How to call static methods on a protocol if they are defined in a protocol extension? - swift

protocol Car {
static func foo()
struct Truck : Car {
extension Car {
static func foo() {
} // Does not work
// Error: Car does not have a member named foo // Works
Xcode autocompletes the correctly, so what i'm asking is if its a bug that it doesn't compile (says it does not have a member named foo()). Could you call static methods directly on the protocol if they are defined in a protocol extension?

Apple doc
Protocols do not actually implement any functionality themselves.
Nonetheless, any protocol you create will become a fully-fledged type
for use in your code.
Therefore, you cannot call static methods directly of protocol.

No, the error message isn't good, but it's telling you the correct thing.
Think of it this way, you can't have
protocol Car {
static func foo() {
This compiles with the error "Protocol methods may not have bodies".
Protocol extensions don't add abilities to protocols which don't exist.


Strange behavior with Swift generics and protocol extensions

I'm seeing some strange behavior at the interface of protocol extensions and generics. I'm new to Swift, so possibly I misunderstand, but I don't see how this can be correct behavior.
First let's define a protocol, and extend it with a default function implementation:
protocol Foo {
extension Foo {
static func yo() {
Now define a couple of conforming types:
struct A: Foo {
struct B: Foo {
static func yo() {
As expected, A.yo() uses the default implementation of yo, whereas B.yo() uses the explicit implementation provided by B: the output is
Now let's make a simple generic type:
struct C<T: Foo> {
static func what() {
C<A>.what() prints Foo.yo, as expected. But C<B>.what() also prints Foo.yo!
Surely the meaning of C<B> is simply the template for C with B substituted in for the type parameter T? Yet B's version of yo is not being called.
What am I missing? I'm using Swift 5.2.2.
Now, as it turns out you can fix this problem by declaring yo in the original definition of Foo. If we do this:
protocol Foo {
static func yo()
then C<B>.what() works as I would expect, printing B.yo. I can't understand the original behavior in the first place, but even less can I understand how this would change it.
In my actual application I can't use this fix, because I am extending a pre-existing protocol with a function that I want to specialize in a particular conforming type.
Generics are resolved at compile time. They're not dynamically dispatched like method calls on class hierarchies or protocols. That staticness is kind of their point, that's where the performance wins stem from.
As far as I can tell, Foo.yo() and B.yo() are totally unrelated functions. Calling Foo.yo() does a statically dispatched call to Foo, and likewise, calling B.yo() causes a statically dispatched call to B.
Yet, if you up-cast B.self to a Foo.Type, and you call yo() on it, you end up with a statically dispatched call to Foo:
(B.self as Foo.Type).yo()
To get dynamic dispatch (to achieve the kind of polymorphism you're after), you need to define yo as a requirement of the protocol. That establishes a relationship between B.yo() (which is now a part of the conformance to the protocol) and Foo.yo() (which is a default implementation for types who don't provide their own).
protocol Foo {
// static func yo() // uncomment this
extension Foo {
static func yo() {
struct A: Foo {
struct B: Foo {
static func yo() {
struct C<T: Foo> {
static func what() {
(B.self as Foo.Type).yo()
Results before:
Results after making yo a requirement:
It’s hard to suggest a fix for your exact situation without more details of the exact situation- are you not able to provide these? Suffice to say this is the expected behaviour and its to do with some optimisations and assumptions the compiler makes.
You might want to check out this article on static vs dynamic dispatch in Swift:

What's the point of conforming to an empty protocol in Swift

I'm just working on a codebase where the most classes conform to an empty protocol. Is there any point of doing so? Actually conforming that protocol does nothing.
Edit as reaction to #vacawama's helpful comment : the protocol is only used once
import Foundation
protocol myUrlRequestConfig {}
extension myUrlRequest: myUrlRequestConfig {
public static func configGetAppConfig() -> URLRequest {
let request = ....
return request
An empty protocol can be useful if you want to create an easy way to add static functions or variables to several different classes. Of course, this only makes sense if the static functionality is the same for all classes conforming to the protocol.
Here is an example: I have a protocol sizeable. Every class that conforms to Sizeable is extended with the static variable stride and size.
protocol Sizeable { }
extension Sizeable {
static var size: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Self>.size
static var stride: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Self>.stride
class Foo: Sizeable {}
class Baa: Sizeable {}
Our app has three perfectly legitimate uses for an empty protocol:
The protocol has an extension with method definitions. The implementation in the extension is automatically injected into any type that adopts the protocol.
The protocol has other protocols that adopt it. This allows multiple protocols to be unified under a single head.
The protocol marks the adopter as wanting some other type to behave in a certain way. Code can always is whether an object is ThisEmptyProtocol and if it is, can behave differently than if it isn't.

Conforming to Protocols in Swift Using Extensions

I have a Swift protocol defined as follows:
protocol SmartContract {
func apply(transaction :Transaction)
func addBrokenRule(_ brokenRule: BrokenRule)
var brokenRules :[BrokenRule] { get set }
I have an extension on SmartContract defined as follows:
extension SmartContract {
mutating func addBrokenRule(_ brokenRule :BrokenRule) {
if self.brokenRules == nil {
self.brokenRules = [BrokenRule]()
I also have a class MoneyTransferContract which conforms to the protocol but does not define brokenRules. This is because I have defined the brokenRules inside the extension.
class MoneyTransferContract : SmartContract {
func apply(transaction :Transaction) { // do something here }
My question is how can I make sure that MoneyTransformContract conforms to the SmartContract protocol. Is there anyway to have BrokenRule available to MoneyTransformContract without defining it again and again in different SmartContracts.
john doe wrote:
Is there anyway to have BrokenRule available to MoneyTransformContract without defining it again and again in different SmartContracts.
What you want is a superclass/subclass relationship for that behavior.
class SmartContract {
func apply(transaction :Transaction) {
var brokenRules: [BrokenRule] = []
func addBrokenRule(_ brokenRule :BrokenRule) {
class MoneyTransferContract : SmartContract {
// Gets `brokenRules` for free from superclass.
class BitCoinTransferContract : SmartContract {
// Gets `brokenRules` for free from superclass.
If I'm understanding correctly, there is no way to do what you want. (EDIT: as Jeff notes, if you want to use inheritance as opposed to a protocol, this is possible. See his answer for how). Protocols in Swift are just lists of requirements that it is up to implementing types to properly define. Protocols generally don't have any say over the actual behavior or implementation of implementing types, and only guarantees that the properties and functions exist. Your SmartContract protocol says that every SmartContract must have a function apply(transaction:), a function addBrokenRule(_:), and a property brokenRules which can be accessed and modified.
When a type implements SmartContract it has to define each one of these. Just as you have to write out the signature to tell the compiler that you are implementing apply(transaction:), you also have to tell the compiler how the property brokenRules will be implemented. You could obtain this functionality in a somewhat useless way, by defining an extension which has brokenRules as a computed property which is essentially a no-op:
extension SmartContract {
var brokenRules: [BrokenRule] {
get { return [] }
set(newRules) { }
But this means that any implementing type which forgets to specify their own implementation for brokenRules will have a brokenRules property which always resolves to an empty array.
One reason for this is Swift's computed properties. For some implementing type, it might not make sense for brokenRules to be stored as an array--and a protocol can't force that. That's an implementation detail that a protocol author can't (and shouldn't) worry about. For instance, if BrokenRules were easily convertible to and from strings, you could imagine some class which implemented SmartContract like so:
class StringContract: SmartContract {
var ruleString: String
var brokenRules: [BrokenRule] {
get {
let stringArray = ruleString.split(separator: ",")
return { BrokenRule(string:String($0)) }
set(newRules) {
let stringArray = { $0.stringValue }
ruleString = stringArray.joined(separator: ",")
func apply(transaction: Transaction) {
// do something here...
init() {
ruleString = ""
Note that we don't have to specify an implementation for addBrokenRule(_:). That's what your protocol extension gets you. By providing an implementation in the extension, you ensure that all implementing types have a default implementation of the function, and so they can choose to forego defining their own.

Swift protocol to only implemented by specific classes

I want to create a protocol which is only adopted by a specific class and its subClassses in swift.
I know i can use protocol extensions like this
protocol PeopleProtocol: class {
extension PeopleProtocol where Self: People {
But the method that will go in my protocol will be an init method which will be implemented by a class or its subClasess and will return only some specific type of objects.
some thing like this.
protocol PeopleProtocol: class {
init() -> People
or i can do some thing like this
extension PeopleProtocol where Self : People {
But there are two problems,
In the first approach if i put an init method in the protocol it don't allow me to put a return statement there like -> People in the first approach.
In the second approach i have to provide a function body in the protocol extensions, so this thing will be out of question, as i don't know what specific type to return for this general implementation.
So any suggestions how i can call an init method and do either:
Let the protocol (not protocol extension) to be implemented by only specific classe and its subClasses.
Or return an instance of a certain from protocol extension method without giving its body.
You could add a required method that you only extend for the appropriate classes.
for example:
protocol PeopleProtocol
var conformsToPeopleProtocol:Bool { get }
extension PeopleProtocol where Self:People
var conformsToPeopleProtocol:Bool {return true}
class People
class Neighbours:People
extension Neighbours:PeopleProtocol // this works
class Doctors:People,PeopleProtocol // this also works
class Dogs:PeopleProtocol // this will not compile
This could easily be circumvented by a programmer who would want to, but at least it will let the compiler warn you if you try to apply the protocol to other classes.

Deprecating protocols for Swift 3 upgrade

I have an iOS framework that I am upgradding to Swift 3. I would like the API's method signatures to follow the Swift 3 conventions of using a first named parameter for methods while maintaining backward compatibility. It's easy enough to add new API method signatures and deprecate the old ones. But what is the best way to handle this with protocols that are used in delegates?
API for Swift 2.x:
public class FooManager {
public var delegate: FooManagerDelegate?
public func saveFoo(foo: Foo) {
#objc public protocol FooManagerDelegate {
#objc optional func didSaveFoo(foo: Foo)
New API for Swift 3.x:
public class FooManager {
public var delegate: FooManagerDelegate?
#available(*, deprecated, message: "use didSave(foo: foo)")
public func saveFoo(foo: Foo) {
public func save(foo: Foo) {
delegate?.didSave(foo: foo)
#objc public protocol FooManagerDelegate {
#objc optional func didSaveFoo(foo: Foo)
#objc optional func didSave(foo: Foo)
The above solution will work, but it won't give any deprecation warnings to users for continuing to use the old delegate methods. I could create a new delegate and deprecate the old delegate class, but then I end up with having to have non-standard delegate class and property naming. I'd hate to have my FooManager look ugly like this:
public class FooManager {
#available(*, deprecated, message: "use swift3delegate")
public var delegate: FooDelegate?
public var swift3delegate: Swift3FooDelegate?
Are there any better solutions for migrating users to new protocol method signatures while maintaining backward compatibility?
Exactly what you are asking for is not possible in Swift (nor Objective-C?) to my knowledge. Quoting a response to a related question:
The primary problem with throwing a deprecation warning on any class which conforms to MyProtocol and implemented myOldFunction() is that there's nothing wrong with classes implementing functions and properties that are not part of your protocol.
That is, that the protocol's method is deprecated wouldn't necessarily mean that the method blueprint is universally to be avoided, it could just mean that for the purposes of conformance to that protocol, the method or property in question is now deprecated.
I totally see the point for this and I'd like this feature too, but to my knowledge Swift 3 at least does not offer it (neither does Objective-C to my knowledge).
One solution for this would be to deprecate the entire protocol, and produce a new protocol you need to declare conformance to in your Swift 3 code. So, this works:
#available(*, deprecated, message="use ModernX instead")
protocol X {}
class A: X {}
… and in your ModernX protocol simply include all the methods except for the deprecated method(s). Using a base protocol without the deprecated method could make this slightly less clunky, but it is a pretty boilerplate heavy workaround for sure:
protocol BaseX {
func foo()
func bar()
#available(*, deprecated, message: "Use ModernX instead")
protocol X: BaseX {
func theDeprecatedFunction()
protocol ModernX: BaseX {
func theModernFunction()
// you'll get a deprecation warning here.
class A: X {
func foo() {}
func bar() {}
func theDeprecatedFunction() {