Difference between case class and case object? - scala

I am learning Scala and Akka and in my recent lookup for a solution, I found something like
case class TotalTaxResult(taxAmount:Double)
case object TaxCalculationTimeout
What is the difference between the two?
When should I use one over the other?

A case class can take arguments, so each instance of that case class can be different based on the values of it's arguments. A case object on the other hand does not take args in the constructor, so there can only be one instance of it (a singleton, like a regular scala object is).
If your message to your actor does not need any value differentiation, use a case object. For instance, if you had an actor that did some work, and you, from the outside, wanted to tell it to do work, then maybe you'd do something like this:
case object DoWork
def receive = {
case DoWork =>
//do some work here
But if you wanted some variation in how the work is done, you might need to redefine your message like so:
case class DoWorkAfter(waitTime:Long)
def receive = {
case class DoWorkAfter(time) =>
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(time.milliseconds, self, DoWork)
case DoWork =>
//do some work here

A case object is a singleton case class. They are used kind of like enumeration values. It can be used in pattern matching just like any other value:
TaxCalculationTimeout match {
case TaxCalculationTimeout => println("hello")
When you define a case class, you are creating a template for instances of that class. TotalTaxResult(1.0) and TotalTaxResult(2.0) are two different values of the same type. Whereas there is exactly one TaxCalculationTimeout value.

In simple words, Scala is a Object Oriented and Functional programming language. It have features of functional programming like pattern matching with pure object oriented methodology.
Some times, we need to create singleton object without any value like passing some signal for pattern matching. If scala have not concept of case object we just to need to use enum or equals some string value in matching. But this is not a readability in pure Object Oriented language.. In that scenario we are using Case Object
Case classes are used when we need to create multiple objects with different values.

You can think of these two to be just like a class and an object in general.
When you do a case class ClassName(params list) it creates a blueprint for making objects and case object defines a singleton object in the scope in which it is declared.
Starting with Scala 2.10, you should always use case objects instead of case classes with no arguments.
So when you want to do a pattern match on some values which need arguments you should go for a case class, but if your values don't take arguments then you should use a case object.


Using Enumerations in Scala Best Practices

I have been using sealed traits and case objects to define enumerated types in Scala and I recently came across another approach to extend the Enumeration class in Scala like this below:
object CertificateStatusEnum extends Enumeration {
val Accepted, SignatureError, CertificateExpired, CertificateRevoked, NoCertificateAvailable, CertChainError, ContractCancelled = Value
against doing something like this:
sealed trait CertificateStatus
object CertificateStatus extends {
case object Accepted extends CertificateStatus
case object SignatureError extends CertificateStatus
case object CertificateExpired extends CertificateStatus
case object CertificateRevoked extends CertificateStatus
case object NoCertificateAvailable extends CertificateStatus
case object CertChainError extends CertificateStatus
case object ContractCancelled extends CertificateStatus
What is considered a good approach?
They both get the job done for simple purposes, but in terms of best practice, the use of sealed traits + case objects is more flexible.
The story behind is that since Scala came with everything Java had, so Java had enumerations and Scala had to put them there for interoperability reasons. But Scala does not need them, because it supports ADTs (algebraic data types) so it can generate enumeration in a functional way like the one you just saw.
You'll encounter certain limitations with the normal Enumeration class:
the inability of the compiler to detect pattern matches exhaustively
it's actually harder to extend the elements to hold more data besides the String name and the Int id, because Value is final.
at runtime, all enums have the same type because of type erasure, so limited type level programming - for example, you can't have overloaded methods.
when you did object CertificateStatusEnum extends Enumeration your enumerations will not be defined as CertificateStatusEnum type, but as CertificateStatusEnum.Value - so you have to use some type aliases to fix that. The problem with this is the type of your companion will still be CertificateStatusEnum.Value.type so you'll end up doing multiple aliases to fix that, and have a rather confusing enumeration.
On the other hand, the algebraic data type comes as a type-safe alternative where you specify the shape of each element and to encode the enumeration you just need sum types which are expressed exactly using sealed traits (or abstract classes) and case objects.
These solve the limitations of the Enumeration class, but you'll encounter some other (minor) drawbacks, though these are not that limiting:
case objects won't have a default order - so if you need one, you'll have to add your id as an attribute in the sealed trait and provide an ordering method.
a somewhat problematic issue is that even though case objects are serializable, if you need to deserialize your enumeration, there is no easy way to deserialize a case object from its enumeration name. You will most probably need to write a custom deserializer.
you can't iterate over them by default as you could using Enumeration. But it's not a very common use case. Nevertheless, it can be easily achieved, e.g. :
object CertificateStatus extends {
val values: Seq[CertificateStatus] = Seq(
// rest of the code
In practice, there's nothing that you can do with Enumeration that you can't do with sealed trait + case objects. So the former went out of people's preferences, in favor of the latter.
This comparison only concerns Scala 2.
In Scala 3, they unified ADTs and their generalized versions (GADTs) with enums under a new powerful syntax, effectively giving you everything you need. So you'll have every reason to use them. As Gael mentioned, they became first-class entities.
It depends on what you want from enum.
In the first case, you implicitly have an order on items (accessed by id property). Reordering has consequences.
I'd prefer 'case object', in some cases enum item could have extra info in the constructor (like, Color with RGB, not just name).
Also, I'd recommend https://index.scala-lang.org/mrvisser/sealerate or similar libraries. That allows iterating over all elements.

Pattern Matching Design

I recently wrote some code like the block below and it left me with thoughts that the design could be improved if I was more knowledgeable on functional programming abstractions.
sealed trait Foo
case object A extends Foo
case object B extends Foo
case object C extends Foo
object Foo {
private def someFunctionSemanticallyRelatedToA() = { // do stuff }
private def someFunctionSemanticallyRelatedToB() = { // do stuff }
private def someFunctionSemanticallyRelatedToC() = { // do stuff }
def somePublicFunction(x : Foo) = x match {
case A => someFunctionSemanticallyRelatedToA()
case B => someFunctionSemanticallyRelatedToB()
case C => someFunctionSemanticallyRelatedToC()
My questions are:
Is the somePublicFunction() suffering from code smell or even the whole design? My concern is that the list of value constructors could grow quite big.
Is there a better FP abstraction to handle this type of design more elegantly or even concisely?
You've just run into the expression problem. In your code sample, the problem is that potentially every time you add or remove a case from your Foo algebraic data type, you'll need to modify every single match (like in somePublicFunction) against values of Foo. In Nimrand's answer, the problem is in the opposite end of the spectrum: you can add or remove cases from Foo easily, but every time you want to add or remove a behaviour (a method), you'll need to modify every subclass of Foo.
There are various proposals to solve the expression problem, but one interesting functional way is Oleg Kiselyov's Typed Tagless Final Interpreters, which replaces each case of the algebraic data type with a function that returns some abstract value that's considered to be equivalent to that case. Using generics (i.e. type parameters), these functions can all have compatible types and work with each other no matter when they were implemented. E.g., I've implemented an example of building and evaluating an arithmetic expression tree using TTFI: https://github.com/yawaramin/scala-ttfi
Your explanation is a bit too abstract to give you a confident answer. However, if the list of subclasses of Foo is likely to grow/change in the future, I would be inclined to make it an abstract method of Foo, and then implement the logic for each case in the sub classes. Then you just call Foo.myAbstractMethod() and polymorphism handles everything neatly.
This keeps the code specific to each object with the object itself, which is keeps things more neatly organized. It also means that you can add new subclasses of Foo without having to jump around to multiple places in code to augment the existing match statements elsewhere in the code.
Case classes and pattern-matching work best when the set of sub-classes is relatively small and fixed. For example, Option[T] there are only two sub-classes, Some[T] and None. That will NEVER change, because to change that would be to fundamentally change what Option[T] represents. Therefore, it's a good candidate for pattern-matching.

Getting field name and types from Case Class (with Option)

Assuming we have a model of something, represented as a case class, as so
case class User(firstName:String,lastName:String,age:Int,planet:Option[Planet])
sealed abstract class Planet
case object Earth extends Planet
case object Mars extends Planet
case object Venus extends Planet
Essentially, either by use of reflection, or Macros, to be able to get the field names of the User case class, as well as the types represented by the fields. This also includes Option, i.e. in the example provided, need to be able to differentiate between an Option[Planet] and just a Planet
In scala'ish pseudocode, something like this
val someMap = createTypedMap[User] // Assume createTypedMap is some function which returns map of Strings to Types
someMap.foreach{case(fieldName,someType) {
val statement = someType match {
case String => s"$fieldName happened to be a string"
case Int => s"$fieldName happened to be an integer"
case Planet => s"$fieldName happened to be a planet"
case Option[Planet] => s"$fieldName happened to be an optional planet"
case _ => s"unknown type for $fieldName"
I am currently aware that you can't do stuff like case Option[Planet], since it gets erased by Scala's erasure, however even when using TypeTags, I am unable to wrote code that does what I am trying to do, and possibly deal with other types (like Either[SomeError,String]).
Currently we are using the latest version of Scala (2.11.2) so any solution that uses TypeTags or ClassTags or macros would be more than enough.
Option is a type-parametrized type (Option[T]). At runtime, unless you have structured your code to use type tags, you have no mean to distinguish between an Option[String] and an Option[Int], due to type erasure (this is true for all type-parametrized types).
Nonetheless, you can discriminate between an Option[*] and a Planet. Just keep in mind the first issue.
Through reflection, getting all the "things" inside a class is easy. For example, say you only want the getters (you can put other types of filters, there are A LOT of them, and not all behave as expected when inheritance is part of the process, so you'll need to experiment a little):
import reflect.runtime.{universe=>ru}
val fieldSymbols = ru.typeOf[User].members.collect{
case m: ru.MethodSymbol if m.isGetter => m
Another option you'd have, if you are calling the code on instances rather than on classes, is to go through every method, call the method and assign the result to a variable, and then test the type of the variable. This assumes that you are only calling methods that don't alter the state of the instance.
You have a lot of options, time for you to find the best one for your needs.

How to use a case classes when hierarchy is needed?

I know that you're not allowed to inherit from case classes but how would you do when you really need to? We have two classes in a hierarchy, both contain many fields, and we need to be able to create instances of both. Here's my options:
If I'd make the super class a usual class instead of a case class - I'd lose all the case class goodness such as toString, equals, hashCode methods etc.
If I keep it as a case class, I'd break the rule of not inheriting from case classes.
If I use composition in the child class - I'd have to write lots of methods and redirect them to the other class - which would mean lots of work and would feel non-Scalaish.
What should I do? Isn't it quite a common problem?
Yes this is quite a recurrent problem, what I would suggest is to create a trait with all parent properties, create a case class which just implements it and then another one which inherits of it with more properties.
sealed trait Parent {
/* implement all common properties */
case class A extends Parent
case class B extends Parent {
/*add all stuff you want*/
A good way of seeing it is a tree, traits are nodes and case classes are leaves.
You can use a trait or an abstract class depending on your needs for the parent. However, avoid using a class because you would be able to create instances of it, which would not be elegant.
EDIT: As suggested in comments, you can seal the trait in order to have exceptions at compilation if not all case classes are covered in a pattern matching. It is for example explained in chapter 15.5 of "Programming in Scala"
What about replacing inheritance with delegation?
If your two classes in the hierarchy have many shared fields, then delegation could reduce the amount of boilerplate code? Like so:
case class Something(aa: A, bb: B, cc: C, payload: Payload)
sealed abstract class Payload
case class PayloadX(xx: X) extends Payload
case class PayloadY(yy: Y) extends Payload
And then you would create Something instances like so:
val sth1 = Something('aa', 'bb', 'cc', PayloadX('xx'))
val sth2 = Something('aa', 'bb', 'cc', PayloadY('yy'))
And you could do pattern matching:
sth1 match {
case Something(_, _, _, PayloadX(_)) => ...
case Something(_, _, _, PayloadY(_)) => ...
Benefits: (?)
When you declare PayloadX and PayloadY, you don't have to repeat all fields in Something.
When you create instances of Something(... Payload(..)), you can reuse code that creates Something, both when you create a Something(... PayloadX(..)) and ...PayloadY.
Drawbacks: (?)
Perhaps PayloadX and Y in your case are actually true subclasses of Something, I mean, in your case, perhaps delegation is semantically wrong?
You would have to write something.payload.whatever instead of simply something.whatever (I suppose this might be good or bad depending on your particular case?)
I explored this issue as well, AFAIK, the best you're going to get is:
Have each case class extend from a common trait that defines abstract
properties each case class must implement
It doesn't remove the boilerplate (at all), but defines a contract your case classes must adhere to, while not losing case class feature set...

Recommended code style: case object Foo or object Foo extends Serializable?

If I want a serialization-safe singleton, should I prefer
case object Foo
object Foo extends Serializable
I think this depends on how you plan to use this object. Case objects are generally used with case classes to represent some kind of initial or terminal object in an algebraic data type, eg Nil or None. Regular objects usually are companions for classes to hold static methods like singleton and factory methods.
If you're planning using this object with other classes, serializing it, and maybe using it in pattern matching, defining it as a case object seems more natural to me.