Unity3d protect code - unity3d

We have a code in a unity3d game that we wish to protect from decompilation(will be published in ios,android,webgl and unity plugin). How should we protect it? Should we write that part of code as unmanaged plugin(c++)?

It's not possible to release software that can't be reverse-engineered.

This is POSIBLE. Some packages have standart unity packager format. So.. If you use dynamic assets or if you use CodeContainers you need to protect your code.
So what you shoud do:
If you use dynamic assets packages: Make dll's from code or make one controller class.
If you use CodeConainers (JS) make main C# controller. After this you can extends classes or simply call methods.
PS: If you want to secure not code assets, you need make binary encoding. And when you load level or prefab you just decode this asset and use.

You could use obfuscation techniques, which allows you to protect your package from reverse engineering, but just from those, who is not VERY (i am talking about high-level reverse engineers, who could decompile your code and deal with ASM or could decompile your iOS/Android project) interested, in any case for Unity, iOS

You can obfuscate the your source code using the Remiix Obfuscator plugin in unity asset store.
It's free and easy to use and support many platform of build on unity(android, ios).


How would I go about writing code that uses android.hardware.automotive.vehicle#2.0 Library?

I'm trying to learn to write Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL).
Here's the path I've taken so far, please correct me if I'm off in any step.
Downloaded AOSP and built it successfully (86%)
Located Vehicle Hal Support Library
Located android.hardware.automotive.vehicle C++ code.
Things I've attempted after that the steps below without succeeding to get those above classes recognized.
Import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle classes in Android Studio for a typical Android App that targets 29 Api Level.
Adding meta tag of android.car app
Copy/Pasting all source code under AOSP /packages/services/Car/
Partially contemplated adding android.hardware.automotive.vehicle#2.0.so Library and trying to access it through JNI (Not so sure about this one).
Please orient me, I see some repositories on github not doing anything special and somehow they're able to import the package in a java class like this.
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehicleHwKeyInputAction;
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehiclePropValue;
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehicleProperty;
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehiclePropertyAccess;
how on earth do they get access to those classes?
Vehicle HAL is not meant to be accessed directly from apps. Car Service does that for you.
You have couple options depending on what you're actually trying to accomplish:
Learn to write HAL services - it's like writing a driver for a given hardware (in this case, something that provides car data to Car Service).
Learn to write HAL clients - try modifying EmbeddedKitchenSink app first. Please note you need to build it with AOSP and not in AmdroidStudio since this is a system app (and regular apps doesn't have access to the HAL)
Learn Vehicle APIs - that's what you need car lib for. Details on how to use it: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63321234/14759774

Unity3D AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath() vs Resource.Load()

My partner in game dev are looking at Unity. I dynamically loaded an asset using Resource.Load() and he used AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(). They both seem to work so which one should be used? Why have 2 different ways to dynamically load assets?
AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath() vs Resource.Load() ...They both
seem to work so which one should be used?
None of them.
Your partner will end up with a game that he cannot build because he used AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(). The AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath() function came from the UnityEditor namespace which is only used to make Editor plugins. It won't work outside the Editor and it won't even let you build your game at-all.
You using Resource.Load is fine but Resource.Load requires the use of the Resources folder which is known to cause slow down loading time of the game.
AssetBundles is the recommended way. You can put those files in the StreamingAssets folder then use the WWW or AssetBundle API to load it during run-time. You can learn more about how to use AssetBundles here

WinJS.UI Metro Animation Library

I'm starting to port over my web app that I've built with Sencha Touch into the Windows 8 world. I'm seeing a lot of WinJS.UI documentation, basically telling me that there are more 'native' feeling animations and UI actions already build into this framework.
My app is already structured, but I'd like to mix in WinJS.UI if I can. How do I go about doing this? I haven't found a link to download the library or anything of the sort.
For example, this link:
I see that they are using:
function runAnimation(){
enterPage = WinJS.UI.Animation.enterPage(input);
But I find no documentation on where to include the library.
Little bit lost, any help is appreciated!
These animations are included in the UI.Js from the WinJS Package -- this is the same WinJS that is included in the default Visual Studio Templates. Just create a new HTML Windows Store application, and the details will be there.
Here's your library: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/Using-the-Animation-787f3720
You can deploy this on your computer and play with the animations.

Soundtouch bpm iPhone

I'm trying to integrate a mechanism to calculate the BPM of the song in the iPod library(also on iphone).
Searching on the web I found that the most used and reliable libraries to do this things is soundtouch.Anyone has experience with this library? It is computationally possible to make it run on the iPhone hardware?
I have recently been using the code from the BPMDetect class of the soundtouch library succesfully. Initially compiled it on C++, later on translated the code to C# and lately I've been using the C++ code on an Android app through JNI. I'm not really familiar with development in iOS but I'm almost certain that it is possible what you're trying to do.
The only files you should use from the soundtouch source code are the following:
C++ files
Header files
At least these are the only ones I had to use to make it work.
The BPMDetect class recieves raw samples through its inputSamples() method, it's capable of calculating a bpm value even when the whole file is not yet loaded into its buffer. I have found that these intermediate values differ from the one obtained once the whole file is loaded, which is more accurate, in my experience.
Hope this helps.
It's a kind of complex process to explain in a comment so I'm going to edit the answer.
The gist of it is that you need your android app to consume native code. In order to do that, you need to compile the files listed above from the soundtouch library with the Android NDK toolset.
That will leave you with native code that will be able to process raw sound data, but you still need to get the data from the sound file, which you can do several ways, I think. The way I was doing it was using the FMOD library for Android, here's a nice example for that: FMOD for Android.
Supposing you declared a method like this in your C code:
void Java_your_package_YourClassName_cPlay(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
On the Android app you use your native methods in the following way:
public class Sound {
// Native method declaration
private native void cPlay();
public void play()
In order to have a friendlier API to work with you can create wrappers around these function calls.
I put the native C code I was using in a gist here.
Hope this helps.

How to use omnigroup framework in an iOS project?

I need to be able to write and read from a rtf file in iOS.
The omnigroup framework has the 2 classes i am looking for :
I managed to build the frameworks but i cant figure out how to integrate theses classes in my own project.
I had the following frameworks to my project :
I still get some undefined identifier such as :
Has anybody been able to use the omnigroup framework in your own project ?
We do need some better documentation for this, but the TextEditor example app in OmniUI/iPad/Examples/TextEditor may be a good starting point for seeing how we include the frameworks in our apps.
In this particular case, you may prefer to pull out the OUIRTFReader class and any dependencies it needs from OmniAppKit and OmniFoundation into your project. updating the #imports to be "..." instead of <OmniThis/AndOmniThat.h>.
Perhaps you could try following the instructions given as part of this thread on the Omni Group forums. They appear to have been able to build the framework under the iOS 4.2 SDK.
I don't think you want the OmniAppKit framework, as that is just for the Mac.