Are there any purely local source control clients? - version-control

The company I work for uses TFS for its version control and has quite a strong opinion on data security.
With that in mind I'm unable to use source control services such as git due the capability being there to push your work to an external source.
My question is are there any git-like ways to manage your code which are PURELY LOCAL and do not offer the ability to push your changes to the internet? TFS does not seem to offer much in the way of local commits.
I've been told there's the shelving function however as a junior dev I would rather make any accessible code be in good standard before others can see it.

I'm unable to use source control services such as git due the capability being there to push your work to an external source
That sounds like a rather odd reason. Even if you use a source control tool that does not support publishing the stuff, there is nothing that prevents you from simply uploading the contents manually somewhere. Sure, it requires manual work, but even that you could automate without introducing a version control system that does it.
The way you explain this also sounds as if you do have some kind of control of the tool you may end up using for this, so the company needs to trust you anyway to not publish the stuff.
And at that point, there is no reason not to use Git here: After all, it works completely offline, and you do not have to set up a remote which you could push to.
Taking things even further, if your company works with TFS, then you could utilize git-tfs which is a bridge between Git and TFS. With it, you can actually connect to your TFS, use Git locally, and then publish your changes (after you polished them) to the TFS. So it would all be a single integrated workflow, without you having to juggle between two different incompatible systems: You just commit using Git, and once you have a set of commits ready for checking them into the TFS, you can e.g. do git tfs checkin and make a single check-in for it.
I've been told there's the shelving function
The TFS shelvesets are also not offline; they are public in the same way the normal checkins are, it’s just that they live on the side without affecting the normal TFS repository. And they are quite cumbersome to work with too (since they don’t give you a history).


Version Control System on local network with no server

I've searched for what the title mentions and I've read this and this and a few others that I can't find at the moment. But I've never used any sort of version control before, so I don't really understand a lot of what those threads are saying.
My problem is this - There are two/three of us on a LAN connection developing code, and every week or two we have to go around to figure out who has changed what and then synchronize all the code over the machines. This is clearly ridiculous, so I was wondering if a system like git or cvs (I don't know anything about either) would help.
I don't think using one of the machines as a 'server' is a good idea, because they may not always be switched on.
What would be a good version control system to use? (Preferably without a really steep learning curve, but anything is good.)
You can select and use any DVCS (D means "Distributed") in pure distributed mode (only p2p data-exchange).
For mixed environment (Windows-hosts in game) I'll suggest to forget about mentioned earlier here Git and use Mercurial (as Mercurial per se or as TortoiseHG), because
Nercurial just better
Mercurial (contrary to Git) have really easy and lightweight learning curve (you can start at Mercurial Kick Start Exercises, maybe on "Basic Mercurial" and "Remote Repositories" only)
I agree you should use a distributed version control system. Git is a good choice. With a distributed version control system, you don't need a server at all. That doesn't mean you can't have one though. Using an online one like is advisable in case you lose access to your computer or a virus goes around the network or ...
You could use Git and Bananajour.
Git is a distributed version control system, you dont need a server to save your commits.
Bananajour is a web front end for collaborating and publicizing branches on a network.
You should take a look at any of the following:
Plastic SCM ( -> this is the one produced by the company I work for.
Any of them will let you implement new working patterns such us "feature branches" or "branch per task"
I've written a couple of posts about the working methods here:
And this one, about the git flow and related patterns
Hope it helps.
One possibility would be to use an "online" version control offered by a website like There you can create a project, and after that create a repository that you and your friends could use. This will allow you to always access the respository since it's hosted by

Recommended DVCS mechanism for hosting many independent patches

I have a project just getting started at (more details at that is currently using Mercurial for revision control. And it seems like Mercurial and SourceForge almost have all the right features or elements to put together the collaboration mechanism I have in mind for this project, but I think I'm not quite there yet. I want people to be able to submit, discuss and vote on individual changes from a large number of individuals (more developers than a project would normally have). And I want it to be as easy as possible for users to participate in this. The thought right now is that people can clone the "free4all" fork, which is a clone of the base "code" repository, or they can create their own fork in their own SourceForge user project (SourceForge now provides a workspace for every user to host miscellaneous project-related content). Then they can clone that to their local repository (after downloading TortoiseHg or their preferred Mercurial client). Then they can make modifications, commit them, push them to the fork, and request a merge into the base "code" repository, at which point we can discuss/review the merge request. This all is still far too many steps, and more formal than I'd like.
I see there is such a thing as "shelving" in Mercurial, but I don't see how/if that is supported in the SourceForge repository. And there probably isn't a way to discuss shelved changes as there is merge requests.
I'm looking for any suggestions that would make this easier. Ideally, I would like users to be able to:
Specify any version that they would like to play, and have that requested version extracted from source control hosted for the user to play at SourceForge (because the game can't be played locally due to security restrictions the Chrome browser properly applies to javascript code accessing image content in independent files)
Allow the user to download the requested version of the project for local editing (a C# version built from the same source is also playable locally, or Internet Explorer apparently ignores the security restriction, allowing local play in a browser)
Accept submitted modifications in a form that can be merged with any other compatible "branch" or version of the game that has been submitted/posted (ideally this would be very simple -- perhaps used just uploads the whole set of files back to the server and the compare and patch/diff extraction is performed there)
Other players can see a list of available submitted patches and choose any set to play/test with, then discuss and vote on changes.
Clearly some of these requirements are very specific, and I will probably need to write some server side code if I want to reach the ideal goal. But I want to take the path of least resistance and use the technologies available if much of the functionality I need is already almost there. Or I'd like to see if I can get any closer than the process I outlined earlier without writing any server code. So what pieces will help me do this? Does Mercurial & SourceForge support storing and sharing shelved code in the way I would want? Is there something to this "Patch Queue" (that I see, but can't understand or get to work yet) that might help? Is there a way to extract a patch file from a given set of files compared to a specific revision in a repository (on the server side), without having the user download any Mercurial components?
It sounds like something you could do with mercurial queue (mq) patch queues. The patch queue can be is own, separate versioned repository, and people can use 'guards' to apply only the patches they want to try.
But really it sounds even easier to use bitbucket or github, both of which have excellent patch-submission, review, and acceptance workflows built into them.

Require Story/Issue Reference with TFS Commit Comment?

I recently joined a project team that is using TFS (I have happily avoided TFS until now). I am trying to determine if there is a way to require a story/defect reference to be associated with every commit comment?
With Tortoise/SVN it was easy to add a requirement for a reference number to be required with each commit. Personally, I like to track every commit back to a user story or defect, so I am hoping there is a way make this mandatory in TFS as well? I searched SO and Google, and haven't found the magic "key words", so if someone can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.
Note: Stories and Issues are stored in other tools and not tied to TFS in any way.
Can it be done? Yes. Is it easy? Fairly easy. However, two caveats. Caveat number one: you're going to have to write code. Codeplex has some good examples here. Additional searches on codeplex and on the almighty Google will locate you more examples.
The big caveat here is that check-in policies are client-side. Once you develop the policy, it will need to be deployed to all developer workstations. If the policy isn't installed? It is ignored. While I'm a big fanboy of TFS, this is one oversight that I can't believe is still in place after three major version releases.
You could create a server-side check-in monitor that examines the check-in and determines if the story has been associated. However, it will not prevent the check-in, but you can use it to alert someone to resolve it after the fact.
Switch to a DVCS system like Git (see this article on pre-commit hooks) or Mercurial (see this other article on pre-commit hooks) which DO have server-side hooks that can be overridden to do validation checks. :-)
Yeah, I know, not really the answer you were looking for but it is an alternative solution to the problem that some other SO users might find useful.
With the DVCS type of system, you can have a separation between hooks that run on the local computer and hooks that run on the server when your commit is pushed back to the shared repository. That kind of concept does not have a corollary in TFS. It can make some things easier for your developers. For example, every changeset that was committed to our shared repository had to have a ticket number attached in the commit message. Local pre-commit hooks guarded against changesets getting created (in Mercurial) that did not have proper commit messages.
With TFS's support for GIT in an upcoming release maybe things will be easier in this regard.

Best practice to maintain source code under version control with multiple companies?

I'm wondering if there is any best practice for maintaining your source code under version control among different companies. In Open Source there is a maintainer, who receives patches, decides on them and applies them. But what about closed sourced projects where different companies get different workloads and just commit them to the trunk and branches? Is this maintainer concept applicable to a project on which multiple companies work on?
You can choose from a wide range of version control systems. (Not only subversion)
With the "versioning" concept you are safe that no one damages the project permanently.
So there is no need for a manual approval process, especially when there are contracts for example between the participating companies.
I'd also set up a commit mailinglist so you have some kind of peer review of changes. So no changes can be done without anyone noticing them.
If applicable set up some kind of continous integration environment to keep the quality up.
I don't understand the question about the branches. The decision whether to use them or not is IMHO not depending on the fact that the commiters are employed in the same company or not.
Its really up to you to decide which workflow works best for the companies involved. Subversion has the ability to add permissions to your trunk and branches allowing you to lock down certain parts of your repository to people who are "trusted" with merge access to trunk. You'll need good communication amongst the companies. Using the open source Trac provides a wiki, integrated RSS feeds of the commits to the project and code browser.
Usually, each site works on its dedicated branch and can import the other remote site branch, to decide what to integrate in its own work.
But if a site need to work directly on the other site branch, one possible practice is the concept of branch membership which allows only one site at a time to work on a given branch.
(not sure it is possible with SVN though)
That allows for two remote site (with a large time shift) to work on the same task in a tightly integrated manner.
My recommendation : subversion, with that configured you give away a url and then checkout, update, get things done and when you guess that the project is ready, snapshot and deliver.

Do you use distributed version control?

I'd like to hear from people who are using distributed version control (aka distributed revision control, decentralized version control) and how they are finding it. What are you using, Mercurial, Darcs, Git, Bazaar? Are you still using it? If you've used client/server rcs in the past, are you finding it better, worse or just different? What could you tell me that would get me to jump on the bandwagon? Or jump off for that matter, I'd be interested to hear from people with negative experiences as well.
I'm currently looking at replacing our current source control system (Subversion) which is the impetus for this question.
I'd be especially interested in anyone who's used it with co-workers in other countries, where your machines may not be on at the same time, and your connection is very slow.
If you're not sure what distributed version control is, here are a couple articles:
Intro to Distributed Version Control
Wikipedia Entry
I've been using Mercurial both at work and in my own personal projects, and I am really happy with it. The advantages I see are:
Local version control. Sometimes I'm working on something, and I want to keep a version history on it, but I'm not ready to push it to the central repositories. With distributed VCS, I can just commit to my local repo until it's ready, without branching. That way, if other people make changes that I need, I can still get them and integrate them into my code. When I'm ready, I push it out to the servers.
Fewer merge conflicts. They still happen, but they seem to be less frequent, and are less of a risk, because all the code is checked in to my local repo, so even if I botch the merge, I can always back up and do it again.
Separate repos as branches. If I have a couple development vectors running at the same time, I can just make several clones of my repo and develop each feature independently. That way, if something gets scrapped or slipped, I don't have to pull pieces out. When they're ready to go, I just merge them together.
Speed. Mercurial is much faster to work with, mostly because most of your common operations are local.
Of course, like any new system, there was some pain during the transition. You have to think about version control differently than you did when you were using SVN, but overall I think it's very much worth it.
At the place where I work, we decided to move from SVN to Bazaar (after evaluating git and mercurial). Bazaar was easy to start off, with simple commands (not like the 140 commands that git has)
The advantages that we see is the ability to create local branches and work on it without disturbing the main version. Also being able to work without network access, doing diffs is faster.
One command in bzr which I like is the shelve extension. If you start working on two logically different pieces of code in a single file and want to commit only one piece, you can use the shelve extension to literally shelve the other changes later. In Git you can do the same with playing around in the index(staging area) but bzr has a better UI for it.
Most of the people were reluctant to move over as they have to type in two commands to commit and push (bzr ci + bzr push). Also it was difficult for them to understand the concept of branches and merging (no one uses branches or merges them in svn).
Once you understand that, it will increase the developer's productivity. Till everyone understands that, there will be inconsistent behaviour among everyone.
At my workplace we switched to Git from CVS about two months ago (the majority of my experience is with Subversion). While there was a learning curve involved in becoming familiar with the distributed system, I've found Git to be superior in two key areas: flexibility of working environment and merging.
I don't have to be on our VPN, or even have network connectivity at all, to have access to full versioning capabilities. This means I can experiment with ideas or perform large refactorings wherever I happen to be when the urge strikes, without having to remember to check in that huge commit I've built up or worrying about being unable to revert when I make a mess.
Because merges are performed client-side, they are much faster and less error-prone than initiating a server-side merge.
My company currently uses Subversion, CVS, Mercurial and git.
When we started five years ago we chose CVS, and we still use that in my division for our main development and release maintenance branch. However, many of our developers use Mercurial individually as a way to have private checkpoints without the pain of CVS branches (and particularly merging them) and we are starting to use Mercurial for some branches that have up to about 5 people. There's a good chance we'll finally ditch CVS in another year. Our use of Mercurial has grown organically; some people still never even touch it, because they are happy with CVS. Everyone who has tried Mercurial has ended up being happy with it, without much of a learning curve.
What works really nicely for us with Mercurial is that our (home brewed) continuous integration servers can monitor developer Mercurial repositories as well as the mainline. So, people commit to their repository, get our continuous integration server to check it, and then publish the changeset. We support lots of platforms so it is not feasible to do a decent level of manual checks. Another win is that merges are often easy, and when they are hard you have the information you need to do a good job on the merge. Once someone gets the merged version to work, they can push their merge changesets and then no one else has to repeat the effort.
The biggest obstacle is that you need to rewire your developers and managers brains so that they get away from the single linear branch model. The best medicine for this is a dose of Linus Torvalds telling you you're stupid and ugly if you use centralised SCM. Good history visualisation tools would help but I'm not yet satisfied with what's available.
Mercurial and CVS both work well for us with developers using a mix of Windows, Linux and Solaris, and I've noticed no problems with timezones. (Really, this isn't too hard; you just use epoch seconds internally, and I'd expect all the major SCM systems get this right).
It was possible, with a fair amount of effort, to import our mainline CVS history into Mercurial. It would have been easier if people had not deliberately introduced corner cases into our mainline CVS history as a way to test history migration tools. This included merging some Mercurial branches into the CVS history, so the project looks like it was using from day one.
Our silicon design group chose Subversion. They are mainly eight timezones away from my office, and even over a fairly good dedicated line between our offices SUbversion checkouts are painful, but workable. A big advantage of centralised systems is that you can potentially check big binaries into it (e.g. vendor releases) without making all the distributed repositories huge.
We use git for working with Linux kernel. Git would be more suitable for us once a native Windows version is mature, but I think the Mercurial design is so simple and elegant that we'll stick with it.
Not using distributed source control myself, but maybe these related questions and answers give you some insights:
Distributed source control options
Why is git better than Subversion
I personnaly use Mercurial source control system. I've been using it for a bit more than a year right now. It was actually my first experience with a VSC.
I tried Git, but never really pushed into it because I found it was too much for what I needed. Mercurial is really easy to pick up if you're a Subversion user since it shares a lot of commands with it. Plus I find the management of my repositories to be really easy.
I have 2 ways of sharing my code with people:
I share a server with a co-worker and we keep a main repo for our project.
For some OSS project I work on, we create patches of our work with Mercurial (hg export) and the maintener of the project just apply them on the repository (hg import)
Really easy to work with, yet very powerful. But generally, choosing a VSC really depends on our project's needs...
Back before we switched off of Sun workstations for embedded systems development we were using Sun's TeamWare solution. TeamWare is a fully distribution solution using SCCS as the local repository file revision system and then wrappers that with a set of tools to handle the merging operations (done through branch renaming) back to the centralized repositories of which there can be many. In fact, because it is distributed, there really is no master repository per se' (except by convention if you want it) and all users have their own copies of the entire source tree and revisions. During "put back" operations, the merge tool using 3-way diffs algorithmically sorts out what is what and allows you combine the changes from different developers that have accumulated over time.
After switching to Windows for our development platform, we ended up switching to AccuRev. While AccuRev, because it depends on a centralized server, is not truely a distributed solution, logically from a workflow model comes very close. Where TeamWare would have had completely seperate copies of everything at each client, including all the revisions of all files, under AccuRev this is maintained in the central database and the local client machines only have the flat file current version of things for editing locally. However these local copies can be versioned through the client connection to the server and tracked completely seperately from any other changes (ie: branches) implicitly created by other developers
Personally, I think the distributed model implemented by TeamWare or the sort of hybrid model implemented by AccuRev is superior to completely centralized solutions. The main reason for this is that there is no notion of having to check out a file or having a file locked by another user. Also, users don't have to create or define the branches; the tools do this for you implicitly. When there are larger teams or different teams contributing to or maintaining a set of source files this resolves "tool generated" locking related collisions and allows the code changes to be coordinated more at the developer level who ultimately have to coordinate changes anyway. In a sense, the distributed model allows for a much finer grained "lock" rather than the course grained locking instituted by the centralized models.
Have used darcs on a big project (GHC) and for lots of small projects. I have a love/hate relationship with darcs.
Pluses: incredibly easy to set up repository. Very easy to move changes around between repositories. Very easy to clone and try out 'branches' in separate repositories. Very easy to make 'commits' in small coherent groups that makes sense. Very easy to rename files and identifiers.
Minuses: no notion of history---you can't recover 'the state of things on August 5'. I've never really figured out how to use darcs to go back to an earlier version.
Deal-breaker: darcs does not scale. I (and many others) have gotten into big trouble with GHC using darcs. I've had it hang with 100% CPU usage for 9 days trying to pull in
3 months' worth of changes. I had a bad experience last summer where I lost two weeks
trying to make darcs function and eventually resorted to replaying all my changes by hand into a pristine repository.
Conclusion: darcs is great if you want a simple, lightweight way to keep yourself from shooting yourself in the foot for your hobby projects. But even with some of the performance problems addressed in darcs 2, it is still not for industrial strength stuff. I will not really believe in darcs until the vaunted 'theory of patches' is something a bit more than a few equations and some nice pictures; I want to see a real theory published in a refereed venue. It's past time.
I really love Git, especially with GitHub. It's so nice being able to commit and roll back locally. And cherry-picking merges, while not trivial, is not terribly difficult, and far more advanced than anything Svn or CVS can do.
My group at work is using Git, and it has been all the difference in the world. We were using SCCS and a steaming pile of csh scripts to manage quite large and complicated projects that shared code between them (attempted to, anyway).
With Git, submodule support makes a lot of this stuff easy, and only a minimum of scripting is necessary. Our release engineering effort has gone way, way down because branches are easy to maintain and track. Being able to cheaply branch and merge really makes it reasonably easy to maintain a single collection of sources across several projects (contracts), whereas before, any disruption to the typical flow of things was very, very expensive. We've also found the scriptabability of Git to be a huge plus, because we can customize its behavior through hooks or through scripts that do . git-sh-setup, and it doesn't seem like a pile of kludges like before.
We also sometimes have situations in which we have to maintain our version control across distributed, non-networked sites (in this case, disconnected secure labs), and Git has mechanisms for dealing with that quite smoothly (bundles, the basic clone mechanism, formatted patches, etc).
Some of this is just us stepping out of the early 80s and adopting some modern version control mechanisms, but Git "did it right" in most areas.
I'm not sure of the extent of answer you're looking for, but our experience with Git has been very, very positive.
Using Subversion with SourceForge and other servers over a number of different connections with medium sized teams and it's working very well.
I am a huge proponent of centralized source control for a lot of reasons, but I did try BitKeeper on a project briefly. Perhaps after years of using a centralized model in one format or another (Perforce, Subversion, CVS) I just found distributed source control difficult to use.
I am of the mindset that our tools should never get in the way of the actual work; they should make work easier. So, after a few head pounding experiences, I bailed. I would advise doing some really hardy tests with your team before rocking the boat because the model is very different than what most devs are probably accustomed to in the SCM world.
I've used bazaar for a little while now and love it. Trivial branching and merging back in give great confidence in using branches as they should be used. (I know that central vcs tools should allow this, but the common ones including subversion don't allow this easily).
bzr supports quite a few different workflows from solo, through working as a centralised repository to fully distributed. With each branch (for a developer or a feature) able to be merged independently, code reviews can be done on a per branch basis.
bzr also has a great plugin (bzr-svn) allowing you to work with a subversion repository. You can make a copy of the svn repo (which initially takes a while as it fetches the entire history for your local repo). You can then make branches for different features. If you want to do a quick fix to the trunk while half way through your feature, you can make an extra branch, work in that, and then merge back to trunk, leaving your half done feature untouched and outside of trunk. Wonderful. Working against subversion has been my main use so far.
Note I've only used it on Linux, and mostly from the command line, though it is meant to work well on other platforms, has GUIs such as TortoiseBZR and a lot of work is being done on integration with IDEs and the like.
I'm playing around with Mercurial for my home projects. So far, what I like about it is that I can have multiple repositories. If I take my laptop to the cabin, I've still got version control, unlike when I ran CVS at home. Branching is as easy as hg clone and working on the clone.
Using Subversion
Subversion isn't distributed, so that makes me think I need a wikipedia link in case people aren't sure what I'm talking about :)
Been using darcs 2.1.0 and its great for my projects. Easy to use. Love cherry picking changes.
I use Git at work, together with one of my coworkers. The main repository is SVN, though. We often have to switch workstations and Git makes it very easy to just pull changes from a local repository on another machine. When we're working as a team on the same feature, merging our work is effortless.
The git-svn bridge is a little wonky, because when checking into SVN it rewrites all the commits to add its git-svn-id comment. This destroys the nice history of merges between my coworker's repo an mine. I predict that we wouldn't use a central repository at all if every teammember would be using Git.
You didn't say what os you develop on, but Git has the disadvantage that you have to use the command line to get all the features. Gitk is a nice gui for visualizing the merge history, but the merging itself has to be done manually. Git-Gui and the Visual Studio plugins are not that polished yet.
We use distributed version control (Plastic SCM) for both multi-site and disconnected scenarios.
1- Multi-site: if you have distant groups, sometimes you can't rely on the internet connection, or it's not fast enough and slows down developers. Then having independent server which can synchronize back (Plastic replicates branches back and forth) is very useful and speed up things. It's probably one of the most common scenarios for companies since most of them are still concerned of "totally distributed" practices where each developer has its own replicated repository.
2- Disconnected (or truly distributed if you prefer): every developer has his own repository which is replicated back and forth with his peers or the central location. It's very convenient to go to a customer's location or just go home with your laptop, and continue being able to switch branches, checkout and checkin code, look at the history, run annotates and so on, without having to access the remote "central" server. Then whenever you go back to the office you just replicate your changes (normally branches) back with a few clicks.