Tableau Pie-Chart with Measures - pie-chart

I have data with many measures values for each SiteID, i.e.
Total Windows Total Mac Total Online Total Offline Total Computers SiteID
I have been googling how to create pie chart in Tableau, but these tutorials assume I have data that looks like
OS Status SiteID
What I am ultimately trying to do is create a pie chart of online vs offline users and use actions from other data points to filter that chart.
I just need to know how to create pie-chart and from there I can create action.

If I understand your question correctly, it sounds like you want to make a pie chart showing online users vs. offline users, and be able to filter it by SiteID.
You could do this by:
Go to Marks and select Pie.
Drag [Measure Names] into Color.
Drag [Measure Values] into Angle.
Remove all pills except for [Total Online] and [Total Offline] from the Measure Values card.
Then you can create a SiteID filter by creating a quick filter, dragging SiteID to the filter card, or using an action from a dashboard.

Sounds like you need to reshape your data. Can you use SQL to do so?


Tableau filter based on multiple parameters?

I have some data like this below
data image see link
I would like to make a dashboard that will show you all the related empires based on what you choose (those that existed at the same time AND those in one of it's regions of influence). For example if I choose Rome then it will only show Egypt, Greek and Gaul and not show Byzantine because it is from a later time and not show China because it is in a different region. See below
See expected result picture in link
The simple way to achieve this task is to "Self-Join"
I would self-join the data again with Inner join on Region and Era
then, to handle the duplicate rows I would create a calculation
[Empire_Data1] = [Empires_Data2]
and put as false in the filter shelf.
then if you drag both Empires field you will the output you are looking for,
Since this is like 20 rows of data, you can perform a self join without any challenge.
But you have a lot of rows as in hundreds of thousands or more then, you might want to prep your data before connecting to the tableau.

How to create a pie chart for yes and no answers in Spotfire and not display the Percentage of Yes/No?

I am trying to create a Pie chart as markers in Spotfire map to Show Yes/No answers. How do I do to Display yes and No in pie Sector's instead of Percentage? I am attaching an Excel Spreadsheet with Data with this.
I am expecting to get individual Pie chart for each well in the Spotfire map. For example for WELL_1 Data, the pie chart should have two sectors of two different colors one for YES and one for NO and Sector 1 Should show PRODUCTION, COMPLETION Labels(for yes Category) inside the sector and the Other sector Should show PVT, Image Lables (for no category).
I have tried using the Pie marker option in Spotfire Settings, but not getting the result I am expecting. Any help would be appreciated.
enter image description here.
enter image description here
while Spotfire excels at reading data up and down columns, it's not really designed to read left to right across rows.
you will need to unpivot your table to be tall-and-skinny instead of short-and-wide.
I recommend to start by adding a linked copy of your data table. this way your original table isn't changed, so any visualizations you've already built won't break.
since you haven't specified your Spotfire version, I'll assume you're using 10.x, and my screenshots will reflect that. I'll also be calling your original table Data Table, because I'm lazy and didn't change it in my screenshots ;)
click the + icon in the top left corner
click Other
under "Linked copy to data table in analysis", choose your Data Table
rename the new table to Data Table unpivot to distinguish it, then click OK
from the Data menu, click Transform data...
select Unpivot from the dropdown, then click Insert
configure the transformation
click OK until you get back to the canvas
from the Data menu, click Add calculated column
enter an expression like the following
WHEN [Category] in ("PRODUCTION", "COMPLETION") THEN "Sector 1"
WHEN [Category] in ("PVT", "IMAGE") THEN "Other"
call this column something like Sector
now that you've got the data configured, you can set up the pie chart as needed. here's a sample of that which I put together quickly. I set up the pies on a trellis to illustrate how it might look in your map.

Top 10 and items upon user's demand

fellow Tableau Developer,
Take the super store database for example, it is easy to draw a histogram displaying the sales amount of each customer and to only display the Top 10 customers.
It is also easy to build a multiple dropdown filter to let the user to specify some customers at the user's will.
But, is it possible to combine the two of them, namely, to display Top 10 customers and in the same graph display a few other customers (possibly not in the Top 10) on the user's demand?
Here is a straight forward solution that works with Tableau Desktop, but not as useful currently on Tableau Server. The viz still works on Server, but you can can't alter the list of specific users on Server.
Here's the approach.
Create a set to represent your Top 10 customers -- a computed set. (right click on the [Customer Name] field, and Create Set)
Create a second set to represent your specific list of customers of interest -- a static set (select [Customer Name] and Create Set)
Create a combined set to be the union of both sets and place it on the filter shelf. (select both sets, right click and create a combined set)
Use your combined set on the filter shelf, row shelf, in calculations, as desired.
A desktop user can edit the Interesting Customers set. Sure wish there was a control similar to "show filter" for editing set members.
If you'd like this feature more flexible in Desktop, and even available on Tableau Server, upvote the following idea

Tableau, color-coded bar chart not working

Public workbook here. Source is Excel file.
I was able to create ordered bar chart based on (1) Location (2) Product
When I drag Above Three into Color, the graph is incorrect, how to troubleshoot?
I made change such that Calculation computers based on Product, Above Three for each Location, at level Product.
However, Morton's still shows error.
The order in Mortons should descend, based on number of records, i.e.
Dark Chocolate
Rest of the Locations are correct, but only Mortons gives out-of-order products
Calculated Field Calculation3 = Index()
And I filter Calculation3 for 1 to 3, to display top 3 products
If I remove Calculation3 from filter, it gives correct order but it give ALL products, not the top three popular products (per Location).
I updated workbook to illustrate this. Please advise.
I don't know the purpose of the Index() field but that is creating your issue. Remove it from rows and the color appears to work the way you want it.
I hope this is what you are looking for
I have also published the file at the below address. You can take a view on that.
Tableau Wokbook
I achieved it by the following methods.
I changed the Calculation 3 field from Index() to RANK(SUM(NUMBER OF RECORDS)).
The calculation 3 was kept in between Location and period then edited the table calculation of calculation 3 by keeping the Addressing of the edit table calculation, having only the location and product as shown below and then Set the restarting every to Product.
You can check the workbook for more information

How to color code cells of a column based on the text value in Tableau

I'm a new tableau developer trying to develop a table based tableau report. I have a column in the table called "Status" which essentially contains 3 values "In progress" , "Blocked" and "Completed". I want to color code the cells of this column based on these text values. I was unable to get this from the tableau community and hence posting it here. Anyone faced this problem? Kindly let me know how you solved it.
First thing, Tableau is not excel. Stop trying to make Tableau work like excel, you'll miss most of the power Tableau brings, and make it inefficiently operate like Excel.
That being said, let me give you an alternative. Instead of text chart (which is what you're using to get a table), select Shape chart. This will add balls in the last column (but you can choose what shape you want)
Now drag the Status to color, and voilĂ , the balls are painted accordingly to Status. You can customize the shapes too (just drag some field to Shape), and selected what shape and color you want to each value.
This will look more like a "control panel", with the color of the balls something like a traffic light. You can even import some pictures of traffic lights and use them as shapes, that could be cool (if properly used)
I know this post is a couple years old, but there is a way to do this. In a new tableau workbook, import the data from Excel (just one column with the status values). Rename the table to "Status Colors" with a dimension field called "Status". Click the dimension field "Status" and select Default Properties > Colors. Assign the colors to each data item (value). For custom colors (RGB, HTML, etc.) double-click the color next to the value and assign the desired color. Click OK, then publish the data source to the server with the options checked to "Include external files".
You now have a Tableau data source that can be added as data to any other workbooks that when linked, the [Status Colors].[Status] can be used as the color key for the field on any graphs. The default colors are stored in the data source. If you update the color workbook, then it will update any other workbooks that use this data source.
Since SO community has thrown it in active threads, let me propose an answer. Though, I completely agree that we shouldn't replicate features of excel in Tableau, yet here is one workaround.
I took a dummy data like this
create a calculated field say status cf with the following calculation
CASE [Status]
WHEN 'In Progress' THEN 'Yellow'
WHEN 'Completed' then 'Green'
WHEN 'Blocked' then 'Red'
create two more CFs say 1 and 0 with just 1 and 0 in these as calculations.
Drag dummy and status to rows shelf. sum(0) and sum(1) to columns shelf.
Drag status cf to sum(0). Edit sum(0) in marks card with type as shape (square), and increase its size. edit colors as fixed in calculation.
Drag status to label in sum(1) in marks card. change type to text
Convert both measures in columns shelf as dual axis.
After a little formatting, you'll get a text table like this
You may optionally hide, status col in rows shelf