Swift, sprite kit game: Have circle disappear in clockwise manner? On timer? - swift

Alright, so I don't know the name for this but I have a sprite kit game (a runner game) that, when it's game over, is going to have a "save me" button and a timer that runs out accordingly. When the timer runs out, you can no longer click the button and save the character.
I don't want to display this timer in text however- I want a circle that "unwinds itself," if you will, and disappears at the rate that the timer runs out. I.e. when the timer reaches 0, the circle has fully disappeared. The circle disappears degree by degree in a clockwise motion in accordance with the timer.
Here are some pictures to explain what I'm talking about.
How would I do this?

By changing the path property of an SKShapeNode at a fixed interval, you can create a frame-by-frame animation sequence. To create the animation, set the path property to a sequence of shapes that starts with a circle and ends with nothing. You can use UIBezierPath, a wrapper for CGPath, to create shapes for the animation using the following steps:
Move path's "pen" to the center of the circle
Add an arc to the path with addArcWithCenter from a startAngle to endAngle
Add a line to the path from the point on the circle corresponding to the ending angle to the center
Change the endAngle by a fixed amount
Repeat steps 1-4
Here's an implementation of the above steps:
override func didMove(to:SKView) {
let circle = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 50)
circle.fillColor = SKColor.blue
circle.strokeColor = SKColor.clear
circle.zRotation = CGFloat.pi / 2
countdown(circle: circle, steps: 20, duration: 5) {
// Creates an animated countdown timer
func countdown(circle:SKShapeNode, steps:Int, duration:TimeInterval, completion:#escaping ()->Void) {
guard let path = circle.path else {
let radius = path.boundingBox.width/2
let timeInterval = duration/TimeInterval(steps)
let incr = 1 / CGFloat(steps)
var percent = CGFloat(1.0)
let animate = SKAction.run {
percent -= incr
circle.path = self.circle(radius: radius, percent:percent)
let wait = SKAction.wait(forDuration:timeInterval)
let action = SKAction.sequence([wait, animate])
run(SKAction.repeat(action,count:steps-1)) {
self.run(SKAction.wait(forDuration:timeInterval)) {
circle.path = nil
// Creates a CGPath in the shape of a pie with slices missing
func circle(radius:CGFloat, percent:CGFloat) -> CGPath {
let start:CGFloat = 0
let end = CGFloat.pi * 2 * percent
let center = CGPoint.zero
let bezierPath = UIBezierPath()
bezierPath.addArc(withCenter:center, radius: radius, startAngle: start, endAngle: end, clockwise: true)
return bezierPath.cgPath
and a video clip:


How to create travelling wave in SpriteKit

How can I create a visual effect of traveling wave like this in Swift SpriteKit?
I am using an extension to the SKAction that performs the oscillatory movement in the node, but I still do not know how to create the trail. I though in creating copies but it did not worked.
extension SKAction {
static func oscillation(scene: SKScene, amplitude a: CGFloat, timePeriod t: CGFloat, midPoint: CGPoint) -> SKAction {
let action = SKAction.customAction(withDuration: Double(t)) { node, currentTime in
let displacement = a * sin(2 * .pi * currentTime / t)
node.position.y = midPoint.y + displacement
let copy = node.copy() as! SKSpriteNode
copy.position.x = node.position.x
copy.position.y = node.position.y
return action
class GameScene: SKScene {
override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
let node = SKSpriteNode(color: UIColor.greenColor(), size: CGSize(width: 50, height: 50))
node.position = CGPoint(x: 25, y: size.height / 2)
let oscillate = SKAction.oscillation(amplitude: 200, timePeriod: 1, midPoint: node.position)
node.runAction(SKAction.moveByX(size.width, y: 0, duration: 5))
I would try a particle emitter attached to the moving node. It could be set to produce dot shaped particles quickly enough that they would overlap and make a line. The particles would move at a constant speed to the left, with no variations or fade. Set the count high enough that the oldest particles go out of view before disappearing. If you don’t need a solid line, you could cut down the emitter rate and make a dotted line showing the traveling wave. There are oodles of options in particle emitters, so you could play around with the settings to get other effects if appropriate for your project.

Shooting balls from a rotating cannon

I'm making a SpriteKit game. I have six cannons that I've made rotate back and fourth. I want to shoot cannonballs from each cannon that sync with the rotation of each cannon. I want a duration of one second between each cannonball.
So basically: A cannon that is in constant rotation is shooting cannonballs in the same direction as the rotation.
For the cannons i'm using an extension:
extension CGFloat {
func degreesToRadians() -> CGFloat {
return self * CGFloat.pi / 180
I'm gonna put the code for just one cannon, since I should be able to figure out how to adjust one of the cannonball movements to the others. Here is one:
func createCannons() {
let cannonLeftBottom = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Cannon")
cannonLeftBottom.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
cannonLeftBottom.position = CGPoint(x: -325, y: -420)
cannonLeftBottom.zPosition = 4
cannonLeftBottom.zRotation = CGFloat(65).degreesToRadians()
let rotateLB = SKAction.rotate(byAngle:
CGFloat(-65).degreesToRadians(), duration: 2)
let rotateBackLB = SKAction.rotate(byAngle:
CGFloat(65).degreesToRadians(), duration: 2)
let repeatRotationLB =
Here is my function for the cannonball:
func createBalls() {
let cannonBallLB = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Ball")
cannonBallLB.name = "CannonBall"
cannonBallLB.position = CGPoint(x: -325, y: -420)
cannonBallLB.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius:
cannonBallLB.size.height / 2)
cannonBallLB.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
cannonBallLB.zPosition = 3
You need to convert from Polar Coordinates to Rectangular Coordinates.
You do this by using sin and cos
let speed = 100 //This would mean move 100 points per second
let force = CGVector(dx:cos(cannon.zRotation) * speed,dy:sin(cannon.zRotation) * speed)
Note: Now unless they changed this, force used to be in units of points, if they fixed it to units of meters, then you need to divide your speed by 150, since 150 points = 1 meter in Spritekit

How to animate the end and the control points SWIFT

I have a CAShapeLayer im my view which has the to CGPath casted path of an instance of an Bezierpath. I now want to animate the end and the two control points so e.g. the end of that line is moving(not stopping). How to do that? I looked at CABasicAninmations but did not get how the access the end point. The same with animate with duration. How to make this happen for an endlessness time.
You can use a CADisplayLink (it's like a NSTimer, except optimally timed for animation frame updates) and update the path of the CAShapeLayer.
For example:
var displayLink: CADisplayLink?
var startTime: CFAbsoluteTime?
let duration = 2.0
var shapeLayer: CAShapeLayer?
override func viewDidLoad() {
shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
shapeLayer?.fillColor = UIColor.clearColor().CGColor
shapeLayer?.strokeColor = UIColor.blueColor().CGColor
shapeLayer?.lineWidth = 10
shapeLayer?.frame = view.bounds
startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: "handleDisplayLink:")
displayLink?.addToRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSRunLoopCommonModes)
func handleDisplayLink(displayLink: CADisplayLink) {
let elapsed = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - startTime!
let percent = (elapsed % duration) / duration
let path = UIBezierPath()
let startPoint = CGPoint(x: 0, y: view.bounds.size.height / 2.0)
let controlPoint = CGPoint(x: view.bounds.size.width / 20, y: view.bounds.size.height * CGFloat(0.5 + sin(percent * M_PI * 2.0) / 2.0))
let endPoint = CGPoint(x: view.bounds.size.width - 1, y: view.bounds.size.height / 2.0)
path.addQuadCurveToPoint(endPoint, controlPoint: controlPoint)
shapeLayer?.path = path.CGPath
That yields:
Here are some possibilities.
Configure the animation in advance, that is, by generating a series of drawings, just like the cells of a cartoon, and use simple UIImageView animation of those images.
Use CAShapeLayer and animate between two path values. Unfortunately this doesn't give you total control over the intermediate frames, but you could use keyframe animation to supply intermediate frames and thus provide additional control.
Animate the actual points of the drawing. This is the hardest to configure, but it is true animation and it gives you total control over the animation. That's what I'm doing here: I did it by creating a custom animatable property - in this case, a property representing the x-position of the bottom point of the triangle. You'd have to do that for all the points you want to animate.

shooting moving location in swift

I'm working in a game for my college and i stuck in one thing.
when i try to shoot with my hero the bullet go's up only or side i need my bullet go's where ever my hero rotate plz help me this is my code
func spownBullet() {
let bullet = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Bullet")
let hero = self.childNodeWithName("hero") as! SKSpriteNode
bullet.zPosition = 1
bullet.position = CGPointMake(hero.position.x, hero.position.y)
bullet.size = CGSize(width: 20, height: 30)
let bulletact = SKAction.moveToY(self.size.height + 300, duration: 1)
If I understand correctly you want your bullet to go a certain distance (e.g. 300) in the same angle as your "hero" sprite is rotated.
Here's a function to compute the destination point:
// destination point moving at angle
// ---------------------------------
func endPointMovingSpriteFrom(origin:CGPoint, atAngle angle:CGFloat,forDistance distance:CGFloat ) -> CGPoint
let deltaX = distance / sin(angle + CGFloat(M_PI)/2)
let deltaY = distance / cos(angle + CGFloat(M_PI)/2)
return CGPoint(x: origin.x - deltaX, y:origin.y - deltaY)
You can use it to compute the destination and then use the destination in a moveTo action:
let bulletDestination = endPointMovingSpriteFrom(hero.position, atAngle:hero.zRotation, forDistance:300)
let bulletact = SKAction.moveTo(bulletDestination, duration: 1)

Swift: how to invalidate timer on animated SKShapenode countdown?

Alright I'm building a sprite kit game and on one of my previous questions, I got the code that lets a circle skshapenode "unwind" in accordance with a timer that runs out (so that the circle has disappeared by the time the timer is done).
Here was my question: Swift, sprite kit game: Have circle disappear in clockwise manner? On timer?
And here is the code that I've been using:
func addCircle() {
circle = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 50)
let circleColor = UIColor(red: 102/255, green: 204/255, blue: 255/255, alpha: 1)
circle.fillColor = circleColor
circle.strokeColor = SKColor.clearColor()
circle.position = CGPoint (x: self.frame.size.width * 0.5, y: self.frame.size.height * 0.5+45)
circle.zPosition = 200
circle.zRotation = CGFloat(M_PI_2)
countdown(circle, steps: 120, duration: 5) { //change steps to change how much of the circle it takes away at a time
//Performed when circle timer ends:
print("circle done")
self.GOSceneNodes() //Implements GOScene
self.viewController.addGOScene(self) //Implements GOViewController
// Creates an animated countdown timer
func countdown(circle:SKShapeNode, steps:Int, duration:NSTimeInterval, completion:()->Void) {
let radius = CGPathGetBoundingBox(circle.path).width/2
let timeInterval = duration/NSTimeInterval(steps)
let incr = 1 / CGFloat(steps)
var percent = CGFloat(1.0)
let animate = SKAction.runBlock({
percent -= incr
circle.path = self.circle(radius, percent:percent)
let wait = SKAction.waitForDuration(timeInterval)
let action = SKAction.sequence([wait, animate])
runAction(SKAction.repeatAction(action,count:steps-1)) {
self.runAction(SKAction.waitForDuration(timeInterval)) {
circle.path = nil
// Creates a CGPath in the shape of a pie with slices missing
func circle(radius:CGFloat, percent:CGFloat) -> CGPath {
let start:CGFloat = 0
let end = CGFloat(M_PI*2) * percent
let center = CGPointZero
let bezierPath = UIBezierPath()
bezierPath.addArcWithCenter(center, radius: radius, startAngle: start, endAngle: end, clockwise: true)
return bezierPath.CGPath
This all works well, however I need a way to invalidate the countdown for the circle if another button within the game is pressed so that everything that is performed when the timer runs out (everything after //Performed when circle timer ends: above) is NOT performed.
I have tried
when the button is pressed, however this just removes the circle and everything is still executed even though the circle is gone.
I'm pretty new to Swift and I can't figure out what part of those 3 functions I need to invalidate or stop in order to stop the countdown from finishing. How can I accomplish this?
You can stop an action by adding a key to the action and then run
To add a key to the action, replace the countdown method with the following:
// Creates an animated countdown timer
func countdown(circle:SKShapeNode, steps:Int, duration:NSTimeInterval, completion:()->Void) {
let radius = CGPathGetBoundingBox(circle.path).width/2
let timeInterval = duration/NSTimeInterval(steps)
let incr = 1 / CGFloat(steps)
var percent = CGFloat(1.0)
let animate = SKAction.runBlock({
percent -= incr
circle.path = self.circle(radius, percent:percent)
let wait = SKAction.waitForDuration(timeInterval)
let action = SKAction.sequence([wait, animate])
let completed = SKAction.runBlock{
circle.path = nil
let countDown = SKAction.repeatAction(action,count:steps-1)
let sequence = SKAction.sequence([countDown, SKAction.waitForDuration(timeInterval),completed])
runAction(sequence, withKey: "actionKey")