How can I make empty spaces? - dokuwiki

How I can make empty spaces in wiki because I tried
'' '',
<br> </br>,
## text( for Ordered a list)
and this things doesn't work.
Anyone have an idea, way ?

Go to the Admin page and then go to Confuguration settings.
Then go to the Editing Section.
Set Allow embedded HTML to true.
Now you can make empty spaces with:
When you want the emty space to be bigger, insert more <br>


TinyMce disable all possibilities to insert paragraphs

I need TinyMce to write Markdown with formatting options. Here I do not need paragraphs, simple <br> elements which can be reliably replaced to \n would be best.
To illustrate the problem, the following output was created after inserting the third line as a paragraph:
<p>## Heading<br />
Some Text</p>
<p>Some More Text</p>
I cannot think of an easy solution to find and replace incorrect paragraphs like the ones around the first block. Thus I want to turn off paragraphs completely.
I already found the configuration forced_root_block : '' to disable automatic creation of paragraphs for every line break. Here the solution is shown how to disable Shift+Enter. The last remaining puzzle piece is the styleselect-toolbar, which has a possibility to add paragraphs. I only found a solution how to add options to that toolbar, but not how to hide or remove.
Can someone help me how to hide the paragraph-style from the styleselect toolbar? Or maybe point out that I am missing an elegant solution which completely disables paragraphs in one step?
With Try-and-Error I changed the following part in the current themes theme.js, which hides the "Paragraph" button in the styleselect-toolbar:
var defaultStyleFormats = [
title: 'Blocks',
items: [
{// removed this block
title: 'Paragraph',
format: 'p'
title: 'Blockquote',
format: 'blockquote'
Removing part of the JS file was possible because we do not import it from npm but rather copied the code manually in our repository. So this solution might not apply to everyone.

How to make textarea to show text with HTML properties in Ionic?

I have added a textarea on my home.html page. The problem is if I am adding data line wise by pressing enter, now when i save it in the database and show it back on page, it comes in one line
This is how I type:
1. Line one
2. Line two
3. Line three
This is how it is seen on the page:
1. Line one 2. Line two 3. Line three
Below is my HTML code:
<ion-textarea rows="1" autosize #input (click)="focusInput(input)" (input)="change()" id="messageInputBox" placeholder="Type Something To Send.." type="text" name="TAG" [(ngModel)]="TAG" style="z-index:9.99999; color:#818993;font-size:18px; ">
How can I resolve this issue?
Where you echo the contents of your TAG model in your HTML template, you should use a pipe like nl2br-pipe and use it like this:
<div [innerHtml]="TAG | nl2br"></div>
Be aware that you also should sanitize your HTML, before echoing it to your page, more on that here.

Is it possible to configure Sublime Text 3 to insert a newline on some auto completions?

The auto completion is pretty much default right now. If I type
I get
Is it possible to configure it so that instead I end up with
This is just an example. I'd like it to be more comprehensive beyond just the <p></p> tags.
It seems I've been doing it wrong. I've been looking at what happens only when I tab-complete a tag as in my example. It did not occur to me that simply pressing enter after the auto completion that it would actually set me up the way I would like and even better than I was asking for.
After pressing enter I end up with
with the cursor (represented by the _) indented two spaces on the blank line.

How to highlight a text with double simple quotes '' in a HTML section

I'd like to highlight one or two words in a <HTML></HTML> section in a dokuwiki (2014-05-05 "Ponder Stibbons") page like I'd do outside of the section with ''one or two words'' or with apostrophe in SE markdown. How can I achieve that? Example (embedded HTML option has to be enabled in configuration):
====== Title ======
<li>Magic should happen ''here'', except not with '' because it isn't recognized</li>
The following doesn't suit my needs
<tt>one two</tt> simply doesn't look the same
Besides this I don't have any ideas...
Try enclosing the string in &quot tag like &quotkey&quot i.e. &quot tag appended with semicolon
May be misunderstood your question , now more clear
Try something like this if it helps by enclosing in code tags as shown in :
Magic should happen 'here', expect not with because it isn't recognized
Also,check out the following link :

snowbabel extension <br /> tag displayed in frontend

I've a problem with typo3 snowbabel extension. I need to insert a line break in frontend. In the manual, specified that "if you want to have a line break visible in front end, you'll have to insert the HTML line break tag.
I've added it. But the html br tag displayed in frontend.Also the line break is not working.
Is there any configurations for this?
Arun Chandran
This is just a handy quick solution to the problem.
You can use <section> tags instead of "<br/>" tags. Even though their purpose might be different, it still gives the output.
Just use <br></br> instead of </br>. Works fine.