Add New Line Character with Multiple Columns in T-SQL - tsql

I have a table that has ID, AddrID, and Addr columns.
The ID can be attached to multiple Addr values in which each address has it own ID.
I am trying to make it so that there is a new line to each ID when it has multiple Addresses loaded And not repeat the ID. So in essence not each row for every record.
Hope it makes sense.
This will eventually become an SSRS report.
The desired output would be something as so:
| ID | AddrID | Addr |
| 1 | S1 | 123 N St |
| 2 | S2 | 456 S ST |
| | S3 | 789 W ST |
| | S4 | 987 E ST |
| 3 | S1 | 123 N St |
| | S5 | 147 Elm ST |
| | S6 | 258 SQL St |
I tried to use:
declare #nl as char(2) = char(13) + char(10)
but its just not working.

Presentation should be done in the presentation layer (Reporting Services in this instance) not in the database or query.
You can do this two ways:
Add a Row Group on ID and this will happen automatically.
You can hide the ID field by putting an expression on the Visibility-Hidden property:
=Fields!ID.Value = Previous(Fields!ID.Value)
This hides the ID field if it is the same as the one on the previous row.


postgres many to one unique constraint

I'm curious if there is a way to write a unique constraint to support the following situation.
Suppose I have table table1 with facts about a user, with four columns:
user_id: unique id for user
source: where the detail came from
d1: dimension 1 of the fact
d2: dimension 2 of the fact
The following is an example of data in this table:
| row_id | user_id | source | d1 | d2 |
| 1 | aaa111 | foo | bar | 123 |
| 2 | aaa111 | foo | baz | 'horse' |
| 3 | aaa111 | scrog | bar | 123 |
| 4 | bbb222 | foo | goober | 456 |
Currently, a unique constraint exists on source + d1 + d2. This is good, because it allows the same user to have duplicates of (d1,d2), as long as they have a different source.
Rows #1 and #3 demonstrate this for user aaa111.
However, this constraint does not prevent the following row from getting added...
| row_id | user_id | source | d1 | d2 |
| 1 | aaa111 | foo | bar | 123 |
| 2 | aaa111 | foo | baz | 'horse' |
| 3 | aaa111 | scrog | bar | 123 |
| 4 | bbb222 | foo | goober | 456 |
| 5 | bbb222 | turnip | baz | 'horse' | <---- allowed new row
...because source is different for rows #2 and #5.
I would like to add a unique constraint where the combination of (d1,d2) may only exist for a single user_id.
Said another way, a single user can have as many unique (source, d1, d2) combinations as needed, but cannot share (d1,d2) with another user_id.
Is this data model fundamentally flawed to support this constraint? or is there a unique constraint that might help enforce this? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
It's a conditional-constraint, you can use a trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE that raise exception when violate the constraint:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_user_combination() RETURNS trigger AS
vCheckUser INTEGER;
SELECT INTO vCheckUser user_id
FROM table1
WHERE d1 = NEW.d1
AND d2 = NEW.d2
AND user_id <> NEW.user_id;
RAISE EXCEPTION 'User % have already d1=% and d2=%',vCheckUser,NEW.d1, NEW.d2;
language 'plpgsql';
CREATE TRIGGER tr_check_combination BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON table1 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE check_user_combination();
This prevent insert or update additional user for the same d1 and d2.

Reset column with numeric value that represents the order when destroying a row

I have a table of users that has a column called order that represents the order in they will be elected.
So, for example, the table might look like:
| id | name | order |
| 1 | John | 2 |
| 2 | Mike | 0 |
| 3 | Lisa | 1 |
So, say that now Lisa gets destroyed, I would like that in the same transaction that I destroy Lisa, I am able to update the table so the order is still consistent, so the expected result would be:
| id | name | order |
| 1 | John | 1 |
| 2 | Mike | 0 |
Or, if Mike were the one to be deleted, the expected result would be:
| id | name | order |
| 1 | John | 1 |
| 3 | Lisa | 0 |
How can I do this in PostgreSQL?
If you are just deleting one row, one option uses a cte and the returning clause to then trigger an update
with del as (
delete from mytable where name = 'Lisa'
returning ord
update mytable
set ord = ord - 1
from del d
where mytable.ord > d.ord
As a more general approach, I would really recommend trying to renumber the whole table after every delete. This is inefficient, and can get tedious for multi-rows delete.
Instead, you could build a view on top of the table:
create view myview as
select id, name, row_number() over(order by ord) ord
from mytable

PostgreSQL UPDATE JOIN ... How does it work?

I'm having trouble understanding UPDATE with some sort of JOIN in PostgreSQL
I have the following table (names), sometimes a synonym is filled in the 3rd column:
I like to fill column 4 (sd) with the 'parent' id (sd column is empty now)
I tried the following sql statement (and many similar version of it) ...
update names
set sd =
(select from names n1
inner join names n2
n1.synm =;
... i get the following error:
ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
SQL state: 21000
I understand my current wrong SQL tries to fill one sd row with all found id's. So somehow I do not get it.
How do I fill the synonym id (sd) in the whole table? Perhaps WITH RECURSIVE like statements?
You can simulate the join like this:
update names n1
set sd =
from names n2
where = n1.synm;
See the demo.
| id | name | synm | sd |
| --- | ---- | ---- | --- |
| 41 | xgvf | | |
| 24 | y4tg | | |
| 53 | bvre | | |
| 48 | argv | bvre | 53 |
| 32 | zagr | xgvf | 41 |

Selecting value for the latest two distinct columns

I am trying to do an SQL which will return the latest data value of the two distinct columns of my table.
Currently, I select distinct the values of the column and afterwards, I iterate through the columns to get the distinct values selected before then order and limit to 1. These tags can be any number and may not always be posted together (one time only tag 1 can be posted; whereas other times 1, 2, 3 can).
Although it gives the expected outcome, this seems to be inefficient in a lot of ways, and because I don't have enough SQL experience, this was so far the only way I found of performing the task...
| name | tag | timestamp | data |
| aa | 1 | 566 | 4659 |
| ab | 2 | 567 | 4879 |
| ac | 3 | 568 | 1346 |
| ad | 1 | 789 | 3164 |
| ae | 2 | 789 | 1024 |
| af | 3 | 790 | 3346 |
Therefore the expected outcome is {3164, 1024, 3346}
Currently what I'm doing is:
"select distinct tag from table"
Then I store all the distinct tag values programmatically and iterate programmatically through these values using
"select data from table where '"+ tags[i] +"' in (tag) order by timestamp desc limit 1"
This comes close, but beware if you have two rows with the same tag share a maximum timestamp you will get duplicates in the result set
select data from table
join (select tag, max(timestamp) maxtimestamp from table t1 group by tag) as latesttags
on table.tag = latesttags.tag and table.timestamp = latesttags.maxtimestamp

Postgresql Split single row to multiple rows

I'm new to postgresql. I'm getting below results from a query and now I need to split single row to obtain multiple rows.
I have gone through below links, but still couldn't manage it. Please help.
unpivot and PostgreSQL
How to split a row into multiple rows with a single query?
Current result
id,name,sub1code,sub1level,sub1hrs,sub2code,sub2level,sub2hrs,sub3code,sub3level,sub3hrs --continue till sub15
What we want
Use union:
select id, 1 as "#", name, sub1code, sub1level, sub1hrs
from a_table
union all
select id, 2 as "#", name, sub2code, sub2level, sub2hrs
from a_table
union all
select id, 3 as "#", name, sub3code, sub3level, sub3hrs
from a_table
order by 1, 2;
id | # | name | sub1code | sub1level | sub1hrs
1 | 1 | Silva | CHIN | L1 | 12
1 | 2 | Silva | MATH | L2 | 20
1 | 3 | Silva | AGRW | L2 | 35
2 | 1 | Perera | MATH | L3 | 30
2 | 2 | Perera | ENGL | L1 | 10
2 | 3 | Perera | CHIN | L2 | 50
(6 rows)
The # column is not necessary if you want to get the result sorted by subcode or sublevel.
You should consider normalization of the model by splitting the data into two tables, e.g.:
create table students (
id int primary key,
name text);
create table hours (
id int primary key,
student_id int references students(id),
code text,
level text,
hrs int);