How do I use dce:explode() in typo3? - typo3

sorry, but I don't know which other Tags to use for this question.
I'm using typo3 with dce extension. I want to use dce:explode to separate values from a comma separated string:
{field.category -> dce:explode(delimiter:',')}
field.category contains "value1,value2,value3"
But this gives always an error in the frontend:
Oops, an error occurred! Code: 2015082814003052e1ee30
Can anyone help?

I solved it. I'm just a typo3 noob and simply forgot to define the dce namespace before using it:
{namespace dce=ArminVieweg\Dce\ViewHelpers}
Now it works fine


TYPO3 / Fluid: Inline Viewhelper notation in Templates of FluidEmail

I’m using the new TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail\FluidEmail feature of TYPO3 v10.3 to send HTML system e-mails. Unfortunately, I’m experiencing a weird behavior with Viewhelpers in the e-mail Templates. Calling the regular Viewhelper notation like e.g. <f:uri.resource extensionName="backend" path="Images/typo3_orange.svg"/> works as expected. But inline notations of the same Viewhelper (like {f:uri.resource(extensionName: 'backend', path: 'Images/typo3_orange.svg')}) don’t get processed at all.
Surprisingly, when I call the regular notation first and the inline notation afterwards in the same template, both notations get resolved.
I also experienced that no fluid variables are accessible in the template, e.g. {normalizedParams}, which should be available when you set the request like $message->setRequest($GLOBALS['TYPO3_REQUEST']);
Did anyone experience a similar behavior and has a hint for me?
Here's my implementation in my Controller Action:
$message = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FluidEmail::class);
->assign('pages', $pages);
if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_REQUEST'] instanceof ServerRequestInterface) {
Sounds like a fluid parsing problem. Do you have any { or } flying around in your template that could mess up fluids parsing?
Just run into the same problem with one of my in-house plugins after switching from php7.2 to php7.4 (when switching back to php7.2 the resource path was resolved again correctly).
It turned out that some inline javascript using curly brackets further down the page was to blame (thank you Daniel). Putting it in a separate file solved the issue. It would appear that the use of inline JS is tolerated to different degrees depending on the php version being used.

Fluid Typolink ViewHelper ignores additionalParams-attribute

I want to create a link to an external page with parameters via the f:link.typolink-ViewHelper. The ViewHelper creates the link but without my parameters. I've used an example from the TYPO3 documentation ( I'm using TYPO3 9.5. Do I need some further configuration?
<f:link.typolink parameter="" additionalParams="&u=b">
The correct way to write this would be:
additionalParams="{name: 'value'}"
You can even combine multiple parameters like this:
additionalParams="{name: 'value', anotherName: 'anotherValue'}"
It can work without additionalParams
<f:link.typolink parameter="" >
FYI, additionalParams was not working of me as well. So I did the above
There is documentation error at
Way to do it is as suggested by #Scopestyle

TYPO3 v7.6.0 (create custom extentions)

To create an extension using the Extension Builder. Then I add to the page. The result is an error. The logs the following text:
Call to a member function findAll () on a non-object in .... DbtestController.php on line 43.
I would like to know what is the reason? and how to fix it.
Is there a manual, to build extentions in typo3 v7.6.0?
The fact that up to this point I have worked with typo3 v4.6.
There is an "ExtensionBuilder 7.6.0" manual at .

In a fluid template, how to output the linked file's size?

In a fluid template, I would like to output a linked file's size.
I'm using to link to the file, as I think this is the way to do it (please correct if not).
< class="download" pageUid="fileadmin/redaktion/download/papers/{}" {}">PDF</>
As I'm already using the extension ml_links on the site, I thought I could pass the link through lib.parseFunc_RTE, but
<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="lib.parseFunc_RTE">< class="download" pageUid="fileadmin/redaktion/download/papers/{}" {}">PDF</></f:format.html>
just wraps it into p.bodytext.
Do I have to use a different syntax to apply f:format.html TO - or is there a better way to do it (via a fluid or vhs viewhelper)?
Actually custom VH is fastest way to achieve that, i.e. basing on this VH, you'll need to replace size param with a file path, and then use i.e. filesize function of PHP to fetch the size in bytes.
Here's my VH:
I've simplified the original a little, outputting "KiB" for file size is too technical for me.
The easiest way is to use native TYPO3 FAL parameter originalFile.size :
{audio.0.originalFile.size -> f:format.bytes()}
When i use fluidcontent i have vhs extension installed aswell and then just use:
<f:format.bytes decimals="1">{v:media.size(path: '{file}')}</f:format.bytes>
This outputs clean readable sizes like "28.2 MB".
If you are using VHS you may consider (in combination with f:format.bytes).
In newer TYPO3 versions you can use the originalResource.size attribute of a FileReference object.
{file.originalResource.size -> f:format.bytes()}
or in your case:
{ -> f:format.bytes()}
TYPO3 10
I needed a file size output for a DCE module in TYPO3 10, this is what I came up with, using VHS:
<f:format.bytes><v:media.size><v:format.trim characters="/"><f:uri.typolink parameter="{}" /></v:format.trim></v:media.size></f:format.bytes>
f:uri.typolink generates the full path I need for v:media.size
v:media.size requires the path without a leading slash, v:format.trim removes this character.
f:format.bytes displays the output from v:media.size in KB or MB.

Attribute value uses wrong case character Error in eclipse

I'm getting the following error in Eclipse juno:
Attribute value (POST) uses wrong case character
in the following line inside one of my HTML files:
<form action=""
method="POST" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form">
Is there a way to tell eclipse to "ignore" this error? Tried a few things but nothing seems to be working..
Go to Windows>>Preferences>>Web>>HTML Files>>Validation. A list should be shown and there should exist a title in bold called "Attributes". Selecting "Ignore" for the option "Attribute value using wrong case character" should solve it.
According to W3Schools the allowed values for the method attribute in a form element are only 'get' and 'post', lower case, so I think a better solution is change to lower case. This is strange to me because everywhere else these methods seem to be capitalized.
Eclipse was acting funky but after the restart the normal validation-ignore worked.
Go to Eclipse (or Window) -> Preferences -> Validation -> HTML Syntax Validator, and then 'uncheck' both manual and build
Instead of ignoring the issue through Eclipse configuration try to use proper tag .
This error comes if something like this written
< div onClick="..." > < /div>
Here one need to write onclick="" ; C in lower case .