Upgrade to Smartface App Studio 4.4.0 -> Text-Button - smartface.io

After Upgrading to Smartface 4.4.0 the text of textbuttons ist converted to Uppercase on Android (Could not test it for iOS.) Also the animation "flipFromLeft" for pages seems not to work anymore? How can I fix this?

Uppercase problem is a known case, and will be fixed. This problem occurs only for Lollipop devices.
For the second question, can you please share the script(only the line in which animation is done will be enough).


How to optimize flutter sdk version and other configurations?

When I download any project that has different sdk version,everytime I have some troubles until running the project.Manually I change some data...It is so painfull to do it.Is there any way that automaticly optimizes flutter sdk version ?By doing it I can easyly build any flutter project.
Your problem as I saw in the image it's about an Indentation error which unfortunately you must fix it because pubspec.yaml use it.
To big understand Indentation Which is a different style of syntax in file formats try this with Python Indentation.

Flutter here map android emulator map display problem?

What is the cause of this situation, I wrote to the hereMap support team, but no one responded.
EDİT: The latest version( of Heremap fixed this problem. please update SDK to latest version.
I ran into this issue as well.
As of the moment of writing this answer, the HERE SDK =< v3.12.3 is not compatible yet with Flutter 3.x due to this issue with platform views, as described in their release log here.
Solution is to use FVM and run the app using Flutter version 2.10.5.
Replace the HereMap in your Stack with an image. Then you will see that this is not related to your emulator nor the map. From the screenshot it looks like a problem with your visual tree.

What is please set your constraint for a plugin in flutter?

I am using this plugin called https://pub.dev/packages/android_alarm_manager .It says please set your constraint to android_alarm_manager: '>=0.4.y+x <2.0.0'
I dont understand what is the meaning of this y+x.I found a similar question but still I couldnt clearly figure out the meaning .My alarm manager plugin is not working properly on real devices though it works properly on the emulator or say in debug mode on my phone and I am thinking this has something to do with.
If you know as to any other reason as to why the alarm_manager plugin doesnt function properly on real devices please tell me and it will help me
This android_alarm_manager: '>=0.4.y+x <2.0.0' doesn't mean that you have to use 0.4.y+x. Basically all it means that you need to use a version that starts with 0.4. You can check the latest versions here:
In your pubspec.yaml, add the following:
android_alarm_manager: ^0.4.5+11

Unity3d not working correctly with Mac OS high Sierra

I have updated my os to high Sierra yesterday.
Since update unity3d is not working.
The problem is when I want to open an existing project then unity acts as it's doing something but nothing is happening.
The project never opens.
I tried to reinstall unity but it didn't help.
Is there any way to solve this problem excepts downgrade to Mac OS Sierra?
You can try to read the official post on this topic. The possible solution for the trouble like this is:
we were able to track down missing Project View items issue as APFS and Unity editor interoperability problem. We are working on a fix, though meanwhile we recommend to not upgrade your main filesystem to APFS or at least keep Unity editor and your projects on HFS+ partition.

The BarcodeScanner plugin in ngCordova doesnt work in Android 6

I'm developing in Ionic Framework.The barcodeScanner plugin(ngCordova) doesn't work for the newest version of Android.
I suspect the plugin is not updated for this version.
Any of you have found a solution? Thanks.
Samuel Paredes, There is many change in Android 6(M) , the main is runtime permissions, so we need the camera for the barcode scanner , but the plugin is not yet updated for that so we need to On the Camera permisson for the application manuully.
Setting >> APP manager >> Your App >> Permissions >>Camera >>
Please enable the camera permission from there.
Hope it will help you
We have this problem too. To solve it we have done this : ionic platform add android#4.1 and it solve the problem
I have this problem: Sorry, the android camera encountered a problem. You may need to restar the device
Droid Tech, will this be resolved in the near future? Is there some way to monitor or to get a notification when this bug is solved?
Same error happened to me. A guy on Github forked the plug-in and fixed it, take a look here.
basically, remove the barcode scanner plugin you have right now and add the new one like this:
cordova plugin add https://github.com/jrontend/phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner
It works exactly the same way.