Cannot place Swift assertions inside init() before call to super.init() - swift

I would like to use assertions inside init() before it calls super.init(). They are meant to check certain invariant conditions when calculating local properties.
However, if I try place such assertions I get this error message:
'self' used before super.init call
I assume this is because assert prints a description of the object and hence uses self, which at this point is not yet fully initialized. Is there anything I can do about this (i.e. calculate local properties before call to super.init() and place assertions there).
UPDATE Here is an concise example:
class Test: NSObject {
let x: Int
override init() {
x = 1
assert(x == 1) // causes error
assert(x == 1) // no error

The reason is that asserthas to read the value of the property x.
Although you can omit self as a convenience syntax assert uses the implicit setter of the property and has to call self.x == 1.
That's what the error message says.
You can use temporary local variables to calculate what you need but you cannot use instance variables before calling super.init().
Alternatively use a struct or protocol type which doesn't require to call super.init()


Understanding optional global variables in swift

I'm working through a book on Swift and I understand the idea of scope in functions so what I'd like to understand next is why we set global variables using optional types in classes. Honestly it looks like we don't set these variables per say but just let the class know that there will be a variable of a specific type somewhere throughout the code base: var sut: ItemManager!.
From what I understand the variable sut is an unwrapped optional of the type ItemManger which definitely has a valid value and not nil. The reason we've set it with an exclamation mark or question mark is because there isn't an initializer within this class. What isn't clear is since this class doesn't have an initializer, what factors come into play when deciding weather to set this global variable to an optional using a questions mark or implicitly unwrapped with an exclamation mark?
import XCTest
#testable import ToDo
class ItemManagerTests: XCTestCase {
var sut: ItemManager!
override func setUp() {
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
sut = ItemManager.init()
override func tearDown() {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
func test_ToDoCount_InitiallySetAtZero(){
let sut = ItemManager.init()
XCTAssertEqual(sut.toDoCount, 0)
func test_DoneCount_InitiallySetAtZero(){
let sut = ItemManager.init()
XCTAssertEqual(sut.doneCount, 0)
sut is not a global variable.
sut is an instance variable of the ItemManagerTests. Every time a new instance, i.e. an object, of a ItemManagerTests is instantiated, memory is allocated for sut.
It's of type ItemManager!. This is an implicitly unwrapped optional. It's similar to ItemManager? (a.k.a. Optional), with the distinction that it is implicitly forcefully unwrapped everywhere it's used directly, as if the force unwrap operator (!) was used.
Its value is initialized to nil, but is set to a new ItemManager object when setUp is called by Xcode's testing framework.
Firstly, sut is not a global. A global variable in Swift is declared outside any enclosing scope (So, before the class statement). sut is an instance property; each instance of your ItemManagerTests class will have a sut property.
In Swift, all non-optional properties must be initialised by the time the initialiser has completed. In some cases this can be achieved by code inside the initialiser and in other cases by assigning a default value.
In some cases, s you cannot assign or don't want to assign a default value and you can't (or don't want to) override the initialiser.
If you used a normal optional then the compiler would be satisfied that the property wasn't initialised by default or in the initialiser, but each time you referred to the property you would have to unwrap it (e.g. sut?.donecount).
Since your test case is assigning a value to sut in setup, you know that it will have a value and you could use a force unwrap (e.g. sut!.donecount), or, take it one step further and use an implicitly unwrapped optional. This allows you to refer to the property without any unwrapping, but it is still an optional and will still cause a crash if it is nil.
Note that your current code isn't even using the property, since you are allocating a local variable in your test cases. You can use:
class ItemManagerTests: XCTestCase {
var sut: ItemManager!
override func setUp() {
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
sut = ItemManager.init()
override func tearDown() {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
func test_ToDoCount_InitiallySetAtZero() {
XCTAssertEqual(sut.toDoCount, 0)
func test_DoneCount_InitiallySetAtZero() {
XCTAssertEqual(sut.doneCount, 0)
The reason we've set it with an exclamation mark or question mark is
because there isn't an initializer within this class
Because when every instance of a class is initialized, it has to allocate memory for its properties/instance var. So with var sut: ItemManager!, the value of sut is nil when init. Without !, ? the compiler can't allocate, init, so you have to init manually in an initializer. That is what compiler told you.
For using ! or ?.
! is used when the property/var always has value after the first assigning. And after the first time it's assigned, it can't be nil later
? is used when the pro/var can have value or not

Accessing "self" in initializing closure

In Swift 3 the dispatch_once function was removed and the migration guide suggests to use initializing closure:
let myGlobal = { … global contains initialization in a call to a closure … }()
_ = myGlobal // using myGlobal will invoke the initialization code only the first time it is used.
I'd like to access 'self' instance variables from within the initializing closure like so:
class SomeClass {
var other = SomeOtherClass()
let initialize: () = {
// self.other - this doesn't work, complains about unresolved identifier 'self'
// how to access self.other here?
} ()
func doSomething() {
// initialize will only be called once
Why is 'self' not accessible in the closure and how can make it to be?
This quoted example of the Migration Guide is misleading because it's related to a global variable.
The closure of a instance let constant is called (once) immediately when the class is initialized. That's the reason why it cannot use other variables declared on the same level.
What you can do is to initialize initialize (the variable name is not the best one ;-) ) lazily. The closure is also called only once but – as the guide describes – only the first time (when) it is used.
class SomeClass {
let other = SomeOtherClass()
lazy var initialize : () = {
let test = self.other
func doSomething() {
// initialize will only be called once
_ = initialize
When an instance of the 'SomeClass' class is created, it will first create all of the variables and constants on that instance. During this time, self may not be fully initialised, because it may be halfway through setting up. Because of this, self is not available until after the initialisation step has completed.
In the example, they were talking about a global variable which has no concept of self, or a static constant on the class which also has no concept of self.
If it needs to be an instance method/variable you could:
a) make it a lazy var like
lazy var initialise : ()->Void = {
return {
// can access self here
which will be created the first time you call it, rather than during initialisation. Of course you lose the constant that way, and you have to store the closure which is wasteful since you're only executing it once.
b) put the code inside of an init method:
init() {
// if your class doesn't have a super class, you can access self.other here.
// If it does have a super class (like NSObject) you must first call super.init() here to complete the initialisation.
// This can only be done after all other variables have been set.

Swift: Overriding Self-requirement is allowed, but causes runtime error. Why?

I just started to learn Swift (v. 2.x) because I'm curious how the new features play out, especially the protocols with Self-requirements.
The following example is going to compile just fine, but causes arbitrary runtime effects to happen:
// The protocol with Self requirement
protocol Narcissistic {
func getFriend() -> Self
// Base class that adopts the protocol
class Mario : Narcissistic {
func getFriend() -> Self {
return self;
// Intermediate class that eliminates the
// Self requirement by specifying an explicit type
// (Why does the compiler allow this?)
class SuperMario : Mario {
override func getFriend() -> SuperMario {
return SuperMario();
// Most specific class that defines a field whose
// (polymorphic) access will cause the world to explode
class FireFlowerMario : SuperMario {
let fireballCount = 42
func throwFireballs() {
print("Throwing " + String(fireballCount) + " fireballs!")
// Global generic function restricted to the protocol
func queryFriend<T : Narcissistic>(narcissistic: T) -> T {
return narcissistic.getFriend()
// Sample client code
// Instantiate the most specific class
let m = FireFlowerMario()
// The call to the generic function is verified to return
// the same type that went in -- 'FireFlowerMario' in this case.
// But in reality, the method returns a 'SuperMario' and the
// call to 'throwFireballs' will cause arbitrary
// things to happen at runtime.
You can see the example in action on the IBM Swift Sandbox here.
In my browser, the output is as follows:
Throwing 32 fireballs!
(instead of 42! Or rather, 'instead of a runtime exception', as this method is not even defined on the object it is called on.)
Is this a proof that Swift is currently not type-safe?
EDIT #1:
Unpredictable behavior like this has to be unacceptable.
The true question is, what exact meaning the keyword Self (capital first letter) has.
I couldn't find anything online, but there are at least these two possibilities:
Self is simply a syntactic shortcut for the full class name it appears in, and it could be substituted with the latter without any change in meaning. But then, it cannot have the same meaning as when it appears inside a protocol definition.
Self is a sort of generic/associated type (in both protocols and classes) that gets re-instantiated in deriving/adopting classes. If that is the case, the compiler should have refused the override of getFriend in SuperMario.
Maybe the true definition is neither of those. Would be great if someone with more experience with the language could shed some light on the topic.
Yes, there seems to be a contradiction. The Self keyword, when used as a return type, apparently means 'self as an instance of Self'. For example, given this protocol
protocol ReturnsReceived {
/// Returns other.
func doReturn(other: Self) -> Self
we can't implement it as follows
class Return: ReturnsReceived {
func doReturn(other: Return) -> Self {
return other // Error
because we get a compiler error ("Cannot convert return expression of type 'Return' to return type 'Self'"), which disappears if we violate doReturn()'s contract and return self instead of other. And we can't write
class Return: ReturnsReceived {
func doReturn(other: Return) -> Return { // Error
return other
because this is only allowed in a final class, even if Swift supports covariant return types. (The following actually compiles.)
final class Return: ReturnsReceived {
func doReturn(other: Return) -> Return {
return other
On the other hand, as you pointed out, a subclass of Return can 'override' the Self requirement and merrily honor the contract of ReturnsReceived, as if Self were a simple placeholder for the conforming class' name.
class SubReturn: Return {
override func doReturn(other: Return) -> SubReturn {
// Of course this crashes if other is not a
// SubReturn instance, but let's ignore this
// problem for now.
return other as! SubReturn
I could be wrong, but I think that:
if Self as a return type really means 'self as an instance of
Self', the compiler should not accept this kind of Self requirement
overriding, because it makes it possible to return instances which
are not self; otherwise,
if Self as a return type must be simply a placeholder with no further implications, then in our example the compiler should already allow overriding the Self requirement in the Return class.
That said, and here any choice about the precise semantics of Self is not bound to change things, your code illustrates one of those cases where the compiler can easily be fooled, and the best it can do is generate code to defer checks to run-time. In this case, the checks that should be delegated to the runtime have to do with casting, and in my opinion one interesting aspect revealed by your examples is that at a particular spot Swift seems not to delegate anything, hence the inevitable crash is more dramatic than it ought to be.
Swift is able to check casts at run-time. Let's consider the following code.
let sm = SuperMario()
let ffm = sm as! FireFlowerMario
Here we create a SuperMario and downcast it to FireFlowerMario. These two classes are not unrelated, and we are assuring the compiler (as!) that we know what we are doing, so the compiler leaves it as it is and compiles the second and third lines without a hitch. However, the program fails at run-time, complaining that it
Could not cast value of type
'SomeModule.SuperMario' (0x...) to
'SomeModule.FireFlowerMario' (0x...).
when trying the cast in the second line. This is not wrong or surprising behaviour. Java, for example, would do exactly the same: compile the code, and fail at run-time with a ClassCastException. The important thing is that the application reliably crashes at run-time.
Your code is a more elaborate way to fool the compiler, but it boils down to the same problem: there is a SuperMario instead of a FireFlowerMario. The difference is that in your case we don't get a gentle "could not cast" message but, in a real Xcode project, an abrupt and terrific error when calling throwFireballs().
In the same situation, Java fails (at run-time) with the same error we saw above (a ClassCastException), which means it attempts a cast (to FireFlowerMario) before calling throwFireballs() on the object returned by queryFriend(). The presence of an explicit checkcast instruction in the bytecode easily confirms this.
Swift on the contrary, as far as I can see at the moment, does not try any cast before the call (no casting routine is called in the compiled code), so a horrible, uncaught error is the only possible outcome. If, instead, your code produced a run-time "could not cast" error message, or something as gracious as that, I would be completely satisfied with the behaviour of the language.
The issue here seems to be a violation in contract:
You define getFriend() to return an instance of receiver (Self). The problem here is that SuperMario does not return self but it returns a new instance of type SuperMario.
Now, when FireFlowerMario inherits that method the contract says that the method should return a FireFlowerMario but instead, the inherited method returns a SuperMario! This instance is then treated as if it were a FireFlowerMario, specifically: Swift tries to access the instance variable fireballCount which does not exist on SuperMario and you get garbage instead.
You can fix it like this:
class SuperMario : Mario {
required override init() {
override func getFriend() -> SuperMario {
// Dynamically create new instance of the same type as the receiver.
let myClass = self.dynamicType
return myClass.init()
Why does the compiler allow it? It has a hard time catching something like this, I guess. For SuperMario, the contract is still valid: the method getFriend does return an instance of the same class. The contract breaks when you create the subclass FireFlowerMario: should the compiler notice that a superclass might violate the contract? This would be an expensive check and probably more suited for a static analyzer, IMHO (Also, what happens if the compiler doesn't have access to SuperMario's source? What happens if that class is from a library?)
So it's actually SuperMario's duty to ensure that the contract is still valid when subclassing.

What's the purpose of initializing property values before calling super designated initializer in swift?

Here is my code:
class Base
class Test : Base
internal var y:Int
convenience init(_ a:Int)
override init()
super.init() //Error!!! Property 'self.y' not initialized at super.init call
y = 123
I think this should be compiled:
y is not visible inside class 'Base',whether order of initializations of y's and super class's doesn't really matter.
Your argument
I think this should be compiled:
y is not visible inside class 'Base',whether order of initializations
of y's and super class's doesn't really matter.
is not correct, that would not be safe.
The superclass init can call an instance
method which is overridden in the subclass. That is (at least one)
reason why all subclass properties must be initialized before super.init() is called.
A simple example:
class Base
print("enter Base.init")
print("leave Base.init")
func setup() {
print("Base.setup called")
class Test : Base
internal var y:Int
override init()
y = 123
print("before super.init")
print("after super.init")
override func setup() {
print("Test.setup called")
print("y = \(y)")
before super.init
enter Base.init
Test.setup called
y = 123
leave Base.init
after super.init
As you can see, the y property of the subclass is accessed
during the super.init() call, even if it is not known to the
It might be interesting to compare the situation in Objective-C
where self = [super initXXX] is always called first. This has the
consequence that property access self.prop in init/dealloc methods
is unsafe and direct access to the instance variable _prop is
recommended because the object may be in a "partially constructed state".
See for example Should I refer to in the init method with ARC?.
So this is one of the issues which have been solved in Swift
(at the cost of stricter requirements).
From the documentation:
Safety check 1
A designated initializer must ensure that all of the
properties introduced by its class are initialized before it delegates
up to a superclass initializer.
As mentioned above, the memory for an object is only considered fully
initialized once the initial state of all of its stored properties is
known. In order for this rule to be satisfied, a designated
initializer must make sure that all its own properties are initialized
before it hands off up the chain.
Source: Swift Language Guide: Initialization
Just exchange the two lines in init
override init()
y = 123

When should I access properties with self in swift?

In a simple example like this, I can omit self for referencing backgroundLayer because it's unambiguous which backgroundLayer the backgroundColor is set on.
class SpecialView: UIView {
let backgroundLayer = CAShapeLayer()
init() {
backgroundLayer.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor().CGColor
But, just like in Objective-C, we can confuse things by adding local variables (or constants) named similarly. Now the backgroundColor is being set on the non-shape layer:
class SpecialView: UIView {
let backgroundLayer = CAShapeLayer()
init() {
var backgroundLayer = CALayer()
backgroundLayer.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor().CGColor
(this is resolved by using self.backgroundLayer.backgroundColor)
In Objective-C I always eschewed ivars for properties and properties were always prefixed with self for clarity. I don't have to worry about ivars in swift but are there other considerations for when I should use self in swift?
The only times self is required are when referencing a property inside a closure and, as you pointed out, to differentiate it from a local variable with the same name.
However, personally, I prefer to always write "self" because:
That is an instant and obvious sign that the variable is a property. This is important because it being a property means that its state can vary more widely and in different ways than a local variable. Also, changing a property has larger implications than changing a local variable.
The code does not need to be updated if you decide to introduce a parameter or variable with the same name as the property
Code can be easily copied in and out of closures that do require self
Most of the time we can skip self. when we access class properties.
However there is one time when we MUST use it: when we try to set in a closure:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
// we cannot assign to properties of self
self.view = nil
// but can access properties
one time when we SHOULD use it: so you don't mess a local variable with class property:
class MyClass {
var someVar: String = "class prop"
func setProperty(someVar:String = "method attribute") -> () {
print(self.someVar) // Output: class property
print(someVar) // Output: method attribute
other places where we CAN use self.
before property just to be expressive about were variable/constant comes from.
Looking at Ray Wenderlich's style guide
Use of Self
For conciseness, avoid using self since Swift does not require it to access an object's properties or invoke its methods.
Use self only when required by the compiler (in #escaping closures, or in initializers to disambiguate properties from arguments). In other words, if it compiles without self then omit it.
Swift documentation makes the same recommendation.
The self Property
Every instance of a type has an implicit property called self, which is exactly equivalent to the instance itself. You use the self property to refer to the current instance within its own instance methods.
The increment() method in the example above could have been written like this:
func increment() {
self.count += 1
In practice, you don’t need to write self in your code very often. If you don’t explicitly write self, Swift assumes that you are referring to a property or method of the current instance whenever you use a known property or method name within a method. This assumption is demonstrated by the use of count (rather than self.count) inside the three instance methods for Counter.
The main exception to this rule occurs when a parameter name for an instance method has the same name as a property of that instance. In this situation, the parameter name takes precedence, and it becomes necessary to refer to the property in a more qualified way. You use the self property to distinguish between the parameter name and the property name.
Here, self disambiguates between a method parameter called x and an instance property that is also called x:
struct Point {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
func isToTheRightOf(x: Double) -> Bool {
return self.x > x
let somePoint = Point(x: 4.0, y: 5.0)
if somePoint.isToTheRightOf(x: 1.0) {
print("This point is to the right of the line where x == 1.0")
// Prints "This point is to the right of the line where x == 1.0"
I'm going to go against the flow and not use self unless absolutely required.
The reason why is that two of the main reasons to use self is
When capturing self in a block
When setting self as a delegate
In both cases, self will be captured as a strong reference. This might be what you want, but in many cases, you actually want to use a weak one.
Therefor, forcing the developer to use self as an exception and not a rule will make this strong capture more conscious, and let him reflect on this decision.
As Apple documentation says in
The self Property
Every instance of a type has an implicit property called self, which
is exactly equivalent to the instance itself. You use the self
property to refer to the current instance within its own instance
The increment() method in the example above could have been written
like this:
func increment() {
self.count += 1
In practice, you don’t need to write self in your code very often. If
you don’t explicitly write self, Swift assumes that you are referring
to a property or method of the current instance whenever you use a
known property or method name within a method. This assumption is
demonstrated by the use of count (rather than self.count) inside the
three instance methods for Counter.
The main exception to this rule occurs when a parameter name for an
instance method has the same name as a property of that instance. In
this situation, the parameter name takes precedence, and it becomes
necessary to refer to the property in a more qualified way. You use
the self property to distinguish between the parameter name and the
property name.
Here, self disambiguates between a method parameter called x and an
instance property that is also called x:
struct Point {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
func isToTheRightOf(x: Double) -> Bool {
return self.x > x
let somePoint = Point(x: 4.0, y: 5.0)
if somePoint.isToTheRightOf(x: 1.0) {
print("This point is to the right of the line where x == 1.0")
// Prints "This point is to the right of the line where x == 1.0"
Without the self prefix, Swift would assume that both uses of x
referred to the method parameter called x.
I would prefer to keep using self whenever I'm using a property to omit these misunderstandings.
As Nick said, in objective-c we had ivars + synthesized properties which gave the _internal variable names to delineate things. Eg.
#IBOutlet (nonatomic,strong) UITableView *myTableView;
resulting in _myTableView to be (preferably) referenced internally - and self.myTableView to be reference beyond the class. While this is pretty black and white, consider the exception when programmatically instantiating views, you can gain clarity/ simplicity / reduce boilerplate by removing self.
#interface CustomVC:UIViewController
UITableView *myTableView;
In swift, the public / internal properties clarify this scope.
If it's a public property that other classes will interact with err on self.
Otherwise if it's internal skip self and avoid the automatic repetition.
The compiler will catch you when it's needed.
// UIViewcontroller swift header
public var title: String? // Localized title for use by a parent controller.
public var navigationItem: UINavigationItem { get }
/// In your class
self.title = "Clarity"
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem()
// In superclass
#property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *screenName // use self.screenName in swift subclass
#IBOutlet myTableView:UITableView // use self
public var myTableView:UITableView // use self
internal var myTableView:UITableView // skip self
var myTableView:UITableView // skip self