"Include Glance Screen" Watch OS 2.0 - apple-watch

I am creating a new watch app and there is an option "Include Glance Screen". I tried searching for it but not able to get it what it do. What effect it will make on checking.

It will create a GlanceController source code file and a Glance interface controller in the storyboard.
If you need generic info about glances, you can check:


Unable to display the GUI and versions of XCode

I am using XCode 4.3 and I am creating a tab bar application following an example in my book (likely used for XCode version < 4.3) but when I add a new tab and turn on check-mark to generate XIB file while adding a new file of Cocoa Touch, the GUI doesn't appear but display instead its generated XML file content. Do you know how to fix this ?
I find each time there is a new version of XCode, the Gui and defined functions seem to change a lot, doesn't this annoy for low programmers like me ? (By low, I mean newbies and those who can't keep up with such rapid changes). Thank you.
You can view my shot here
Right-click on the .xib file and choose Open as...
There will be a list of options. Currently you are using "Source Code", which displays as XML. Use Interface Builder - iOS instead.
This will be remembered between sessions. I don't know how it got set to this in the first place.
Alternatively, you may be in the Version editor instead of the Standard editor - this will show xibs as XML in order to correctly display changes.

creating a new project in xcode, different options than I expected

I have downloaded the latest varsion of Xcode. All the tutorials i see for creating a new ios application project, mention to create a view-based application.
But I do not see that option. Therefore, whatever I choose, next I do not see the folders mentioned later in the examples. (for example I see no resources folder in my project)
The picture I see when to create a new project is this:
What to do?
"Single View Application" is the same as the good old "view-based application"
In new X-code you won't find window based application option. If you want then select
Empty Application option. Also you will not find MainWindow.xib here. You have to do coding in Appdelegate file to load initial viewController.
If you select Single view Application as Antonio said you will have all viewControllers in a Storyboard. Which is introduced in new iOS 5.
You can create new folder and name it to resources.

How to add new iPhone target

I'm trying to add a new target to my Xcode project so that I can run the same app, but with subtle difference.
Please can someone guide me through the setup of a new target since it is my first time and I'm not sure how to go about doing it.
In particular, I'm interested how I make the new target run the code in the original app. When I tried creating a new target it just made a new app delegate, and viewController file.
Sorry if this is simple, I'm just quite confused.
Please note that I'm after after instructions based in Xcode 4.
In xcode 4, make sure you're in the folder view where you have the project. Select the blue project button, then next to that you can see Targets, Select the target you have there, right click & select duplicate target.
Now you have two build targets.
To apply subtle differences in your app, make a global C flag. in Build settings there is a paragraph named GCC 4.2 - Language, it has a property named Other C Flags. Add your flag here like so:
Now in your code you can check for this using:
#ifdef OTHER_VER
// some code.
// the subtle difference.
After you create your new target from settings of your project, you can create an identifier class to check the target. If you use macros everywhere in your code, it'll not be readable and feasible. You can check this tutorial-blog to learn how to do it, besides you may see some best practices there.

iPhone app opens to black screen after refactor proj name in xCode 4

Guys, i wonder if any one can help - My project was fully working in both the simulator and on a device, however, i renamed the project in xcode 4 (double clicking at the root of the project navigation pane, it was happy to rename any references - but now when i launch the app it only opens to the main window (yes it has outlets, all have outlets etc etc),
no code in the app delegate stops at a break point (even in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions)
so unsure what i could have missed, i have looked at other answers and everyone writes and says "missing outlet" etc.
I have dragged some backed up version of the app delegate that used to work and no difference, what could i be missing.
I do have source control, however currently in the process of merging from VSS to GIT.
Check your Info.plist for what it uses as it's Main Nib File. Perhaps something changed there? Also, within the nib file itself you might have problematic connections to classes that are still named with the old name.

no "UITableViewCell Subclass" option in XCode under AddNewfile?

In some web articles in the past I see an option in Xcode to add a new file using a "UITableViewCell subclass" template. For example here.
I can't see this in Xcode myself (I have the latest version, v4 of xcode).
Anyone know anything about this?
Choose Objective-C class
Press Next
Select UITableViewCell from the dropdown menu
It is a bit weird but it is.
You want to add an Objective C class (Under Cocoa Touch), then you'll be presented with a "Subclass of..." dialog. Select UITableViewCell.