Extend a generic class in swift - swift

I have some code which has to be available on all UIViewController of application. So I created a class UIViewControllerExtension: UIViewController, which will be extended by each class which I want to use as UIViewController. Which works as expected.
Now I have new screens where I have to use UITableViewController, so I can't extend same class UIViewControllerExtension, And to keep code centralized so I do not want to create another class UITableViewControllerExtension with same code, and want to have a common solution for both cases.
I tried various ways to extend generic class <T:UIViewController> so I can use it in both cases, but it didn't work (as it wouldn't compile). I did some research on internet but didn't find any solution to it. Does someone had same issue and have a solution?
I thought if there would be some solution like
class CommonViewController<T:UIViewController>: T{ //I know it doesn't compile
class MyHomeScreenViewController: CommonViewController<UIViewController>{
class MyItemListScreenViewController: CommonViewController<UITableController>{
I am open to any other solution if it solves my problem.
Edit: More details
1> I would like to extend viewDidLoad() method of UIViewController and UITableViewController in common way (no duplication of code as said before)
2> I would like to add some supporting methods to UIViewController (and UITableViewController), supporting methods like navigateBack, loginUser(name:String,password:String) etc..

A solution would be to extend UIViewController to add additional functionality to all UIViewControllers and override viewDidLoad in your own classes:
extension UIViewController {
func navigateBack() {
// an extension cannot override methods
// so this method gets called later in an overridden viewDidLoad
func viewDidLoadNavigate() {
// you own classes
class MyHomeScreenViewController: UIViewController {
// you have to make sure that all view controllers which can navigate override viewDidLoad
override viewDidLoad() {
// optional call to super
// this is needed and called from the extension
class MyItemListScreenViewController: UITableViewController {
override viewDidLoad() {
As you can see there is some code duplication but this is necessary since UITableViewController can also override viewDidLoad.
If generic inheritance is possible some day this code duplication can be reduced.


Is an event called immediately after object initialization?

Does an event procedure like override init exist but immediately after completion?
I'm hoping for something like override init_completed()
I need to perform functionality immediately after the object is fully initialized.
You could simply call a method at the end of the init() method:
struct myObject {
init() {
// Other code
If your object is a subclass of UIView and exists inside a UIViewController you can of course override the viewDidLoad() method of the view controller.
For an isolated UIVIew, either awakeFromNib() or didLayoutSubviews() will be called after the view loads. There is more information here.
Other useful information available at the Swift documentation on initialisation.

Where do I register a ValueTransformer in Swift?

I'm trying to use a ValueTransformer (né NSValueTransformer) in Swift that is being used by the first window that my application opens. Value transformers need to be registered with ValueTransformer.registerValueTransformer(_:forName:) before they can be queried by the user interface runtime.
The documentation for NSValueTransformer recommends registering value transformers in +[AppDelegate initialize]. However, Swift doesn't allow you to override +initialize. I tried to register from applicationWillFinishLaunching(_) and applicationDidFinishLaunching(_), but they both happen too late and my window doesn't get filled because the runtime can't find the value transformer.
Where should I register my value transformer?
In AppDelegate you can use a dummy property of type Void with a closure. The closure is even executed before init
private let transformer : Void = {
let myTransformer = MyValueTransformer()
ValueTransformer.setValueTransformer(myTransformer, forName:NSValueTransformerName("MyValueTransformer"))
I found that I can count on the app delegate class to be initialized early and only once, so I stuck my ValueTransformer.registerValueTransformer call in it.
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
override init() {
ValueTransformer.setValueTransformer(MyValueTransformer(), forName: NSValueTransformerName("MyValueTransformer"))
You are right, you can register your value transformers in the AppDelegate. If you want something that closer resembles ObjectiveC's +initialize you can use lazy initialization of a class variable. E.g:
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
static let doInitialize: Void = {
// register transformers here
override init() {
This pattern should also work for classes other than the AppDelegate if you want to keep the transformers things closer to the classes that actually use them.

Modeling an abstract base class in Swift

I have a Cocoa Touch class BaseViewController:
class BaseViewController: Named, UIViewController {
open var name = "Emma"
override func viewDidAppear() {
protocol Named {
var name: String
The intent behind BaseViewController is that all view controllers in my app will be derived from it, because it does something important in viewDidAppear() with name.
However, I'm trying to model this in a way where it'll be a compile-time error to subclass from BaseViewController without specifying name, and not have to supply a default name value in the base class. In other words:
Can I have BaseViewController require that its subclasses implement Named without it implementing Named itself?
If not, how else can I achieve this within the paradigm of Cocoa Touch plus Protocol-Oriented Programming?

Trying to access property of a class which subclasses a cocoa class gives run-time error

I made a customized button type(class) that inherits from NSButton and has some additional methods as well, but when I try to access the methods that I declared myself, I get a run-time error. Here's my code:
import Cocoa
class MCButton: NSButton {
func testFunc()->Bool {
return true
class ViewController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var button: MCButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
if button.testFunc() { //Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=2, address=0x608000264600)
button.title = "Hi!"
Note that I don't have any problems when I only use the methods declared in the superclass(NSButton). What's the problem? What should I do to fix it?
You have to correctly set the button's class in the InterfaceBuilder. It probably has the predefined value set, which is NSButton. You have to set it to MCButton instead.
Only then you actually get a reference to a correct instance of one of those MCButtons.

Implementing a Delegate Method in a Subclass whose Superclass conforms to that protocol Swift

I have incorporated the GoogleMaps API into my app and all is well with that. However after a bit more development I realized I will need to have two different ViewControllers, both showing a GMSMapView but each having slightly different functionality. I decided to make a base class which has the common functionality and that base class conforms to GMSMapViewDelegate. In this base class, among other things I have:
class BaseMapViewController: UIViewController {
var mapView = GMSMapView()
override func viewDidLoad() {
mapView.delegate = self
func loadMap() {
mapView = GMSMapView(frame: CGRectZero)
mapView.mapType = kGMSTypeHybrid
self.view = mapView
extension BaseMapViewController: GMSMapViewDelegate {}
One of the subclasses needs to implement func mapView(mapView: GMSMapView!, didTapAtCoordinate coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) so I just implement that in the subclass (shown below), but it doesn't register any taps.
class SellerMapViewController: BaseMapViewController {
override func viewDidLoad(){
func mapView(mapView: GMSMapView!, didTapAtCoordinate coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) {
I then tried putting that delegate method in the base class and it still didn't register any taps. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong or what I could try?
It sounds like there could be a couple things going on:
Make sure you are setting the superclass as the delegate, not just conforming to the protocol.
I have done a similar things in my own code, and what I do is implement a dummy function in the superclass that if called prints a message that its subclass needs to implement it, so that the superclass fully implements the delegate method.
Implement the methods that you need to in your subclass. If the relationship was properly set up in your superclass, the methods will be called in your subclass, overriding the same call in the superclass.