Find a document in a loop - mongodb

I am relatively new to mongodb, so please be patient. Suppose I have the following documents in my collection:
I have a db.mycoll.find({name:"three"}) which returns me the document with _id 3. I need based on this find document with _id 1.
Basically this represents something like a folder structure. So the top level is 'one', which has 'two1' and 'two2'. The 'two1' in turn has 'three'. Having the id of 'three' I need to get it's top level parent. Is there a way to do it in mongo or do I have to return results to the client, process them there and call mongo for each iteration?

Here is what worked for me:
function getParent(itemId) {
var sub = db.mycoll.findOne({_id: itemId});
if(sub) {
if(sub.parentId) {
else /*top level*/
Hope it helps someone else


Meteor, mongodb - accessing an object inside an array

Alright, so I have a collection called Polls. Inside the Polls "table" there is an attribute called choiceObjects which is an array of objects. Each object inside this array has its own attributes. What I need to do is update one of the attributes there. Ill give you a screen shot so you can better visualise what Im talking about
As you can see the choice objects have attributes like body, country etc. There is another attribute called pollid which is set to optional and therefore you cant see it right now. I need to update this pollid attribute now that I have acess to the pollid
{ _id: pollId },
{ "$set": { "choiceObjects": { pollid: pollId } } }
); //this is kind of what Im trying to do but this isnt right
Since then... I have further tried the following :
var selectedpoll = Polls.findOne(pollId);
//Polls.update( selectedpoll, {"$set"{'choiceObjects.$.pollId':pollId}},false, true );
but when i try that i get the error : the positional operator did not find the match needed from the query. unexpanded update: choiceObjects.$.pollId
If I understand your objective correctly, you want to update (or add) pollid to all objects in the choiceObjects array. Unfortunately $, $push, $addToSet only work with single elements AFAIK.
This might not be what you are looking for but one possible and very obvious way to approach this problem would be to update the entire array in the collection i.e.
var choiceObjects = Polls.findOne({_id: pollId}).choiceObjects;
for (var i = 0; i < choiceObjects.length; i++) {
choiceObjects[i].pollid = pollid;
Polls.update({_id: pollid}, {choiceObjects: choiceObjects});

optimizing query for $exists in sub property

I need to search for the existence of a property that is within another object.
the collection contains documents that look like:
"properties": {
"source": {
"a/name": 12837,
"a/different/name": 76129
As you can see below, part of the query string is from a variable.
With some help from JohnnyHK (see mongo query - does property exist? for more info), I've got a query that works by doing the following:
var name = 'a/name';
var query = {};
query['properties.source.' + name] = {$exists: true};
Now I need to see if I can index the collection to improve the performance of this query.
I don't have a clue how to do this or if it is even possible to index for this.
2 things happening in here.
First probably you are looking for sparse indexes.
In your case it could be a sparse index on "properties.source.a/name" field. Making indexes on field will dramatically improve your query lookup time.
db.yourCollectionName.createIndex( { "properties.source.a/name": 1 }, { sparse: true } )
Second thing. Always when you want to know whether your query is fast/slow, use mongo console, run your query and on its result call explain method.
Thanks to it you will know whether your query uses indexes or not, how many documents it had to check in order to complete query and some others useful information.

Mongo -Select parent document with maximum child documents count, Faster way?

I'm quite new to mongo, and trying to get work following query.and is working fine too, But it's taking a little bit more time. I think I'm doing something wrong.
There are many number of documents in a collection parent, near about 6000. Each document has certain number of childs (childs is an another collection with 40000 documents in it). parents & childs are associated with each other by an attribute in the document called parent_id. Please see the following code. Following code takes approximate 1 minute to execute the queries. I don't think mongo should take that much time.
function getChildMaxDocCount(){
var maxLen = 0;
var bigSizeParent = null;
db.parents.find().forEach(function (parent){
var currentcount = db.childs.count({parent_id:parent._id});
if(currcount > maxLen){
maxLen = currcount;
bigSizeParent = parent._id;
printjson({"maxLen":maxLen, "bigSizeParent":bigSizeParent });
Is there any feasible/optimal way to achieve this?
If I got you right, you want to have the parent with the most childs. This is easy to accomplish using the aggregation framework. When each child only can have one parent, the aggregation query would look like this
{ $group: { _id:"$parent_id", children:{$sum:1} } },
{ $sort: { "children":-1 } },
{ $limit : 1 }
Which should return a document like:
{ _id:"SomeParentId", children:15}
If a child can have more than one parent, it heavily depends on the data modeling how the query would look like.
Have a look at the aggregation framework documentation for details.
Edit: Some explanation
The aggregation pipeline takes every document it is told do do so through a series of steps in a way that all documents are first processed through the first step and the resulting documents are put into the next step.
Step 1: Grouping
We group all documents into new documents (virtual ones, if you want) and tell mongod to increment the field children by one for each document which has the same parent_id. Since we are referring to a field of the current document, we need to add a $ sign.
Step 2: Sorting
Now that we have a bunch of documents which hold the parent_id and the number of children this parent has, we sort it by the children field in descending (-1) order.
Step3: Limiting
Since we are only interested in the parent_id which has the most children, we only let mongod return the first document after sorting.

duplicate mongo record in same collection

In mongo I have a collections with records. These record are very complex. Now I would like to duplicate one of them.
I can easily select the one
mongo> var row = db.barfoo.find({"name":"bar"});
Now I actually don't know what to do. I don't know what is in row because I cannot find a way to print its content. How can I change specific properties and finally insert this modified row again
mongo> db.barfoo.insert(row);
You must change value _id - generate new:
var row = db.barfoo.findOne({"name":"bar"});
row._id = ObjectId();
Good Luck!
I am going to assume that you're working directly inside the mongo shell.
Once you have your document (not a row :P ), you'd modify the properties in the same way you would a normal JavaScript object:
var doc = db.barfoo.findOne( { "name": "bar" } ); = "Mr Bar";
Note that the find() command returns a cursor, so if you're looking to extract a single document, you should use the findOne() function. This function returns a single document.
If you are interested in duplicating numerous documents, you can use the find() function and iterate over the cursor to retrieve each document:
db.barfoo.find( { "name": "bar" } ).forEach( function( doc ){ = "Mr Bar";
After you change the relevant properties, you can use the insert/save methods to persist the data back to mongo. Don't forget to change/delete the _id attribute so that you'll actually create a new document.
As a side note, in order to view the contents of an object in the mongo shell, you can use the print() function. If you want a more visually appealing output, you could use printjson().

How to "(WHERE) column = column" in Mongo?

I like Mongo for simple things so I was hoping to use it for something more advanced. And that worked fine until I needed this:
UPDATE tbl SET a = b WHERE c <> 0
The a = b part is what I can't figure out. I tried, but I can't find it there. I also looked for WHERE a = b but I can't find that either.
An alternative is so fetch all rows and than update them individually, but I don't like that. It has to be simpler.
You want to check the documentation for updating.
Your code might look like:
db.tbl.update( { c:{$ne:0}}, { $set: { a : b } } );
If you need to brush up on advanced queries (e.g. using $ne), then check here:
Apparently you can't update with data from the same document.
MongoDB: Updating documents using data from the same document
EDIT 2 (solution with map reduce):
var c = new Mongo();
var db = c.getDB('db')
var s = db.getCollection('s')
var i = this._id; //we will emit with a unique key. _id in this case
this._id=undefined; //strange things happen with merge if you leave the id in
//update your document with access to all fields!
query:{z:1}, //apply to only certain documents
out:{merge:'s'} //results get merged (overwrite themselves in collection)
//now take a look