How to bring label over edit control - forms

I'm trying to set up a TEdit that will be used for research, so, it would be great to have a label displaying "current" / "count" over it, as observed by pressing CTRL + F in Google Chrome:
It seems that the TLabel control's always placed behind the TEdit control.
I also tried label1.BringToFront (Both at designtime and runtime), but it had no effect. Is there a way to place a label over an edit control?

TLabel inherits from TGraphicControl which cannot be shown on top of windowed controls, no matter how many times you try to use BringToFront it's just not going to happen.
However, you can use a container control such as a TPanel that can be used to contain your TEdit and TLabel controls, see this image as an example:
That is a quick and dirty way, it's simply a TPanel containing a TEdit and TLabel as child controls
The preferred way however is to create your own control which would give you full flexibility. Often trying to piece together multiple VCL controls to appear and function how you want is not usually ideal, and so by doing it the custom way gives you more freedom and possibilities.


Visibility parameter of WPF control not visible with UI Automation?

I started writing test for a WPF application with FlaUI (UI Automation framework). Now I want to get the Visibility value of a couple of buttons.
These buttons are located on the same position in the WPF window. The first is a start button which will start a measurement. When clicked, the measurement button is replaced with a stop button. The visibility of these buttons are set in the code behind of the xaml and needs to be checked/verified.
With FlaUI I only get IsEnabled boolean and OffScreen boolean. But when using the Offscreen parameter, this boolean is not set or is set to the correct value for a couple of seconds but is changed again while the measurement is still running.
I also tried other ways, like looking for a clickable point of the not visible button. But those are not working.
Can this be done without extending the button class with an AutomationPeer and exposing a ValuePattern? I googled a bit but cannot find an (decent) answer. Hopefully someone can help.
I think an important part of your question is the word "replaced". Commonly a program draws one set of controls (in your case the start button) and later draws another set. Possible on top to hide the first, or possible by deleting them.
Commonly controls, including buttons, are drawn within other containing controls and so it may be that the button controls are not there at all, hence the visibility checks should be done on the parent or ancestor controls.
This Q&A seems related to the problem you are having and it may provide some more insight.

Create a 'Group Box' in Word Userform

"Group Box", for lack of a better word: I want areas in my user form which are visually different from others, with a different background colour and a frame around them, such as is possible to create using Frame controls. However, I want none of the events of Frame controls and none of their interaction with other controls in the form.
More particular, I want to be able to tab through all text, list, combo and check boxes, regardless of their location in 'Group Boxes', in fact also regardless of the possible location of their 'Group Box' within another 'Group Box'. Most of my controls have On Enter, On Exit, On Change and On Key even procedures attached to them which may re-direct the focus to any control on the form. Doing so under the constant interference of Frame controls with their events and rules - many of them not working correctly, none of them properly explained anywhere - is a gargantuan task. The easy way would be to have the visual design capabilities only, without the "intelligence" which assumes control in a way not compatible with my own plans.
Perhaps the one feature of frames which makes them unfit for my purposes is that they act as forms within the form, meaning they appoint an ActiveControl when activated which they refuse to release when another control takes the focus outside their own frame. It is inconvenient to prevent a first control's On Enter procedure from running when any control in a frame receives the focus (different for first and subsequent times), but it's a much bigger task to deal with the selected control's On Exit event which won't fire until the form is closed, meaning it is missed when the control optically loses the focus and a nuisance when it technically does.
Is there a control that fits my needs in MS Word? Or can the Frame control be stripped of its events in some way? Could I place a Text Box, for example, in front of a Frame control without it also being "within" it?
For MS Word use a label with a background color.
For MS Access use the rectangle Object behind the controls.
First make the form background a grey color. Then add subforms(ms access) and rectangles to segment the controls.
The end effect is it looking like a paneled interface.
You can use a Frame control. Place the other controls first, then place the Frame control, and move it to the back. This should look visually identical to having the controls in the Frame.

Access Forms prevent mouse from selecting values from dropdown, force keyb input

I have a data entry form. Its properly tab indexed etc. and there are three dropdown menus which automatically unfurl with the on enter event.
No matter how much advice i give to users about using the tab key and keboard and checking what they just input.
they still insist on using the mouse to select values from the dropdown menus
the problem is that in their haste they often make mistakes as a result of using the mouse.
I would like to be able to force users to input into these fields using the keyboard.
the drop down is neccessary for users see the appropriate values for the field because the values will vary based on previous selections.
I have already tried experimenting with onclick events but to no avail.
Is there a way I can do this?
i am using access 2007 many of the users have access 2003.
Based on your comments, I would take one of two different approaches.
If your users are really comfortable with the codes AND know which ones they should use based on their previous selections, then just use text boxes instead of combo boxes. You can still put some validation code in either the Form_BeforeUpdate event or the individual control's _BeforeUpdate event.
If the users are not that comfortable, then I would suggest you have the first field in the combo boxes be the description of the code, not the code itself. So instead of choosing from 101, 102, 103 they are instead choosing from "Small", "Medium", "Large" or whatever those codes actually apply to. If you still wanted to display the codes themselves, you could do that with a separate disabled text box.
Now to answer your actual question. For the record, I highly recommend against using this approach. The simplest way I can thing of to prevent your users from using the mouse to select the combo box, would be to add a Transparent button covering the combo box.
To do this, draw a regular command button over the combo. Set Transparent = Yes, Visible = Yes, Enabled = Yes, Tab Stop = No.
When users click on the combo now, they will actually be clicking on the Transparent button and nothing will happen. The ONLY way they will be able to get into the control is by tabbing from a neighboring control or using a hotkey (via '&' in attached label).
Once they enter the control via Tab and your code forces a dropdown, they will still be able to choose an option using the mouse. But by forcing them to use the keyboard initially, it will make it much more likely that they just stick with the keyboard.
Again--I can't stress this enough--I think this is a terrible, horrible, no-good idea. Please don't use this approach. But you asked a technical question and this site is all about giving technical answers, so there you go...

What is the difference between forceFocus() and setFocus() in SWT?

I don't quite understand the difference between these two methods. In what situation would forceFocus() be better than setFocus()?
According to SWT: The Standard Widget Toolkit, Volume 1, forceFocus():
Forces the control to receive keyboard
events. Controls that do not normally
accept keyboard input will take focus
using this method. If focus cannot be
assigned for any reason, false is
Generally speaking, forcing focus is
something that you never want to do.
For example, forcing focus to a label
is not very useful because labels
don't draw in a manner that indicates
they can accept input. Forcing focus
to a control that does not expect it
can confuse users because they have no
idea where their keystrokes are going.
Application programs should always use
setFocus() to assign focus.
Coming in way late on this one, but I just finished a prolonged head-beating-against-wall session on something related to this and thought I'd do a quick report:
If your control has children, the setFocus(myControl) will do a depth-first search down the child tree and set focus to the lowest first child. On the other hand, forceFocus(myControl) will just set focus to myControl and have done with it.
I had a situation with a modeless dialog with a GridLayout, where most of the grid cells were a set of Canvas subclassed objects that needed focus. (Yes, this is a bit odd, but I wanted to be able to hover over a cell and type stuff into it.) The last control in the grid was a "done" button, which I set as the default selection.
When the mouse left the canvas cells, I was doing a setFocus(myDialogShell), which instantly set focus to the first canvas element, preventing the "done" button from receiving the \r and disposing of the whole sordid business. On the other hand, forceFocus(myDialogShell) did the trick.

How to use customized tool bar in tiny mce?

I'm using tiny mce in one of my projects and client do not want to use the Horizontal tool bar of tiny mce. He wants a centralized custom tool bar from where user can control all the properties like text color, type of text, size, back grounds and every thing that is needed to do while designing a web page using templates. I configured the mce instance with out its default tool bar and controlled the properties from the customized tool bar. And the properties are applied to the tiny mce instance as a whole. But now, the requirement has come up that, the text editing should be in MS office style.That means, if user has placed cursor at one place and changes color, nothing will be affected, but if he starts typing from the cursor position the text should have the color which was set recently. I tried to use the external tool bar option. But, my work area and customized tool bar are at different z index levels. So, positioning the tool bar fails. If I append the tool bar to my customized tool bar, it is not click-able. So, how to invoke tiny mce's core functionality using customized tool bar?
Or, Kindly suggest, should I change editor ? Then, which one should I go for ?
As per the suggestion, I'm writing the function save the property styles and insert the span at caret position. But I'm facing some problems and could not do it after spending whole day. I could add span at caret position by using following code.
marker = ed.selection.getBookmark();
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent',false,'<span id="mytitle"></span>');
But still, I failed to type inside the new span. Also, I could not figure out how to set styles to this span.
If your aim is to have your tinymce behave like MS Office you should write an own plugin which will take care of this.
I suggest if a user has placed the cursor at one place and changes color you save this color as a setting to your tinymce instance like: ed.color = 'choosencolor';
When the user start typing now you can insert a span on the first keystroke and set the color as css class or style property to this span.