Errorneous Message "No setter found for property" in eclipse kepler with Spring 3.2 - eclipse

Got an error in my Spring context file about an not existing setter for property, even it's existing. It's a Spring MVC project and it's compiling and working on my Tomcat.
IMHO it's a Eclipse problem (Eclipse Kepler) + or there seems to be a problem with Maven, which I am using with Eclipse.

It seems the issue with eclipse. You can check following things,
As it is a maven project the output folder is correct Java Build Path->Source->Default output folder is set to <ProjectName>/target/classes
If your able to build and run it from maven outside the eclipse then try to using same maven installation inside eclipse.
You can try run following maven command to refresh the build paths,
mvn clean install eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

There's something that i always do with Maven and Eclipse that works more often than not. If you can perform your mvn clean install outside of eclipse, then make sure the same maven is used inside inside Eclipse and then:
1/ project-->Properties-->Maven--> uncheck Resolve dependencies from Workspace projects --> Apply --> OK
2/ project-->Properties-->Maven--> check Resolve dependencies from Workspace projects --> Apply --> OK


How is the maven build different from eclipse build?

I have integrated m2e plugin.When i change the java file .It invokes building workspace. Is this is eclipse build or maven build.
And what exactly the difference between Eclipse clean and mvn clean ?
The m2e plugin injects the Maven classpath into the Eclipse project plus it disables the default Eclipse resource copying so Maven can do it's magic (the Maven resource copy step can filter/transform resources).
The actual build for Java files uses the Eclipse compiler with the classpath supplied from m2e.
Clean: Unless you have configured something special, Eclipse clean will delete target/classes and target/test-classes while mvn clean will delete the whole target/ folder.
Also, Eclipse will build the project again right after clean. For Maven, you need to issue another command (mvn compile or mvn install).
Check your .project file.
Do you have something like org.eclipse.m2e.core.maven2Builder there? Then it's Maven build executed by Eclipse via m2e.
The exact difference between "Eclipse clean" and mvn clean...
mvn clean executes Maven clean phase, as it is configured (or inherited) in the pom.xml.
For Eclipse clean, see this question:
Function of Project > Clean in Eclipse

setting up a maven project in Juno Eclipse

I recently upgraded my Eclipse to Juno and am struggling with the way maven dependencies are handled.
I installed the m2e plugin. Still, many of my projects started complaining about libraries missing as if the dependencies specified in the pom were completely ignored. This happened despite right-clicking on the project, selecting Configure --> Convert to Maven project, which seems to be the replacement for what used to be "Maven --> Enable dependencies" before. When I looked at the Maven dependencies under the project directory, there were many fewer dependencies listed than in my pom.
Running a maven compile on the command line outside of Eclipse allowed my project to build and after selecting Maven --> Update project, I was able to see the dependencies added or removed accordingly to what I specified in the pom.xml.
Bottom line: maven dependencies seem to work now but I had to do some combination of operations I didn't think should have been needed:
- Configure -> Convert to Maven project
- Maven -> Update dependencies
- Run maven outside of Eclipse
To get everything to work when with previous versions of Eclipse, all I had to do was Maven -> enable dependencies. What is the equivalent of this in Juno, i.e. what is the correct way of setting up juno Eclipse to handle properly a maven project?
I have been using Juno for a while now and the reliable way to solve Maven dependencies from within Eclipse after importing a project that is maven based is simply:
Configure --> Convert to Maven project
Maven --> Update project
Running Maven outside of Eclipse doesn't seem to help.
I am not sure why these two steps are now required when they were not before with previous version of Eclipse (at least, two steps were not needed before for sure).
mvn -Declipse.workspace=<path-to-eclipse-workspace> eclipse:add-maven-repo
outside of Eclipse has brought me the problems I described in my comment to the other answer.
On a Mac running Windows under Parallels Desktop on OS X? This similar discussion may solve your problem: intellij - java: Cannot find JDK '1.7' for module

How to deploy a maven project in tomcat within Eclipse

I have been trying to deploy a project that I created within eclipse but when I right click on the tomcat server and click "Add and Remove...", I got the message "There are no resources that can be added or removed from the server".
From what I understand it has something to do with the facets? I am not really sure to understand what is going wrong here.
Here is what I did for know:
I created a Maven project.
executed mvn eclipse:eclipse through the command line on the folder of the project
installed m2e
tried to add the project to the tomcat server
You probably want to use either mvn eclipse:eclipse OR m2e, but not both. m2e has gotten MUCH better in the last couple years, so that's what I would suggest.
Make sure you are using Eclipse for Java EE, otherwise you will need to install other plugins like WTP
Install m2e.
Install maven integration for wtp (from the eclipse marketplace)
make sure the artifact type for your project is war
Import Existing Maven Project in eclipse and browse to your pom to import the project.
It should give the correct facets to your project so it looks like a web project.

maven adds dependency but eclipse does not see it

I've created a new project in maven like this:
mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
After that I use: mvn eclipse:eclipse
The problem is that when I add the project to my IDE, eclipse indicates errors. When I run it I get classNotFound for JUnit. In project properties I see that junit is added to build path
In project properties I see: M2_REPO/junit/junit/3.8.1/junit-3.8.1.jar
But I cant use for example: import junit.framework.Test;
Why is that? To be honest, I have some major problems with dependency in maven and eclipse. Maven adds them correctly but eclipse doesn't see it correctly. It's not only the junit. What should I check/set?
Should I install some plugin to eclipse for maven support ?
I thought again about everything. Of course the problem was small. M2_REPO was not recognize by Eclipse. I've added this variable and set it in od maven directory. It worked like a charm.
You can use the m2eclipse plugin for eclipse
I don't know if having the plugin would solve your problem, I used to do the command line before I started using m2elcipse, I never had the issue that you described
what version of eclipse are you using?

Eclipse (STS) + Maven

I basically have 2 questions:
Is there a way to invoke maven console from eclipse? (where I could write eclipse:eclipse, and it started building eclipse project)
Where does STS unpack it's maven? I'd like to add that path to env variables, so that I could use it from my windows console.
Is there a way to invoke maven console from eclipse? (where I could write eclipse:eclipse, and it started building eclipse project)
You could open a shell inside eclipse , cd into the right directory and run the maven console from there. But, when using M2Eclipse (see next point), you're not supposed to run eclipse:eclipse.
Where does STS unpack it's maven? I'd like to add that path to env variables, so that I could use it from my windows console.
STS bundles M2Eclipse which comes with an embedded version of Maven (so it doesn't "unpack" Maven). But you can Configure M2Eclipse to use an external version. Go to window > Preference > Maven > Installations and Add... your external install:
Try the m2eclipse plugin from sonatype and you can eliminate use of 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' altogether. After installing m2eclipse and restarting eclipse, select File->Import->Maven->Existing Maven project. Browse to your maven project and select it. The m2eclipse plugin reads the pom and creates an eclipse project (this is the step that 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' gives). There are other useful features of the m2eclipse plugin including pom editor.
m2eclipse project is moving out of sonatype into the eclipse foundation project page and will be released on the Indigo train.
See this page for more info on m2eclipse: