MongoDB & ElasticSearch configuration - mongodb

MongoDB is always showing me this error message when I insert any data in my collection.
I am trying to configure ElasticSearch with mongodb, when I realized my Replica. I try to add something, but no results.
Mongo Shell always shows me the same message:
WritResult({"writeError":{"code":undefined,"errmsg":"not master"}})

This happens when you do not have a 3 node Replica Set, and you start the replica in Master-Slave configuration and after that your master goes down or the secondary goes down. Since there is not third node or Arbiter to elect a new primary, the primary steps down as master and in pure read only mode. The only way to bring the replica set up is to create a new server with the same repl-set name and add the current stepped down master as secondary to it.


MongoDB replica set - virtual IP , downtime questions

I have 3 questions regarding a replica set on mongodb on windows:
I currently have a standalone running with data on it, if I create a replica set (adding 2 secondries) will I have a downtime or I can create the replica set and adding 2 secondries while the standalone (now the primary) still running?
Will the 2 secondries copy all the data from the primary? Also data that was written to standalone before it became part of replica set?
Once there is an election a secondry become a primary but then it means the primary is on differnt IP + Port, this means I also need to change my write to the new primary by myself or mongodb doing it by himself? or need to use virtual ip?
Have a look at Convert a Standalone to a Replica Set.
You need to change the configuration file and restart the MongoDB, so you have a downtime of your MongoDB.
Yes, whenever you add a new member to a replica set then MonogDB performs a Initial Sync to the new secondary
You would need to change your connection, see Connect to a MongoDB Replica Set. The connection string contains all replica set members and the client will connect (by default) to the primary.
Actually you don't have to put all replica set members in your connection string, the client will discover them automatically. However, if you put only one member and by chance this member is down then you have no connection.

When you add a new mongodb replica, how do you know when it has caught up to the master?

If you add a new replica to mongodb, how do you know if it has caught up to the master node or at least the other replicas?
Do you add this new replica to your mongodb clients to query from or this will cause issues?
If you add a new replica to mongodb, how do you know if it has caught
up to the master node or at least the other replicas?
From the documentation Add Members to a Replica Set:
Ensure that the new member has reached SECONDARY state. To check the
state of the replica set members, run rs.status().
Also see various replica set status.
Do you add this new replica to your mongodb clients to query from or
this will cause issues?
Clients connect to a replica set. By default all read and write operations go to the primary member. Your replica set can be configured such that the read operations can be directed to secondaries - by setting the Read Preference.
You don't need to do any specific configuration to tell the cilent programs to access the new member of the replica set.

MongoDB rs.initiate() query creates replica set without any Primary node

I'm creating a 3-nodes Replica set in MongoDB. When I launch the rs.initiate() query, it creates one node as a Secondary, while the other two remains in the "STARTUP" state.
In this situation, without any Primary, it is impossible to run any other query into the mongo shell and as a consequence I can't even reconfigure the replica set by deleting and adding later the other nodes.
I want to specify that I created this cluster cloning all the config files from another Replica Set that I created some months ago, and it works perfectly.
There is someone who faced this issue and know how to fix it?
Thanks a lot!

MongoDB error not master and slaveOk=false

I am using MongoDB with Loopback in my application with a loopback connector to the MongoDB. My application was working fine but now it throws an error
not master and slaveOk=false.
try running rs.slaveOk() in a mongoDB shell
You are attempting to connect to secondary replica whilst previously your app (connection) was set to connect likely to the primary, hence the error. If you use rs.secondaryOk() (slaveOk is deprecated now) you will possibly solve the connection problem but it might not be what you want.
To make sure you are doing the right thing, think if you want to connect to the secondary replica instead of primary. Usually, it's not what you want.
If you have permissions to amend the replica configuration
I suggest to connect using MongoDB Compass and execute rs.status() first to see the existing state and configuration for the cluster. Then, verify which replica is primary.
If necessary, adjust priorities in the replicaset configuration to assign primary status to the right replica. The highest priority number sets the replica as primary. This article shows how to do it right.
If you aren't able to change the replica configuration
Try a few things:
make sure your hostname points to the primary replica
if it is a local environment issue - make sure you added your local replica hostnames to the /etc/hosts pointing to
experiment with directConnection=true
experiment with multiple replica hosts and ?replicaSet=<name> - read this article (switch tabs to replica)
The best bet is that your database configuration has changed and your connection string no longer reflects it correctly. Usually, slight adjustments in the connection string are needed or just checking to what instance you want to connect.

mongodb failover Demonstration! Help needed

Here is a newbie trying to play around Mongodb. I am trying to demonstrate scaling in my class, meaning, I need to show that I have 2 instances of mongoDB up and running and I need to replicate them, set one as master and the other as secondary.
Can any of you suggest me a simple way to demonstrate that if primary/master fails the slave/secondary comes up as the master?
Please keep it as simple as possible as I am teaching to a fairly beginners of MongoDB
MongoDB replica sets are not master/slave. In order to achieve automatic failover you need to have a majority of nodes in the replica set able to elect a new primary. The minimum number of nodes in your replica set should be 3, which can either be 3 data-bearing nodes or 2 data-bearing nodes and an arbiter, which is a node that votes in elections.
A demo using replication alone is more about failover and redundancy than scaling (better demo'd with sharding).
If you want a very simple (and non-production) way to stand up a replica set or sharded cluster in a development environment, I would suggest using the mlaunch script which is part of mtools.
For example, to create a 3-node replica set with an arbiter:
mlaunch --replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter
To create a sharded cluster with 3 shards backed by a replica set (plus mongos and config server):
mlaunch --replicaset --sharded 3
As mentioned in the other comments here, the free MMS Monitoring service is a good way to visualise activity in your MongoDB deployment, and you can use db.shutdownServer() to shutdown specific nodes to see the outcome.
The easiest way would be to set up the MongoDB monitoring service. Stop the MongoD process on one and watch the other take over. But, use replica sets rather than master/secondary as they are the recommended approach.
Actually, it is pretty easy
Set up a replica set with 2 "normal" mongods and an arbiter
Connect to both of the normal mongods using mongo
Show the output of rs.status(). (Note the selffield)
Shut down the current primary
Show the output of rs.status() again and again, until the former secondary is elected primary
Another option would be to write a simple java app which utilizes the driver, put it in an infinite loop which writes one entry every second and puts out the number of objects in the database. Catch exceptions and write out that a problem occurred. Start the sharded cluster, then start your application. Shut down the primary while the program is running. during the elections, there may be exceptions be thrown. As soon as the former secondary is elected primary, the document count should start to rise again.