phase assignment in an OFDM signal - matlab

I have an OFDM signal which is giving me half the power spectrum (half the bandwidth) I am meant to have. I am been told the phase assignment is what is causing it but I have been twitching on it for days.... still not having the right answer
M = 4; % QPSK signal constellation
k = log2(M); % bits per symbol
no_of_data_points = (Ns/2);
no_of_ifft_points = (Ns); % 256 points for the FFT/IFFT
no_of_fft_points = (Ns);
nsamp = 1; % Oversampling rate
fl = 0.5e9;
fu = 1.5e9;
dataIn = randint(no_of_data_points*k*2,1,2); % Generate vector of binary
data_source = randsrc(1, no_of_data_points*k*2, 0:M-1);
qpsk_modulated_data= modulate(modem.qammod(M),data_source);
modu_data= qpsk_modulated_data(:)/sqrt(2);
[theta, rho] = cart2pol(real(modu_data), imag(modu_data));
plot(modu_data,'o');%plot constellation without noise
axis([-2 2 -2 2]);
grid on;
xlabel('real'); ylabel('imag');
phin = zeros(Nf,1);
No = fl/fstep;
Vn = zeros(Ns,1);
for r = 1:Nf
Vn(r+No,1) = 1*phin(r,1);
% Vn(r+No,2) = 1*phin(r,2);
%E. Serial to parallel conversion
par_data = reshape(Vn,2,no_of_data_points);
% F. IFFT Transform each period's spectrum (represented by a row of
% time domain via IFFT
time_domain_matrix =ifft(par_data.',Ns);

You are only considering the real part of the signal.


I would like to run the calculating of the following piece of code 30 times in MATLAB

I am trying to calculate the received optical power for an optical communication system for 30 times. When I run the code, I get a 41 x 41 double matrix of H0_LoS and power (P_r_LOS & P_rec_dBm) as shown below
The case above is only for one iteration.
I would like to get a matrix or a cell with results up to 30 times that of the implemented code.
Any assistance, please?
My try below
close all;
clear variables;
%% Simulation Parameters
%%%% Main Simulation Parameters %%%%
N_t = 1; % Number of light sources
%%%% AP Parameters %%%%
L = 20; W = 20; H = 3; % Length, width and height of the room (m)
theta_half = 60;
m = -log(2)./log(cosd(theta_half)); % Lambertian order of emission
coord_t = [0 0 0]; % Positions of the light sources
n_t_LED = [0, 0, -1]; n_t_LED = n_t_LED/norm(n_t_LED); % Normalized normal vector of each light source
n_t = repmat(n_t_LED, N_t, 1); % Normalized normal vectors of the light sources
P_LED = 2.84; % Average electrical power consummed by each light source (W)
% P_LED = 1;
param_t = {coord_t, n_t, P_LED, m};
%%%% Rx Parameters %%%%
A_det = 1e-4; % Photoreceiver sensitive area (m²)
FOV = 60*pi/180; % Fielf-of-view of the photoreceiver
T_s = 1; % Gain of the optical filter (ignore if not used)
index = 1.5; % Refractive index of the Rx concentrator/lens (ignore if not used)
G_Con = (index^2)/sin(FOV); % Gain of an optical concentrator; ignore if no lens is used
n_r = [0, 0, 1]; % Normal vector of the photoreceiver
n_r = n_r/norm(n_r); % Normal vector of the photoreceiver (normalized)
step = 0.5; % Distance between each receiving point (m)
X_r = -L/2:step:L/2; % Range of Rx points along x axis
Y_r = -W/2:step:W/2; % Range of Rx points along y axis
N_rx = length(X_r); N_ry = length(Y_r); % Number of reception points simulated along the x and y axis
z_ref = 0.85; % Height of the receiver plane from the ground (m)
z = z_ref-H; % z = -1.65; % Height of the Rx points ("-" because coordinates system origin at the center of the ceiling)
if( abs(z) > H )
fprintf('ERROR: The receiver plane is out of the room.\n');
param_r = {A_det, n_r, FOV}; % Vector of the Rx parameters used for channel simulation
%% LOS received optical power calculation
H0_LOS = zeros(N_rx,N_ry,N_t);
T = param_t{1}(1,:);
P_t = param_t{3};
for iter = 1:30
for r_x = 1:N_rx
for r_y = 1:N_ry
for i_t = 1:N_t
x = X_r(r_x); y = Y_r(r_y);
R = [x,y,z];
v_tr = (R-T)./norm(R-T);
d_tr = sqrt(dot(R-T,R-T));
phi = -5 + (5+5)*rand(1);
psi = -5 + (5+5)*rand(1);
H0_LOS(r_x,r_y,i_t) = (m+1)*A_det/(2*pi*d_tr^2)*cosd(phi)^m*cosd(psi);
P_r_LOS = P_t.*H0_LOS.*T_s.*G_Con;
P_rec_dBm = 10*log10(P_r_LOS*1000);

Plot step response without using step function

I want to plot the step response. I know that I can use step function with state space equations, but I try to get same results using plot function. Here is my sample of code:
for i=1:201
u(i) = 1;
x1(i+1) = (-(b/J)*x1(i) + (K/J)*x2(i));
x2(i+1) = (-(K/L)*x1(i) - (R/L)*x2(i) + (1/L)*u(i));
y(i) = x1(i);
and this is the state space equations:
A = [-b/J K/J
-K/L -R/L];
B = [0
C = [1 0];
D = 0;
If i do:
t = 0:1:200;
plot(t, y)
it is not working and I want to have the same results like the step function below:
sys = ss(A,B,C,D);
You can find my state space equation here.
The reason for the mismatch is that sys is a continuous time model, whereas the computation of y treats it as a discrete-time system.
The following is a way of estimating the step-response of a continuous-time system in the discrete-time domain:
% Given from the problem statement
A = [-b/J K/J
-K/L -R/L];
B = [0
C = [1 0];
D = 0;
% this is your continuous-time model
sys = ss(A,B,C,D);
% define the sample rate of the equivalent discrete-time model
Ts = 1/10;
% this needs to be something smaller than the time-constants in your model,
% so that you have enough resolution to represent the continuous-time
% signal.
% convert the system to the equivalent discrete-time model
sysd = c2d(sys,Ts);
% define how long a step response you'd like to compute
T = 7;
% this should be long enough to cover the length of the step response
t = 0:Ts:T; % time-grid for the plot
nSmp = length(t); % total number of samples to be computed
% initializations
y = NaN(1, nSmp); % output vector
u = ones(1, nSmp); % unit step input
X = [0; 0]; % state vector, initialized to 0
% compute the samples of the step-response
% (i prefer to use vectorized form to keep the code concise)
for i=1:nSmp
y(i) = sysd.C * X + sysd.D * u(i);
X = sysd.A * X + sysd.B * u(i);
% plot continous-time step response
% plot simulated discrete-time step response
plot(t, y, 'r')
xlabel('Time (s)');
title('Simulated Step Response');

Morlet wavelet transformation function returns nonsensical plot

I have written a matlab function (Version (R2010a)) to evaluate incoming FT signal and calculate the morlet wavelet for the signal. I have a similar program, but I needed to make it more readable and closer to mathematical lingo. The output plot is supposed to be a 2D plot with colour showing the intensity of the frequencies. My plot seems to have all frequencies the same per time. The program does make an fft per row of time for each frequency, so I suppose another way to look at it is that the same line repeats itself per step in my for loop. The issue is I have checked with the original program, which does return the correct plot, and I cannot locate any difference beyond what I named the values and how I organized the code.
function[msg] = mile01_wlt(FT_y, f_mn, f_mx, K, N, F_s)
Fucntion to perform a full wlt of a morlet wavelett.
optimization of the number of frequencies to be included.
FT_y satisfies the FT(x) of 1 envelope and is our ft signal.
f min and max enter into the analysis and are decided from
the f-image for optimal values.
While performing the transformation there are different scalings
on the resulting "intensity".
Plot is made with a 2D array and a colour code for intensity.
version 05.05.2016
1: determining nr. of analysis f, prints and readies f's to be used.
2: ensuring correct orientation of FT_y
3:defining arrays
4: declaring waveletdiagram and storage of frequencies
5: for-loop over all frequencies:
6: reducing file to manageable size by truncating time.
7: marking plot to highlight ("randproblemer")
8: plotting waveletdiagram
%1: determining nr. of analysis f, prints and readies f's to be used.
DF = floor( log(f_mx/f_mn) / log(1+( 1/(8*K) ) ) ) + 1;% f-spectre analysed
nr_f_analysed = DF %output to commandline
f_step = (f_mx/f_mn)^(1/(DF-1)); % multiplicative step for new f_a
f_a = f_mn; %[Hz] frequency of analysis
T = N/F_s; %[s] total time sampled
C = 2.0; % factor to scale Psi
%2: ensuring correct orientation of FT_y
siz = size(FT_y);
if (siz(2)>siz(1))
FT_y = transpose(FT_y);
%3:defining arrays
t = linspace(0, T*(N-1)/N, N); %[s] timespan
f = linspace(0, F_s*(N-1)/N, N); %[Hz] f-specter
%4: declaring waveletdiagram and storage of frequencies
WLd = zeros(DF,N); % matrix of DF rows and N columns for storing our wlt
f_store = zeros(1,DF); % horizontal array for storing DF frequencies
%5: for-loop over all frequencies:
for jj = 1:DF
o = (K/f_a)*(K/f_a); %factor sigma
Psi = exp(- 0*(f-f_a).*(f-f_a)); % FT(\psi) for 1 envelope
Psi = Psi - exp(-K*K)*exp(- o*(f.*f)); % correctional element
Psi = C*Psi; %factor. not set in stone
%next step fits 1 row in the WLd (3 alternatives)
%WLd(jj,:) = abs(ifft(Psi.*transpose(FT_y)));
WLd(jj,:) = sqrt(abs(ifft(Psi.*transpose(FT_y))));
%WLd(jj,:) = sqrt(abs(ifft(Psi.*FT_y))); %for different array sizes
%and emphasizes weaker parts.
%prep for next round
f_store (jj) = f_a; % storing used frequencies
f_a = f_a*f_step; % determines the next step
%6: reducing file to manageable size by truncating time.
P = floor( (K*F_s) / (24*f_mx) );%24 not set in stone
using_every_P_point = P %printout to cmdline for monitoring
N_P = floor(N/P);
points_in_time = N_P %printout to cmdline for monitoring
% truncating WLd and time
WLd2 = zeros(DF,N_P);
for jj = 1:DF
for ii = 1:N_P
WLd2(jj,ii) = WLd(jj,ii*P);
t_P = zeros(1,N_P);
for ii = 1:N_P % set outside the initial loop to reduce redundancy
t_P(ii) = t(ii*P);
%7: marking plot to highlight boundary value problems
maxval = max(WLd2);%setting an intensity
mxv = max(maxval);
% marks in wl matrix
for jj= 1:DF
m = floor( K*F_s / (P*pi*f_store(jj)) ); %finding edges of envelope
WLd2(jj,m) = mxv/2; % lower limit
WLd2(jj,N_P-m) = mxv/2;% upper limit
%8: plotting waveletdiagram
imagesc(t_P, log10(f_store), WLd2, 'Ydata', [1 size(WLd2,1)]);
set(gca, 'Ydir', 'normal');
xlabel('Time [s]');
ylabel('log10(frequency [Hz])');
%title('wavelet power spectrum'); % for non-sqrt inensities
title('sqrt(wavelet power spectrum)'); %when calculating using sqrt
colorbar('location', 'southoutside');
msg = 'done.';
There are no error message, so I am uncertain what exactly I am doing wrong.
Hope I followed all the guidelines. Otherwise, I apologize.
my calling program:
% establishing parameters
N = 2^(16); % | number of points to sample
F_s = 3.2e6; % Hz | samplings frequency
T_t = N/F_s; % s | length in seconds of sample time
f_c = 2.0e5; % Hz | carrying wave frequency
f_m = 8./T_t; % Hz | modulating wave frequency
w_c = 2pif_c; % Hz | angular frequency("omega") of carrying wave
w_m = 2pif_m; % Hz | angular frequency("omega") of modulating wave
% establishing parameter arrays
t = linspace(0, T_t, N);
% function variables
T_h = 2*f_m.*t; % dimless | 1/2 of the period for square signal
% combined carry and modulated wave
% y(t) eq. 1):
y_t = 0.5.*cos(w_c.*t).*(1+cos(w_m.*t));
% y(t) eq. 2):
% y_t = 0.5.*cos(w_c.*t)+0.25*cos((w_c+w_m).*t)+0.25*cos((w_c-w_m).*t);
%square wave
sq_t = cos(w_c.*t).*(1 - mod(floor(t./T_h), 2)); % sq(t)
% the following can be exchanged between sq(t) and y(t)
plot(t, y_t)
% plot(t, sq_t)
xlabel('time [s]');
ylabel('signal amplitude');
title('plot of harmonically modulated signal with carrying wave');
% title('plot of square modulated signal with carrying wave');
hold on
% Fourier transform and plot of freq-image
FT_y = mile01_fftplot(y_t, N, F_s);
% FT_sq = mile01_fftplot(sq_t, N, F_s);
% Morlet wavelet transform and plot of WLdiagram
%determining K, check t-image
K_h = 57*4; % approximation based on 1/4 of an envelope, harmonious
%determining f min and max, from f-image
f_m = 1.995e5; % minimum frequency. chosen to showcase all relevant f
f_M = 2.005e5; % maximum frequency. chosen to showcase all relevant f
%calling wlt function.
name = 'mile'
msg = mile01_wlt(FT_y, f_m, f_M, K_h, N, F_s)
siz = size(FT_y);
if (siz(2)>siz(1))
FT_y = transpose(FT_y);
name = 'arnt'
msg = arnt_wltransf(FT_y, f_m, f_M, K_h, N, F_s)
The time image has a constant frequency, but the amplitude oscillates resempling a gaussian curve. My code returns a sharply segmented image over time, where each point in time holds only 1 frequency. It should reflect a change in intensity across the spectra over time.
hope that helps and thanks!
I found the error. There is a 0 rather than an o in the first instance of Psi. Thinking I'll maybe rename the value as sig or something. besides this the code works. sorry for the trouble there

Matlab : What is the BER performance of Constant Modulus Algorithm and issue in filter function

I need help in plotting the Bit error curve or the symbol error curve for BPSK modulation scheme for varying Signal to Noise ratios or Eb/N0. The plot should show the simulated versus the theoretical curve, but I cannot figure out how to mitigate the problems when using the Constant Modulus Algorithm as an Equalizer which are:
Error using *
Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in BER_BPSK_CMA (line 50)
yy = w'*x;
(2) I want to use the filter function instead of conv in order to model a moving average channel model, chanOut = filter(ht,1,s). But, when I use filter, I am getting an error. How can I use filter function here?
(3) Bit error rate calculation
UPDATED Code with the Problem 1 solved. However, I am still unable to use filter and unsure if BER curve is proper or not.
Below is the code I wrote:
% Script for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in 3 tap ISI
% channel
N = 10^2; % number of bits or symbols
Eb_N0_dB = [0:15]; % multiple Eb/N0 values
K = 3; %number of users
nTap = 3;
mu = 0.001;
ht = [0.2 0.9 0.3];
L = length(ht);
for ii = 1:length(Eb_N0_dB)
% Transmitter
ip = rand(1,N)>0.5; % generating 0,1 with equal probability
s = 2*ip-1; % BPSK modulation 0 -> -1; 1 -> 0
% Channel model, multipath channel
chanOut = conv(s,ht);
% chanOut = filter(ht,1,s); %MA
n = 1/sqrt(2)*[randn(1,N+length(ht)-1) + j*randn(1,N+length(ht)-1)]; % white gaussian noise, 0dB variance
% Noise addition
y = chanOut + 10^(-Eb_N0_dB(ii)/20)*n; % additive white gaussian noise
Le =20; %Equalizer length
e = zeros(N,1); % error
w = zeros(Le,1); % equalizer coefficients
w(Le)=1; % actual filter taps are flipud(w)!
yd = zeros(N,1);
r = y';
% while(1)
for i = 1:N-Le,
x = r(i:Le+i-1);
%x = r(i:(Le+i-1));
yy = w'*x;
yd(i)= yy;
e(i) = yy^2 - 1;
mse_signal(ii,i) = mean(e.*e);
w = w - mu * e(i) * yy * x;
sb=w'*x; % estimate symbols (perform equalization)
% receiver - hard decision decoding
ipHat = real(sb)>0;
% counting the errors
nErr_CMA(ii) = size(find([ip- ipHat]),2);
% calculate SER
simBer_CMA = nErr_CMA/N;
theoryBer = 0.5*erfc(sqrt(10.^(Eb_N0_dB/10))); % theoretical ber
for i=1:length(Eb_N0_dB),
hold on;
%axis([0 14 10^-5 0.5])
grid on
xlabel('Eb/No, dB');
ylabel('Bit Error Rate');
title('Bit error probability curve for BPSK in ISI with CMA equalizer');
There's an error in these three lines:
sb=w'*x; % estimate symbols (perform equalization)
% receiver - hard decision decoding
ipHat = real(sb)>0;
they worked inside the while loop but you are now performing a post-estimation, so the correct lines are:
sb=conv(w,y); % estimate symbols (perform equalization)
% receiver - hard decision decoding
ipHat = real(sb(Le+1:end-1))>0; % account for the filter delay
There is still some issue with the output... but I can't go further in the analisys.
Your first problem is easily solved: change the line to
x = y(i:(Le+i-1));
Your call of filter looks OK. Which error do you get?
Maybe this is a place to start looking.
Or here (would Fig. 4 be the type of plot you're after?)

Gaussian Process Regression

I am coding a Gaussian Process regression algorithm. Here is the code:
% Data generating function
fh = #(x)(2*cos(2*pi*x/10).*x);
% range
x = -5:0.01:5;
N = length(x);
% Sampled data points from the generating function
M = 50;
selection = boolean(zeros(N,1));
j = randsample(N, M);
% mark them
selection(j) = 1;
Xa = x(j);
% compute the function and extract mean
f = fh(Xa) - mean(fh(Xa));
sigma2 = 1;
% computing the interpolation using all x's
% It is expected that for points used to build the GP cov. matrix, the
% uncertainty is reduced...
K = squareform(pdist(x'));
K = exp(-(0.5*K.^2)/sigma2);
% upper left corner of K
Kaa = K(selection,selection);
% lower right corner of K
Kbb = K(~selection,~selection);
% upper right corner of K
Kab = K(selection,~selection);
% mean of posterior
m = Kab'*inv(Kaa+0.001*eye(M))*f';
% cov. matrix of posterior
D = Kbb - Kab'*inv(Kaa + 0.001*eye(M))*Kab;
% sampling M functions from from GP
[A,B,C] = svd(Kaa);
F0 = A*sqrt(B)*randn(M,M);
% mean from GP using sampled points
F0m = mean(F0,2);
F0d = std(F0,0,2);
% put together data and estimation
F = zeros(N,1);
S = zeros(N,1);
F(selection) = f' + F0m;
S(selection) = F0d;
% sampling M function from posterior
[A,B,C] = svd(D);
a = A*sqrt(B)*randn(N-M,M);
% mean from posterior GPs
Fm = m + mean(a,2);
Fmd = std(a,0,2);
F(~selection) = Fm;
S(~selection) = Fmd;
% show what we got...
plot(x, F, ':r', x, F-2*S, ':b', x, F+2*S, ':b'), grid on;
hold on;
% show points we got
plot(Xa, f, 'Ok');
% show the whole curve
plot(x, fh(x)-mean(fh(x)), 'k');
grid on;
I expect to get some nice figure where the uncertainty of unknown data points would be big and around sampled data points small. I got an odd figure and even odder is that the uncertainty around sampled data points is bigger than on the rest. Can someone explain to me what I am doing wrong? Thanks!!
There are a few things wrong with your code. Here are the most important points:
The major mistake that makes everything go wrong is the indexing of f. You are defining Xa = x(j), but you should actually do Xa = x(selection), so that the indexing is consistent with the indexing you use on the kernel matrix K.
Subtracting the sample mean f = fh(Xa) - mean(fh(Xa)) does not serve any purpose, and makes the circles in your plot be off from the actual function. (If you choose to subtract something, it should be a fixed number or function, and not depend on the randomly sampled observations.)
You should compute the posterior mean and variance directly from m and D; no need to sample from the posterior and then obtain sample estimates for those.
Here is a modified version of the script with the above points fixed.
%% Init
% Data generating function
fh = #(x)(2*cos(2*pi*x/10).*x);
% range
x = -5:0.01:5;
N = length(x);
% Sampled data points from the generating function
M = 5;
selection = boolean(zeros(N,1));
j = randsample(N, M);
% mark them
selection(j) = 1;
Xa = x(selection);
%% GP computations
% compute the function and extract mean
f = fh(Xa);
sigma2 = 2;
sigma_noise = 0.01;
var_kernel = 10;
% computing the interpolation using all x's
% It is expected that for points used to build the GP cov. matrix, the
% uncertainty is reduced...
K = squareform(pdist(x'));
K = var_kernel*exp(-(0.5*K.^2)/sigma2);
% upper left corner of K
Kaa = K(selection,selection);
% lower right corner of K
Kbb = K(~selection,~selection);
% upper right corner of K
Kab = K(selection,~selection);
% mean of posterior
m = Kab'/(Kaa + sigma_noise*eye(M))*f';
% cov. matrix of posterior
D = Kbb - Kab'/(Kaa + sigma_noise*eye(M))*Kab;
%% Plot
grid on;
hold on;
% GP estimates
plot(x(~selection), m);
plot(x(~selection), m + 2*sqrt(diag(D)), 'g-');
plot(x(~selection), m - 2*sqrt(diag(D)), 'g-');
% Observations
plot(Xa, f, 'Ok');
% True function
plot(x, fh(x), 'k');
A resulting plot from this with 5 randomly chosen observations, where the true function is shown in black, the posterior mean in blue, and confidence intervals in green.