Rotating a Plot About the Y Axis - matlab

I have a vector of values that I want to plot as brightness on a circle through the radius of it (I.e. If it was 0 3 1 5 I'd want a circle that was dark at the centre, then a bright ring around it, then a slightly darker ring, then a brighter ring).
To do this I've attempted to rotate my radial vector (E) around the y axis, as such
[X,Y,Z] = cylinder(E);
h = surf(X,Y,Z),
However I'm clearly not doing it right, as this appears to be rotating my curve around the x axis. I've tried just swapping X and Y, but it still rotates it around the x axis. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

One way would be to rotate your vector and create a surface. The Z data of the surface (your rotated vector) will be color coded according to the colormap you choose, if you display the surface from the top you get your circles at the different brightness.
If you are really only interested from the "top view" of this surface, then no need to create a full surface, a simple pcolor will do the job.
%% // input data (and assumptions)
E=[0 3 1 5 2 7];
nBrightness = 10 ; %// number of brightness levels
r = (0:numel(E)) ; %// radius step=1 by default for consecutive circles
%// otherwise define different thickness for each circle
So if I use stairs([E 0]) you get your different brightness levels:
I had to add a last 0 to the vector to "close" the last level, we'll have to do that again in the solution below.
Now to rotate/replicate that around Y, color code the height, and look at it from the top:
%% // replicate profile around axis
ntt = 50 ; %// define how many angular division for the plot
theta = linspace(0,2*pi,ntt) ; %// create all the angular divisions
[rr,tt]=meshgrid(r,theta) ; %// generate a grid
z = repmat( [E 0] , ntt , 1 ) ; %// replicate our "E" vector to match the grid
[xx,yy,zz] = pol2cart(tt,rr,z) ; %// convert everything to cartesian coordinates
pcolor(xx,yy,zz) %// plot everything
colormap(gray(nBrightness)) %// make sure we use only "nBrightness" colors (Shades of gray)
caxis([0 nBrightness])
shading flat ; axis equal %// refine the view (axis ratio and "spokes" not visible) etc...
axis off
will yield the following :
Note that your problem was not fully defined, I had to take assumptions on:
What radius each brightness circle should have ? (I made them all the same but you can modify that)
How many brightness levels you want ? (You can also modify that easily though).

Have you tried the rotate function?
direction = [0 1 0];
In this example a 90 degree rotation is performed around the y axis.

Using this library
x0 = 0;
y0 = 0;
colors = [0 3 1 5];
maxC = max(colors);
sz = numel(colors);
for i=fliplr(1:sz)
c = colors(i);
circles(x0,y0,i,'facecolor',[c/maxC c/maxC 0]) %


Plotting circles with complex numbers in MATLAB

I want to make a figure in MATLAB as described in the following image
What I did is the following:
x = [1 2 3];
y = [2 2 4];
radius = [1 1.2 2.2];
theta = [-pi 0 pi];
How do I add an angle theta to the plot to represent a complex number z = radius.*exp(1j*theta) at every spacial coordinates?
Technically speaking, those are only circles if x and y axes are scaled equally. That is because scatter always plots circles, independently of the scales (and they remain circles if you zoom in nonuniformly. + you have the problem with the line, which should indicate the angle...
You can solve both issues by drawing the circles:
function plotCirc(x,y,r,theta)
% calculate "points" where you want to draw approximate a circle
ang = 0:0.01:2*pi+.01;
xp = r*cos(ang);
yp = r*sin(ang);
% calculate start and end point to indicate the angle (starting at math=0, i.e. right, horizontal)
xt = x + [0 r*sin(theta)];
yt = y + [0 r*cos(theta)];
% plot with color: b-blue
plot(x+xp,y+yp,'b', xt,yt,'b');
having this little function, you can call it to draw as many circles as you want
x = [1 2 3];
y = [2 2 4];
radius = [1 1.2 2.2];
theta = [-pi 0 pi];
hold on
for i = 1:length(x)
I went back over scatter again, and it looks like you can't get that directly from the function. Hopefully there's a clean built-in way to do this, and someone else will chime in with it, but as a backup plan, you can just add the lines yourself.
You'd want a number of lines that's the same as the length of your coordinate set, from the center point to the edge at the target angle, and fortunately 'line' does multiple lines if you feed it a matrix.
You could just tack this on to the end of your code to get the angled line:
x_lines = [x; x + radius.*cos(theta)];
y_lines = [y; y + radius.*sin(theta)];
line(x_lines, y_lines, 'Color', 'b')
I had to assign the color specifically, since otherwise 'line' makes each new line cycle through the default colors, but that also means you could easily change the line color to stand out more. There's also no center dot, but that'd just be a second scatter plot with tiny radius. Should plot most of what you're looking for, at least.
(My version of Matlab is old enough that scatter behaves differently, so I can only check the line part, but they have the right length and location.)
Edit: Other answer makes a good point on whether scatter is appropriate here. Probably better to draw the circle too.

How do I create a polar plot with concentric colored rings corresponding to single values in Matlab?

I am trying to create a plot that looks like this with rings of constant values (colors) extending from 0 to 100 in 10 unit increments.
Rings of single values extending outward from center
However, my code is not producing this, and I do not know where it has gone wrong.
% values representing the colors that each ring should be
% starting from the center and moving outwards in 10 unit increments.
values = [364,358,354,348,339,335,330,325,320,310];
xCoord = linspace(0,2*pi,10);
yCoord = linspace(0,100,10);
[TH,R] = meshgrid(xCoord,yCoord);
[X,Y] = pol2cart(TH,R);
[Z] = meshgrid(values);
contour_ticks = 300:5:375;
hold on
a=gca; cb=colorbar; colormap('jet'); caxis([300 375]);
This produces a plot resembling this:
Incorrect plot
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
If you just want to plot circles, you can use the following approach:
radii = 100:-10:10; %// descending order, so that bigger circles don't cover small ones
colors = parula(numel(radii)); %// or use some other colormap
for n = 1:numel(radii)
r = radii(n);
rectangle('Position', [-r -r 2*r 2*r], 'Curvature', [1 1], 'FaceColor', colors(n,:),...
'EdgeColor', 'none') %// plot each circle using sequential colors, no edge
hold on
axis equal
axis([-1 1 -1 1]*max(radii))

Annular ring pattern with alternate bright and dark rings: using matlab

I am attempting to make a pattern consisting of annular rings with radii proportional to the square root of the natural numbers. Also I want the inner most circle to be white followed by a black circle followed by a white and so on.
c = [0 0; 0 0];
r = [5.2494 9.0922];
viscircles(c, r)
r1 = [7.4328 10.4988];
viscircles(c, r1)
I have generated the above code to form the annular ring structure but I want to fill in the color as well. What should I do?
You could go the mathematical route and plot the function ceil(sin(pi*(X.^2 + Y.^2))):
zoomlevel = 50;
for n = 1:zoomlevel
[X,Y] = ndgrid(linspace(-n,n,500));
I = ceil(sin(pi*(X.^2 + Y.^2)));
Of course this will only be a raster graphic instead of a vector one, so don't zoom in too much. ;-) (Although the aliasing artefacts will look quite cool if you zoom out. Plot at your own risk.)
My Matlab version doesn't have viscircles, so here's an approach which plots each individual circle with alternating colors. It uses the rectangle function, which lets you define the curvature of the corners so that the rectangle/square becomes an ellipse/circle. Bigger circles should be drawn first, so that they don't completely cover smaller circles.
colors = [.9 .9 .9; 0 0 0]; %// light gray and black
N = 16; %// maximum number
hold on
for n = N:-1:1; %// bigger circles first
s = sqrt(n);
rectangle('curvature', [1 1], 'position', [-s/2 -s/2 s s], ...
'edgecolor', 'none', 'facecolor', colors(mod(n-1,2)+1,:));
axis square
You can also create a "surface" with value 1 for all your r radiuses and 0 for the r1. Then either plot as a surface seen form top, or directly use pcolor.
r = [0 5.2494 7.4328 9.0922 10.4988] ; %// define all your radiuses
bw = mod( 1:numel(r) , 2 ) ; %// create an alternance of 0 and 1 (same size as "r")
ntt = 50 ; %// define how many angular division for the plot
theta = linspace(0,2*pi,ntt) ; %// create all the angular divisions
[rr,tt]=meshgrid(r,theta) ; %// generate a grid
z = repmat( bw , ntt , 1 ) ; %// replicate our [0 1 0 ...] vector to match the grid
[xx,yy,zz] = pol2cart(tt,rr,z) ; %// convert everything to cartesian coordinates
pcolor(xx,yy,zz) %// plot everything
colormap(gray(2)) %// make sure we use only 2 colors (black and white)
shading flat ; axis equal %// refine the view (axis ratio and "spokes" not visible)
You can send as many radiuses as you like in the original r.
This will render:
This method look a bit longer at first than other solution, but you could remove many intermediate steps by consolidating some lines, and if you are to reuse the graphics later on, it may present 2 benefits:
if you get the handle of the graphic object (hp=pcolor(xx,yy,zz)), you only have one graphic object to handle.
if you need to change the color, you do not need to cycle through each circle, just change the colormap to the 2 colors you want (for example if you want "red" and "green", just call the colormap colormap([1 0 0;0 1 0]) and you're done.
viscircles returns an hggroup object. One of the properties of such an object is its Children, which is an array of handles to the graphics objects it creates. For instance you could write
h1 = viscircles(c, r)
c1 = h1.Children
The children here should just be the handles to the circular patches defined by viscircles. Now, to set the color of the ith circular patch, you can set the FaceColor property of the handle c1(i).

Absolute scale for color map?

I am trying to make a plot with an intensity that varies over time:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-30:.1:30);
for t = 0:0.1:2*pi
R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2);
Z = cos(t)*abs(besselj(2,R));
axis([0 600 0 600 -0.5 0.5])
I want to look at this from the top, such that as the Z value changes, the color changes. The problem is that rather than having an absolute scale (black = -0.5, white = 0.5), the color scale is relative to the maximum and minimum values, such that the colors only change when the sign flips change. How can I set an absolute scale for the color map?
Thank you.
You have to use scaled colour mapping mode and set the limits of the scaling by using the caxis command.
Now the problem with your current code is that you call surf at each iteration of the loop, essentially destroying the current plot and generating a new plot each time. This will reset a lot of properties, including the caxis limits to auto. To overcome that, simply create your plot only once before the loop, then in the loop you only change the properties which are modified (the Z values in this case). This way everything else stays the same in the figure.
So you code becomes:
%% // Prepare and initialize the surface plot
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-30:.1:30);
R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2) ; %// this doesn't need to be in the loop
Z = cos(0)*abs(besselj(2,R)) ; %// calculate initial value to create the surface
surfHandle = surf( Z , 'EdgeColor','None' ) ; %// create a first surface, and save the handle to the surface object
colorbar %// this is optional, just to make sure the colorbar does not vary
caxis([-5 5 ] ) ; %// this is what sets the color scaling to what you want
axis([0 600 0 600 -0.5 0.5]) ; %// this doesn't need to be in the loop anymore
%% // Modify and update the surface plot
for t = 0:pi/100:2*pi
Z = cos(t)*abs(besselj(2,R));
set( surfHandle , 'ZData' , Z )
Read coloring-mesh-and-surface-plots for more info on how surfaces can be colored.
If you just want white for values less than 0 and black for values greater than 0, you ca simply do:
which uses the optional C argument to surf, telling Matlab to colour the plot depending on the values of C, not Z. sign(Z) is a matrix that has 1's where Z>0, 0's where Z=0, and -1's where Z<0.

Plot vector (or arc) onto a rose plot. MATLAB

I have two datasets. One detailing a list of angles (which I am plotting onto a rose plot):
The other, detailing directional statistics from this group of angles:
Where angle essentially defines the directional mean, and error the circular variance, essentially an error bar either side of the angle
I have thus far plotted a rose histogram using the set of angles, as such:
h = rose(angles,36)
I would like to create a plot of the directional statistic angle (it does not need a length/magnitude - just to the edge of the circle plot) with the error around it.
As an example:
I added the lines by hand in Matlab. If possible it would be good to perhaps have shading within the arc too. Alternatively, (and possibly preferred) would be to have just a sliver above the rose plot bins (so it doesn't cover the data) with a centre line (showing the angle and shading surrounding for the error.
Thanks in advance.
How about this?
%// Data
angles = 2*pi*.8*randn(1,1e4);
angle = -0.848106563;
error = 0.8452778824;
%// Plot rose
rose(angles, 36);
axis image %// make axis square
hold on
%// Plot mean
a = axis;
a = a(2); %// size of axis
plot([0 cos(angle)*a], [0 sin(angle)*a], 'r')
%// Plot error as many shaded triangles that compose a circular wedge
t = linspace(-error/2+angle,error/2+angle,100); %// increase "100" if needed
for k = 1:numel(t)-1
h = patch([0 cos(t(k))*a cos(t(k+1))*a 0], ...
[0 sin(t(k))*a sin(t(k+1))*a 0], [.5 0 0], 'edgecolor', 'none');
%// change color [.5 0 0] to something else if desired. Note also alpha
set(h,'Facealpha',.3) %// make transparent
%// Place rose on top by rearranging order of axis children
ch = get(gca,'children');
set(gca,'children',[ch(2:end); ch(1)]);
For this to work, you need to use a figure renderer capable of transparency. So you may need to adjust the figure's renderer property.