How to reconfigure rails 4 to use mongodb - mongodb

I want to configure my existing rails application to use mongoid instead of a sql database. Ideally, I would have used "rails new --skip-active-record name_here." How do I do this after I've already made an application? I haven't done anything with the model or database yet so there are no files that i created relating to the database aside from what was made when I created the rails project.

You can start by manually removing references to ActiveRecord::Base in your model files and replace them by include Mongoid::Document
You might also need to comment every line starting by config.active_record in your environment configuration files.
You'll find these files in /config/environments/
Then you can use the rails g mongoid:config command to generate the mongoid.yml configuration file.
PS : When using rake you'll have to use rake db:mongoid:* commands.
Also remove require rails/all
You'll have to require each framework separately, for example :
require "action_controller/railtie"
require "action_mailer/railtie"
require "sprockets/railtie"
require "rails/test_unit/railtie"
The complete list of frameworks included in rails/all is here :
You can also disable all migration check in test/test_helper.rb


de- serialize JSON metadata to .qvf using qlik sense API

I am aware of Qlik sense serialize app where we generate a JSON object containing metadata information of a .qvf file using Qlik sense API.
I want to do a reverse operation of this i.e generate .qvf file back from json metadata.
After many research just found this link github and it doesnot have a complete information.
Any solution would be helpfull.
Technically you cant create qvf directly from json. You'll have to create an empty qvf and then use various api to import the json.
Qlik have a very nice tool for un-build/build apps (and more). qlik-cli have dedicated commands for un-build/build:
If you are looking for something more "programmable" then ive create some enigma.js mixin for the same purpouse - enigma-mixin. I still need to perform more detailed testing there but it was working ok with simpler tests
Update 08/10/2021
Using qlik-cli
setup context
first unbuild an app:
qlik app unbuild --app 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
This will create new folder in the current folder named <app_name>-unbuild. The folder will contain all info about the app in json and/or yaml files
once these files are available then you can use them to build another app. Just to mention that the target app should exists before the build is ran:
qlik.exe app build --config ./config.yml --app 55555555-4444-3333-2222-111111111111
The above command will use all available files (specified in config.yml) and update the target app
If you dont want all files to be used and only want to update the data connections, for example, then the build command can be ran with different arguments:
qlik.exe app build --connections ./connections.yml --app 55555555-4444-3333-2222-111111111111
This command will only update the data connections in the target app and will not update anything else

Using AWS ruby-sdk with Inspec named profiles issue

Trying to clean up some testing for IaC using Inspec, But hardcoding security_group_ids is a no go for obvious reasons.
Im trying to use the ruby sdk instead to pull down the id based of a name (ie like you do with Terraform data resources).
But we work from aws named profiles and while Inspec can connect to named profiles when i run the test ie :
inspec exec . -t aws://prod_account
Is it possible from Inspec to link the call to aws named profiles to ruby code within a control?
since inspec is written in ruby, you can embed any ruby code within your spec files. for instance, you can have a ruby code with an array and for each array have a spec code.
thus, you can implement a logic for collecting the security group ids and then iterate over them.

EF Core 3.1 using Authentication=Active Directory Integrated

[Update 1]
I could make it work using the following connection string,1433;Initial Catalog=mydbname
and implementing an interceptor as mentioned in this article.
This proves that Azure is correctly configured, and the problem is somewhere in the application (maybe a missing package?).
Anyway, I would still like to be able to change the connection string and switch between AAD authentication and sql authentication, without additional logic in the application.
[/Update 1]
I'm using EF Core 3.1.4 on an Azure WebApp, and I would like to use the Azure AD identity assigned to the application for authentication, but I run into the following exception:
ArgumentException: Invalid value for key 'authentication'.
Microsoft.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilderUtil.ConvertToAuthenticationType(string keyword, object value)
This is the connection string:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"Admin": ",1433;Initial Catalog=mydbname;Authentication=Active Directory Integrated"
I initialize the context using the following code:
var connectionString = this.Configuration.GetConnectionString("Admin");
services.AddDbContext<NetCoreDataContext>(builder => builder.UseSqlServer(connectionString));
The Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication package is also imported (version 1.5.0)
Active Directory Integrated wasn't working for me in .NET Core 3.1 but it works now ever since I installed the NuGet package Microsoft.Data.SqlClient (I installed version v2.0.1). It now works with the following connection string:
"MyDbConnStr": ",1433;Database=MyDb;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryIntegrated"
Note: it also works if I have spaces between the words like this:
"MyDbConnStr": ",1433;Database=MyDb;Authentication=Active Directory Integrated"
And it also works if I include escaped quotes like this:
"MyDbConnStr": ",1433;Database=MyDb;Authentication="Active Directory Integrated""
Finally, note that there are additional properties which can also be used in the connection string:
;User;Persist Security Info=true;Encrypt=true;TrustServerCertificate=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true
Welcome to the Net frameworks/runtimes hell.
Currently ActiveDirectoryIntegrated and ActiveDirectoryInteractiveauthentication options are not supported for NetCore apps.
The reason is that starting with v3.0, EF Core uses Microsoft.Data.SqlClient instead of System.Data.SqlClient. And the most recent at this time version of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient (also the preview versions) supports these two options only for NET Framework.
You can see similar question in their issue tracker Why does SqlClient for .Net Core not allow an authentication method 'Active Directory Interactive'? #374, as well as the documentation of the SqlAuthenticationMethod enum - ActiveDirectoryIntegrated (emphasis is mine):
The authentication method uses Active Directory Integrated. Use Active Directory Integrated to connect to a SQL Database using integrated Windows authentication. Available for .NET Framework applications only.
With that being said, use the Authentication workaround, or wait this option to be eventually implemented for Net Core.
Upgrading the Nuget packages:
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer to 6.0.1 and using Authentication=Active Directory Managed Identity in the connection string helped me resolve the issue.
If you use azure msi, pls read this document.
Your problems maybe not configure in portal. You can follow the offical document to finished it, then try again.
First, you need to create SQL managed instances which maybe cost your long time. Then u need to configure Active Directory admin and your db. When you finished it, you will find ADO.NET(Active Directory password authentication) in your SQL database ->Connection strings in portal. You can copy and paste it in your code to solve the issue.
I have tried it by myself, and it works for me. For more detail, you can see this post.

Configuring evolutions script for different environment

These are my configuration files for both development and testing environments. I'm displaying only the db configuration section.
Basically I'm planning to execute the evolutions db script only to the testing database. So I will clean up the records before triggering the test-script.
Based on the documentation the evolution scripts has to be put in folder with the same name as the datasource, which is default in this case:
My question:
Is there a way for me to put the scripts in different location and set the configuration file to refer to that one instead? I'd love to put the test scripts in this path:
It'll be troublesome for me if in one way or another someone accidentally enable the evolutions in the dev.conf file and since both configuration files share the same datasource name(default) then all the clean-up queries in the default folder are executed.
Another workaround that I can think of right now is by using different datasource name for different environments but this will imply code change because then the application doesn't use the default datasource anymore. I'd like to avoid that.
Maybe you could use the evolutions logic directly from a text fixture of some kind?
play.api.db.evolutions.Evolutions.applyFor(dbName, path) seems like it might do the trick.

How do I use Puppet's ralsh with resource types provided by modules?

I have installed the postgresql module from Puppetforge.
How can I query Postgresql resources using ralsh ?
None of the following works:
# ralsh postgresql::db
# ralsh puppetlabs/postgresql::db
# ralsh puppetlabs-postgresql::db
I was hoping to use this to get a list of databases (including attributes such as character sets) and user names/passwords from the current system in a form that I can paste into a puppet manifest to recreate that setup on a different machine.
In principle, any puppet client gets the current state of your system from another program called Facter. You should create a custom Fact (a module of Facter), and then included into your puppet client. Afterwards, I think you could call this custom Fact from ralsh.
More information about creating a custom Fact can be found in here.
In creating your own Fact, you should execute your SQL query and then save the result into particular variable.