If you were using code like below, to get all the parameters out of a HTML form in a Mojolicious application, you may get the error No such column.
Code causing this error:
my $fields;
foreach ($c->req->body_params->param) {
$fields->{"$_"} = $c->req->body_params->param("$_");
This is due to an update in Mojolicious, which removed multi-name support from various methods.
The above code should be changed to the much simpler form:
my $fields = $c->req->body_params->to_hash;
I have been trying to get perl subroutine value and substitution to get the required part of string from randomips subroutine in exim.conf. However when i use string substitution i get error as follow:
Here is what I am trying to achieve
I am trying to split string by colon and get first occurrence as "interface". I'll be using second occurrence as the "helo_data.
sub randomhosts {
#inet = ("x.x.x.1:hostname1.domain.com","x.x.x.2:hostname2.domain.com","x.x.x.3:hostname3.domain.com"
return $inet[int rand($#inet+1)];
driver = smtp
interface = "${perl{randomhosts}%:*}"
helo_data = "${sender_address_domain}"
Error I get is as follow:
"failed to expand "interface" option for dkim_remote_smtp transport: missing '}' after 'perl'".
Probably the syntax.
Any help?
The code that you are trying to copy was written by someone who doesn't know much about Perl. It includes this line:
return $inet[int rand($#inet+1)];
A Perl programmer would write this as
return $inet[rand #inet];
I think there are a couple of issues here - one with your Exim syntax and one with your Perl syntax.
Exim is giving you this error:
failed to expand "interface" option for dkim_remote_smtp transport: missing '}' after 'perl'
I don't know anything about calling Perl from Exim, but this page mentions a syntax like ${perl{foo}} (which is similar to the one used in the page you are copying from) and one like ${perl{foo}{argument}} for calling a subroutine and passing it an argument. Nowhere does it mention syntax like yours:
I'm not sure where you have got that syntax from, but it seems likely that this is what is causing your first error.
In a comment, you say
I am stying to get first part of string before colon for each random array value for "interface" and part after colon for "helo_data"
It seems to me that Exim doesn't support this requirement. You would need to call the function twice to get the two pieces of information that you require. You might be able to do this in the Perl using something like state variables - but it would be far more complex than the code you currently have there.
Secondly, your Perl code has a syntax error, so even if Exim was able to call your code, it wouldn't work.
The code you're copying sets up #inet like this:
#inet = ("x.x.x.1", "x.x.x.2", "x.x.x.3", "x.x.x.4");
Your equivalent code is this:
#inet = (
I've reformatted it, to make the problems more obvious. You are missing a number of quote marks around the elements of the array. (Note: I see that while I have been writing this answer, you have fixed that.)
Update: Ok, here is some code to put into exim.pl that does what you want.
use feature qw[state];
sub randomhosts {
state $current;
my #inet = (
if ($_[0] eq 'generate') {
#{$current}{qw[ip host]} = split /:/, $inet[rand #inet];
return $current->{$_[0]};
It generates a new ip/host pair if its first argument is 'generate'. It will then return either the hostname or the ip address from the generated pair. I think you can probably call it from your Exim config file like this:
driver = smtp
interface = "${perl{randomhosts}{generate}{ip}}"
helo_data = "${perl{randomhosts}{host}}"
But I'm no expert in Exim, so that syntax might need tweaking.
First I would like to note I have not worked with exim so I cannot say what exactly you are trying to do and why you have done things exactly so.
In the link you posted, a method called 'randinet' is added to exim.pl and the interface line in exim.conf is replaced by
interface = "${perl{randinet}}"
You have implemented a 'randomhosts' method and replaced the interface line with
interface = "${perl{randomhosts}%:*}"
Now the parser complains about not finding the closing bracket. That is likely due to the symbols you felt free to add but the parser does not have the freedom to ignore.
I suggest you try
interface = "${perl{randomhosts}}"
I've been messing around with CGI::application the past couple of days and decided to create a really basic forum: the first page displays all posts (only first level, no replies or anything) and a form which can be used to create a new post.
The issue I'm running into is that the data that gets entered into the form never gets inserted into the SQLite database.
Here's the sub procedure I'm having trouble with:
sub newpost {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self->param() ){
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$database_file","","");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO posts (author, time, text) VALUES('testuser', '2011-10-23', 'This is a test!')");
$self->header_props(-url=> '?rm=viewall');
else {
my $tmpl_obj = $self->load_tmpl('newpost.html');
return $tmpl_obj->output();
What happens correctly is that when the newpost run mode is first called, the code within the else statement is run (the template with the form is loaded). The action for the form calls this same run mode, but now that parameters are being provided, the code in the if statement is run. I've checked the SQL code itself and it works, so there must be something else I'm over looking.
Also, is it considered best practice to go about implementing the form logic in this way?
You're confusing $self->param() with $self->query->param. The 1st is per-request application level parameters (stuff you might set in one method and use again in another method) and the 2nd are the parameters from the GET query string or the POST body of the request. If you're expecting something from the user it will be in $self->query->param.
BTW, the $self->query object is a normal CGI object, so see it's documentation for specifics.
I would like to write a script that lets me use this website
(I need to use it a few hundred times, and I don't feel like doing that manually)
I have searched the internet for ways how this could be done using Perl, and I came across WWW::Mechanize, which seemed to be just what I was looking for. But now I have discovered that the form on that website which I want to use has no name - its declaration line simply reads
<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="./lga-form.cgi" ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data>
At first I tried simply not setting my WWW::Mechanize object's form_name property, which gave me this error message when I provided a value for the form's email address field:
Argument "my_email#address.com" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at /usr/share/perl5/WWW/Mechanize.pm line 1618.
I then tried setting form_name to '' and later ' ', but it was to no avail, I simply got this message:
There is no form named " " at ./automate_LGA.pl line 40
What way is there to deal with forms that have no names? It would be most helpful if someone on here could answer this question - even if the answer points away from using WWW::Mechanize, as I just want to get the job done, (more or less) no matter how.
Thanks a lot in advance!
An easy and more robust way is to use the $mech->form_with_fields() method from WWW::Mechanize to select the form you want based on the fields it contains.
Easier still, use the submit_form method with the with_fields option.
For instance, to locate a form which has fields named 'username' and 'password', complete them and submit the form, it's as easy as:
with_fields => { username => $username, password => $password }
Doing it this way has the advantage that if they shuffle their HTML around, changing the order of the forms in the HTML, or adding a new form before the one you're interested in, your code will continue to work.
I don't know about WWW::Mechanize, but its Python equivalent, mechanize, gives you an array of forms that you can iterate even if you don't know their names.
Example (taken from its homepage):
import mechanize
br = mechanize.Browser()
for form in br.forms():
print form
EDIT: searching in the docs of WWW::Mechanize I found the $mech->forms() method, that could be what you need. But since I don't know perl or WWW::Mechanize, I'll leave there my python answer.
Okay, I have found the answer. I can address the nameless form by its number (there's just one form on the webpage, so I guessed it would be number 1, and it worked). Here's part of my code:
my $lga = WWW::Mechanize->new();
my $address = 'my_email#address.com';
my $options = '-3 -o0 -d:4.0';
my $pdb_2 = "${pdb_id}_1 ${pdb_id}_2";
$lga->success or die "LGA GET fail\n";
$lga->field('Address', $address);
$lga->field('Options', $options);
$lga->field('PDB_2', $pdb_2);
$lga->success or die "LGA POST fail\n";
I'm in a web scripting class, and honestly and unfortunately, it has come second to my networking and design and analysis classes. Because of this I find I encounter problems that may be mundane but can't find the solution to it easily.
I am writing a CGI form that is supposed to work with a MySQL DB. I can insert and delete into the DB just fine. My problem comes when querying the DB.
My code compiles fine and I don't get errors when trying to "display" the info in the DB through the browser but the data and text doesn't in fact display. The code in question is here:
print br, 'test';
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:austinc4", "*******", "*******", {RaiseError => 1} );
my $usersstatement = "select * from users";
my $projstatment = "select * from projects";
# Get the handle
my $userinfo = $dbh->query($usersstatement);
my $projinfo = $dbh->query($projstatement);
# Fetch rows
while (#userrow = $userinfo->fetchrow()) {
print $userrow[0], br;
print 'end';
This code is in an if statement that is surrounded by the print header, start_html, form, /form, end_html. I was just trying to debug and find out what was happening and printed the statements test and end. It prints out test but doesn't print out end. It also doesn't print out the data in my DB, which happens to come before I print out end.
What I believe I am doing is:
Connecting to my DB
Forming a string the contains the command/request to the DB
Getting a handle for my query I perform on the DB
Fetching a row from my handle
Printing the first field in the row I fetched from my table
But I don't see why my data wouldn't print out as well as the end text. I looked in DB and it does in fact contain data in the DB and the table that I am trying to get data from.
This one has got me stumped, so I appreciate any help. Thanks again. =)
I was using a that wasn't supported by the modules I was including. This leads me to another question. How can I detect errors like this? My program does in fact compile correctly and the webpage doesn't "break". Aside from me double checking that all the methods I do use are valid, do I just see something like text not being displayed and assume that an error like this occurred?
Upon reading the comments, the reason your program is broken is because query() does not execute an SQL query. Therefore you are probably calling an undefined subroutine unless this is a wrapper you have defined elsewhere.
Here is my original posting of helpful hints, which still apply:
I hope you have use CGI, use DBI, etc... and use CGI::Carp and use strict;
Look in /var/log/apache2/access.log or error.log for the bugs
Realize that the first thing a CGI script prints MUST be a valid header or the web server and browser become unhappy and often nothing else displays.
Because of #3 print the header first BEFORE you do anything, especially before you connect to the database where the script may die or print something else because otherwise the errors or other messages will be emitted before the header.
If you still don't see an error go back to #2.
CGIs that use CGI.pm can be run from a command line in a terminal session without going through the webserver. This is also a good way to debug.
I'm using Symfony 1.2 with Doctrine. I have a Place model with translations in two languages. This Place model has also a nested set behaviour.
I'm having problems now creating a new place that belongs to another node. I've tried two options but both of them fail:
1 option
$this->mergeForm(new PlaceTranslationForm($this->object->Translation[$lang->getCurrentCulture()]));
If I merge the form, what happens is that the value of the place_id field id an array. I suppose is because it is waiting a real object with an id. If I try to set place_id='' there is another error.
2 option
public function mergeI18n($cultures, $decorator = null)
if (!$this->isI18n())
throw new sfException(sprintf('The model "%s" is not internationalized.', $this->getModelName()));
$class = $this->getI18nFormClass();
foreach ($cultures as $culture)
$i18nObject = $this->object->Translation[$culture];
$i18n = new $class($i18nObject);
$i18n->widgetSchema['lang'] = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
$this->mergeForm($i18n); // pass $culture too
Now the error is:
Couldn't hydrate. Found non-unique key mapping named 'lang'.
Looking at the sql, the id is not defined; so it can't be a duplicate record (I have a unique key (id, lang))
Any idea of what can be happening?
It looks like the issues you are having are related to embedding forms within each other, which can be tricky. You will likely need to do things in the updateObject/bind methods of the parent form to get it to pass its values correctly to its child forms.
This article is worth a read:
It gives some good info on how embedding (and mergeing) forms work. The technique the article uses will probably work for you, but I've not used I18n in sf before, so it may well be that there is a more elegant solution built in?