Parser in Caffe - neural-network

I am trying to find the parser in Caffe. By parser, I mean the part of the code that reads the network configuration from a file and parses it. I was wondering if anyone knows where in the Caffe codebase I should look for this specific piece of code.

Caffe's text file format for specifying models uses the Google Protocol Buffer format.
You can see the code that reads a model in src/caffe/util/io.cpp:
bool ReadProtoFromTextFile(const char* filename, Message* proto) {
int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
CHECK_NE(fd, -1) << "File not found: " << filename;
FileInputStream* input = new FileInputStream(fd);
bool success = google::protobuf::TextFormat::Parse(input, proto);
delete input;
return success;
Try using GitHub's search to see places in the code that call this function.


Protractor - Create a txt file as report with the "Expect..." result

I'm trying to create a report for my scenario, I want to execute some validations and add the retults in a string, then, write this string in a TXT file (for each validation I would like to add the result and execute again till the last item), something like this:
it ("Perform the loop to search for different strings", function()
//strings[] contains 57 strings inside the json file
for (var i = 0; i == jsonfile.strings.length ; ++i)
var valuetoInput = json.Strings[i];
var writeInFile;
httpGet(""+valuetoInput+"?page=1&pages=3&limit=20").then(function(result) {
writeInFile = writeInFile + "Validation for String: "+ json.Strings[i] + " Results is: " + expect(result.statusCode).toBe(200) + "\n";
if (i == jsonfile.strings.length)
console.log("Executions finished");
var fs = require('fs');
var outputFilename = "Output.txt";
fs.writeFile(outputFilename, "Validation of Get requests with each string:\n " + writeInFile, function(err) {
else {
console.log("File saved to " + outputFilename);
But when I check my file I only get the first row writen in the way I want and nothing else, could you please let me know what am I doing wrong?
*The validation works properly in the screen for each of string in my file used as data base
**I'm a newbie with protractor
Thank you a lot!!
writeFile documentation
Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already
You are overwriting the file every time, which is why it only has 1 line.
The easiest way would probably (my opinion) be appendFile. It writes to a file without overwriting existing data and will also create the file if it doesnt exist in the first place.
You could also re-read that log file, store that data in a variable, and re-write to that file with the old AND new data included in it. You could also create a writeStream etc.
There are quite a few ways to go about it and plenty of other answers
on SO specifically on those functions that can provide more info.
Node.js Write a line into a .txt file
Node.js read and write file lines
Final note, if you are using Jasmine you can also create a custom jasmine reporter. They have methods that contain exactly what you want (status Pass/Fail, actual vs expected values etc) and it's fairly easy to set up with Protractor

How to create virtual XML for ZUGFeRD Invoices

I try to create a PDF/A-3b file which contains an embedded XML-File to be ZUGFeRD conform. I use Perl and PDFLib for this purpose. The PDFLib Documentation out there is just for Java and PHP. Creating the PDF works fine, but the XML part is my problem.
So how can i create a pvf from xml and join this to my pdf?
This is what PDFLib recommends in Java:
// Place XML stream in a virtual PVF file
String pvf_name = "/pvf/ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml";
byte[] xml_bytes = xml_string.getBytes("UTF-8");
p.create_pvf(pvf_name, xml_bytes, "");
// Create file attachment (asset) from PVF file
int xml_asset = p.load_asset("Attachment", pvf_name,
"mimetype=text/xml description={ZUGFeRD invoice in XML format} "
+ "relationship=Alternative documentattachment=true");
// Associate file attachment with the document
p.end_document("associatedfiles={" + xml_asset + "}");
So I thought, take the example and fit it to perl:
my $xmldata = read_file($xmlfile, binmode => ':utf8'); #I use example xml at the moment
my $pvf_xml = "/pvf/ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml";
PDF_create_pvf($pdf, $pvf_xml, $xmldata, ""); #because no OOP i need to call it this way (works with all other PDF Functions)
my $xml_invoice = PDF_load_asset("Attachment", $pvf_xml, "mimetype=text/xml "
."description={Rechnungsdaten im Zugferd-Xml-Format} "
."relationship=Alternative documentattachment=true");
PDF_end_document($pdf, "associatedfiles={".$xml_invoice."}");
In PHP examples it's also not needed to convert to ByteArray after reading xml. Further tried it with unpack but don't seem to be the problem.
If I call my script I'm just getting:
Usage: load_asset(type, filename, optlist); at line
I think the problem is that pvf_xml isn't created the line before.
Anyone did this before and no how to solve this?
Arg, i was just missing the PDF-Handle in the load_asset method:
my $xml_invoice = PDF_load_asset($pdf, "Attachment", $pvf_xml, "mimetype=text/xml "
."description={Rechnungsdaten im Zugferd-Xml-Format} "
."relationship=Alternative documentattachment=true");
This way it works.

Extract frames from pcap files (tcpdump output) without using Libraries

I need to parse the pcap files and count the packets separately (TCP,UDP,IP). I found a lot of libraries for this like pcap, jnetpcap but I want to do this without using any external libraries.I do not need a code but a just a conceptual explanation.
While parsing pcap files how should I distinguish between the frames(be it TCP,UDP,IP). I tried reading about the format but what I do not understand is how would I come to know about how many bytes should I read for a particular frame and how would i know what type of a frame is it.Because only once I am able to extract the packets separately I will be able to filter out other information.
You'd have to parse each frame separately and have a counter for each value you are trying to count. Assuming the capture you are examining is in pcap/pcapng format you might find libpcap helpful.
To give a quick run of what you might have to do (assuming the lower level is Ethernet without VLAN tags)
uint64_t ip_count, tcp_count, udp_count;
void parse_pkt(uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_len) {
uint8_t *ether_hdr = data;
uint16_t ether_type = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) (data + 12))
if (ether_type != 0x800) {
ip_count += 1;
uint8_t *ip_hdr = data + 14;
protocol = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) (ip_hdr + 9))
//protocol is either udp/tcp/sctp...etc
if (protocol == 0x11) {
} else if (protocol == 0x06) {
// foreach pkt from libpcap_open call parse_pkt with the data and data_len
This code is fragile. Jumping to direct offsets without the proper length and type checks is not a good idea.

Why is my Sphinx4 Recognition poor?

I am learning how to use Sphinx4 using the Maven plug-in for Eclipse.
I took the transcribe demo found on GitHub and altered it to process a file of my own. The audio file is 16bit, mono, 16khz. It is approximately 13 seconds long. I noticed that it sounds like it is in slow motion.
The words spoken in the file are, "also make sure it's easy for you to access the recording files so you could upload it if asked".
I am attempting to transcribe the file and my results are horrendous. My attempts at finding forum posts or links that thoroughly explain how to improve the results, or what I am not doing correctly have lead me no where.
I am looking to strengthen the accuracy of the transcription, but would like to avoid having to train a model myself due to the variance in the type of data that my current project will have to deal with. Is this not possible, and is the code I am using off?
(NOTE: Audio file available at
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Loading models...");
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
// Load model from the jar
// You can also load model from folder
// configuration.setAcousticModelPath("file:en-us");
StreamSpeechRecognizer recognizer = new StreamSpeechRecognizer(
FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(new File("/home/tmscanlan/workspace/example/vocaroo_test_revised.wav"));
// stream.skip(44); I commented this out due to the short length of my file
// Simple recognition with generic model
SpeechResult result;
while ((result = recognizer.getResult()) != null) {
// I added the following print statements to get more information
System.out.println("\ngetWords() before loop: " + result.getWords());
System.out.format("Hypothesis: %s\n", result.getHypothesis());
System.out.print("\nThe getResult(): " + result.getResult()
+ "\nThe getLattice(): " + result.getLattice());
System.out.println("List of recognized words and their times:");
for (WordResult r : result.getWords()) {
System.out.println("Best 3 hypothesis:");
for (String s : result.getNbest(3))
// Live adaptation to speaker with speaker profiles
stream = new FileInputStream(new File("/home/tmscanlan/workspace/example/warren_test_smaller.wav"));
// stream.skip(44); I commented this out due to the short length of my file
// Stats class is used to collect speaker-specific data
Stats stats = recognizer.createStats(1);
while ((result = recognizer.getResult()) != null) {
// Transform represents the speech profile
Transform transform = stats.createTransform();
// Decode again with updated transform
stream = new FileInputStream(new File("/home/tmscanlan/workspace/example/warren_test_smaller.wav"));
// stream.skip(44); I commented this out due to the short length of my file
while ((result = recognizer.getResult()) != null) {
System.out.format("Hypothesis: %s\n", result.getHypothesis());
System.out.println("...Printing is done..");
Here is the output (a photo album I took):
As Nikolay says, the audio sounds odd, probably because you haven't resampled it in the right way.
To downsample the audio from the original 22050 Hz to the desired 16kHz, you can run the following command:
sox Vocaroo.wav -r 16000 Vocaroo16.wav
The Vocaroo16.wav will sounds much better and it will (probably) give you better ASR results.

Retrieving gdcm DataElement values as strings

I am basically trying to read out all or most attribute values from a DICOM file, using the gdcm C++ library. I am having hard time to get out any non-string values. The gdcm examples generally assume I know the group/element numbers beforehand so I can use the Attribute template classes, but I have no need or interest in them, I just have to report all attribute names and values. Actually the values should go into an XML so I need a string representation. What I currently have is something like:
for (gdcm::DataSet::ConstIterator it = ds.Begin(); it!=ds.End(); ++it) {
const gdcm::DataElement& elem = *it;
if (elem.GetVR() != gdcm::VR::SQ) {
const gdcm::Tag& tag = elem.GetTag();
std::cout << dict.GetDictEntry(tag).GetKeyword() << ": ";
std::cout << elem.GetValue() << "\n";
It seems for numeric values like UL the output is something like "Loaded:4", presumably meaning that the library has loaded 4 bytes of data (an unsigned long). This is not helpful at all, how to get the actual value? I must be certainly overlooking something obvious.
From the examples it seems there is a gdcm::StringFilter class which is able to do that, but it seems it wants to search each element by itself in the DICOM file, which would make the algorithm complexity quadratic, this is certainly something I would like to avoid.
Have you looked at gdcmdump? You can use it to output the DICOM file as text or XML. You can also look at the source to see how it does this.
I ended up with extracting parts of gdcm::StringFilter::ToStringPair() into a separate function. Seems to work well for simpler DCM files at least...
You could also start by reading the FAQ, in particular How do I convert an attribute value to a string ?
As explained there, you simply need to use gdcm::StringFilter:
sf = gdcm.StringFilter()
print sf.ToStringPair(gdcm.Tag(0x0028,0x0010))
Try something like this:
gdcm::Reader reader;
reader.SetFileName( absSlicePath.c_str() );
if( !_reader.Read() )
gdcm::File file = reader.GetFile();
gdcm::DataSet ds = file.GetDataSet();
std::stringstream strm;
strm << ds;
you get a stringstream containing all the DICOM tags-values.
Actually, most of the DICOM classes (DataElement, DataSet, etc) have the std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &_os, const *Some_Class* &_val) overloaded. So you can just expand the for loop and use operator<< to put the values into the stringstream, and then into the string.
For example, if you are using QT :