get all the friends and all mutual friends with graph-api - facebook

I'm trying to get all friends of a user, and mutual friends. I'm using Graph API V2.4.
first I used ... /me/friends but i discover this method return only friends with use my app. I read that is used .../me/taggable_friends and returned all friends, but not return id friend, return other id.
I read about all_mutual_friends but I cannot use this method because i dont have friend ids.
Anybody know any solution ?

Unfortunately there's no workaround for this , you can't access a user's friends list .
However if you can access his news feed you can iterate over his posts and get the json array of the likes of each one and combine them , by doing this you at least have some of the user's friends IDs .
The request goes something like this
Get /{post id}?fields=likes


Facebook Friends in each Friendlist

How can I get a list of friends along with their friend_list_type?
I tried to get all the list_types by making the following call:[USER_ID]/friendlists?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
On receiving this, I tried ti iterate over the list_types and make the following call to get the list of friends on each list_type:[FRIEND_LIST_ID]/members?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
But, I always get an empty array in response, like this:
"data": [
I am sure that the user is having friends mapped to multiple friend_list_types. But, still I am getting NO result. Is there anything which I am not aware of?
Note that, I tried this on all versions of Facebook Graph API and I also have read_friendlists permission to access the user's friend_list.
The friendlists endpoint is only a list of the friendlists, there is no way to get the friends in those friendlists.
Think of it this way: What if someone creates a list called "Idjits" and puts some friends in it. No App should be allowed to read that kind of information ;)

Get multiple users from facebook open graph with one call

Calling this URL return a user object with public informations about a facebook user:
100000050972893 is the facebook user ID. Is it possible to get multiple user objects with one call? I need to know the gender of about 200 users and I dont think its a good idea calling 200 times the graph URL...
Just found the answer:,100000953354280
But I dont know where the Limit of IDs is you can check with one call...

Facebook get/querying all wall posts (access tokens return completely different values)

I've been trying to query what people have posted on my wall as a quick metric of closeness. I've tried both FQL and the Graph API to make these queries without a problem...
SELECT actor_id FROM stream WHERE source_id = me() AND message != "" LIMIT 50
FB.api('/me/feed?fields=from&limit=50', function(feedresponse) { //do stuff });
Testing these in the Graph Explorer when the application is set to "Graph API Explorer" returns the values I want - my own and other's posts on my wall.
However when the application is changed to my own application, "Fingerprint", the values include my likes, my recent friendship notifications, etc... information I don't want returned and that completely pollutes the query.
I've still gotten the correct results by passing the Graph API Access Token like so:
var access_token = "CAACEdEose0cBALLruchzIKJ1ewgvcjpPJmo1amJwbMHGYyuk544om8hDILt0ZBXiUAriiNI7VY2g1OOwlEgV4bVyCWZACOf2djD1rYBTIwxBnmseNHUm6qybvus23F4AShctQl3wu0rpPS5ZBh68ypVoDMgyyXEGnu6uXBbzOJ7Tx43m2xHsseo1oiU7A80oelxphhidgZDZD";
FB.api('/me/feed?fields=from&limit=50', { access_token : access_token}, ...
Though it works - it definitely doesn't seem like the right way. Can anyone explain why the results are different and how I can get my feed without the other bullshit FB sends me when I'm using the User Access Token with my App.

Why does my facebook friendlist request doesn't show as many friends as on my profile?

I'm trying to get my users friends lists by using the facebook graph API doing so:
FB.api('me/friends', function(response) {
user.friends = response;
When I test on my own profile I get 95% of my fb friends (583 friends instead of the 602 I can see on my profile). Thus, I see in the response object there is a "next" url for the pagination function which doesn't return anything when triggered. Why is this happening ? Where does that possibly come from ?
If you have a problem with next URL for the pagination, try using the offset and limit parameters in the URI.
For example, instead of making an API call to me/friends, make a call to me/friends?limit=100&offset=0. This will start the list of your friends from an offset of 0 and will display a list of 100 friends on on each page. The next URL will work just fine in this case. You can however increase the limit of the users per page.

Facebook Graph API - Finding a users top friends

I am writing a android app that will pull in a list of all the users friends so they can tag them in the photo but displaying a large box of the friends with their photo instead of a list. Because some people have 500+ friends, we all know their are only a handful (maybe 50) that are friends they actively communicate on Facebook by comments or being tagged in photos. I would like to be able to just pull their top xxx friends as it seems Facebook does this same thing on their site, but I just cant find anything in the Graph API to do this task.
Anyone have any pointers?
The other way of doing it is, make a Graph API request for the status messages posted by the user, the friends who have commented or liked his status are the ones with whom he/she interacts the most, doing this is pretty simple, you can use this:
$statuses = $facebook->api('/me/statuses');
foreach($statuses['data'] as $status){
// processing likes array for calculating fanbase.
foreach($status['likes']['data'] as $likesData){
$frid = $likesData['id'];
$frname = $likesData['name'];
$friendArray[$frid] = $frname;
foreach($status['comments']['data'] as $comArray){
// processing comments array for calculating fanbase
$frid = $comArray['from']['id'];
$frname = $comArray['from']['name'];
keep counters as per your choice, and it will be done.
I wanted to do this without requiring additional/extended permissions. I found a fairly decent approximation for my needs was the mutual_friend_count field in the user FQL table.
So I used:
$params = array('method' => 'fql.query',
'query' => 'SELECT uid, pic_square, name
FROM user
WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())
ORDER BY mutual_friend_count DESC
And then just fire that off using the PHP SDK
$friend_array = $facebook->api($params);
I've ran into this same issue in a web app I'm working on, and open-sourced the code I've used, albeit in Ruby:
This is actually a web service which takes an active access token & user id and (assuming a read_stream permission has been granted) returns a hash of ids to counts which can be used for sorting within your android app.
I suppose since you're running on a smartphone, this let's you offload a series of calls and any call latency to a server somewhere which is running code optimized specifically for the friend ranking task.
In particular, the ranking algorithm looks at a user's 500 most recent interactions (activity feed) and tallies up the frequency of all friends appearing there. The result gives a reasonable ordering of friends, best to worst, and it also works on subsets of friends (eg. sorting mutual friends).
There's lots of room for exploring photo tags, mutual friend counts, and also looking for the type of interactions (eg. a checkin with a friend is probably a better measure of closeness than a like on their status). The project may evolve to encompass some of these considerations.
Here's a sample app using this approach and Friend Rank on the backend, inspect the network calls to see what the API looks like:
If you watch the network traffic from Facebook's iPhone app, you can see they make this FQL call to get the users top 10 friends they communicate most with:
SELECT uid2, communication_rank
FROM friend where uid1 = me()
ORDER BY communication_rank DESC LIMIT 10
Unfortunately this is not available to applications by default. You would need to contact a Facebook engineer to get this field enabled for your application.
I recommend you the following class:
It give your friends a score based on user interaction:
then it sort the list by score desc.
Hope it helps.
I can think of two direct ways to get a user's "top friends." The first does not require any extended permissions, rather just a valid access token (which as an app owner, you'll have). You make an API call to get the user's feed, which is a connection to the user node.
This call will that user's 25 most recent posts. With any luck, at least some of the items in JSON array returned from this call will be posts from that user's friends. How will know? Well each post comprising the feed, will have an unique id associated with it--whether an Application or FB User is the source of the Post--and each one of those FB ids can be compared against the user's friend list.
The idea of course is that any friends whose posts appear in the last 25 posts of the user's feed, are closer friends than otherwise.
The second technique is to make a call to the Graph API requesting the friendslists connection to the user node. This call requires the *read_friendlists* permission. The name a user gives to a given list is often strongly probative of the importance of the friends comprising that list (e.g., *best_friends*, or whatever); in other words, one or a combination of a couple of those lists will likely give you that user's top friends.