugins installed and since I've had eclipse for quite some time, I have a long list of software sites listed in my Install/Update preference pane.
Lately some of these sites seem to have stopped responding, so I removed them from the list. Upon clicking on help > check for updates however, they simply come back to the list.
Could someone explain to me why this keeps happening and why I am unable to control what eclipse is contacting?
An installed feature can contribute an Update Site if they want. Your best bet is to leave them there, but disabled.

IE11 F12 Developer Tools on Windows 7 functionality missing/not working?

I was using IE10 on Windows 7 but it is such a buggy piece of you-know-what (hanging, crashing, etc.) that I gave up and installed IE11. It has not hung or crashed since installing. But I hate the F12 developer tools! Okay, not completely - there are some very cool new features. What I don't like is that they seem to have dropped several features that I really liked! Unless I'm just missing something... I've searched and searched on Google and Microsoft but all of the help I've found only describes the new features. Here is what I'm missing: Color picker, Ruler, and most of all, the Clear browser cache for this domain. They allege to have a Clear browser cache function, but it doesn't work! So when I make changes to my website, in particular changing graphics, the only way I can see the change is to delete all my temporary files from IE. Then I lose all of my cookies e.g. for automatically logging in to Stack Overflow! IE version 11.0.9600.16428 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.
The color picker is still available, go to the DOM Explorer tab and there is an eye dropper on the tool bar at the top towards the left. That activates the color picker.
For the issue of serving cached files try toggling on "Always refresh from server" on the network tool (3rd option from the left). This should get you the latest changes from your server.

Minimize floating windows in NetBeans 7.2

I recently upgraded to NetBeans 7.2 and am facing a substantial usability issue with floating windows. In 7.1 each floating window was minimize-able, which I used quite regularly. By all appearances the minimize button is completely gone. The button is missing and when I right click on the title bar, the close button is available but the minimize is disabled (greyed out).
I'm running windows 7 x64.
I also encountered the issue in the RC but figured that it would be resolve in the final version. I've googled around and not been able to find anyone with the same issue so I'm hoping that it is just me.
I checked out the settings under Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Windows and none of them seem to make any difference.
How can I get the minimize floating windows functionality back?
It looks like a bug on the windows version, because I'm using the mac one and the minimize buttons are in place.
I'd go back to the previous version until they solve the bug.
In fact, at least in mac, you can have both versions installed, so you could open 7.2 from time to time and check for any updates that solved the problem.
I've found some additional info here:
Maybe you could try to do as they tell:
No minimize button means those windows are docked into editor docking spot. Use
menu Window - Reset Windows.
I am able to minimize windows in netbeans on win 7x64
And sorry I wanted to add this as a comment, but apparently I couldn't

Xcode Project Code Changes Not Updating 100% After Save-Build-Run

When I make code changes to my iPhone game project in Xcode, and then do CMD-B + Enter, I expect the project to be saved, build and run on the simulator with the latest. What is happening though, sometimes, is that it doesn't pick up a small change I make unless I clean the project and then build.
I'm a long time Java person and newish to C-based languages and it's compiler. Can someone explain to me what is cached after each build that does this and how to change my project settings to avoid having to clean every time? Or tell me the bad news that this is part of C development? Not trying to bash it - I get compiled JSPs stuck in the working cache often in Java, too. :P
UPDATE: Does this have to do with the location of my builds at all? That's the only thing I can think of that's changed from a build config perspective.
Had a similar problem, I reset content and settings in the iPhone simulator
Seems odd to me, because I never get this problem in XCode. It's not a common issue with C or anything. The tools for C-based languages usually do this just as well as the Java ones.
Go to Product Menu and choose Clean and then choose Build. Thats it.
In the Xcode Build Preferences make sure that "Unsaved Files" is set to "Always Save". If not, Xcode will not autosave files before building and will use the last version saved to disk.
In case anyone still comes across this (as I was having this issue today on Xcode 5.1), all I had to do was open a new tab and close out the tab I was working in. Some sort of tab bug in Xcode.
I am not sure about this, But in case if you are using git, go to xcode preferences -> Source control -> General
Uncheck Refresh local status automatically
Uncheck Fetch and refresh server status automatically
Uncheck Add and remove files automatically
Uncheck Select files to commit automatically