Torquebox Jruby Rails Deploy - torquebox

I have created a Jruby rails application. I am able to deploy the application in windows server by using torquebox deploy and able to run the application using torquebox run. But when I close my command prompt(terminal) my Torquebox server is stopping. How I can able to run the server even after closing the terminal?

Run it as a windows service. In windows a service can be created to run a program in the background, in a similar way to running a daemon in unix.


java runtime.exec() not working on tomcat after deployment

How to run cmd commands through java? I already tried Runtime.exec() command. It is working local system but it'll not working after Deployment into tomcat server.

Intellij IDEA: Run Scala REPL Console on a remote machine.

I am wondering if it is possible to run Intellij's scala console process on a remote machine.
The Problem
I am developing a scala application on my local machine, but it needs to run on a remote machine.
What I am hoping for, is to launch the console process (that executes code) remotely and connect the console view/editor in IntelliJ to it - naturally with access to the local classes I am developing. I.e., this is a setup that is a little similar to launch an process remotely and then connecting the debugger.
A little background
The application (which builds on Spark) needs to talk a lot with servers that are on the same network as the remote machine. Running the console process on the remote machine will help a lot with port/hostname/proxy configurations. It will also improve performance, but that is secondary in this problem.
I have ssh access to the remote machine, so it is easy to setup proxies/ssh-tunnels.
Hope you can help :)
Why not just use the Terminal tab in IntelliJ, SSH to the machine, and use SBT from there? I do this all the time.

Chef running from the outside

is there a way to provision a server with Chef without having Ruby installed on the server that is going to be provisioned?
Basically in the same way that Capistrano is used to provision a server?
ciao robertj
You can use the Chef Omnibus Installer to install a native package for your OS including Chef Client and needed Ruby runtime packaged into one - but Ruby is always needed to be installed.
Currently Chef is not able to remotely provision a server via ssh orso.

How can i run java command as a service Centos 5?

i want to execute java -cp server.jar:mysql.jar server.NithServer this command as linux service how can i do that. & not working. centos 5
What's about using Java Service Wrapper?
It provides cross platform way of running java applications as services and also have a community version that should be enough for your purposes.
A seriously written service must have the bash script that accepts start, stop and restart parameters. Such script can be copied or better linked (original at /etc/init.d) to /etc/rc3.d or /etc/rc5.d and will be maintained by the system, executing shutdown and startup when required. Here there is a tutorial how to wrap Apache Tomcat as a service.

Is the same to leave netbeans running on vps or should I run only glassfish?

I have managed to get my app, up & running in my vps an over the internet, but I have done using this from netbeans, is it the same or I should close netbeans, run glassfish from bin files, deploy and start from admin console and have only glassfish running?
Enviroment: glassfish v3, JSF2.0, netbeans 6.8
Thank you very much
Best regards
The 'standard' way would be to have Glassfish running as a standalone app.
You can still use netbeans to administer it from your machine (by setting up a remote domain GF server in 'services->servers') or you can use the admin console (http://yourhost:4848) or indeed use the asadmin CLI tool.