Printing the head line only on first page - jasper-reports

I have jasper report which is created by many objects.
I want the header in one object. The object may come any where in the report.
How can i print header only on the first page of the object.
Can i use print when expression if page number equals 1.
is that page no means for whole pdf report or for only single jrxml object.

What does you mean anywhere in the report? If you want to print a title only once and in the first page, use the Title band in the jasper reports. No need of additional conditions required.


Start JasperReport subreport on new page, but not when launched as main report

I have a JasperReport named 'Receipt' that can be launched as a:
subreport in a Summary band, to display any receipts
main report, to display a particular receipt
How can I start a new page before any receipts, when it is used as a subreport, but suppress the new page if there are no receipts?
Setting isTitleNewPage="true" works when it is used in the subreport case, but causes the Detail band to be displayed on the second page when it is used as a main report.
Using a Break prior to the subreport means a redundant page is used if there are no receipts.
I solved it by:
Adding a Boolean isSubReport parameter to the report
in the Detail band, adding a Break, with a Print When Expression set to:
$V{PAGE_NUMBER} == 1 && $P{isSubReport}
In the parent report, passing the parameter isSubReport with value TRUE()
Feels like there should be a cleaner solution, but it seems to work.

JasperReports Continued on next page Grouping

I have a jasperreport that prints debtors statements. I need to print 'Continued on the next page' in place of my existing group footer when there are more records than can fit on the first page.
I have created a second group footer which has the message and I want to print this when there is more to print, and the existing when it has finished.
Is there a way I can tell, at the end of the page, if there are more records in the group to print so I can build a "Print with Expression" expression?
With thanks
Ok this is the way I solved this.
I moved my subtotals for each client to the Page Footer and I added a text field with the words 'Continued...'.
In my group footer I placed a subreport component. I created a Boolean var called returnValue and passed it to and back from the subreport which set it false.
Using the print expression I only print the subtotal fields when returnValue is false and the 'Continue...' field when it tests null.

Jaspersoft studio summary and subreport

I have a problem with jaspersoft studio, the problem is that I want to put the Subreport on the very last page in the document. So my idea was to put it in the summary, but then I got something strange...At the end of the PDF generation the subreport is on the last page, BUT the sub report is not complete there is stuff missing :/ It is just printing out the last values
Consider the following example:
I have 3 Parts, Part-1, Part-2, Part-3
After finishing the part-3 the subreport should be visualize with some of the information of part 1-3, but the subreport in the summary just contains information from the part 3
I use a XML Datasource
Can anyone help me, please?
You have to think of the context of the summary band and the sub report.
Is a variable from part 1 and part 2 being passed to the sub report? Is the same variable being passed from part 3? If so then it is being overwritten.
It really depends on the source of the information for the sub report, but the timing and context are likely the culprits here. You may need to create three sets of variables to contain what you want or just pass something into the sub report and let it gather the information for the three parts on its own.

Display centered page header in a sub report which is placed in a multi column formatted section

More than a full day gone and i still can't find a solution...
I am creating a report which will be used to print out an exam paper(Crystal Reports with VS 2010). All exams have more than one related unit and all units have their own questions.
So i have created a sub report with the units and questions and added to the main reports' Details section which formatted as multicolumn. I have generated the report which seems like below.
Everything is fine until now. But when i want to add the unit titles (which are in the subreport),they are displayed as headers of each column. I want to display the unit title as centered on the top of each page, like below.
Tried to add a header to main report and update it from subreport. NOT WORKED! Because the variables are not while the subreport is looping.
Tried to format other sections as multi column. NOT POSSIBLE as i see.
Tried to insert sub report into sub report. NOT POSSIBLE again.
and i have tried a lot of other logical and illogical ways but no success at the end. It should be easy but i can not find the right way. Please help, really important!
Remove the multi-column formatting from the main report and instead, format the sub-report as multi-column.
This should do the trick.

Fix Detail Band Relative To Top In The Page It Is Being Printed

I am using iReport version 4.0.1. I am facing a problem in which I want to display some information that must come on the 2nd page only. So, its neither a FOOTER nor a LAST-PAGE-FOOTER. I am using iReport for generating the jrxml files and the design looks something like below.
{DETAIL-BAND-1} Remarks: Till this point my 1st page finishes
{DETAIL-BAND-2} Remarks: This is coming from a sub-report
{DETAIL-BAND-3} Remarks : This is coming from a sub-report
Some Random Empty Space Is Left
{DETAIL-BAND-4} Remarks: This is where my 2nd page footer needs to come.
{Lots of Bands}
So, I want the footer (actually it is not a footer, its some detail that only need to come on the 2nd page of the pdf generated by JR) to be fixed relative to the top of the page in which it is being printed. Is there a way to do that?
Try to use the property "Print When Expression" and then you can use a variable that already exists in your iReport called PAGE_COUNT and it will be printed only when this expression is true.