which case we should use The Hybrid Approach Socket in Erlang? - sockets

Programing Erlang says in chapter 17.2
Erlang sockets can be opened in one of three modes: active, active once, or passive
You might think that using passive mode for all servers is the correct approach. Unfortunately, when we’re in passive mode, we can wait for the data from only one socket. This is useless for writing servers that must wait for data from multiple sockets.
I just could not understand the sentence This is useless for writing servers that must wait for data from multiple sockets
In my opinion, if I can not convince the clients, I should not use the active mode.
But I can make a Parallel Server with passive mode for each client(one Erlng process for one client).
Maybe it says that a Erlang process for multiple sockets. But I can not imagine the example of this case.
Could you give me more information about it?
Thank you!

Unfortunately, when we’re in passive mode, we can wait for the data from only one socket. This is useless for writing servers that must wait for data from multiple sockets.
I'd say that's not a very compelling argument against passive sockets. In almost all cases, you'll have one Erlang process per socket, and this problem doesn't arise.
A better argument against passive sockets is that while waiting for data (using gen_tcp:recv), the process cannot receive messages from other Erlang processes. Those messages could be the result of a computation, a request to shut down, etc.
That is, when using active or active-once mode, your receive would look something like this:
{tcp, Socket, Data} ->
%% do something with Data
%% then reactivate the socket
ok = inet:setopts(Socket, [{active,once}]),
{result, Result} ->
%% send Result back to socket
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, Result),
stop ->
%% stop this process
Using this code, whichever event arrives first will be handled first, regardless of whether it's incoming data on the socket or a message from another Erlang process.
If on the other hand you were using gen_tcp:recv to receive the data, you would block on that call, unable to react to {result, Result} and stop in a timely manner.


Can non-blocking sockets be used with epoll's level triggered mode?

Currently I have a server application which supports multiple client sessions. Server is running with epoll's edge triggered mode. The sockets which are used inside the server are all non-blocking in nature.
The main epoll loop looks something like this,
n = epoll_wait()
iterate over n
if event is epollin(assume client has written some data)
drain the buffer untill you get EAGAIN
Problem here arises when the data continuously flowing over the buffer and buffer never drains. The other sessions does not get a chance to be entertained by the server.
Because of this possible starvation to other clients, I am thinking of using level triggered mode which allows server to entertain all the active sessions in a round robin way.
Can I just use level triggered mode by removing "EPOLLET" from the subscribed event and read buffer data once(like, in LT mode)?
Any comments/references are appreciated.
Thanks !

Interrupting gen_tcp:recv in erlang

We have a gen_server process that manages the pool of passive sockets on the client side by creating them and borrowing them for other processes. Any other process can borrow a socket, sends a request to the server using the socket, gets a reply through gen_tcp:recv, and then releases the socket to the gen_server socket pool process.
The socket pool process monitors all processes that borrow the sockets. If any of the borrowed process is down, it gets a down signal from it:
handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, _Pid, _Reason}, State) ->
In this case we would like to drain the borrowed socket, and reuse it by putting back into the pool. The problem is that while trying to drain a socket using gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0, 0), we get inet ealready error message, meaning that recv operation is in progress.
So the question is how to interrupt previous recv, successfully drain a socket, and reuse for other processes.
One more level of indirection will greatly simplify the situation.
Instead of passing sockets to processes that need to use them, have each socket controlled by a separate process that owns it and represents the socket within the system. Route Erlang-side messages to and from sockets as necessary to implement the "borrowing" of sockets (even more flexibly, pass the socket controller a callback module that speaks a given protocol, so as soon as data comes over the network it is interpreted as Erlang messages internally).
If this is done you will not lose control of sockets or have them in indeterminate states -- they will instead be held by a single, owning process the entire time. Instead of having the route-manager/pool-manager process receive the 'DOWN' messages, have the socket controllers monitor its current using process. When a 'DOWN' is received then you can change state according to whatever is necessary.
You can catch yourself in some weird situations passing open files descriptors, socket and other types of ports around among sockets that aren't designated as the owner of them. Passing ports and sockets around also becomes a problem if you need to scale a program across several nodes (suddenly you have to care where things are passed and what node they are on, etc.).

Can a server handle multiple sockets in a single thread?

I'm writing a test program that needs to emulate several connections between virtual machines, and it seems like the best way to do that is to use Unix domain sockets, for various reasons. It doesn't really matter whether I use SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM, but it seems like SOCK_STREAM is easier/simpler for my usage.
My problem seems to be a little backwards from the typical scenario. I want to have a single client communicating with the server over 4 distinct sockets. (I could have 4 clients with one socket each, but that distinction shouldn't matter.) Now, the thing I'm emulating doesn't have multiple threads and gets an interrupt whenever a data packet is received over one of the "sockets". Is there some easy way to emulate this with Unix sockets?
I believe that I have to do the socket(), bind(), and listen() for all 4 sockets first, then do an accept() for all 4, and do fcntl( fd, F_SETFF, FNDELAY ) for each one to make them nonblocking, so that I can check each one for data with read() in a round-robin fashion. Is there any way to make it interrupt-driven or event-driven, so that my main loop only checks for data in the socket if there's data there? Or is it better to poll them all like this?
Yes. Handling multiple connections is almost synonymous with "server", and they are often single threaded -- but please not this way:
check each one for data with read() in a round-robin fashion
That would require, as you mention, non-blocking sockets and some kind of delay to prevent your "round-robin" from becoming a system killing busy loop.
A major problem with that is the granularity of the delay. You can't make it too small, or the loop will still hog too much CPU time when nothing is happening. But what about when something is happening, and that something is data incoming simultaneously on multiple connections? Now your delay can produce a snowballing backlog of tish leading to refused connections, etc.
It just is not feasible, and no one writes a server that way, although I am sure anyone would give it serious thought if they were unaware of the library functions intended to tackle the problem. Note that networking is a platform specific issue, so these are not actually part of the C standard (which does not deal with sockets at all).
The functions are select(), poll(), and epoll(); the last one is linux specific and the other two are POSIX. The basic idea is that the call blocks, waiting until one or more of any number of active connections is ready to read or write. Waiting for a socket to be ready to write only meaningfully applies to NON_BLOCK sockets. You don't have to use NON_BLOCK, however, and the select() call blocks regardless. Using NON_BLOCK on the individual sockets makes the implementation more complex, but increases performance potential in a single threaded server -- this is the idea behind asynchronous servers (such as nginx), a paradigm which contrasts with the more traditional threaded synchronous model.
However, I would recommend that you not use NON_BLOCK initially because of the added complexity. When/if it ends up being called for, you'll know. You still do not need threads.
There are many, many, many examples and tutorials around about how to use select() in particular.

kernel-based (Linux) data relay between two TCP sockets

I wrote TCP relay server which works like peer-to-peer router (supernode).
The simplest case are two opened sockets and data relay between them:
clientA <---> server <---> clientB
However the server have to serve about 2000 such A-B pairs, ie. 4000 sockets...
There are two well known data stream relay implementations in userland (based on socketA.recv() --> socketB.send() and socketB.recv() --> socketA.send()):
using of select / poll functions (non-blocking method)
using of threads / forks (blocking method)
I used threads so in the worst case the server creates 2*2000 threads! I had to limit stack size and it works but is it right solution?
Core of my question:
Is there a way to avoid active data relaying between two sockets in userland?
It seems there is a passive way. For example I can create file descriptor from each socket, create two pipes and use dup2() - the same method like stdin/out redirecting. Then two threads are useless for data relay and can be finished/closed.
The question is if the server should ever close sockets and pipes and how to know when the pipe is broken to log the fact?
I've also found "socket pairs" but I am not sure about it for my purpose.
What solution would you advice to off-load the userland and limit amount fo threads?
Some extra explanations:
The server has defined static routing table (eg. ID_A with ID_B - paired identifiers). Client A connects to the server and sends ID_A. Then the server waits for client B. When A and B are paired (both sockets opened) the server starts the data relay.
Clients are simple devices behind symmetric NAT therefore N2N protocol or NAT traversal techniques are too complex for them.
Thanks to Gerhard Rieger I have the hint:
I am aware of two kernel space ways to avoid read/write, recv/send in
user space:
Both have restrictions regarding type of file descriptor.
dup2 will not help to do something in kernel, AFAIK.
Man pages: splice(2) splice(2) vmsplice(2) sendfile(2) tee(2)
Related links:
Understanding sendfile() and splice()
http://yarchive.net/comp/linux/splice.html (Linus)
C, sendfile() and send() difference?
bridging between two file descriptors
Send and Receive a file in socket programming in Linux with C/C++ (GCC/G++)
OpenBSD implements SO_SPLICE:
relayd asiabsdcon2013 slides / paper
http://metacpan.org/pod/BSD::Socket::Splice .
Does Linux support something similar or only own kernel-module is the solution?
SP-MOD described here
TCP-Splicer described here
L4/L7 switch
Even for loads as tiny as 2000 concurrent connections, I'd never go with threads. They have the highest stack and switching overhead, simply because it's always more expensive to ensure that you can be interrupted anywhere than when you can only be interrupted at specific places. Just use epoll() and splice (if your sockets are TCP, which seems to be the case) and you'll be fine. You can even make epoll work in event triggered mode, where you only register your fds once.
If you absolutely want to use threads, use one thread per CPU core to spread the load, but if you need to do this, it means you're playing at speeds where affinity, RAM location on each CPU socket etc... plays a significant role, which doesn't seem to be the case in your question. So I'm assuming that a single thread is more than enough in your case.

What is the benefit of using non-blocking sockets with the "select" function?

I'm writing a server in Linux that will have to support simultaneous read/write operations from multiple clients. I want to use the select function to manage read/write availability.
What I don't understand is this: Suppose I want to wait until a socket has data available to be read. The documentation for select states that it blocks until there is data available to read, and that the read function will not block.
So if I'm using select and I know that the read function will not block, why would I need to set my sockets to non-blocking?
There might be cases when a socket is reported as ready but by the time you get to check it, it changes its state.
One of the good examples is accepting connections. When a new connection arrives, a listening socket is reported as ready for read. By the time you get to call accept, the connection might be closed by the other side before ever sending anything and before we called accept. Of course, the handling of this case is OS-dependent, but it's possible that accept will simply block until a new connection is established, which will cause our application to wait for indefinite amount of time preventing processing of other sockets. If your listening socket is in a non-blocking mode, this won't happen and you'll get EWOULDBLOCK or some other error, but accept will not block anyway.
Some kernels used to have (I hope it's fixed now) an interesting bug with UDP and select. When a datagram arrives select wakes up with the socket with datagram being marked as ready for read. The datagram checksum validation is postponed until a user code calls recvfrom (or some other API capable of receiving UDP datagrams). When the code calls recvfrom and the validating code detects a checksum mismatch, a datagram is simply dropped and recvfrom ends up being blocked until a next datagram arrives. One of the patches fixing this problem (along with the problem description) can be found here.
Other than the kernel bugs mentioned by others, a different reason for choosing non-blocking sockets, even with a polling loop, is that it allows for greater performance with fast-arriving data. Think what happens when a blocking socket is marked as "readable". You have no idea how much data has arrived, so you can safely read it only once. Then you have to get back to the event loop to have your poller check whether the socket is still readable. This means that for every single read from or write to the socket you have to do at least two system calls: the select to tell you it's safe to read, and the reading/writing call itself.
With non-blocking sockets you can skip the unnecessary calls to select after the first one. When a socket is flagged as readable by select, you have the option of reading from it as long as it returns data, which allows faster processing of quick bursts of data.
This going to sound snarky but it isn't. The best reason to make them non-blocking is so you don't block.
Think about it. select() tells you there is something to read but you don't know how much. Could be 2 bytes, could be 2,000. In most cases it more efficient to drain whatever data is there before going back to select. So you enter a while loop to read
while (1)
n = read(sock, buffer, 200);
//check return code, etc
What happens on the last read when there is nothing left to read? If the socket isn't non-blocking you will block, thereby defeating (at least partially) the point of the select().
One of the benefits, is that it will catch any programming errors you make, because if you try to read a socket that would normally block you, you'll get EWOULDBLOCK instead. For objects other than sockets, the exact api behaviour may change, see http://www.scottklement.com/rpg/socktut/nonblocking.html.